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Gazette in. Bankruptcy. TN BANKRUPTOS-. IN THK SUPKKIOR COTjRT OF BANKBUfTCX HOLDEI'I AT AUCKLAND. In the matter of " The Bankruptcy Act, 1853," and tbo several Acts amending tho same. Notice is hereby oivbn that I, Joshua Revnvlds, o£ Hackctt-alreot, in Iho City of Auckland, in iho Provincial District of Auckland, in New Zealand, Builder, havo thia day fllod in tho said Court at Auckland a potition lo be adjudged a Bankrupt. Daked this 31st day ol January, 1837. JOSHUA REYNOLU3. Tiiohne fStt Kiouy, Qneon-etrootasd Vu'.cnn Liiut*, Auckland, Bankrupt's So!ici*oru. r N BANKRUPTCY. IN THE SUPKEMSC "COURT OF BANK RUPTOY HOLDiSN AT AUCKLAND. In the matter of '• Tho Bankruptcy Act, 1883,' und ot tho Bankruptcy of Joisik/a Kkynolds, Auckland, in' Now Zealandi Builder, a Baukrupt. Notice 19 hedlchy oivkn Hint tho first General Meotinarof Creditoru will bj held at my oflico, Stak Buildings, Fort-ftrcet, Auckland, on MONDAY, tho 7th day of February. 18S7, at 11 o'clock am. Proofs ot debt mutt cc furnished prior to tlie mooting. Proxy forma can bo obtained at iliy olllce. No proof can be admitted, except under order of the Court, after the oxplratiou of four montha from the diUo of tho Ming of tho petition. Accounts sent in unsupported by proof of uobt, en proscribed by Iftw, c&nnct bo rocognisod. Auckland, January SI, 18S7. JOHN L.AWSON, OHlclal AsHiunuo, TIIOKKK and ltniiiY, Boiicltors for Uioßankrupt. PersonaL T HEREBY givo Not-i«o to tho Public -■- Renorally that I will not bo Responsible for any Deblß contracted by n-.y Wife, Mahgaiiut Quautbbman, or by my Dauch'.or, HUZAiiEiu QUAKTEUMAN, KDWARD G. '4UAHTHRMAN, Of Paeroa, Mill-hand. Jsnuary 31,1557. ' "VTOTICB—Tho undorsigned will be JJI ohlim-d for uny Infornmti'on regardinstlio wlieruuliouiH of Kli/ Wells, iiKod 11, who lisa It I - liiy euro —John PlunUetl, Coilcce L'.oxi. MISSING JPitiENDS are requested to Uko notice that tho llrst halt yoarly sale ot thoD.I.O. iunow on. ltare barfiains in useful Drapery.—Cnuadn liuildiiiKS (lato Coonibcs'a). IHcctiiißS. ijiIGHT 11OUKS' DEMONSTHATION. ij _, , A Meeting nf tho nhovo Committen will bo kclil at Die Working Mill's Club. THIS (Monday) KVKNINU, at 7.30 o'clock. All UclcgKloß arc rcquosxd to uttosd. J. A. PARKKS, Scorotary. /"^OSrEL TEMVEKAKUE MISSION. BLUE RI3BON ARJIY. A I'UBI.IC MEETING Will ba hold TO-MOIIUOW (TUESDAY), FEB. 1, IN ST. JAMK3S HALL, WKLLINGTON-ST. Clinir will bo taken at Inlf-paßt Sovon by the i 11EV. R. F. MxVCNICOL. Addrcßacsby Iho 8K73. W. J. WATKIN and W. B. MARTEN. RKCITATIONd, EOLO3, &C, Will be given. TUX BANU OF HOPK UNION CHOIH Have kindly coneontcd to aaaiat, and will fflvo Bolectiona. COLLECTION TO DIDFHAY KXP3NSE3. A Larfto Mooting in anticlrttted. ALFKKU COX, fecrotary. "VTEWTON LODGE OF MAIUC JLI MASTiCIt MASONS, No. 280. E.C. Tho lU^niar Monthly Dt mmnnication will bo hold in Iho lyidge Room. MnEonicllall. lC:irnnk'a-hii-j!-. l:ond,TO-AIOHI«JW(Tiicu:Iai)iCVJCNING at. 730 o'.lock VidtinK Mark Brollircn uro invited. By command of thu W.M. (JllAitL'fS M. NKWSON, I.M , Soo^ miiE AUCKLAND OKCHESTKAL JL SOCIETY. A Uoncral Meeting of the men born 0* lh« Hhoto co; ic'.y will bo htld ia thu Choral Hull on l-'iIIDAY. th^ llh dnj-o! February.»t S p.m. Important Businceo. TIIOMAH WOOD, Olirll NEW ZEALAND WOOTIEN lUANUFACIUUINU COMPANY <Lt>.) Notice U liarcby^ivcn that tho First Annual Mooting ot 1110 Sharehulder3 of Iho North New ZvJanrt Woallcn J!iiiiufacHiiii-K Oompanj (lirt.) will ho held m ihc Compunj'i ltonia'trulOlllce, l'ft'iuersTon Kul'dinic?, Aucklimrl, (juocn str.iot, on MUNDAY, the 7th (lay ot Kcbruiiry, ISS7. ttt ;i o'clock in tlio nCicriioou, for Iho Uiiii»aclion o£ MlO fo loninK basilicas :— 1, Toconlirm minutes of mcotlnz hV.d on l'.h JVlarcli, 188 K. ?. To rsooivo Directors' Rofo:t. 3, To oh'ct Diroctora in tho place nnd room of HTi'Durt Clnilmm Bam-ow (Ctliirmat), Tlioman Mori in, Wililnui Urconwooo, \\ rilliat.n l.odilor. 'Jhcini/i Tajlor Motci--IUI-.1, D. H., Davit B Cruckfhnnk, John Batircr, Jatm-s Jtoberts m, Jtnios VViDKato, J.lm K. Connolly, tho ]iri'Bout Di.ectord of tho O. mpany, tliornid liirnctsrs retiring liy roaliina'.iou from cfllco on tlutdft'.c, 1. To rcooivo nnd ctaisit'or Dircctorij' Roport und Biilancc-shcet. j. Qcnorally, to ciecuaa tho Company's butiocas. By order. ARTHUR D. BKXNICiT, secretary. 10, Pttlmfra'on Buildings. Quo- n utrt ct Wharf, Auckland, Jttiuary2S, 181-7. Z~Z-£ "MrO~T~I cTe T O -*-' CONSIGNEES SARAH^PILK, FKOM Consignees to Present Hill cf Lindlnß and tako Delivery; otbtrwiee. Cargo will be Landed at Stored at Consignees Risk Ttl,OS. HOLMES, aiaati.r. WANTED, a Good Hand for tho Grocery must bo used to store work, and wiling lo make himself useful in any way required.— Apply, with references and staling salary expected, Box 51, Post Office, Auckland. WANTED", Gtnoral for Pahi; Kitchen M:iid. To * roha; Housemnid, W»itrosn. and General for Mercury Boy, ati'l two Able Sodinen, Sydm y.-A. McL-.od i.ud Company, M Quo: n-street. W~ ANTED, a RepwUblo Girl a« Ser-v.ibl.-Apply Miv J. F. tanndcrs, 2G5, Queer.-Urcet. A"~ YOUNG Man, who thoroughly voderBlnnduholßcc, ia dextrous of u^Uu-itlcin an Drlv«ror othervviso ; ixcellent refercucea.— Apply Stab Ofllce. t»ENT FREE," for a short tonn, to a |j ronpectab'.e porson, Uuildipg known no tho Lock "Hospital, iranlj- furnlthod.—Apply at on ob fit Town Clerk's Ofllce. I,L CLAIMS nßaindl~"Gavin WuTSco, Grocer. KarfinKabi'pa Rond, to ba rendered immediately to ituasoll and Campbell. Solicliqra. Wyndhani-»trnot._ STRAYED from Orakei,' Dark Brown _ Horse, with whito patch on wither ; eo.-o hip. aod ouo wtiito hii-d tiOC—The fludor will bo iow*firded on returning same to Union Bank. DUNNE'S Art Uuioii will bo Drawn • on Wod'noidoy, February 2. A few mo:o Tickets to Sell, 6d each. Top of Grcy-et. npENT MEETING. — Subject: '""Tho X Destiny or tho V\ Ickod. What will Ood do with tlie millions who do not accept Him in this life ?" Answered To-night. SAILORS'^IIEhT a"nT)~UOMET"~2S > Queen-ttreet.-Thc Annual Tea and Sooial Hounion will, if tho Lord permit, bo held In tho above Hooms on VVKDNitSDAY, February 2, when tho Prcoidont and Fouuder of tho Institution, BiahoD Cowie, will preside Tea on the tables at 030 sharp. Tickots — One Shilling each. Can bo obtained at the Kcst and from any of the Workers. JUST KECEIVEJJ, ox Coptic, January Number •' Yonnpt LRdiea' Journal." New Nunibors cf "London Journal," "Family Herald," " Family Koadur," " Mjra," " Sylvia," " World 0* ICuehion," " Victoria Munio I'ookV New Books, So., &c—W. A. Moar,i, Btationer. Quorivstreot. "(t?*>/• "PiANOS." —'liTeh.ciass Pianoß 3&O^_P iniportod direct from leading English and Gorman Makers, from £36. At WholeBale Prices for Cash, or on Uoferrod Payment from 30a a month.-Berlin Fianolraport-ing Company's Show Roomt, corner of Hobson and Cook-streets. OR SALE, boautifully finished Singloteated Buggy ; grand Horeo, very faat; and Silver-mounted Set of Haracas. A hundeoino tura-out. cheap.—Apply Stab Offloe. WHEN DOCTORS GIVH YOO UP, Monb. GAENIKR. tha ftleotriolan, wffl Cpre yon. Consultation Fiiks. Hvery liiod 9& Oonsplaint Troattd at— SAGI.BTON'S TOILBa" HAiL, BSO. QUKKM-BTUEET. Knars of Attendance: S to 12 and Ito 8. ICisstrio. sud Gsl?anio, Faradio, sad Ko.Uciafi Bathe &120 by Lions. Garnler. Harcbsra of Tssttoordiila orb b« esaa ea _____j__i_u WANTED, LANDLOAD3 end~Oth«i r e T=. Know that WI Lh IA M CRICK fixate Libra'ian 3in)r>jrno Oonrt Library, Auckland) uoder'abrs Cblloofcion i.f Rente. Kxecmiun of Distrc-.B iVurranta, jyoustiESion iinder BiUe of Sale, cc. vriih care and despatch, Prompt X t'leman ts a Epeofel feature. Cffloe 1 2», Ooombbs"* Aroadk, Hlgh-Bttaet, Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 25, 31 January 1887, Page 3