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Sir Julius Vogol is oxpectod to nrrivo in Auckland to-morrow, and in tho nftornoon ho will confer with tho mombors of tho Chamber of Commorco on tho subject of tho International Marino Exhibition proposod to bo held in Auckland in 1S!)O Yestorday, Sir Julius telegraphed to Mr.lolm Lamb, Chairman of tho Chamber, that Wednoadny, at I or 4.I!0 p.m., would suit him tor tho projected conforcnco ; and tha monikers of tho Chamber havo boon uummoncd to meot at tho oarlier hour. Sir Julius loavoa for Wellington almost immediately.

Captain Edwin at \-.'AO p.m advisos baii woatnor approaching botween N.E. and N. and \V, Glass furthor fall.

In one of tho old books in tho Mackelvio collection, at the Auckland Museum, in a romarkabro illustration, which purports to bo a view of Mount Eden. Tho artist has ovidently drawn his inspiration from his imagination, and if ho had callod it Chimbornz'i, or L'opocalepotl, or Bon Nevis, ho would havo boon as noar tho mark, it is abeolutoly nothing liko Mount Eden. It is in tho pioturo a craggy ominonco, oleft in twain by a rosky ravine, weird enough for an illustration in Dun to* "Inferno," nn representation of "Tho Byswny to Jloll" in " I'ilgrim's Progress."

Dr. Arthur (luyon Purchns has just performed n vory skilful opciation on tho oyo of a child named Konottn Crabb, residing with its parents at tho North Shoro. Owing to a colJ, tho child contracted inflammation in ono of its eyes, and so diseased did it become that tho sight was completely lo?t, and. that of tho othor eye onrlangorcd. Dr. Purchas skilfully removed tho diseased oyo, and the dangerous symptoms in tho othor optic havo disappeared, greatly to t!io delight of tho littlo sull'erer's parents.

Tho Property Tax Commissioner has this year resolved to sue for urrcars without sending outany notico. Peraona in atroar?, tlioreforo, should pay up without delay and envo thoir law costs, as thoro is no escaping tho tax. Owing to tho blunder of tho Department in fixing the last day for payment during the holidays, ft huge number of poraons havo boon let in for tho ton por cont. penally.

At tho next mooting of the City Council, Cr. Atkin will move : "That a committee bo appointed to secure tho best plan of tho most suitable) laddor apparatus for tho übo ol the Firo Brigade, with the cost thereof; also to confer with the lnsuranco Companies, asking their contributions to covor tho ontiro cost ef such npplianco, and report to tho Cuuncil at an early date."

Tho Government stenmor Stella is c pected to arrive from Waiwcra to-nij: with Sir Julius Yogel.

Tho diminution of tho number r;f Ail; tralian tourists visiting the Hot Lakes tli season is said to bo duo to tho false impre.

sions that prevail regarding tho results of tho lato volcanic eruption, tin: belief being largely entertained that tho outburst o! Tarawera destroyed all the attractions of tho Now Zealand Wonderland, and that tho tour of the Lake District can only bo mado nt tho peril of lifo. Of course, ono residing on tho spot knows that these im-prest-ions aro erroneous, but it is hard 'o satisfy those at a distance. Mr Harry H, Elayr, of Hayr's Tourist Agency, contemplates an oarly visit to Australia, with the object of giving correct information regarding the district ; tho lniision, we understand, being subsidised by the Government und tho Union JS.S. Company. Wo would suggest that tha circulation in Australia of " Brett's Almanac," or the excellent wor'i publishod in this ollics, " The Tarawora Eruption," would faclUtato the di«por/iion of the prejudico that appnrently exista in tho neighbouring colonies against touting in the Lake diatricr.

At Turin, on Saturday night laal", a plucky reecuo from drowning took placo. A child of two years old fell into tho rivor, when Arthur Niold, eon of tho teacher, dived and brought the littlo ono from tho bottom co "promptly that tho child was soon restored to consciousness. Tho Thursday half-holiday niovoment la working well at Tauranga, tho businofs peoplo baing all unanimous on tho question. A special order in to bo continued in a few days making Thursday afternoon the halfholiday under the Employment of Females

Act, instead of Saturday

The fruit crop throughout tho Taurauga district, generally sponking, in a good one this season. Tauranga in destined eventually to bo a very great fruit-crowing district.

Prizes won at (ho Annual Kegattn will bo paid over at tlio Waitemata Hotel after 7 30 this evening. The' children attending at. Alban's Sunday-school, Mount Roekill Koad, had their annual f«to on Saturday last in a pnddock belonging to Mr l'aterson. About CO childron wore prcsont, undor tho superintendent, Mr F. G. Ewington, and the

minister, Rev, Mr Phillips, whilo a numbor of paronts alao attended. Tho proceeding'l passed off most onjoyably—there bbin.j service hold in tho church morning and ovening.

Tho annual treat to tho Sunday foholars in connection with St. Paul's and St. Matthew's Anglican Churchoa tooU placo on Saturday last (Anniversary Kay) in tho Domain. Thero waa a largo turn-out of the children of eaoh fchool, and tho day was most ploasantly spoilt in amusement", conducted under tho management of tho superintendents and toachors.

Last night an open-air moet-ng of " uni employod " and others, embracing n number of ladio.-, was held at tho cornor of Simmer

and Oliphant-streets, Pon*onby, to consider a new fcboroo for tho relief of distress. Mr Carlos, who convened tho meeting, professed to bo ablo to unfold a p'iiti " whereby ;vll who cm und arc willing to work Mini' live theroby, and thoeo who can but will not work rrnift dio thereby." Mr Carloss addressed tho meeting at eomo length, exploining bin *chcmo to bo one undor which capital and labour should lake se/arato coursos, and a labour currency should t;iko tho placo of a inonoy currency. Messrs Cullen and Garrard also nddl'Oased tho meeting—the latter vigorously condemning Mr John Lundon'rf Spooial Settlement scheme, and recommending tho now motliod now unfolded as beet fitted to onnblo tlio working man to " have a slap at capital " and bring tho omployer3 to their senses. The meoting separated, after resolving to meet again to teeume consideration of (he subject on Friday next at 7 p.m , at tho corner of Williamson Avenue and Ponsonby Road.

A' ball was held at the Gladstone Hal', Northcote, on Friday evening last, by the Northcote Quadrille Association, when there were a gnod many present, inrluding many visitors from town. Messrs Hannken Bros, supplied the musical part of tho oveninn's entertainment. Tho supper was supplied by Mr Koivlitifon, and gave gouerni satisfaction.

A meeting of those interested in tha iormation of a Ponsonby Chess Club takea place to-oight in All Saints' Schcolroom,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 2