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1 Wanted. "SjSrTHiD immediately, a Useful Girl as TV tinrsumaW; references required.— *SfeS^FKD firet-daps Gonornl Servant; t17 AN 7r««oeß rcnuir. (1.-Applr. after 11 tFffi&d'cW. Q _?__i____ "^^TvTBDTGei-.orni Servant.—Apply W to Mrs SommorviUo, Sussex.Btreet, S2t^^gD~T!d^ Girl nbout 12 ; e;ood W *ggguA«a.-Apply Star O-ce. 4srrwTEb a respectable Girl as General Al£»nt.-Mr- F. G. Clayton, Carleton !wr^i_D",-t «>e beginning of febrn4^vTi?rEDr~ft Roo^ Machinist; also TJV Aivniwerß and Vest Hamle.-Apoly yy Trouscr^ a Richmond Koad, FonfrmpaadUJ.. enticca and linprovors W to tho Drc^maUing.-App yto Miss SrrANTED, Improvers to the DrossW making -Apply to Miss Gash, corner of " Jvv^t-stivota. Newton. f7^T^iJ~byirfirat-clasß Broesmaker, Work at homo; a'so. Millinory rlono ff en. U ; l S|s^f Mi^OUvo>oPl' ositß S^taNTEDi Barmaid ; also, General ScrW rant (for Thames), HouEcmxirt. General vM>t™Gi«tr> assist' Bnt5ho1"8 B°y-~A- Me' fcsod andC?^j£iiJlil£?-"5 c£fL c -j _ _ W~~ "aNTBD, Situation aa Companion, Mother's Help, or Housokcesor, by a , * ereat pxiimlonna: country preferred; Vt7 ANTED, a KrspVctable Boy about 15. \Y -AnpJytoW.B.Pampier. W~ANTED, a smart, active Boy, ablo to t..nk Mil rl'lii well. Ohsravter required. , PP jy aTonco, The Grange, Oialmhn^ ttITANTED, a Young Man for market VV enrdcn'.DK i a lon* .lo>> f<"- Kob.l hacd.A J P V at Stab Office, Wednesday next, at 10 •VtTANTED, a Competent Man to toko a W Bnrc from Auckland 'o Kalpava.— A * p *y immediately. N.Z. Timbor Company (Umltod)•vWTaNTED, a Commercial Traveller for \'Y tho North Island —W. McArthur & Co. a Steady, Middlo ngod Man, who can drivo a hr>m\ milk a enw, and makeUmssU Konorally uaaf ul.-Apply F.Quiok, Xoribcote. _ VrrANTED, by gentleman, Board and VY Rosidonco. Musical family itrotorrcd. ApplyA^^lfHH"l"^ ; WANTED POino Kind Person to Adopt o Healthy Baby Girl, 11 wooka okl."For addr^iappjy Star Office. WANTED, immediately, a Furnished House, lor 0 rooniß. — Address T.B T., SrAB_OfB° 0TrTT" ANTED to Lot, Shop and House ; W suit any business, at present a store; low rent.—Apply on premises, oppoßito All Salnte' Church Poneo"by. W~_N TED to Let, at Ponroee, two Irooniod CoUacc, with sculleries, water etc Five acres ground to each. Cheap rents.- Apply J. F. Benatlack. Ponrose. X\f ANTED TO LET, 9roo_ed Houeo ; W gas and water laid in ; every convenience ; stood yard anil garden. Also, 6 roomed Honsa in a good position- Apply Star Office ANTED to Sell or Loaso, Country Hotel; good position, low rent; stick and furniture at valuation, about, i3!ot( Good opening for steady can.—Apply J. It. Renderson. WANTED, a Furnished Bedroom for a sinzlo maa, in or near city.—Address. G.M .Star Office. WANTED, a copy of Hamilton's Original Pianoforte Tutor, tew or secindhand.— Apply J. Clendinning, Book and Music Selior. Ponsonby Toad. ANTED, 30,000 people t<> read the Stories In "N.Z. Illustrated Tit bis. \X7ANTED, Tenders, up till December VV 8, for Paintiaf? a House in Upper Qu*-on-Btreet.— Specifications at Roth's Baths. Viet jriaEtrcct. East. W' ANTED TO PURCHASE, a good s»cond-nand Suite of Drawing-room Furnitnre ; also, larpro DininK-roim Table mid a good Braasela Carpet.-Apply Star Office^ WANTED, Purchasers to call for their dividends every month, at 1 ha Co-opera-tive and Farniera' Provision Sioio, PattC3onstraet. Freeman's Bay. W~ ANTED, STttinga of Pure Black Spanish ana Dark Brah-v.aßggs.-Stato prlco to Z. A Ponsonby, Star Office. ANTED, Ladies and Gentlemen requiring Board and Residence or Furnished Itooms to call for li3t ot addresses; no charge. — Select Registry, V.M.C.A. Kootne. Albert-atreet. W^INTED— To accommodate Ladies and respectable Servants unablo to got out curio* tho day. the "Select Boßl'stry." V.MC.A. Rooms. Albertotrcet, will opsn overy Tuesday and Friday ovoning, from 7 to 8.30. ASTED, every Well-wieher of tho A Tewton Temperance Brass Band and Qotpil Temporance Choir to know that a United Concert in aid of bo. h Societies will bo field in St. Genrgo'a Hall. Newton, on WKUNffSDAY KVKNING, December 15-.h mat. Tnrther particulars shortly. "Let the lODplo come." TSTANTED KNOWN -American Organs YY from £15.-Hoffmann and Sons. WANTED KNOWN—Lamb to be had at WaUis and Coates' from Is Gd to 2a per quartoj\ YTSTANTED KNOWN-Pianoß sold on . tt time payment at the cheapest house in town.—Hoffmann and Sons. Qiennstrnet. iINTiSD KNOWN— D. Parker, Coal and Firewood Yard, Franklin Road. Firewood cut and delivered for 123 per ton for cash. _____ WANTED KNOWN. — Pianofortes Tuned, sa.—G. Hood, Norman-street, Moant KoattU Road. Orders roeioVfed by Mr Flneh, Stationer. Qneen-iire-t. ANTED KNOWN—Mon's and Boys' OlothiDß, Hats, Shirts, Collars, and Ties. A splendid lot at McMaster, Shaldors and Cos. WANTED KNOWN—Fencing Wiro, Staples, Rcoftncc Iron, Salt, Withora's Fireproof Safes, and Boat Steel Barbed Wire, las., for Sale, very ehoop. New Iron, different brands, ex Wattangi.—Butcher, Groom aud Co., Fort-sU Telephone, 211, WANTED "KNOWN—A new 4-foot high Piano, oyorstrUDK, iron framed, bra's tuning plate, check action, trichord, 7 octaves, £28.—Hoffmann and Sons. Qqeßnst. WANTED KNOWN—That Mr G. Lewis will hold an Extensive Unreserved Sale of PledKoa for Mr li. H. Neumegen on fifonday, Gth of Docember. WANTED KNOWN-A Piano in Italian Walnut, by Bord, 7 ootavos, £27 (new),—Hoffmann and Sons. ANT_D~_NO\VN— To Tonis Sol-Fa-ists-A Lot of Tonic Sol-fa Musiofor Sale, cheap; Bristol Tune Books, One Shilling. —D. Blomflelfl. lin. Victoria Arcade. WANTED KNOWN. —Owing to the groat success of our last week salon, we intend Selling again on Saturday at Same Prices. Bargains to be had to clear tho chop— At Wallia and Coates's, Karaugahape Road, near Pitt-street. WANTEO KNOWN-Cheap MeatKcduocd Prices- Beef, from l.d per lb ; Mutton, from l.d per lb ; Veal, from 2d por lb ; Lamb, from 2a ps>r quartor. The beat quality only.—T. S. Mead, City Markot. WANTED KNOWN-Station Dining Rooms and Boarding Establishment. Board and Lodging, single bedroom, 15s per week; Board- and Lodging, 133 prr week. Meals at all hours, full and plenty. Bill of faro 61—Ah Chee, Proprietor, Customß-3treet Kaat. Auckland. WANTED KNOWN—At the Polytechnic, great slaughter for one month or tnora. The new Dresa Stuff, worth la a yard, now selling for 7Jd in all colours. Groat reduction in Msn's Hafai. from 3s 6d to Is; Men's good Tweed Coats boueht at auction, original price fil, reduced to 10d 6d ; Stocking. 3d ; Berlin Wool. 4s lb; Men's Shirts, Is Bd; Trousers, 3s 10d; Ladios' Jerseys, 03 6d; Dress Improvers. J3 Ud; Liraejuice and Glycerinr, 4d ; Boys' Snite, is 6d; Long Cnrtaios, 2s 61; made-up Dresßes. 6s 6d; Paper Collars, Id a box ; Crochet Cotton, la dozan reels; Hilk Handkerchiefs, Is 83. Tho latest novelties in Christinas boxes. Go and look if you dou'c buy; Tomt. to Sauce, 8d bottle; Hop Bittere. 2s: Fepper, 9d lb tin; Starch, la for libs; Indiarubber Balls. sd; B. W. Soap. 12 for Is ; Horses, 6d each; a lot of Bwlss carved TO7P, 4d ; Cigars. 8 for Is; Crewel Silk. 9d dozon. For ono month or moro, at Ketoaue'b, foot of Waketlold-street. WAN'IED KNOWN—I never had, nor never knaw anyono to have, such a terrible s'auehtarii>g Sellirt? Off in Boots and Shoes as I now havfl for the last tims. Particulars in thanexc adrertlsoinont to tbif.—w. 11. Dampior. WANTED KNOVK—Boots I Boots ! Boot^l Selling off! Soiling oilM-Iffit this terrible? In crfier to bo able to give up my Bw ShOD before Christmas, I will now slaughter the remainder at my Moots and Shoen, Including tho fresh goods latoly arrived from England, at tho following ridiculous prices:Chfidren's Boots, 6a per pair; Infanta'Strapbhoes (Patent leaiher), 6d cer patr; Women s btrong Uathor Slippers (size 4). la lid; lot of Womma Boots, la iha pair; Ladies' Glossy Kid Button Boots, la lid per pair; Ladies' House Boots (kid), is Ud; Prunella, do., 2a6d; Gents' tuglian Walking Shoes. Ja lid : Lud'.es' Morocco Boot 3. larße sizes, 5 > lid; Ladloa' Uigh Leg Kid Button Boots, 7s lid; Ladies' Out-door Shoen, 3i lid; Ladies' IJancing Shoos, 2a lid ; Ladies' Aristocratic House Boots, 1b 6d ; graud lot of t-hild-ren's Button Bootn, 2* 6d ; Ladies' Shoes, Pollook's. 7s lid ; Men'a Klosticsidß Bopts. 4 s lla ; Lot of Maida' Kid Bootn, 2s lid ; Men's Shoojine: Bootß, 6s lid ; Men's Blucbore, 3s id ; Ladtcis Kid Bootfl, 4s lid ; grand lines of ditto, fas lid ; Ladies' Mock Button Boots. 4s lid; Ladles Prunella Buots, 4a lid, &c., &o —At Dampler s Last Selling-off. 114, Victoria-street. WANTED SEEN, the great Reductions in AccordeonH, al*o. Concertinas <leß3 than talf price), Aniilo-Geruian mind; I Dolls, three a penny to 4s 9d each; other Toys, Is per dozen; superior do, 3d to Is; grind Artillcinl Flowers and Fruit, ad to 19; Children's Straw Hats, 6d; Parasols, Is 6d ; ladies' Stays, ai sorted Bizes, Is tho pair; Men s ,Socks, i pair for la; lot ot Ohildron'n Diaper P_afore9, etc.. ch°np; Ladias1 Holland Jackets, 2jj; Bpoon Stay Bu«kp, 3d; Pu<s^B. 2}d to!)d; Rood Cigars, 8 for Is; Wood Pipes. 2 for Id; Chairs, oarpet-aeatcd. 3a ICd: large Corcer Brackets, Is 6d ; Carving Knife and Fork, and Bread Knife, 1b 9d the sot of 3; Rlmmei'a ■ Tooth Power.6d; large bottles Boent, Gd; lot oC neading Books, cheap; Tomahawks. 61 ; Tin Baking Eishea. 9d; good lino of Iron Kettles. Z« lid; Tin DipperH, fid and Od; Brown Tea Pota. 6d; Glass Cream Jugs, 4 for 63 : Decanters. 8d each; Gold-and-White China Kgg Cups, 'JJ per dozen ; Vases, 3d per pair to 4s 6d; good and largo Tootn Oomba la per dozon—At UamUier'B, Victorla-Btrßet,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 286, 4 December 1886, Page 7