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7 TT XXT ITHBJOJID, /• XX* TT KKW3 AND ADVERTISINIJ AGBNCY. AUCKLAND, N.Z. Representing Sydney MorniDß Herald, Sydney Mail Melbourne Argus, Australasian Otago Dally Times and Witness Lvttelton Times, Canterbury Times Wellington Post, etc j I RAILWAY ADVERTISING. Alminaosaisd other Business Notices ilxedut all i Stations along the Lino at tho shortest notice. ; ttTT r k e^ Sim a d. FIVKROOMKU COTTAGE, i Wl h Woikshop and'Stablo, plckot fouco; 31 acres Lord, of willch one acre ia in grass und time quanersof anacrei n atrawbeiriod. Mag- ' nlflcent viow. ■ IMoe, only SOCO. ' Apply J. H. Wll'lIUFOUl), ; Shoftland-stroot. A S E A. S I D X HOME. " A Valuable Water Krcntago lv the bent p;;.it JmiOOMKD H USB. LAItGIC ii(')A!i ailjiiJ; Gas, Water, anti every convonioncc. Itafy terms, if n.'quirod. Immediate posseaslou can bo Kivcn. —Apply B J. H. WITHBFORI), ijhoitland-Btrcet. oTt. UEOK dE ' S BAY KCTaIj. SKVKN-ROOMKD COTTAQB And about an Aero of Lund, with woll-growu fruit and ornamental trees. Corner seotion, noar Beach. £800. J. H. WITHhFORD. mo 3NTENDING SETTLERS, J. H, WIIHKFORD Can offer to Industrious peraom SECTIONS OF GOOD FARM LAND At modorate rateß and ON Easy Terms. |/-O& POSITIVE SALE OR TO LBA9B. * on» of the most Profitable nnd Oldest Sstabllrhed Bakery Bueinonßoa in Auckland. Th« pretmliea are all In flrst-olaat ordor. ntted with mnt OTBTf nUnor. Pr«aesi ownMr 1 ritiririK,--Ajo*l/ 'p jTohnßopiMt, Bo«m wi &m 4 Agui. "jm O B S A L B, " At LOWEST Market Rates I Rosin, Pitoh, and Tar Karoßeno, Paint, and Ollvo Olla Champion's, Scott's, and Storer'6 Genuine Lead, In wood Munu Metal nnd Nails Large Stock of Canvas, various brands Wire Rope, from 1 j inoh to } inch Bolt Rope, Hemp, and Manilla Rope, cX Patent Wlndlue (wood), Frills, and Pall* Anchors, from 10 owt. tn 10 lbs. Ohaiua, from 1 Inch to 1 inoh. Colza and Flan OU. O, H, MoKHNXIB, ITOM-STJIISB*. QIURRBY HILLS. BURRBY"hILLS. OHOIOE LOTS. FINE VIKWS. HEALTUY SITUATION. 3URRKY HDJ-a, SURREY HILLS, SURREY HILLS. TRAM-CABS PASS EVKRY 10 MINUTES. One-flfih Cash, balance uny time within Five Yean. Instalments reeclved. OSfriOESiAoelrallanMutnalProvldnntSoaloty'a Building*, Qao,-nv.»o' A. BOARDMAN, Agtat. El O B 3 A L "JS, EOW.*ED WAYTE. tBJTTS'S DIARIKS, 1817, OOMMERCSAL, POCKET. MBDICAL, AND PESK DIAKIICS, ISB7. NKW HOOKS! NKW HO3IC-5! HISTORY. TRAVKI S. NOVELS, MOGHM'WY, LATEST YEARLY ViILUMHS OF MAG.i ZINKS, SUII'AHI X FOR ' UhlJ J IJURAnrtC3. LATEST I'OLUME! Ifc1 HOYS' AND fiinLS' ANNUAL-'. CH(I.I''» IVMfANION, BAND OK HOVE, BIUTIH 1 '.VOiIKMAN, CIIILDHEVS FllffVll. I.IITIJE WIDE VW iKK. INFANTS' MaOAZINIT. QUIVKII. CIIiTIKHBOX. COS; v^"<<i»,M a.-.KUaL. BO l'!i il, &O. EHWATi!) WAYTE, r.ocx eu.i v. biA'ii N..u. :;.;.wy TVfE'W ZIaLAND" INSURANCE JLI COMPANY (KIRK AND MAKINK). Capital fiI.OOO.M. Paid-up and Rcsorvn Fands £ 133,000. PBOTBCrinW FROM KIRK on MARINK 1.033 Can be KIfKKOTED in iiiirf Company. CLAIMS MftT WITH PROMPTITUDE AND LIBERALITY. JAME3 BUTTLE, Manager. A GRAND TONIC FOR FEMALES. Sm.-My daughter was ill for over two yeavs : and waß under four doctors without any improvement. Sho was as palo ao death, and so i bloodloss that when she cut her finger it did nut. bleed, and her general coudition caused \vi ' great auxio'y. Now everyone ifl nstooii-hcd lit the ohnnge. Her colour and strength hmve re- : turned, and she ie an scrouK and well at ever- ! thanks to •' Mrs Dr. btuurt's Tonic" for comSletely restoring her to health and siroriKth. It 1 a wonderful medicinr, ftnd ought toll.- knn«n, —Mrß Phillips. Howo-Dtreot, Auckland Nov. 4,1886 Another Auckland lady says—" I had only taken tliu Tonio threo days whon I folt much better. 1 was not rosily ill, but had trot bo life less—no appetite, no re.liah for society or exsr oUe, quite languid, weak and nervous. 1 tim now my former self. Mrs Dr. Stuart's Itemedic° only need to bo tried to bu ».ppreclatud. They are Indeed excellent for fomalon." MRS DR. STUART'S FAMOUS TONIO. • kM lUftori** Health, Vlgnnr, »bA J*y to Thouiojids of Ilomec. tX BOTTLKB, AT 18 AN» 4» GS ■OLD KVUKYWHBRH. AUWHim- v.z. oompaht. ■jyr o t 1 c b. THK AUCKLAND STEAM LAUNDRY AND BATHS, UPPER PirT-STREICT, Are now re-opened under the able management of J. Williams. The public oan rely upon having their Laundry Work executed in the moat flnlshtd stylo on tho raoat BoafeOnabla Terms. CURTAIN 3 AMD DRKSBKB RITOEIVE SPECIAL ATI RATION. v SKNTLBMEN'S OLOTHHH CLFCANKD ANi) PRKSbKD. SHIPPING, HOTEL, & BOARDING-lIOUSK WASHING DONE BY CON TRACT. j Orders and Paroels onn bo loft at the Branoh ! Laundry, Newmarket, Junction, and Mrs j Clatk'» Regißtry, UpFar Quoen-street. j VANB COLLE'JT DAILY, i AUCKLAND AGRICULTURAL AND MERCANTILE CO. (LIMITED). TO FARMERS. The above Company having determined to clear out the balance of their AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, will not refuse any reasonable offer for tho following:— [ 2 D. June Portable Champion Fire-proof Engine, 7in. Cylinder, 10-horsc boiler 1 Champion Reaper and String Binder 1 Brantford Mower 1 Single Drill, 9 tubes, with grain and grass seeders 1 Mast's Drill, 9 tubes, spring hoea 1 Horse Rake 1 Corban Disc Harrow, No. 9; spare disc* 3 Cortland Waggons 2 Flexible Harrows, each 60 teeth Hay Forks, 2 and 3 prongs. G. W. OWEN, Manager. WANTED KNOWN— That JAMKS CL'.ItE, hnvirg Bemoved tn bin n"W place of reßitk'iioa et the bottom of St. Mary's Rouil, Ptiuun-.y, has a Stock cf Rowins and Siiun r Iluats there for Hire by tho Konr or tb ? Hay. as a modcrato charge. And alau, (Iwtere of Boats oan bave their Boatfl Bnd Hoat Gear taken oara of by payment of a email weekly oharKe. But the above will not hold himself reoronsibis for ony Boats left in his ctre while at ancnor.—JAMK3 CLARE, Boat Builder, bottom of UL Slury'g Bead. Fonionby.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 1