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IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. ■ 11 iw Hi m OPENING OF THE NEW OUTFITTING AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMEN T, VECTO_-*E___- MM€&_®m, COBITEB OIF" QTJEEISr <5c FORT STS. > -i- < W. G. ALLEN, Has the pleasure to announce the opening of the above premises with a New aud Wellselected Stoolc of MEM'S, YOUTHS', & BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHIRTS, HATS, COLLARS, TIES, PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING BAGS, RUGS, &0. , .1- t A splendid assortment of New Zealand Clothing1, made from Mosgiel, Oamaru, Kaiapoi and Roslyn Tweed, to suit the most fastidious; also, English and Scotch Clothing in great variety. Boys' Knicker Suits, a specialty, sizes from Oto |0 ; Boys' and Youths' Trouser Suits, the best selecton in the Colony. A splendid assortment of Men's Working Shirts, Flannel Unders. Par.ts, Hats, Macintoshes, Oil Clothing, &c, at prices that will defy competition. Our Stock of Gent's Mercery is the prettiest in the colony, comprising—Gent's Umbrellas, Merino, Cashmere, and Lambswool Hosiery ; Fashionable Collars and Ties, White, Regatta, and Crimean Shirts, Josephine and Dent's Coloured, White, and Black Kid Gloves, Driving Gloves, Portmanteaus, Brief Bags, and every requisite for the Travelling Public. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. I have to announce that this Department is under the Management of an efficient West End Cutter, and Gentlemen can select from the Largest Stock of Tweeds and Coatings in the City. TROUSERS to Measure, from 13s. SUITS to Measure, from 50s. The above Large and Well-assorted Stock is entirely NEW, and has been boughh well in a depressed market from the leading manufacturers and importers on the most favorable terms. All Oeoda Marked In Plain Figures. W. G. ALLEN'S aim will be always to koep faith with tie public, and business will be condnoted on the most logitlmato and straightforward prinoiplea. An inspection respectfully Invited. W. G. ALLEN, TAILOR, CLOTHIEE, HATTER, AND GLOVER, No. 1, VICT 081 A ARCADE, OOBNBR OF QUBIN AND FORT BTBJBTS, AND AROADB. GIVING UP ! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER la, Present Premises. At 12 o'clock. T. AND J. McM ASTER are obliged By Order of tho Ro K istrar of the Surxsme m£™J?o_* 0 e£l%£T promiß6BCo_t oi New Zealand, nt Auckland. Thoy beg to thank their friends and the public for liberal patronage MAN __EWA. EAST TAMAKI-- during the nast slxtoen years, and to __.»-. - > .! announce that, as it is necessary to Farm of 70 Acres, latoly in occupation ol ■ remove from their present shop in Mr Matthew Robinson. ' September, thoy shall hold an 1 EXTRAORDINARY BALK of thoir __, J~£"_? m n large stock of DRAPERY. MILB. TONKS & CO. LINERY, and CLOTHING. Have beon instructed to soil by auction on T. and J. McM., being determined Wodne°day, September 15. at 12 o'olook. to make a speedy olearance. will ytuuiiu.uoj, offer exceptional bargains, MANURE WA, EAST TAMAKI—AII We think it unnecessary to quote that piece of Land containing 70 acres 2 prices, as only by inspection can an roods and 6 porches, being Allotment 23 of the Idea be formod of the general reduoParißh of Manurowa. County or Kdor., with tho tlons on all olasses of goods. Farm-house and all ether building, thereon ?, a,l O, T _L°,, commence MONDAY, erected. AUuUBI -. call harly. Full particulars may be obtained and the con- _, .„,. j McMASTER. dttlons of sale inspected at the Auction Mart of *• -^v «, o„„„ _T„„ B. Tonks& Co., Queen-street, Auokland. 252. Quien-strebx THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, _____ At ii o'clock. Vinson's Patent Triple PARNELL NURSERY. SHOE BRUSH. '.! THIRD CLKARANCK SALS Off SHELTER AND ORNAMENTAL [Tspp^7 ~ -■■%mmjm TREES, FLOWERING PLANTS, I p , ?___. 'S^asßor FR-'JIT TREES, HOTHOUSE IMP?^?^ ON VIKW AND FOR BALK AT COLLINS _■___ MORTON & JACKSON AND VINSON'S. Junction Queen j _ -* i ««_--_ Q-ll AND GBEY-BTRBKTS. Bar.'_een instructed by Mr Jae Mason to Be 1 Munifactured and For Salo by by Public Auction, at his Nursery. Farnell, A w _ ARMISTEAD, withtm the Mi-htoat reserve, on lhureflay, Britannia Bru ß h Works, -tanley-stroo Sertcn.'-'sr 2, -asil'r/clock, THE .glance of his Choice nnd Well ~-„, CHARLES SMITH HMortetf Nur--e?7 Stock, comprising— mra)k assorit pip / thh-w. lßßffi_B Manufacturer of Q'-rtrl TKR frn f/01-NA?.IHNTAI. IKKKti! _2c*Kl _. -. SHEL/rER /r_ 7>P,NAMENTAI, TRKES *V^«■____! BASSINETTES PekamFlowerlnc SHRUJSSI Flowering SHRUBS I \___lfl___lf BULATOIIS, INVALID FRUIT TREK^rSRUI I TREES! __f_W&*™l Carriages, &0, HOTHOUSE PLANTS. FEKNS, XC, lg___BWl[ The above will cor _fi<?o the choicest and /Pi_fc_SS__ O'l' <"•" '"*•» '" 'w*""!-Bost-eesorted Stock eve.- offered for public com- ' ts_l___B_A petition, all Inferior pla.uW, &«.. having been V_TWV7TCy AUCKLAND Pebambcotherwise dlspoaed of. \£Q>. VCIX lator FaoTOBY, XSS^l^SSZ^w^ Jaogs AND jyrooßß, no__miseionbeingchargodforexOipu(tirgsame. t» -LYA NO reserve. TAILORS AND HABITMAKBRS, , MORTON __~JACKSON, VICTORIA-STREET Vulcan Lane. Auokland. -^ -^ mm pUBLIC NOTICE. AUCKLAND. MR JAGOB IHE ARCADE AUCTION ROOMS, THE (For five years with B. Poole and Co.. SavlXU LARGEST IK THE COLONY, BoWt London, „„, for the last three BEING 200 FEET THROUGH FROM years Cntter for the New Zealand Tweed Company) STREET TO STREET! WILL PERSONALLY ATTEND TO ALI GABRIEL LEWIB. CUSTOMERS, In returning thanks to Ms supporters for past And Hopes, from His Large Krperienos and favours, beg- to Inform them and the pnbllo Well-known Suooesß, generally that, at a considerable expense, he TO MERIT A FAIR SHARK OF PUBLIC ash made extensive alterations to hia premise-, __ - ™*Q*- _Q_ g - 'opposite Firth's Mills. Queen-street, whioh for VV m _ .the future wfll be called tho Aroada Auction ; Rooms as above, . , _.„ ~ Thia old established Hotel, situated on the Tho Rooms, being extensive will enable . . banks of the pioturetjue Wliangarei River, vendors to display their good* more to advanjffera special advantages to all olaasea ol ! tase; au also advantageona to purchasers, the . , travellers seeking a Quiet Country Retreat, place being light and airy. . _ __ _ , _ Charges strlotly moderate. To swnera of goods, the same will be reoelved . „. . The beet brands of liquors only are kept. at the -tmal entrances as hitherto, _ . . Waggronnettee. Saddle Horses, and Boats oc liberal a-'JTaocea made on Consignments, and hire, jroods sent for _"Ble as nsnaL Progrletress I MRS LEA. Lower Queen-strt'ot. Auokland, Tj* o R 8 A L B, •*- At LOWEST Markkt Rates I '■ ' ~~ Rosin, Pitch, and Tar __ _ . jiiiiim i|iiii|i|ini|iMii||iiß|MW Kerosene, Paint, and Olive Oils .iHiini.iiii.rri ia a --"^^ j mokenzib, WANTED EVERYONE to. Provide I W""MM agalnit the coming wet by buying »r)ATE_SON AND CO., Pair of PATENT GARDEN SANDAiLS. j-* Pricos to suit the timos. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, E^^^^^S^^^^f LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES, BHSk»i^^^^^otl Breaks and Omnlbn6es for Hire. HW>__KwMfaßaß____lMl BpeoJal arrangemonts mado with Plonlo and &.»■_■ ■■■■ —■!■■ mi 11 ■ *«mmm Evening Parties. ■lJ_JgsS.__«"*-» ON SALE-Oats, Maire, Wheat, Chaff, etc, H^^ffinr" at lowest current rates. Tyff-ii^ti^^rM^l'^'^™^-*" Friim Vlctoria.etrcot to Mount nosklll—B, 8.45, ALTERATION OF 'BUB BTiIND A- FKOM BHORTLAND-STRMBT IS M. Ll6^. 8. 9. U^^^, _ _. . nomrannwr. rrn-rVr otthicV HTHSSHT 0-30-10.3011, II '5. 12", 1. 1.1. , 2 3D, 3.15. .. 4 4itt, GREYHOUND HOTEL. QUEEN-STBE-R. &30 i 615- g, 5 S aturday-1.15. 2, H. 30, 8.15. From Queen street (oDposito Wyndtiito-street) On and after APRIL 12. IS?*, my'Bnjea will to Moust Eden-8. 8.30. 9. 9.30, 10.15, 11. 11.30, .■un to and start from the GREYHOUND Stand, 1230 1151 2.2-5,3.30 4,1.30. 5. _7t. 5.30, 6.5, 9, a Queen-st., Every Fibtkkn Minutb* from J in' Saturday -1,1.30, 7, 8 15, 9,10, after Opera. I a.m. till 6 p.m. (missing only one trip at 1 p.m. / p rom Mount Eden-7 30. 8, 8.30, 8.45, 9. 9.30, !er changing horses). jq 15i a _ 11,30 12.15. j, 15, 2 2 45.3 30,4,4.30,6,5.30, The NIGHT 'BUBEB will ran at 7, 8,1, and 5.45. 7, 9.30. Saturday-6, 89. 9.30. 10 o'oloqk; also from the Theatra after tha From Union Bank to Mount Albert and AvonE' _u_oa la over; returning from NEW- dale-9.15,10.15.12 15. 2, 3. 4.15t. 5.10, 6.15t. 10.15. KET at T. 44, « 48, 9.-6, 10.45, and the on* Saturday-1.15, 3.(5, 9. 10, 11. the Theatro later. From Avond'ilo and Mount Albert—7, 8, », 10.15,11 31.1.30 3. 4 5 30. Saturday-fl 3a I haTe in mr Etabla for HIRK, anft Fw f S? I'i_,_ l _r_t rd' 17' l_r,_ .Knn. " Via Stoneyhurst. lALE, a^)ut Kingsland. 10 Buggies and > lotcrlas —— 4 Waggonettes _~. Tpv . Street Cabs Q&T _--i I Private Carriage, and Broughaias Borne good Saddle Horses -rr IRKPATRICK S -.140, sereral Hearses and Mourning Coaches, XVIRKPATRICK'S always well equipped. A few Btaunoh Part Worn Horses sa hand JAM MaphmaW. w OROWTHBR. IT IB Tttß BBBT.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 8