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A .61000 Challenge i WELCOME REFORMS ! EXTRAORDINARY ENTERPRISE ! This is an age of reforms. Mutty old preju-l-oeo and traditions aro fast disappearing, and a new order of things, undreamt of in tho fast, vow usurps tho place of the lofcgard speed al which former generation-* wero content to travel. Anions; the COUNTLESS INROADS uron the old style of bueino-t», none ia more remarkable than the wholesale destruction of tbat , UNWHOLESOME MONOPOLY , onoe enjoyed by wealth alone, when all Mm luxuries and many of tho nooes.aries of lift were toally beyond the REACH OP THE PEOPLE AT LARGE. A ntriklrg illustration of thia is to bo found in tho Knliro [Involution developed by tbe wellknown firm of STEWART DAWSON AND CO., through the Manufacture and Sale Of theli WORLD-RENOWNED ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES. This Arm has swept away at ono blow all the 01-kcifmbrou. machinery ond tortuous windings by which a watch had 'o reach its wearers, payius toll to agents hero and dealers there until at lint n was a ce.tly article indeed. All this it changed. , S. D. and Co. are thoir own Manufacturers S. D. and Co. are their own Importers S D. and Co. are thoir own 1 -etoilen* Anil every watch sent'out by them goes dfceotly into the pocket of the wearer at English **rhol» salo price, or not more Hum HALF COLONIAL QUOTATIONS. SLEGANCE, DURABILITY, & CHEAPNESS v ia combined in Every Watch nsuei from tho Manufactory of STEWART DAWSON AND CO. The prcseno- of which has reflected iteolf in no Bm.ll degree in our mid. t. That trade jcalou-j e.tsts iv unmeasured abundance «_alnal Stewart Dawnon and Oo.'b system of dlre-ot tradlna wlih the public has been iinirly proved in Auckland within the Inst fow days. aiuJ Stewart Dawson and ' 0, await with pationo. tho ucceDtnncc ot thoir CEULLEiNGR FOR £1000 TO BARTLWT. 15., QUEEN-STREET, For partloulirs of which see daily "11-ruld Oi Monday and Tuesday last. THE MARVELLOUS REVOLUTION EflVc'ed by StoWart Dawson and Co., LlVorpool. within the last few yoarnln tho prloo of FIRST-CLASS KN-tLI.H WATCHES Is ono of the most striking features of the ago. It does not require a very length_rjcd memory to recall the timo when tho pnblio had to pay to local d.alers about throe times tho prices now charged by Stewart DaWßOpandCo. Having thus cut tho long profit system down to the vory coro. rotatl dealers are thereby driven to desperation. IMPORTANT TO ALL. Jnat to hand by the last mall steamer, dlreot from our Factory, Liverpool. A NEW SHIPMENT OF OUR WORLD-FAMED ENQLISH LEVERS, whioh we are selling AT £2 15s EACH, with three :jeara' guarantee. THE SEBT TIMEKEEPERS IN THE WORLD. Notb.—To prevent dealers purchasing the ibove from "s. only one Watoh will be sold te svery easterner. Also to hand, a mai*nltlcent stock of the NEWEST NOVKLTIK3 In Gold and Silver Jowollory of overy description. all at WHOLESALE ENGLISH PRICES. New Alborts New Chains New Seta Broooheß' Earrings Lockots Bracelets Etc., at one-half tho usual fates. WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN. Call and Inspect the most wondorful and unleut Btock of hlKh-class Goid and Silver Kn_lleb Watchos ovor beheld on view, at our Grand NEW ENGLISH WATCH EXHIBITION. whioh for u_iqu6Ho.s of character Is the ta-k oi Auckland. Bhrhardt's English Silvor Levers, _)2 Si each, exactly the eamo as considered cheap by dealers at ti. REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT X* LOWEST ENGLISH PRICES. qTEWART, y^AWSON, AND QO., 84, QUEEN-STREET (OProsme Wvndham street!. V Bill f f IPI fi If kU II §11 yII OF PUKE 008 LIVES OIL And Hypopiiospl-ltos of Lime and Sodb. ALMOST as PALATABLE as MILK Possessing the combined virtues of these two valuable remedies in their fullest degree. More easily and aaßiinilatod than in the form, and especially desirable for sickly, wasting children and persons with feeble digestive power," and as A REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION, A REMEDY FOR WASTL\ _} DISEASES OF CHILDREN, A REMEDY FOR SCIWFULA, A REMEDY FOR ANJSMIA AND GEHi ERAL DEBILITY, A REMEDY FOR COU.GIIS, COLDS, AND THROAT AFFECTIONS, In fact, All diseases where there is an Inflammation of the Throat and Lungs, • WASTING OF THE FLESH, and • WANT of NERVE POWER, nothing in th* world equals this palatable Emulsion. ; • It is prescribed and endoKed b*v tha j best physicians in the various countries of (he world, who will attest these facts. For sale by all Chemiats. A \\r ONDERFUL "jV/fBDICINB. BEECHAM'S PILLS __^-TT_^^ Are admitted by QJjL__i /L^. thousands to be dfl \f^ Syjr.»\ worth a Guinea a f^fS \tft\ Box lor bilious and I Oof Yw\ nervous disorder*), l-ffl \-**-.\ such as wind, and l^'*r/---.«rpi_7XrT 1 ■ 1 pain in the stomach, I ' | Jt-tkLJaIN A jialsick headache, gid|CA| nit Ifi ISidmcsp, fulness and li_\ HI ■""■"**" /S/awelling eftermeals l vA\ —••——- /«•// dizziness and drow- \^\ /J_. / fines., cold chills, \Yi_V_ Aw/ flushings of 'heat, \_vPjV__ SV§-/ I°l'9 ot oopeti-e, shortness of breath, CBS)_ijJ^ costive-ess, stsirvy, blotches on ther, bin, iSJSik disturbed sleep, """""^ frightful dreamß, and all nervous and trembling-eneationß, Sea. The first doso will give relief in 20 minuteß. Thjs ia no Action, for tbey have done it in thousands of eases. Every suffer _r is earnestly Invited to try one box'tf these Pills, and they will be seknowledsed to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females cf all acres theso Pills ara Invaluable, as a few doses of thorn carry off all gross humours, open all obstruction, and briDg about all that Is'requii-od. No female should be without them. There i* no medicine to bo found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS ror removing any obstruction or irregularity of the erstem. If taken according to the direotiona given with each box:, they will booh restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a woak stomach, impaired digestion, and aU disorders of thellver, they aot like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders aeon the most Important Grs*ar.B of the human machine. They strengthen tne whole muscular system, restore tho long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of at petite, and arouse Into action with tha ROSEBUD of heal h tho whole physioal energy of the hunjan frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society t and one of the beat gjarantees to the nervous aud debilitated Is, eechsm's Pills have tlo largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Becc-i-.ju's Magic Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, ABthnja Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of Broath, Tightness and Oppnession of the Chest, Wheezing, &0.. these Pills Btand unrivalled _, and anyone labouring under any of the above oomplaints need only try One Box to provo that they ara the best ovor offered to tbe rublic fo? Asthmatio and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Chest. The*--■peedily ramoi-o tl-at son.a of oppression and ilflloulty of breathing which nightly deprive he patient of rest. They give almost Instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the ibove dlstroseieg and, when neftlectcd, dangerjus oomplaints. Let any person troubled with my of the above oomplainra give Beecham's 3ough Pills a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time jo removed. Caution.—The publio are requested to notice hat the words "Beecham's Pill. St. Helens." ire on the Government Stamp affixed to each 3ox of the Pills. If not on.they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail >j the proprietor, T. Beeoham, Chemist, St. felons, Lancashire, England, in boxes at la lid tnd 2b 9d each.—Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout tho oolinlea. N.B.—Full direotiona are given with t**oh

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 6