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tor Sale. FOR .SALE, cheap, slightly damaged Corrugated Iron.-Apply on *ob, Wyn-ynrcl-strcet, back of UiMmmur Sohncl. hi'," Tj^Oß SALE, -nice GTooTned Cottage aDd JL Freehold Allotment, near city. Pric, £U0 : £133 cash.-App'.y Star Uilloo. TTj^OR SALS, in Nelson stroet, cheap, an X 1 Allotment oC Lacd, 22 x 105fr.—Apply to James Scott, corner ot Cook and Neleonsts. B7IOR SALE, a Dog Cart; nearly new ; JL] prieo filo^-Apply j. Patterson. Coachbuilder, upper Queen-street. near Tabornaele. FOR SALE, £ood paying Business, Suburbs, Now Plymouth — Full particulars frpm A. J. Entricen, at A. Heather's, Customs-street. IQIOR SALE, Double-seated Bugpy ; also, Jr Double Set ot Harnoas, to bo sold a bargain ; together or separately —HeEketh. Aitkon. Maclean S: Co.. next City IVfarket. IjVOR SALE, 6 and 3 h.p. Portable En- . giiua, Mortar Mllle, etc Foal* or Hire, Pcraw Jnclcn. 9,12, 16, and 20 inches high.—Jas. Slator, Architeot and Engineer. FOR~SALE7~ liiy^Comf ortab]o~"llo'me, comprising New House, level allotment, gorden, orchard. No work, m\m leave.—For address, apply Dowden and Paten, let), (JueenBtreot. J~7iOR SALE, tho Stock atul Fittings ul . a Gicengrqcory, Fruit, ai.d Confectionery lJiißinni-H in main thoroughfare. Grjiia positlon. To an energetic cnuple tlm Is a pplendid oper.irg. Valuation will not txcood £3).—Address at fc'TAK Ollko. J7IOR SALE, in Lots to euit Purchasers, _ tha whole o( tho well-known Staunch Horses and Bullocks, f-irm.-sly owned and usod by Mr M. H. Roe, o! Onuhunga; tlsD, several Seta o£ Shaft and Lcailnst Uarn >v, togethor with Bnllock Yokeß and ('hams.—Apply D. Whytcck, Mount Kden Karm. li^Oß SAW-, the Comet Cash Store and ft? Kuslneps, Ohlucinutu. Building ai d Btock about £700. To an energetic joung nan thia will prove a thoroughly safe investmeiit. Terms if required.—Apply \V. ■'oddon. Kotoma, mid references to any Auokland Wholesale House. &f OR POSITIVE SALE OR TO LEASE, it . v,?? c of tho most" Profitable and Oldest Established Bakery Bußinoasea in Auckland. Tho premises are all in flrat-olass order, fitted with every oonvonionco. Present owner retiring;— Apply to John Soppet, Bouse ana Land Agent, 85, Qtteoajtticet. _ TDTOR Immediate SALE (the owner loavJD ing for Vnropo), n very compact and ro-illy ccod littlo Form of 7t aorta, woll fsneed, ana divldod into convanient paddocko, with beautiful stream of water passing through thorn. Good dworinghonsf?, buildings, and orchard. Only two miles from station, and twolvo.from town hy good road. — Apply to John Boppet, Houae and Land Agent, 65, Qucen-atrcet. 1m or ~ s a l c , JO Somo Choioe Residence Sitoa »t Mount Cambria, Dovonport, oorrni'indinß fine view. I'his is tho only scoria Hind now available in thin Bhnrtnlnc: nuburb. Kasy terms —apply to H. Aehton & San, Now Zealand Insurance BuildIngg. OR SALE -Bavfield, Poneonby, Houso, 8 roomß, soullory, bath-ronm, eto, eto.; two acres of land laid out as market garden, oto. Prico only £1.100.-D. F. Evara, Agent. KdST TAMAKI—Farm of 157 acres, part eras?," part in valuable bush, nica orchard, House of I rooms, etc., pituato about 17 miles from Auckland, only £850.— I). F. Kvuns, Land PORTLAND - STRKKT, PARNKLL — Nice Villa of cix la' ga rooms, washhouse, oto , eto.; grand view of the Domain : vory convenient to town ; leasehold, 17 year*, £9 nor annum ; cheap ar.d ensy teims.—D. F. Kvnns, AKont, Xpl <5 R" S A L 1". Small Farms and Sitea for Country llesia^ncos, within eight milos from town, beautifully Bltuated in tho Titirangl Dietriot. oonttiining from 8 to 30 acres each, well adapted for market-gardeners and fi uit-growera. Thin property is eafilv approached by eood roada. and is well adtered. Portlotia of it contain good titreo bush, and tho whole is woll water, d Low price <o imendias: sottlorn,'o whom vory nißv tnrms will bo Riven —Apply to 11. ASHTON & SON, House, Land and Kstate Agents, 8, New Zealand Insurance Buildings. A FINE Chnuce for Practical Cabinet Mak»rs.-For Palo, under bill of sale, Complf t^ Stottin Cabinet and Turning Plant, consisting of engine and boiler, circular band and fret raws, laihfa. morticing machine, tools, o'c. cost £SJO. price £175, eaay terma. or will lea'O to trood man.—Dowdon andPaton, 130, QuoonBtre'jt. GUAND IIOMEBTEAD"~SITES~froni 5 to 25 acres, cloee to million and 'buxea : six miles from town ; very cheap ond easy terms.—Sinclair & Gray, Land Agonts, 177, Qoeon-g'roet. HATTER'S BUSINESS.—For immor'iato Sale, a (cond Cish bit ioofa in tho bes'.partof Queen et c^t. S;ock and Fixtures at a valuation. Principals only dealt with.— Addreaa A.S., **tak Office. MUST BB SOLD, owner leaving for thncjuntry. 5 roomed House with Allotment, Sift x UOft, in H"6aex Road, Mount Kden, Terms—Time naymentß.—Apply Mr J. Pottor, Durham a'r.'t t. MUST BE SOLD, Owner leaving I ho Colony. a Well-built. Commodimisly-ar-ranged, and Prettily-decorated Villa Ueeidonco, 10 niinutos' from tho Victoria- Wharf. Uevonrort coutaining7 rooms, excluslfoof bathroam, pjmry, and wash-house; gcod Allotment, well-drained, plenty of water, and splundid sea viow. Also, the Leise (and Furnituro, if deB:red)ofaN"owaad Well- irmnged Villa Healdonee, within 20 minutes' from Queen-Btreot, and ono from either tram or Domain gate, containing 9 good rooms, also bath and dressing rooms, with arrangement for hot wator in. five minutes, pantry, store-room, scullery, and washhouse ; flrs'.-clasn drainage and water supply ; good volcanic Allotment, 6G x 120 ; altogether, forming a pretty and moat comfortable homo, ready for immediate occupation. Leaso has It years to run, at a rental of £65 per annum, inclusive. Advertiser can thoroughly recommend above properties, aa they havo been specially built and decorated from his own designs and under his personal supervision. Having unex pectedly to leave the colony at an early dtito, they must bo disposed of at once, and no reason' aUe oiler will bo refused.—Addreß3, in Href place, Box 185. P.O. Meetings. R MONK will Address the Electors of Bcler.svillo >"n tho Town Hall THIB (Saturday) KYKNING. at oight o'clock. ARA LODGE, No. 348, 1.0. The regular Monthly Meeting of the abovo Lodgo will bo lu-ld in the Lodge-room, Freemasons' Hal), Princes-stroet. on MONDAY, th« 6th insr,, at 7.30 p.m sharp. Visiting Brethren are invited to attend. By command of tho W.M. A. S. KUSSELL, P.M., Secretory. XV^AITEMATA BOATING CLUB. A General Meeting of tho above Club will be held on MONDAY, the 6th inst., at 8 pro. sharp, in the Club Room of Mr LevinsohD, Tobacconist, Wharf. CARL WKSTPFAHL, Hon. Soc. TNDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT X PERMANENT BUILDING. LAND, AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY OB1 AUCKLAND. The- Annual General Meeting of tho above Society will bo held in tho Society's Offices on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of December nextat 8 o'clock in the evoning. Business: To receive the Report and Audited Accounts for the year ending 30th September last, and to elect Officers for tho onsuing year. JOHN BANCROFT. Manager. N.B. — Nomination of Ofßoers must bn do'ivcred to the Manager on or boforo the 30th of November EIGHT HOURS' DEMONSTRATION, 1887. All Trades and Sections of Lnbtrar are requested to send Delegates to the above Committee. The C.immitteo will meet on FRIDAY, Decembor 10, at the Working Men's Club a.t 7.30 p.m. .T. A. PARKES, Sec. Personal. "PERSONAL-Mr w. n. VVEBBE cannot JL receive any inoro pupils until aftor Christmas vacation. PERSONAL.— To the Ladies-A large Stock of Ladies' and Uhilrtron's Print Cohtumef", cheap, at M. Cantloa's, Ladies' Outfitter, Victoriattceot, 2 doors below Row's. iTi RAND TESTIMONIAL to be presented <Ur to Dr. York on SUNDAY NIGHT at Lorne-streot Hull. BUY~YOdR CHRISTMAS CARDS, Toye, and Presents at tho Newton Fancy Goods Bureau. Most Beautiful Stock of Christmas Cards in Auckland, including latest novolties in English. German, and Continental Designs. Also. Lovely Hand-painted Miniature Viewfl of Auckland and Hot Lake Scenery.— DaVID GKDDI3, Printer, Bookseller and Fancy Goods Dealer, Karangahapa Rosd. | \O~NOT BU¥ your Christmas and New S. Year Carda until you havn inspected those of J. G. Mathev.-3, Karangahapo Road, opposite Foresterf' Hall Acknowledged to be tho prettiest and cheapest in Auckland. DEAR SARAH, - You are a good wifo, but vory stupid. Googainto Viclo.iaBtreet; it ia the last ebnece we have of Cheap Boots, ard rotica that Selling-off Bills are on tho windows, and that Dampler's name is up in large lottera. Surely you can do that much. OW CAK YOU AFFORD TO GIVE an Extra Pair of Trousers for Nothing with Every Suit 1 By paying small rent, doing my own outting, and buying direct from manu facturprs.—J. H. DALTON. "Vlotorla-Btreet. Bast. Auckland. 'Lost and Found. LOST, on Wedoesday night last, between Ponsonby, Quoen-etreet. and Newmarket, a Purse, containing money, etc. — Finder rewarded on leaving sama at Stak Office. -f f\S REWARD.—Strayed on December 1" Ist. an Iron-grey Filly Pony Anyone returning same to W. A- Smith, Butcher. PonBon^y Road, wiU receive iho above reward. CJTRAYIDiIrom Papakura, One ChestO nun vare, with a few white hairs from saddle- marks, shed on all feet; also. One Large Dark Brown Mare, donblo star on forehead, wbico near hind foot; unshod.—Anyone uiving information as to their present whereabouts, to H. D. M. Haszard. Government Surveyor, Pcpakurs, will be rewarded.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7