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Pnbl-c Notices. AGENTLEMAfi who ha? been rosiding In a House In Upper B?tri6'nds-Btreet for somo lime can recommend it to others wanting comfortable Board and Roaidsnce —For addrees a»ply at Star Offlc9. A POSTAL NOTE for 2s 6d sent to J\. Conduotor "N.Z. Dluatrated Tit-bite. Stab Office, will ensure the sending of 111----blts" to any part of tho rolonv for one quarter. CERTIFICATED Nurse and Midwife on reasonable terms.—Mra Kißher, at Mrs Bond's, Loriio-strect. near Victoria-atrcit. CH A3. WILLIAMSON, House Land, and Estate Agent, Highstreot (near Bhortland-stfsot), haaalwayß for Sale and to Let, large and small Houses In the City, Suburbs, and Country Districts; aleo, Farms, improved and unimproved, in varioui parta of tho province. Several eligable Building Allotments for Sale. MONEY TO LEND in large or email Buma. on approved seouritv. MASON'S TRICOPHERINE.—The public are unanimous in the opinion that it is tho beat Dressing for the Hair that cau bo used. It lo alao an infallible remedy for Cuts Bruises. Bums, S.alds, Roughness of the Skin, eto. Sold everywhere. AKINO SMOKED FISH, wholesale, in Is parcels, at the boat on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. OAKD AND RESIDENCE, for single Gentlemen, at Osborne House, Beach Road,' -evonoort. Threo minutes' walk from Devonport Wharf. THE Cir;ulation of "N.Z. Illustrated Tit Bits," with the exception ol the " Weekly News," is larger than that of any Weekly Paper In tho North Island. OLFK'S SHNAPPS—Beware of would-be rivals of thia great .elixir. Always get Wolfe's Schnapps, ' TO SPORTSMENand others.—Pheasants and other kinds of Birds Stuffed and Mounted on ornamental stands, vory cheap, with despatch.—R.Madden, opposite Star Hotel, Albert-atreot. _____ WEBB'S Delicious Wines, sample bottle, 2', by the dozen 18a, delivered froe.—Wino Shades and Manufactory, Hackettatreet. Ponsonby. , HKRKVER you go, alwaya aak for and obtain the celebrated Wolfe's Schnapps. ViSITING CARDS Engraved and Printed from plate at the Stab Engraving and Litho. Works. Shortland-atT&ot. . F~_.OFESStiR S. JAGOE'S EUCALYPTUS OINTMENT IS INVALUABLE IN BRONCHITIS AND . CHEST COMP_AIN_S-2S PER BOX. - Mount Edon, AUgUCt 14,1883. Dear Sin,—l have mn«h pleaaure in stating that I have uaed your Eucalyptus Ointment, and can testify to its curative qualities, both to badly jammed linger and Bronchitis, which my child was suffering from. Faithfully yours, MRS J. F. SMYTH, To MR T. RAE. Mary street. Tho abovo is seloctcd from a largo number of ' local teatimonitile, whlcn can be aeen at S. GILBERTS. Chemiat, Queon-Btreet. fn~X I. I M U T A E A. Family Herald, Family Reader, Fashion Books-July, Boys' and Girls' Own (quarterls), Musical Magazines, Now Books, juat recaived ex nbove.-W. E. MEAR-, Book and Mublc .-cller, IDS. Quniin-strect. EAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A SUIT AT J. H. BALTON'S. He give, yon »n Extra Pair of Trousers for Nothing. SPECIAL HOTICE. Oiianl after tho 27th August I will Resume Buaineaa on tho Old Site, 2-0, Queen-etreet Every convonienco for Ladio.' and Gentlemen Hairdressin.. Hot and Cold Bathe. Note the Addrea . E .leton'a ToUet Hall. oppOßite MoArthur. Wjirehouse. SUTT_~TO ORDER, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, Me. Kxti n Pair Trousers given with eaoh. J, H, DALTON, TA.toa, VICTORIA 6T EAST, Auckland. T\ISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, Peter Melville Grant and William James Cooke, under the Arm ot Grant and Cooke, aa Land Agents, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All deb's and liabilities due to or from tho lato partnership, will be received or uald by Petor Melville Grant. paiu oy PETER MELVILTE GRANT. William jamp:s COUKE. Auckland. August 21'h. 18S6. T^ISSOLUITON OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice ia hereby given that the Partnership existing between the undersigned, under the at-rlo of Hcsketh. Altken. Maclean, and Co., has beon dissolved by mutual consent, as from Ist July lait. All debts due to or by the Partnership will be riceived or liquidated by Messrs Heakelh and Aitken. Dated this Ith day of August. 1886. CHARLES HESKETII. ALEXANDER AITKKN. GKOFFREY MACLEAN. Witness: R, ... Reid. TO THE PUBLIC OP NEWTON, PONSONBY, AND BURROUNDING DISTRICTS. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has commenced business as Auctioneer and Commission Agent at Newton, and solicits those having goods for sale for a Bhare of patronage. All Account Sales will be promptly paid, and Bpecial terms will be arranged with those who wish to havo goods sold at private housos. F. J. JONES, Auctioneer, &o , Newton. T3EQUISITION. east ward, edmund Sell, esq. Beau Sir,—We, the undersigned. Ratepayer of tho East Ward, request that Jofl will allow yourself to bo nominated for tho seat rendered vacant by the retirement of Councillor Aiokin, and wo pledge ourselves, it you agree to our request, to do all we can to secure your return. Wo are, youra, &c. H. F. Anderson, It. A. Carr, G. Chambers, T. B. Hill, J. Miller, C. B. Stone, C. Kelsey.and others. aENTLEMEN,— I thank you for this expression of your confidence, and feel it my duty, thongh unaought, to accept the position of Candidate for the vacant seat in the East Ward. If elected. I shall endeavour to serve your interests to tho boßt of my ability. I remain, faithfully youra, -PMUNL) BELL. piTY COUNCIL ELECTION. SOUTH WARD. TO J. M. LENNOX, Ebq. Wo. tho undoreignod Ratepayers ot tho South Ward, earnoatly request you to allow yourself to bo placed in Nomination to ropreßent our intrrests in the Council. We feel that it la important that such pobi tlona should bo held, whenevor possible, by property-holdcra auchoa yourse f. who, having largo annual payments to make to the Council for rates, will see to it that the moneys obtained from tho peoplo aro apont to the best advantage. And wo promise that if you accede to our request wo will do all wo cau to secure your return. „. [-.GNKD], T. K. Billlngton M. Montapruo Wm. brlnsdon F. G Ewingten E Plumley T. B. Kenderdine li. Hulmo R- -• Carbines a. Coombes S. M. H.repath 11. Hamilton X Drinkwatcr [ J. F. Lcightoa J- G. P,Tcy t J. B. Bisikio B. H. Matthews And 90 othors r|lO THE RATEPAYERS SIGNING I X THE REQUISITION. Gentlemen,— I have great pleasure in complying with your request to allow myeelf to bo placed in nomination for tho seat in tho City Council about to be vacated by Councillor Waymouth ; and. if elected, shall use my beßt eff.rta t.-i promote the boat interests of the South Ward, as well aa of the City genorally. J. M. LENNOX, Queen-street, Auckland, August 28,188 P. mo Mr J. T REN WITH. Sin,—We, the undersigned ratepayers of the Karar gahape Ward, request that you will allow yourself to ba placed in Nomination to represent our intereets in the City Council, and we pledge ourselves, if you consent, to do all in our power to secure your return. Goorge Winstoce T. L Wilcock Wm. Wlnatone Jas. Jnmieson James Davia John Waddell Fredk. Lamboume Thoa. McElroy Daniel McPhorson Peter Robinson John Gilmour Thos. Prossor And others. KEPLY.] Gentlemen, — Aftor weighing the matter carefully, 1 havo concluded to acccdo to your requeßt and allow myself to be placed in Nomination 08 your Candidato for a Seat in thß Council for the Karangahaps Ward. If elected I shall endeavour to discharge the duties devolving upon me to (lie btst of my ability. Thanking you for your hearty promise of support, I remain. Gentlemen. Your obedient servant, JOHN TRENWITH. Gladstone-street. August 28.1886. , Trousers to Measure, 16a Suits to Measure, 00s Regatta Shirts, 3s 6d 37^^ Lambs' Wool Shirts r% Merino Shirts J^°>7, !'" . Collars P-P P^ Cotton Shirts Hats White Shirts, 3s. 6d. QUEEN STREET P^^ Corner of Durham Street, next below T. & s. Morrin & Co. N.B.—A Job Line all-wool Tweeds at la. 6d. A PAIR OF TROUSERS FOR NOTHING. J. H. DALTON Will give an Extra Pair of Trousers with Every Suit. An Extra Pair of Trousers Given with Every Suit.' An Extra Pair ol Trousers Given with Everj Suit. .. ... Note Address— J. H. DALTON, Taicob, Victoria- t. East aucsxahb. ___.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7