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Captain Edwin advises :—" Bad woather approaching betweon N. and W. and S.YV. Glass further rise ; wind changing south of west after twolve hours from now."

Several hundreds of men assembled at tho meeting of " unemployed" near tho Queen-strest Wharf this morning, and Mr H. W. Farnall took the chair. After the chairman had stated the object of the mooting, speeches were made- by Messrs Garrard, Neylon, and others, the lirat-narned criticising the action of tho city authorities with regard to the unemployed, and anim adverting on tho mayoralty, the corporation overdraft, etc. The village settlement Bchemo was referred to, and condemned because of the impossibility of tho needy

unemployed availing themgolvos of its provisions. ' Mr Garrard in his addroes advised the young men in the ranka of the unemployed to go off to the country, even though thoy only earned their " tucker," as tho married men with families could not do so, and should havo tho preference in town work. It was ultimately agreed to wait upon Mr Devoro, the Mayor-elect, and requoet him to communicate with the Government, urging them to open up further relief works in tho district. The proceedings, which throughout wero most orderly, then terminated.

Apparently tho now dredger ia putting through a large amount of eilt. At tlie meeting of the Harbour Board yesterday, the Engineer reported that during tho past month 14,071 cubic yards of silt had beon carried to sea at 6^d per yaid. Tho total ccsfc of dredging had boon £381 5s lid, of which £130 had "been for tho crew's wage?, £139 7b 3d stores, and coal, repairs, etc., £5 ISa Sd, and interest on value of dredge, £100. Tho number of trips porformed had beon 38. It was resolved to give the crow a bonus of £5 for every month that •10 full loads are lifted, with 35a bonus for all abovo that number of loads. All this eilt was carried nine miles ta tua. Nowhere in Now Zealand is dredging carried on at that rate and cost. It is evident from thia that the loet investment of the Board will not prove the white elephant bhat some wisoacres prognosticated.

The groat picture by Pontormo—" Joeopli Receiving liis Brethren "—in tho Museum, came down with a "run" on Sunday, smashing tho cast of the giant inareupiul (the Dlpiotodon), and toaring its canvas badly. The cause was tho wearing through of the flax-rope by which it was hung. Considering the vnluo of come of tho picturea, surely wire-cord should be employed, as in art galleries in Europe.

"Now Zoaland Illustratod Tit-bits " this week contains many items of intorest. The result of the literary competition is nnnounced, and some of the competitive stories are published. A Dunodin goutloman wins the first priae, and a Thamos lady occupies tho second position. The illustrations arb quite up to tho high standard of excellence attained by tho artißt of our enterprising contemporary.

The pilot service is to be still continued, on somewhat similar lines as heretofore. Although Mr Conapton ha« contracted for the pilotiDg of the br.rbour, it was roaolved at the meeting of the Board, yesterday, to give Captains Cooper and Sainty time service certificates, which would entitle them to accept engagements as pilots. Ifc was pointed out that a littlo competition might prove beneficial^, as these extra pilots would probably go further out to sea in search of employment, and thus the vessels would not be delayed in entering thii harbour.

Mr R. Arthur sells to morrow (Thursday) at 11 o'clock, nt tho reeidenco of tho lato Mr J. D. David, Seven Oaks Cottage, Knwlington, on Mount Eden Road, "uporior household furniture and effects, all in lirstclass order and equal to naw, consisting of drawing-room, dining-room, bedroom, and kitchen requisites , a first class piano by Gtira and Kallmaun, Borlin ; handsome oleographs, Brus-eU enrpets, aud a largo variety of useful household goodp. This is a good chance for any person who is about to^urnieh to secure almoat new and solect furniture at auction rates.

Secretaries of the sevoral Trade, Roligious, Athletic, Friendly, Masonic, and general Societies should send in the mattor for the directory appended to Brott'a Almanac before the oud of the preeont week.

Young mon who are in tho habit ol: using obscene language in our public streets should take warning by a caee which cimo before the Police Court today. losoph Gordon, a rospectably-droesed youth, was charged with using obscene language in Queen-street. He admitted the offence, but pleaded drunkenness. He bogged to be allowed his Kberty, and said if clemency wore oxercised towards him ho would not offend again. The Bench, however, took a severe view of the otfenco, and sent the aocusod to gaol for ono month with hard labour.

A chargo of personation was preferred at the Police Court to-day against Lucua '■). Martin. Mr S. ¥. Collins prosecuted, and the evidence of Messrs Duke and Gilbert went to ahow thst the defendant had hia name transferred from the Newton to tho Eden electoral roll, while he was still in possession of Mr Gilbert's house in Newton. While under crocs-examination by Mr Earl, Gilbert admitted that he had commenced these proceedings against Martin to gratify a "down" he had on him because he paid no rent. The Bench held that the ovidence was not sufficient to support the information, as it only showed that possession of a house had not been given up. The case was therefore dismissed without costs.

," A complimentary benefit is being tendered to Mr Sl. Christmas, who for many years past has taken a prominent part in entertainments got up for charitable and other purposes. A number of Mr Christmas's friends have determined on giving the concert, at which most of the leading lady and gentleman amateurs of the city have given their services. The entertainment takes place in the Foresters' Hall, Newton, on Tuesday nest.

At the Police Court today, before Mr H. G. Seth Smith, R.M., three persons were punished for drunkenness. William Scanlan rvas bound over to keep the peace for ufing threatening language to Alice Kooting. Joseph Gordon, for using obscene language in Queen street, was si ntenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour. A charge of personation against Lucas J. Martin was dismissed. William Thompson, a boy, denied a charge of assaulting Mary Taylor by striking her with a brick. From the evidence it appeared that the parties were neighbours living in Clarence-Btroet, and were on anything but good terms. Defendant was ordered to find a surety of £10 for Bix months.

The ordinary meeting of the Ci'y Schools Committee was held last ev?ning, Mr W. Gorrie in the chair, and business of a routino character waa transacted The question of reducing the Christmas holidays will probably come up for consideration at tho next meeting of Committc".

A case of a most peculiar nature came before Iho Resident Magistrate at tho E'olice Court to-day. William Scanlan nascharged with using threatening language- towards Alice Keating, and denied tho charge. It appeared from the evidence that accused said he would take the life of tho woman, who is a relative of hip, and the threats were even made to Constable Hobßon. The trouble owed its origin to a common banking account, which had been started in prisoner's name. After the deposits bad reached the amount of £7,0, both parties claimed the "pool," but Mrs Keating had the money in ncr name, although accused had the book, A quarrel arose from these circumstances, and hence the charge against Scanlan. The Re»identMagis_trate, after hearing the evidence, ordered him to find sureties to keep the peace for six months, himself in £50, and two eureties ot £25 each.

A well-known Aucklander now in England states that he has visited St. Thomas's Hospital, the Sunnyside Asylum, the Morningside Asylum, Edinburgh, and other similar buildings, and has found that the W.C. arrangements and drainage generally are not to be compared w>th those in übo at our Provincial Hoepital and Asylum. Wo are also given to understand that the architect for these latter building?, Mr P. Henipath, has been asked by Dr. Mitchell, the surgeon in charge of Moruiugsido Asylum, to famish him with plans and estimates with a view to bringing his method of "flushing" into uec at that Asylum,

Tho rate of speed at which tho wind of jesterday'a storm travelled (us registered by the wind-gau&o at tho Museum) was . r).')3 miles in twonty four hours.

The artist members of tho MahMick Club met last rfight at Mr Steelo's studio, when the subject for consideration wua " EveninX-"

Tho Harbour Board have decided to proCBcd with another section of tho Uobsonstreet Wliarf. Dans and ep3ciflcationa vvcro authorised, and ysstorday tho tender of Alexander Sutherland, £5,97!' 10s ,'>J, «■;)» accepted. Tho Engineer's estimate lor the work was JC/,022.

A sailing race between tho Ponsonby and Dovonport Naval Brigade cutters has" been arranged to tako plaea on tho aftornoon of Saturday week. Tho previous match botwoon those competitors resulted in favour of the Devonport.

A correspondent asks what period of imprisonment life sontenco means. A life sen'once, under tho prcont prison regulation*] may, if tho prisonor displays exceptionally good conduct, fionnit of his being liberated at tlvo end of 12 or 13 years.

Tho Sydney " Morning Herald " makes the following reference to tho gpooch mndo by Mr Woddoll: ''' Tho Mayor of Auckland also delivered a brief address, in which ho oxprossed tho hopo that this approach to municipal federation would tend to promote the federation of tho colonies, to which ao many oyos wore now turned."

At tho inspection of No. !i Battalion on Monday ovoning, it was nnnouncoil that tho following promotions had bean made. Major Mahon to bo Acting-Liouteuant Colonel. Captain John ISirnie, Newton Kiflos lo to Acting-Major ; O.iptainand Adjutant Tonka to bo Acting-Mnjii ; Lieutenant Uoughtou to bo Acting-Adjutant. Wo beliovo that Major Dignan, of No. 2 Battallion, has also been appointed Acting-L ioutonatit- Colonel. Thoso appointments nro subject lo tho oxamination in January next.

Tho ton onci public meeting inennnoction with tho parieliionera of tho Epiphany Church toolt pltico last evening. Notwithstanding tho unpleasant stafco of tho weather, tboro was v good attendance. At tho after - mooting appropriate addroesoa worogivon by various clorgymeu and friends.

Tho organ recital advertised to tako pluoo on Thursday evening, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, promisos to prove a great suecora musically and financially. Amonust tho artistes engaged are Mrs McDonnell, a new arrival (a pupil of Garcia nnd Lablache); Mies Staunton, our local prima donna, Mrs Stevenson, tho colobrated

harpist, and Mr D. B. Russell, besides the church choir, which numbers amongst its membors somo lir.-t-olass vocalists. Mr Martin Swallow, whoso lost afpoaranco it 18 prior te his departuro for Australia, will contribute fimio choico imiracut.r.

It is Bimouncod in another column Hint Mr Gardner, chemist, Dovonport, has sold his business to Mr Bounott, and shortly leaves New Zealand. MrGardnur has been :<omo six years in Auckland, and during tho limo he has lived at the North Shore linn proved himo'.f on several occasions a most useful man. In three c:ieo* of almost drowning his promptiludo in applying restoratives probably saved lifo.

It is suggested that arrangements should bo made to havo swimming competitions at St. Mary's Bay, I'onsonby, where tho boach is hard and sandy, and shark-i aro never aoen, owing it ia thought to thoir disliko to crossing from deep water ovor tho rand bank inside of which there is ?o grent an extent of level boach. The rowing club's boat-shed would niuko an ndmiraWo grand stand with peats orectod alorg tho sielo of ii, and a correspondent states that such competitions would bo inoro popular and agreeablo ihan in fre.-li wator, and ho is willing to coutributo a prize of tho value of ill, if parsons interested can arrange to hoki siicn contorts during tho coming suimnor.

To tho Editor : Sir,—To settle a iWeputo will you kindly answer tho following questions :— 1. A lias, nn ullotmont fenced on all eidos but ono, and that ono facing n loading thoroughfare. The allotment is used for stacking timber, &c. Has any ono a right to trespass on that property, knowing it to boprivatuY ■_'. B unintentionally leaves the door of'his dwelling open a* night, and n thief enters and robs him of his property. Supposing ovon that tho door is only slightly ujar, would tho olTVnco bo classed as larceny or burglary ''. |Tho answer to quory lis No. The ollonco in the eeoond caso would bo larceny from a dwolling.—Ed. E.S.j

Tho twenty-pecond anniversary of tlio Mount Edon Baptist Sunday-school was colobrated last evening by n «oireo in tho church. A goodly number sat down and partook of tho good things, which presided over by tho teachers of tho school. Aftor tho tables, wore cleared, an address was delivered by tho Chapman, Pastor Bray, who alluded to tho eiicourugemontHand discouragements which had attonded them duri.ig tho year, nnd called on tho Secretary, Mr Stainton, to road tho report, which stated thoro woro I,'SO scholars on tho roll, with an average attendance of 100, and a staff of 17 touchers. Tho Band of Hope meetings, with a roll of ISO names, had been well attonded, and they had recontly inaugurated a mutual improvement Hocioty with good result?. Tho financial statement showed that tins delicit of £1 10a from tho previous year had not been reduced. Interesting addro-'soa wore thon delivered by tho Kove. Bray, Johnston (West Coast Missionary), and Cornford, OudMossrH Careon andßymons(of Duncdin), aftor which Mr Fry pronounced tho benediction, ;.nd the meeting dispersed. Anni versary hymns, conducted by Mr Long, woro sung during tho evening.

At tho inepoction of No. 2 Battalion last night, tho Victorias had a muster of <(>, the City Guards 33, Hobson Rifles 2.~>, and Queen's Own Rirles2S Acting LieutenantColonel Dignan waa in command, Mi.jur Isaacs, senior major, and Captain Clifton a» adjutant. Major Isaacs put tho battalion through a course of pound, practical, and usoful drill. Tho appointmont of Major Dignan to an acting lieutenant-colonelcy waß announced. Tho Garrison Band, under Bandmaster Mo:ris, waa also present at tho parade.

John Hewitt, a bankrupt, undor examination to-day, deposed:— "1 am a carpenter by trade, and commsncod speculating in houses and building sites abtiut four yoars auo. At thiit time, I had £50 in cu«h, and £250 worth of property {tx liousd and two sections corner of West and Montague streets, Newton), part of which (the hou?o and ouo section) was sold to the Corporation three weeks auo for £200. The houso had been recently built, on ona of the two Roctiona referred to, a\t a cost- of £220, and I valued the land at £100. Tbi« property wag mortgaged for £180 odd. Tbero were expenses attached to tho transaction, and all 1 received of tho purohase money was £9 12s 7d. I was in arrears with interest, and themortgogeo would have sold it if I had not. The other house section was sold about seven months since for £127, and had been mortgaged six months provio-isly for £90. My speculations turned out very badly. 1 bought sections by paying email deposits —as littlo .-is £5-and running up cottages of four rooms. I had no difficulty in gotting creriit for materials. I built a good many cottages on those torm=, and sold chiclly on weekly payments. It anpwero.l vory wo!l for a tim 6. When bad timos csima on tlio proporties were thrown on my hands, and the purchasers forfeito'l their payments. In this way I waa placed in a diiliculty as regards tho payment of intoreHt on tho mortgages, and hence the necessity of mortgaging tho unencumbered property I had at tho beginning. I had, it) turn, to forleifc my interest in various properties to tho mortgagees. All 1 havo loft now consists of a hoiuct arid two allotuionls in Commercial Koad, Arch Hill, valued at £150, and mortgaged for £120, and a hou.-o aud allotment. Second Avenue, Kingsland, valued at £150, and mortgaged for £100. On theso proportion there is now about £4 10d overdue for inturout. Tho hcuisas are untenantod. I have nothing bsyouii those properties except £20 worth of furniture and tools of tr3dc. 1 have done litt Jc or nothing for tho last four months—my earnings havo not oxcooded Ga a week during his time. My unaecurei debts amount to £122 4s 3d, of which £0i 4s lid is duo for building material, and tho rest lor household tie oesearies. I kept no books or record of my transactions, except what was necessary for the weokly payments ; but, as these hava long Binco ceasod, the books havo no1/ been kept."

We would remind tho Auckland ami Biitmrbaji public that, notwilhstnndinK the kiev coaipetiliJD. Earie and Montgomery have now aro all of the best quality, and atmoit iv asonable prices The nii?)Hehirt system formn an important feature in thi msuaefnioLt of Ilicir oimb]ishmnr>.t which enob'esihem t'lexe.-utccnut try otdtra with Rl-ant promptne:-8 ; whilfl nrricro lor city delivery receivr-d too late for delivery Hiu sirae dsy, arc delivered early ih Mlv * inw any. All goods aro delivered witlifn :i nil os of <iilr, ani to rail or stonmer frcirnt curia p. Lholc Teas are nnfiirra'sed by any honci; iv tli-i trud'f ; puro Werrtod Tens, la 3d, liiC I, Isßd. ar.d 1- lid ; Cttrofully picked liniiiinTeUi', l:-i!.'l, 'i.-i.Hid2i H ; packed in (jib and 121b tini (In these rmcknsrcs a reduction of 2d por lb is made): Bacon, Ud and 7d; Ham (beat Canterbury), 8d vec ib. For General Groceries it is tin cheapest house iv Nswton. Price list 3 can bo had on application. Kiu'le and Montguuiory, Karangahape Ecad,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 247, 20 October 1886, Page 2