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Ecclesiastical, OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO' CIATION. NEW BUILDING, coraor oi 7 VVpH-plos- and HBart streets.—'! H.H (Saturday; KViININJ-. at iialt-Euat sevea. MoitlnK k Loot ire Hull, for United Prayer and Bible Reading. Ail aro invited. CJYr'PA UL'S (EDEN ORESCENT; IO hUNDAY-HCHOOti ANNIVEBiARY. 8 a.trj; Holy Conmunion : II a.m., Morning Prayer. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Incumbent, " Holy Scripture ;" 3 p.m., Ollildron'n Flower Seiyice; 7 p.m.; Kv^ijinfs Prater and Sermon byßdv. B. H Gulliver, M.A , "The Four Last Things—ll j Judgment" Colloctinnßjn_aia_ofthe Snnday-BOhcioi. QT, MAI THE Wrß CHUBCE, Second Sunday in Advent: 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and Holy Oommuniun. with Sermon ; 7 pm. Evening Prajor, with Sermon, "la t>io World Heady for Christ.'" Devotional Mooting. Friday, 7.30 p.ii); ». -. ■ r_ „ Lib SAlftTi? CHUllCii (Tonsonby Rosdl —Second Sunday la Advent, 1»d----oouibsr 5. -Holy Commucion. 8 a.m. Children's Instruction Claee, Quarter to 10 a.m. ; Mutinu and Holy Communion. 11 a.m.; preacher, Uov. C. Blca, of tho Molanesiun Mission. Kvcnsonß and Sermon, 7 P.m.; BUbject, " Testimony of E.fporloncil.' ST. SWPULCHKE'S To-nwrrow ■. Holy Commun'on. 8 a in. Vo^tintfler Oburcn Parade, 11 a.m. ; ptoacher. Ri,v. H. 8. Walpole Chilrlren'a Klovrer Service, at 3.15 ; preacher, Roy. 11. S. VValfOlc. Kvtning at 7 ; preacher. Rev. J, G. Kyans. of St. Gcorge'o. Thames BaTFIBLD Miesion Church.-Morning Service. 11 a.m.; preaihor, Kov. W. Calder. Evening Stryi<;e._7_p in. HOLY TRINITY. DEVON POUT.— Roy. Mr (Jorulns (ct tho Molncetifin Mission} will preach at S.M p in. BT. '"PETEI(; b"~J v KKSBSTWKJ.Ah CHURCH. SUIUUCV 1111.L5.-Mornintrat 11. "Tho Siiiritmil Wcillco." Jffivenlne ac 6.3U, "The Book Kound."—liev. R. SomuierviUe. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CnUItCH, Alton Road.-Tho Hon (i. Waldeeravii will preach on SaHBaTH KVKNTNCi^ sth just, at (i .'>o_p_7ii. PI T x"- ax It a is s. r vvTssfLTsTYAl.' CHURCH -Mornluttatll. Rev. K. Bavin. it;aninwjil l>.3o,_Koy._a.Jßull. LJT7" JOIIW 'S """VVhSLE UJI UHUROII, O PONSONBiT.—Mornlne at 11. Evening at 0.30. Itov. C H. Garland. D"~'E V UH 1/OliT WKSLK V A IS Gil UKOil. MorninE at 11. livening at b.30, Rev. 11. R. Uowabury. AKCII JULL WESLEYAN GHUKCE Morning ut 11. Mr J. RolK-rtu. JSvening at U. 30, Mr T. K. Coi'kil], AKCH HILL" WESLEYaN SUKKVY - BUHUOlji—Chrlatman Treo and Sale of Usu'nl Articles; Thursday AfUirnoon.DKcoruuer IG. This special ell'oi tin aid of School Funds. A UCKLANI) TABBIiNACLB.—Lord'B X^_ Uny. l)eo. s.—Pastor T. Scurgeon will prtuch—Mornine at 11. "Lord, Increaso our Faith." Eveniug at (i.lo, "Godly Sorrow." PONSONBY BAPTIST" CHIfEOH.— Moruinaat 11, Mr Brakonrig. Kvening at 0 30. Mr R. B. Shalilora. MOWH'k EDE3S BAPTIST CHDRCH. —Morning at 11. Kveninj.' at U 15, Paßtor T. Bray. _ - CONGHBiG ATI ON A L SERVICES, BKUK3FOKD-STKBET CHURCH, AUCKLa.NI.). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY!: KornlnK at ll—ltov. U. L'liahlcy. KvenliiKatOSl-Hev. S. Macforlanp. n\T'EWTf>N GONdHE OA TI ONA L, jL^I OHUIICII. KdiuourKh-strcot.-Morn!neat 11. Uov. T. Adams; eubjiut "'j'ho Socret Drawings of EvrrlaßttniC 1.0ve." Kvorir B at 8.3 i. Roy. T. Adams; subject, "Tho Penitent Thiif." Viaitcrs wi Ibi nuidii wt-lcomo. MOUNT EbBW CONQREOATIONAL OHUROH. - Pastor, R.;v. W. J L (IOK<. — Mornlnv p.t 11—Subject. " llnps. ihn Anchor of tho Soul" Kvcninu ac U3O-BiU'j ct, "The Pow. roC Clirltt on tho innurLifu." All tittinss froo. Strangers corrtUUly iuvi'od. PARNELb CONGREGATION A L CHURCH (Oildfollows' Halll.-Services To-morrow as usual—Morninff at 11, and Evening at G. 30 Devon pout cjoinokeuatTonXL CHURCH.-Mon.inir at 11. Mr C. E. Button. Kvonina at G.;iO. Rev. 11. M. Jjicena. TT N ITEIJ "JVI ET U OD i ST Ji'K Xi, \J CIIUUCHBS. PITT AND VINOKNT STRKKTS— Morning at 11-Rov. (J. Worboys Subject : " Ali Tilings Working f..r Good." Kvumnn at (i,3o—Uov. C. VVorboy<). A Funr-ral Sermon, cto., for tho luto Mr B. Koano. MOUNT KUEN - Mornlmrat 11- Rev. S. Macfarlaoc. Kvuning at (S 3) Krßngo.Hstln Service. Aildres-:e3 by Messrs Tremain and ». Parker. ____ PRIM IT IX r B iIMHODISI CHUROHKS. SERVICES TOMORROW A3 FOLLOWS :- ALKX AN 1)U AhTKKET— AlortilDK «t 11-Kfv. A, J, Smith. Subjiici; " -» liutv" Kveolng at (i H Rev. A. J. Sn-.ilh. Subjiia; "uolnif a Journey." Wrf!np.<diH. Di'coiiibjrS. "Simoi Jaspot'" PITT IN'D KiI.VIX STKKKTSMornlnß at ll - Mr Smmol Parker. KvmioK a" C J.) Service. Sji'.kcj'» Hyi.ina. OKIMTtTVE "-BTHODIBT JL CHUIiCHHS. FRANKLIN ROAD CUURI IIMurninKiit 11-Kov. (J. E. Ward. Evening ai. G HO- Kov. O. E. Ward. ThuMilny, 7.3o—Snrvioo. RICHMOND ROAD CIIUUCHAftornoon nt 3—Rev. Hughes Jones. Kvening at G 30, Mr J. Jetikinp. Tin-winy, 7 3J—Ucapol Temperance. WATKRVIKW— Af oraonn at 2.30, Evening at 6.30-Mr ISoorh. _All scats frep. Con:e, soa am welcome City" hall sjjFday evening KVANQEH-mc oICRVI&ES. conducted by tha Young .Men'a Chr stiin Asrosiatlnn Tomorrow (junriiij), ut S o'clock. Doers optn at 7.30. Sea's all free. Camo early. "rpILE BATTLE OF LIFE "Will be the .8 subject of tho Rev. J. S. Hill's Address to Young Alrn in tlio I oclura JJall. Yoi,ng llcii'a Chriitinn Aeauci.ition, To morrow (-iundas) Af.cnioon, at 3 o'clock. Como, and bring others^ UliO'L'VH OVEU&. HOUSE.-Geo. Aldriitc will Ldc'uro. Subject: "Tlio LcFaon of Dcs'ruction." Service to commence ate Il*. Morning Mtcting in tho Tomperance Hall aUI. AT tho Komuera Social Hall, at 7 p.m. _ -Proaohcr. tho Rev. H. S. Daviea. /"^HrYsTADELPHIANS Moot in the V J Protostnnt Hall. Nowtcn, on Kurduys at ]0 30 a.m. for Fellowship, and at G. 30 p.m. for Proclamation of tho Truth. ]ij"BW CHURCdTSKRVfCfSriieIcTin X' the Foresterb' Hall, ICarnngahapo ltoad. —M^orning ut 11 o'clock. Subject: "Magic or Law." AVONDALK HALL. Meeting for Worahip, 11 a m ; Preaching the Gospi-l. 6 3t) p.ui. ; sahject, "Man'a Reconcllialion." li>iiins. __^__ S"T. GEORGE'S HALL, GREAT NORTH ROAD. EVKRY LORD'S DAY (D.V ) At 11 a.m., a orehip and tho troaking of Bread. At 3 p m , Sunday school. At 0.15 p.m , PreflchinK o£ Lho Uaspcl of tho Grace of God. IDERESFORD-STREET CONGRHGAJ3 XIONAL CHURCH. THE HALF-YEARLY SALE OF LADIHS1 WORK On behalf of Homo and Foreign Mi^sionß nnrt tho Churob Kxension Ihind will be held in the BERKSITORD HALL ON THURSDAY NEXT, 9th mat., ana will commence at two o'clock p.m. TEA WIuL Bifi PROVIDED from half-past five to sovtn o'clcck, Salootious of Muuic will bo rendered during the evoi ike. Thtro willjbo a Bran_Pi • for the Childn n. Tp AR E VV'E L L LECTURE AND PUftSKNTATION TO DR. J. L. YORK AT LO R > E-STRE.tT HALL ON SUNDAY EVENING, DEC. 5 SUB.TBCT— IWODKHN FrBB-TIIOUGHT AND FRKKTniNKISHB in England and amehica ; or, a Gump-k of the Ukbukikd Dead. Rome ca-ly to secure seats. . Doora open, 7 ; Lecture, 7.30 prompt. Admission, la (Front Seato). lloerived Si-ats £.ir Ladi< ij and thfcir Escorts. MR WILLIAM NOBLE. "who "is a pas--Bi'n(<cr by the s.s. Alamadn. on h'» way to England, may h e rxpfcUm) ti triv;< AN A'JDKKSS a', tho SUNDAY KVKNIN'G KVAN GBLIST'IC BKRVICK in tho City Hall at eight o'clock. On MONDAY AFTERNOON, al four o'clock, Mr Nnbie will Di-livor a F '-REWELL Al;DRH3S in tho Lecture Hall, Young Men's Christian Association. Friends aro cordially invited to attend. Volunteer Notices. y I C T O 111 A RIFLES. CHURCH PARADE. Members aro notified to atcerublo at tho DrlllFhedon SUNUAY MORNING. December 5, at, 10 o'clock, for tho purpose of attending Divine Service at St. Sepulohre's. Side arms. By order. JAMKS LOVBL. Hon. Sec. riITY GUARDS, A.R.V. Mombors aro notified to assemble at the DrillBUcd at 10 o'clock on SUNDAY MORNING, for tho nurpo'e of attondinpr Divine Service at St. Sot'iilohre's Church Membors of other couipaEies aro rnrdiaUy invited. E H. MONTGOMERY, Hon. See. December 2.185K ONSONBY EIFLES. — InEpection' Parade MOND< V night at, 7.30. Dri!lsbefl. JnaDeclion of arros. Full attendance rtqucstod. —D.B McDonald, Cuptaio. WICKER Perambulators, painted and varnished, best in Auckland, 159 ; Doll Perambulators, &o,—Auckland Perambulator Fsotory, Yictoria-atreet. near Freeman's Bay.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7