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WANTED, Board and Residence for twc i;cnl!enion ; Ponsonby proferred.—Ad dro33. X., BTAliOfllco. WANTEI', Cook, ;!osiincl found ; three Yonhsto milk. ss; GiT.oral Servants. 13i ; ][<)iis: muni, 10 1 ; Gr/nrral Farm Hanii, las and a Puimber.— Ut.tahton and Co., 101. Quetn street, WANTED, 10.000 porsono to Read my FridVy's advertisement in tho wvn'ea column. J. Green, opposite old Bhop, VUtjria \\T ANTED, "by a young man used fee TV drar.O'y. Employment of any kind ; at rim telan.'s i.rofcrrod.—Addrcß3 "fc\C..' tTAR Ol!i<w. . \\f ANT JJ, "Waistcoat and Troupers tl Mukisrn; two appron'icee.—A. VVclUims and Co , 8; di-nhiiu^Uouse. _ VXTANTBD for Hunt Club Race?, Satur--1 f (lav, L'.iru, 3 W.'tkrrs and 8 Barmen.----t. • ply »l ni'ciMo I'hr-s. MuK-vin. Cily Hull' I %.%/ AH'VUU, sbino respectable person to if Adopt v healthy .Haby Hoy, entirely given up; a Bhi.'iU premium givi-ii.—Apply, givi:in full purclii'.ilufß, pi'uinluin rccinirod, autt also udriri'.'H in full, to H \V.. Stab Office. \iK7ANTTBDICNb\VN~—For Salo, cheap, |1 Ki-i'it, Poultry, and Grocery Ilusir.c8 j. Stock and Clk d-ivil1, i':2o. Good loculity. — Ad' dl'OSa Kruit, I'oH-olllcc, Auckland. W^ANTJED" KNOWN" Toil your SweetT ? hearts noi to ninoko cabbago leaf any more, us ihnv cm buy CSuo& Cigars S for la at JJaiiipiiirV, Vie tori a j_t rout. \%! Ai\T3D KNOWN — Well finished v » New U'lzors, Dl each, ehaup enough to out your conn with.—At Dampitr's Job chop, Victoria-street. ANTED KNOWN— Fo.nointr Wire, Staples, Roofing Iron, Suit, Withera'a Kiraproof Safes, and Befit Steel Barbed Wire, &c, for S».lo, vary cheap. Now Iron, diiFerent brands, cr Waitan;;i.—Butcher, Groom and 03., Fort-at. Telephone, 211. WANTED KNOWN.-Jams, &s Od per doswu; Fnsh Herring?, s_<l; Fresh Mullet (it; Sardines, JJO ; Condensed Milk (1) 'Ht brand), 7jd ; Sn mon. 7<o" ; Ub tin R. Powrtir, Is; Tart bruit, 10:1. and jr <-in, for > a^h, nt Kaiic and Montgomery's, Kurflngahapo Road. \\TANTJEJJ KNOWN-J. Knott, IronVt monger. Gr. y-atroet has dispoaed of his Block ami Shop at Newton to Mr it. Joa'^p and t.'iat, in fuiuro ho will concentrate all his business in Ctroy-etruet, where ho hopes to recolvo a continuance of the support so liberally fiven in tho past. Good Article Reasonable Price. ANY Respectable Man desirous of earning fair waKC3 can do co by sslling Milk, liuttcr, ClottuJ Cream, Centrifugal Ui earn, tic—Apply Auckland Dairy Co.'a Ofllco, Pitt-street j'cjiOl. A PVICB TO iIJOSE ABOUT TO ±% MAItRYi IO! — Washstards. in 6d ; V- üßuinK Tiibit n. I>' (id ; Bcdstetids 10 Ud ; Oval •iibJis, .'is lid; Clr-u.s. 2 Yd ; Couches, covered bcii's lClnftl: C lust of Drawers, 12s 6d j Round 'ables, Ks lid ; Dining Tablep, Gs Gd ; handsome Par our Tables, mi.hogo.ny and wali.ut. 18s Od j Sitting room Ciiaire, covered sea's. Us 6d; handsome Couches, epriug, BtuilVd, 25s ; Spring Mattrafceis, 18a Ud; 1-Vax bids, Ca Ud ; Corm'ce Poltn ccinplotL', 2j lid ; Children's Cots, very pn tty, l.'w (id ; ("In H'..nic-:s, 25a; grand Chest o( JriiTvorc :<»', worth i'A ; eitgunt Drawing room suite i f Coiichi two Kns,, and tix Bmall Qhiirs, sp iuK etu/lVd, carted backs. *7 10a. worth £12 ; juuutiful JiedrLOm Suitss. comprising Waidrobc ( hcttofl rawcrs, Pedestal Dressing Tablo Wnthstund und Towel hail, only £0 15s, u&ual prcc £1J ; ar:d till other articles at equally low iricef. Uot'.is. olubp. and private houses ftir-i-hed iluoin:hout. KußyUrniß arrar.std for a lii(!l;i aitk-ln r>r wholo house. Country ordere cccivo imimdiate attention Goods packed re of clmrge. Agents wuntsd. town and nuntry.— Co-operative Stemn Furnituro Manu..curing Conpaiiv, Karacgahapo Road, toi Kciiubiniih stroi.t "OOOT TRADE."— Wanted, a good H3 Vni lier. — Apply Now Zealand 13oot Factory, llu lar.d-strcct. BICYCLE wanted: 52-inch ; muft bo flrst-tjlaga and choap.—Apply Stau Oflico. ~H>USJN'ESS MAN (£100) wishes PartTicr'J $ fchip in any kind o' business in Auckland. —Trade, IMJ.. Canibrldno, /YOVEITISKS^ Companion, or Lady VX Ifuip— Young Lidy cleKin'sre-i-nstßgfiiion'; exp liei.ced with cnildren, domesticated, nimici.!, good n(M( 1 iwoman ; i-xoelleat refcrin li.X.a. STAIt Oflloo. li/jrAOH'iNI&T" Wanted for undorcloth--IVJ. inp; end one lor white shirts. Firsto ass lia:d3 only need apjiy.—The Shirt and L'ii(\ercl;,;hiiig llanufacturijis Company, Groat North Hoail. To Let rij'O LET, Shop und Hondo, (5 rooms, top S of Jio'json-bt set: rint low.—Apply It. Roblneon, chemist, next door. f'Sl J !.KT, 5 roomed Cottaßf, aituatcd in .9.. BelmcntTr rraeo. Uemuora.—Apply Railw.iy Terminus Ifote!, gliort-strcct. TO LET, two 3-roomoii Cottages in «r.ilittin-street. -A. Wrlgh*, Toy thop, Victoria-street West. TO LET. Manukau Kuad, I'arnell, a Sliop and Dwelling . Ucpd centra, lient modurato.—Apply on the Prcmisen. Tino LET, Cottajzo, 4 room?, 5s per week ; I Cottage, T) roenn, 8i per week; tottom P,irni;li Itiie. —Hiuiuiri) Hiigli-1 'd |rr _uitJrJl?J'j TBTO LET, a 5-rooroed Uou.«o in Grey.l btruut. - Apply, on ihe premises, to T. VV. uuir, TE^O I.XT, 5 roomed Cottapo, eituatcd in J. Stanley strce"; gag ;ind water lairl on.— Ap;.ly Railway ri-riiiiiiim ilotfl, iahort-strnot. rV\6 LET, •_' FuriiUhcd Kooms in Wyn.l yaid-stroet, near Choral Hall.- Apply Jth house oll'Gi-aftonHoari, on tho left, TjnO LET, a comfortable 4 roomed Cottage S A lnj, a:i room' il Cottagii; modt-rato rLiit. —'-f. J. ltlorriiiiK Ih;h.<nii_s_treet. r.ciir Conk-Bt. TDIU Lh.T, nice Cottu^o, Clarence-street", I_ 5 roaiiH and scullery ; city water, closo to .Irrvois ifo id, I(K-D. d. Cauibio, 31, Insurance) 11 ulldings. (Jiioeii-slrcet. mo LET, line larpo Shop and Dwelling, I Jcrvoia It iul ; lixtur.-n. ?a» (ittinps, etc. ; Ilistrlass Ltiiutl.—D, t\ c:umliio, 31, Inauramo Huild'iiga. rB^O LET, C-roumcd llouao, l'roppcctB street; Inrgo allotment: city wator. &c, ul so train,'); 10s -D. S. Cambio, 31, Irsuranco Huliflinfif!. mo LET, 4 roomed Colta^o, all on ono k 'loor ;7sGd ;i week ; iilsi-.S-roomoi llousr, with or withou ata>ilrs ; rent very low.—Apply Jmnca li_viii. top of \\ rnk- liold-atrect. ryVJ LET, nowlTroomed verandah Houso1, I tlir c b ilrosmp, parlour, nilUng and kitchen; faa and water; Tent 12-i Gd.—Apply next door. TO LET, ,"> and .'i roomed House?, nlrr.cßt row, 7a Od. ss; wrooi h.calitF. sli-r. dis'anco from Kanuuahnpo Hotd.—Knqu ro Lambert, Hntehcr. Crciix Ni.rth Roa<l. _ mo LET, Nice GottflßO, Jorvoia Koad, B I looms und fculkry, city water. Rent, 8s Bd.—Apply D. S. Cambic'JO, Insuiaucc Buildinut. TO LET, now G-roonW Cottage, Surrey Kills, near Pimsouby R-jnd ; city water; <iv ( r; convontonr.o; rent, 9j Gd.—Apply VV. Johnstonu, top of Franklin Uoui. TO LET, 7-roomed IToueo, Herne Bay Road; large allotment: c'oao to tram • eii.y water, Us.—D. S. Cumb;e. 31, lusuranco linildinifa. rg^O LET, Shop and Dwelling, Jervois M Road. Fixture?, &c . close to Lamps, good a'and; rent, only 17a Gd.—D. S. Cambio, 31, Insurance Buildings. ' npO LET, in Parncll, 3 and 4-roomed _R. Houses; rlrained, and tiwn water; 53 nnd lOi-App'y T. Hill, Graf ten Roarl, Domainstrcet_ r|^6 LET," a "Shop ana Kesidenco (conS crit I; in good ordo\ adjoining Mr R>Odell, laMucr, I'itt-sircct; good biiEincsi stand ; rent, low. J. M. Lennox, Ks'.ate Agent. TO LET, Australian Mutual Provident Buildhijrn Oliiccs ; suitable for any bublnf sa or calling; from «j pi r week; p)l rates lU'd t.axo3 puid Apply In 1). J. McLcod, A.M.I. So( iely, (juout-strcet. mo LET, on Richmond Road, fourth S_ t oußb from Poßsinby Road, now o-roo.ncd Hiuso; city water, gas ; every nonvenunce.— Apply 3. Guy, llast-Etreet, Newton, fourth house from Karangahapo Hoai. rn^O LET, Groomed Uoueo, Grafton .fi Roa-1; Its. Dwelling, IGrooms, ShorilandEtreet ; r«nt very low. llwolllngs, Wyndhamstret; 123. Dwelling. Hobaon Btroat; Us. — Apply H. W. lloath, City Chambers, Vulcan 1-..-.I1O; r|lO LET OK SELL, that very convenient .SI Farm nt Now Lynnlatoly in oceupatlonof N. G. Lonnox, compribinKoOacresaidiJweUingbnuso. Good Htream of Witor runs through tb.o prnuorty, wh eh is adapted wither for manufacturing or duiry purposes. Only four miles from Amkiand by tioud ruad. Kusy terms,—Apply I, 1). Nallvn iiud Co.. Shortland-st., Auckland. rp o"~ ~l c t7 jl (or a tuisn of 3 to 7 icars, a r.irtialiy fiLrrovod Form of 310 Acres, near Elntuilton, at a very lew rental to a good tfisaat who will make further improvomonts.-Apply to V. U, ULAUDB, IJ.O.l J.O. Box 427. Shorllaml nLreet. ran 6 b k l c t~, JL VICTORIA AROABK. SHOPS In tho Arcade. Fort streot aud Short-land-Ptieet, next the Postoflice. SUITK3 Oh' OFjriCKS, suitable for Public l.'oinpmirs, Solicitors, Ardiitiotfl. Survr-yorg, and oihers. in. rtnta'a running from 7a Gd per room par wi-ek. LAHUK 1 HOTOUHAPHIC GALLKRY. b> pmuu: hydraulic liit and handti&nio itturuueu. Kvory popsihle conve i^nne for tenontiinthc ■ I'upc nf nmn; Itooma, Livatorics, liathe, &c , &c , on tiioh lloor. 10 H. ASIITON & SON, S. New Zealand iiimimr.o., Hnildtagg. ~^» KAKK CIIANCK.-To Let, Corner .cV. Khop, good poaition; fixtures, stable, ore, for sale; rent, 10s —For address, apply King streot Store. Arch Hill. HOUSES to Lot, 4 and 5 rooms, in Randolph-street, Newton; city water; rcnt'low to good tenant?.—Apply Mr Griffiths, on the premises. iTenticrst i "IlsE DAVIT) ASHBK, of TAUR.A.KCA, I JL\i SIOKKKBKPKIt, A UANKRUPT. ToEdcrs will shortly bo invited for tho Stock-In-trade, conpifitine uf Clolhing, Saddlery, Boot?, t Jlanch's'er Gnods, Hosiery, and Fancy Goods, I of the acerogate cast value of £575. i JOHN LAWSON, ' Oatcial Assignoo. J Auckland, 18th October. 1338.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 5