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For Sale. FOR SALE, Cheap Fuel.—D. Parker, cmnor of Knirlnnd-RtTeot and Franklin Road, Wood and Coal Yard. IJIOR SALE, 50 uiilea from Auckland, a F good Country Store, turnover £2.000. Large gum trade altered, stock, &c. £200.—Address N.P., Stab Office. FOE SALE, a Well-known Hatter's Business in Queen-etreet, doing a good cash trade. Splendid position. Principals only dealt with —Apply Moore. Hatter. Pitt-street. iTTIOR SALE, o 5-roomed Cottage, and JP good allotment; prioo £280; 10 mlnntes from Quoen-ctreet. Also, i acre town allotment at Kawakawfl, Bay of Islands; price £15.— Apply Vaileand Douglas, Shortiaud street. FOR SALE, a good Farm of 80 acres, fenced subdivided, eoltable for dairy farm. House anil outbuildings, etc., and water frontage j only 0 tffttesr from Qneen-etroot Whart—Apply to John Coprftt. Lend Agent, 65, Queen-street. TTIOR" POSITIVE SALE, a Really ftocti ,JD Farm, of 177 Acree, nearly ell fenced, a good Houce and numerous outbuildings, Buitfor a dairy farm, a beautiful stream of water, and only 1 mile from railway Btatlon.H miles 'from town ; by good road—Apply to John Soppett. Hocbb angT-tond Agent, 05, Queen-Btreeot. IMMEDIATE SALE — Coatley- ' street, Ponsonby (owner leaving the colony)-a well-fitted Iroomod Honse, with vorandah back and front; Freehold Allotment, nicely planted with fruit trees, &o. Price, only fl2Go.~For further particulars, apply to D. F, I Evans, Land and Estate Agent. imOR S&hA OR,TO LET, Good Farm, 231 acres, all In grass, well fenced, and in first-rate order; 10 paddock's"; oonvealont ; homo, etc. F.R. CLAUDE. Bhortlan'd-street! YACHT, 4 ton measurement, with all eail9,and Reex complete, fer Sale, cheap. —Apply BTAtt Offliej BIRKENHEAD, near ttio Wharf, a Binall .Villa. Deposit, £60. Terms, ft Is iper week.for ten years.—Apply to w. F. Haitimond. South B itiah Ohambera. X F.ANDERSON, Auctioneer. • 15 mlnutca from Quien-etroet, comfortable 5-rcomed House and scullery, slate roof, .water laid on. drained lnt« sower, allotment 33 ■x 9»; Bltutfte NovHon Koad, near rosevoii , . Prioo, £275; ve*y c<»CflW.—Apply J, H. Randerson, Auctioneer. , . t poclal bargains In city onQ etfbnjban properties. I have an improving demand let attbUrban ! properties. Vendore please sond detaDo ! rfuet bo cheap. . : , ' , , HOUSES with 2 to 10 acrea volcanlo land for Lease (rent 20s up wards) with purchasing olause. UViCIIY STABLK for £2 rental, very cheap, 18 etall stable, 2 loose boxoe, largo carnago bouso and feed room, offices, water end gas laid on, central and convenient; also , . Firecclass Dry Stores and Premises for Offices or TirtOea, well situated and cheap. KEMUKIU-S A** eß Splendid Land, well Improved, grand situation, flue Largo Houeo, to bo sold a decided bargain. £1,0-3) retfuotiori in price. J. R. RANDKRSON. Auc-riOfJEKft. T> O V E R T V B A Y. : Investors shown over tho District free of charg6 by G. STUBBS, La'nu Aue.nt, GIBBORNE, WANTED, PAIITNBR wi-?h about £500 to ioin rising and profitable Land Agency and Financial Business. Fulloflt particular* and references giyen. Good climate. WANTED, MONEY to lnvostln Poverty Bay on good security. , FOR SALE. SHEBP RUNS, improved ahd unimproved, from 7s per aero. FOR SALK, FARMS, at all prices, and in OKCollent positions for cutting up. FOR HALE. OIHBORNE, Business Sites and Promises, To\rn Seotione and House Property; yielding good interest,. FOR HALE, COACHBUIt'DIKQ Bmlnoss, emp oyinK 0 hands. ... FOR BdLE, BAKING Business, good FOR SALK. BUTOHBR'S Business. Largest trailcln Olsborno. FOX SALE. BTEAMKR. Small tonnage, Builablo for coti-tal or river traffic. FOR HAi.K, rash UROCKRY Business. WANTED, OIL Shares. For further information, addrees, until Beptember 8. «• STUBBS, Imperial Hotel, Auckland. Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN THK COURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. In the matter of (ho Bankruptcy Act, 1883, and of tho Bankruptcy of TiiOMAtiHEMET SaaBLB, of Auokland, Shcemakcr, a BaaerPpt; Notick is hereby Qi vKN that I. Thomag HSn^y Scarlo of Auckland, in tho Provlnoial District ot Auckland, in New Zealand, Boot and ShooMaker, have this day filed in the said Court at Auckland a petition to bo adjudged a BankrU ]Jatod this 2nd day of Septombor, 1886. THOMAS HENRY SEARLB. Dobtor in Person. Ttf BANKRUPTCY. IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. In the matter of " The Bankruptcy Act, 1883," and the amendments thereof, and of the Bankruptcy of Robert Jknkinson, of Auokland, Contractor, a Bankrupt. Notice ia hkrkiit given that the first General Meoting of Creditors will bo hold at my office, fiTAB Buildings. Fort-street, in the City of AuokUnd, on WKDNKBDAY. the Bth September, 188 Cat i o'clock. Proof of debt must b» furnished prior to or at tho mtcUng. Proxy forme o*n be ob tainod ot my oflloe. No proof can be admitted, except under order of the Court, afler the oxplration of four months from thn deto of tho nflog of tho potition. Aocounts cent in unsupported by proof of debt as presorlbed by law oannot bo reooKnleed. Dated this Ist day of September, 1888. JOHN LAWSON. Official Assignee in Bankruf toy. E. A. Mackkchnie, Qucott-ttrect, Auckland, Solicitor for the Barkrupt. Lost and Found. LOST, Peacock. Finder rewarded. — Q. Moßride, Bon 11 eld, Mount Albert. LOST, Black Retriever Puppy. —Apply Woolford Villa, Llvcrpool-ttxeet. LOST, between Miss Tapper's School and Victoria etreet, a School Kit, containing school books and slate ; finder rowarded.—Walter Smith, Baker, Victoria bt. LOST, between Western Park, Ponsonby Road, and Pittetreet, i Boyerelgns and some Silver by a poor widow dependont on her carntngj.—Reward on leaving at Kenderdino s, Chemist. LOST, a Fox Terrier Dog ; Auckland collar on (No. 556). Finder will be rewarded on returning the same to J. Quinn, Blaokemitn, Albert-street Anyone detaining him after this notioe will ue proßoouted. OUND small Boat, 13tb. long ; painted green. Owner can have ihd same by payiiißoxponees.—Apply Poßt-offloe Box 380, AuckICKED UP in Customa-street, a Cocker SDaniel Dog, with private collar on.— Apply Stab Ofllce. Volunteer Notices. "|_>ONSONBY NAVAL ARTILLERY. A meeting of the Members of the above Company will be hold TO-MORROW KVBNING, et tho Poneonby Club Hotel, at 7.30. Business: Formation ot ehooling olub In connection with the Corps.j MoKpjm|< . ■ Captain. W AITEMATA NAVAL ARTILLERY. The above Corps will Parade at the DrlU-sfced at 730 p.m. TO-MORROW (Friday), 3rd Septomber, 1886. - ' Evoxy member requested to attend. Important business. Plain Clothes. H. A. H. HITCHKNB, ' Cap:aln Commanding W.N.V. Artillery. Auckland, 2nd September, 1886. ■ ANEHITIfGA' RIFLES. Inspection Parade, FRIDAY Evening, Septombor3rd.at7.3o. ~ N . eLKNNy< Capta in-Commanding. Meetings "YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO« JL ClATlON.—Temporary Roomn, Cild B.iptiet Churob, corner ot Wellcsley ard hapelstreets.—Kvnnsollttio Servicos every THURSDAY EVENING, at 7.30 All are invited. New Birivals vt cordially Invited. ■pBANKLI N _ CRICKET CLU B. The Annual Meeting of the above Clnb will be held in St Qoorge's Hall THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. J. PEET. Secrotary. TCTORTH SHORE ROWING CLUB. A General MeettDg of the above Club, and all persons interested In Rowing, will be held In tho Clnb Room. Masonic Hotel, TO-MORROW EVENING.atSo'oIocK. Hon. Sec. ~T UCKLiND CRICKET CLUB. The Annual General Meeting of the above Club will be held in the Club Room. Albert Hotel, on VB.IDA.Y. 10th Septembpr. at 8 p.m. A. M. BEVIiE, Hon. Sec. DEMONSTRATION, Hi 1887. A Meoting will be held in the Working Men's Club on FRIDAY. September 10, at 7.30 p.m. All Trade Societies and Sections of Labour are respectfully requested to send Delegates. BostaoH important. J<oomay ; Secretary pro. tern, <

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 206, 2 September 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 206, 2 September 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 206, 2 September 1886, Page 3