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The N.Z. Baptist Union.

Tiir above Union mot at the Tabernaclo to day, when there were pr sent: — Keys T. Spurgeop. V H. Cornford, It. 11. Driver. T. liray, J. Standinß, H. Jones. W. 11. Woolley, Johnson, and GritUths; nlso, Mtssrs logs, Huttlry. Fry, Ci'llino, Matthews, Fciet, Ball, Outruui, Simon, ArundnJ, Fritter, Shalders, ■Whltoboad, Driver, &c Key. A. JSorlb, t rt-ai (lent of the Ccnfur.nco occupied tho ohair,

•he Chuirman read tho re: ort, in which special mention was made of the missionary work done outho West Coast.- Mr Ouirani moved mat lhe roport be accepted, which wa3 carried — Mr Giorgo Johnson, tho West Coast missionary, spoke of iho bad stale of tho uoople thorv, and lhe pity it woold hi to give ihe good work up.— ltov. Jlr North s lid tliar tbo udoption iif tho report would mean tho uhai donment of ilio West Coast Mission.—Mr Matthews, treasurer, read tome pa'ticularH from the ba'ance-ehoct of the West Coast miscion, ehowii>K trat collections and balanco (roiu last year gavo £.13 8s: and tho expenditure (horse feed, travelling, advertising, etc) was £!0 is 6d.— After ii number of gentlemen hud hi oken, tho motion for the i.djption if tho roport was put and carriid unanimously.— Mr Matthews road aom:i particulars of "the balancs-BDcet of the Baptist Union of New JSeal md ;—Co lections, £7o la 2.1; •übsoriptiins, £38 lla; donations, £5 Us td ; We^tCoaet mission, £119; bal-.nce from ;ast year, £51 14a od ; total, ft.'*) 11)3 1.1 -.disburtemontf.; v, ~o t Coast mission, £211 Os lOd; balance In hai.d, £77 ■!■■. Moßirs Bt'U and Simon, uuditdiu spoke to tho contctness of tho balance-sheet Mr F. Biitt'y proposed, and Kcv. T. Brnv seconued iho adoption of the.roport. Kov Mr North Baid the f.j .ct wa , the Union wantci rooro funds, even £10) would do much good if obtained. I'he West Coast mission had cost tho Union £10, besides subscriptions that went to it instead of ti.e funds of the Uaion. MrK. Foist. Wellington, moved chat a vote of thaDks be accorded to Mr Matthews: Carried by acclimntioo. Mr J. Symon moved, 'That the price of the "N.Z. Baptist' ba 3.1 pr copy." end spoke of tho larger circulation that would bo brought about by lovrerir.p; the pric? Mr Woolly moved an aniindtnentthuttheprico bo l'werea to 2d. It would be a mhsiou in itself. The amendment and motion were both put and lost.—Mr lie nhtw then moved 'That as scon as the circula'ion reached I.OCO the price bo roduced to 31 per copy," which was carried.—Mr Syroon moved, and Air Bel seconded, a motion that oie gentleman out of each congregation bo appointed to push tho sale of tho paper. Carried. Mr lUUley then ppokc ts a motion. "That ihi> Comtuiit. o of tho Union be requested to arrar.go for the coatctton and presentation at tho anr.uul Confeivncu (in summarized lorm) of Jotera from tho churches, containing any int-resting features cf their y oars history 'Jlua was carried una. imou.'ly. Tho Chairman then welcomed a deputation from tho Gospel Tomperanco Mission, which consinted of Revs. Worboya, Macfai lane, and Mr Cox. Mr Worboya spoko at B'irjio length as to the otjocts of the Temperance Misbion. and referred, amidst applause to tho us;ißtanco given the mission by the friends whom ho saw around him.—Mr McFarlatie then spoke of the wtint of lulu from the Anglican body, and Baid he was Rla'l lit any rate that their ways woro not our wajs—Tho Rev. T Spurgcon then introduced M/j. Newman, who welcomed the reverend chairman to Auckland, and expressed n hopo tnat all tbo dclogates would "don iho blue" bcforoloavin" Auckland. He also spoko of tho htpo lhe Mission had of making a move lowurds lcgialannjr for the prohibiting ol public-houses in those districts weereblu'.-ribbc-nistsworoKtroncisc — Mr fry and Htv. Mr Cornf ord briefly responded —Mr Newman thfn spoke of certain bluu tibton pamphlets Ihut, any raciubor of the Union could huve on app'.icaiion at tho Mm&iun oiti o — Meaars Oatlick and Fry were thon appointed scrutineers for tho ballot for tho i Ulcers ot tin Unlon.-Tho Rev. Driver, in ancaup.-o.- h. thtn invited tho mambcrs of the Ui,ion to tho next conference, to be held *'at tho premier city" Wellington-which waf cordially accepted —Mr Mathews thou intimated that ho did not intintl to 6tand for treasurer, as he could not spare the tim '. Groat icurot was expressed by tho m«n - hers of the Union present. — Tho rev. Chairnv n thtn announced that tho Roy. Mr Cnrnford lmd been olectod by a very Jargo majority as the president of fo'thcoming Union. — Tho ttov Mr Cornford briefly replied, and thunked tin menrbera present for their kindness In electing hitr. —Mr Fry was t .en duly elected treasurer of tho Union f.>r the forthcoming year - The Rev. Wm Standrir g said he could not give the time to acting as secretary, and although he had just boon re-elected unanimously, ho would like to decline. Ho was, however, persuaded to accept tho the office. Tho Provident then said ho had tho pit asuro to announce that tho elected preacher of the Union was tho i aator ot the Tabernacle. Tie Rev. Mr Smivtoon bri fly replied, when a voted thinks waa proposed to tho Kov. MrStandring, for h s last services us secretary. Tlio following geu.lnmi.n were then proposed as committeernen for tha next yearo the Union1 Messrs North, Batten Carson Fraser, Diok, Woolle , Spurgoon, Carter, Matthews, and Driver. It was then carried, on the motion of Mr Batt ley, " That the balance eh-et be published us v, supplement to the N.Z Hattist paper." Tho Roy. P. H. Cornford ppoke vt the difficulty of rs abl;Hhlng a Unptiat church at ; tho Baptists there were half-hoatted, and w nl tj othar chu ches Tho Ciiurch of Rnjjliml w/i« going ahead 'hern ; the congregmion th- re waa building tho largest church in Now Zealand — Mr Battler thought that tho ft ct of tho forthcoming President, Mr Covntord, being i»t Napior, would give a lift to tho Baptists. A hymn was then sung, which finished tho morning Bitting Qf tho Conference.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 243, 15 October 1886, Page 2

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The N.Z. Baptist Union. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 243, 15 October 1886, Page 2

The N.Z. Baptist Union. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 243, 15 October 1886, Page 2