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DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOI.ODYNE. The Original and Only demilue Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet, refroahtng Bloop, free from hoadachft roliof f ron?,iiaiuand anguibh, to calm and asßuaga tho wearj achings of protracted aiaeaao, Usvigorate the aervoua media, and rogulato Uaa circulating ayownia of the body, you will provluS yoiirßelf with that marvelloua remedy atSf ooverad by Dr. J. CoUla Browno (late Arms Medical Statl), to which ho gavo the name <_. CHIiOUODVNE, and which la admitted by tM pretension to be tho moat wonderful «nd vallB" ante romud-y over discovered. CRLOKOD VNE is the best remedy k_c?nlo* Coughu, Conaumpt'on, Bronchitis, ABthnm. CHLORODYNE aota like a charm in Dla.-rhcßft, and ia the only speoiflo in Cholera and DyaenCIILORODYNE effootually cuts short all attacks of Epilopej, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spayina. ~, , CHLORODYNE la the only palliative In Neuralgia, Uheumatiam, Gout, Cancer, Toothache Jlonlngitla, &o. From Symes & Co., Pharmaceutical Cham'sts, Medical Hall, Mlmln,- January 5, 18S0. To J. T. Davenport, fcaq., 33, Groat Ruseell-trcet, Bloomsbury, London. Dear Sir, -We embrace thia opportunity ot congratulating 5 ou upon thj wido-apread reputation thin jus lv ejtcemad medicine. Dr. J. Collie Browne's Chlorodyno, hat earned for Itaelf, not onlyin HiudOctan, bur. all ovor the East. Aa a reniudy for general utility. wo much question whothcr a better in imported Into tho country, and we shall bo glad to hoar of Its finding a place In every Anglj-Indian home. The other brands, we aro Happy to Bay. aro now relegated to the native basaaiv, and, judging from their Bale, wo fancy ihcir aojourn there will bo but evanescwit. Wo could multiply instances ad intlnitum of the extraordinary •fllcacy ot Dr. Collis Browno'a Chlorodjna in DiarrliMa, and Dysentery, Spasma. Cramps, Neuralgia, tho Vomiting of Pregnancy, and aa.i gonoral aoilative. that havo occurred undor our poreonal observation during many yeara. In Choleraic Diarrheas., and even In the more torrible forma of Cholera itaelf, we have wltnesaod its surprisingly controlling power. Wo havo novor v aed any other form of this mediolno than Collis Browno'a. from a tlrm conviction thatlt le deaidedly the boat, and aleo from a senaeof duty wo owo to tho profeaaion and the publf c, aa wo aro of opinion that the BUbatitutlon of any othor than Collis Browno'a la a deliberate breach of faith on the part or THE CHEMIST TO ritEBCItIUB AND PATIENT ALIKE. Wo are, Sir, faithfully yours, Symea <_ Co., Members of the Pharni. Socioty of Groat Britain, His Exoollonoy the Vlo«roy'_ Chemists. CAUTION.-Vloe-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood Btatcd that Dr. J. Colli! Browne was, undoubtedly, tho Inventor of Chlorodyno ', that tho atory of tha defondant Freeman w«_ deliboratoly untrue, which, ho re.rotted to say, had boen Bvvorn to.—See "ThoTimoa," July IJ, Sold In bottles at Is lid. 2a Od. 4s 6d, and lis eaoh. None Is genuine without tho worda " Dr. J. Collis Browno'a Chlorodyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical toatimony »ocompanloß oach bottle. Caution.—Beware of Plraoy and Imitations. Sole Manufacturer—J, T. DAVENPORT. », Groat Russell-street, Bloomsbury. London. _ "A :,Ci/ rONDEB_UL T^TBDICIN. BEECHAM'S PILLS _^Z.\i yj"^- r0 admitted bj _/S VJ3 _\ /US. thouaanda to Bt _T_. worth a Gnlnea o f\y ' \\t\ iiox tOT hiiioua aad /Co/ vw\ nervcos dlsorderß, l\l,f \.-r;\ euoh aa wind, and I','c/-r»»TT-TWT l' 1 I pain in thoatomach, J ' I Xr£-LXAi> i- Ifjlaick headache, gidIt/!I ff_|| I S IpsldinosH, fulneaa and Irll fr #ll»l_«« IJ~) j swelling eftermealß \'vA\ -___,«—■ /'. / diz-ineaa and drow\V*\ /&5/ alocaa, coll chilla, \vs\_ X<sy Hushlngs of heat, \_?*N^ lo^B of appetl'c, \y_7vlKr shortntsa of broath, costlvoocss, scurvy, blotcheaon thotkin, -?rT^ disturbed alcop, saiv '^ frlnhtful dreams, and all nervouß and trembling sonsatlone. Sec Tbo drat doau will give roliof in 20 minutes. This la no fiction, for they have dono it in thouaanda of caeca. Every Bulforer Is earnestly Invittd to try ono box of theßO Pills, and they will bo ocknowlrrdued to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females cf all agoa thOBO Pilla ara invaluable, aa a fow doses of thorn carry off all groea humoura. open all obstruction, and bring about all that ia required. No fomalo ahould bo without, them. Thoro I no medicine to bo found to equal IJKKcIIAM'S PILLS (or removing any obstruction or irroitularity of the tyhteni. If t-keu according lo tho directions given with nncli box, thoy will soon reßtore tumiilca of hII agea to sound and robust health. For a.weak stomach, Impaired digestion, and %U disorders of tbo thoy act like "MAGIO." and a fow doaca will bo found to work wanders uron tho most impoitar.tori.-ana cf tho human iiiachluo. Tboy Btrentthf n too wbolo muscular ajbtum, restore tho long-lout complexion, bring back tlii keoo edge cf ai petite, ond arouao into action with tho ROSEBUD of hoal h tho whole physical energy of tho human frame. Theaoaro "PACTS" admitted by thousanda embracing all clasaea of aocioty ; and ono of tbo host zuarantooß to Iho nervoua and debilitated la, Boeoham'a Pilla. have tto largest sale of any patom medicine In tho world. —cecliniu's Maple Coiiffli Pills. As a remedy for I'ouklis In general, Atthma nilll'julty in Breathing, Shortness of Broath, Tightness nnd Opprcasion of the Cheat, Wheezing, &0.. thcaa Pills eland unrivalled; and .nyone , labouring under a^y of the ahove complaluta need only try One Box to prove that, they are tho best ovor oil-rod to iho ruhlic for Asthmatlo and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarponc _ and Opprosaion of iho Cheat. They speedily romovo that Beneo of opprosaion and -Ifflcnity of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of reat. They give almost instant relief and comfort to tboßO ofllictod with tho abovo dlptrcaaiDg and, when nciileottd, dangerous complainta. Lot any poraon troubled with tiny of tlio abovo complaints glvo Bkecuam'b Cough Bii.LS.a trial. Tho moat violont Cough will In a short time bo removed. Caution.—The public are rrrqueated to notice that the worda "Beecham'S Pill. St. Helenß." aro on tho Uovernm-nt Stamp afllxed to each Box of the Pills. If not on,they area forgery. 1 .epared only and Bold wholosalo and retail by tho proprietor, T. Beooham, Chemli-t, SL < Helens, Lancashire, England, In boxes at Is Hd' and 2a Od each.—Bold by all Druggist- and Fatont Medicine Dealers throughout tbe ooloniog. N.B.—-Full directions are (riven with aaoh box. . K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldeat and Best Cough Romofly. KEATING'STOZENGES. Oldest and Boat Cough Remedy. K~ EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldeat and Boat Cough Remedy. K EATING'S- LOZENGES. Oldeat and Beat Cough ggmgj|. K EATING'S LOZENGES. _ _ Oldost and Beat Cough Roajß&j. KE AT IK G'S ~ LOZENGES. Oldeat and Boat Cough Rcmc-g. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldost and Beat Cough Remedy, KEATING'S^m^EST Olilost and Brat Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Romedy. KEATING 'rTXoZ ENGEii. Oldest and Boat Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. "Any Doctor will tell you" thero la no bettor Cough Medicine tliia KttATING'S LOZHINGEa Ono gives relief. If you snlTer from Cough try thorn but oeco; they will euro,and they will not Injure your health. Thoy contain only tho purest druga, akilfully combined. -ell every where In snyill lina. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS, A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, both In apponrunco and taste, furnishing a most agreeable method of ailminiatorlng tho only i ortnln remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD V\ ORM3. It is a pjrfeotly safe and mild preparation, and ia especially adapted for children.— Sold in Tins by all Chemists. Proprietor. THOMAS KSATING. London, Export Chemist and Druggist. STEEDM~AN r S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH, Caution to'Pukciiasbhs.- Tho value of this well-known Family Medicine haa been larg- ly toatod in all parta of tho world, and by all grades of aoclety. jor upwnrda of fifty ykaks. Its well-earnorl oxtonsivo pale haa induced spurious imitations, somo of which in outward appearance so closely resemble the original na to have deceivod many purehsßf m. Tho proprietor, thoroforo, feola it duo to th 9 publlo to pivo aapectil caution against tho übo of such lmttatioua. Purchnsers are thoretore requested carefully to obEorvo tbo four following distinctive characteristics, without which nono are genuine: — let —In overy case the worda John -TBEDMAN, CHEMIST, WALWORTH. SURREY, aro engraved ou tho Government Stamp affixed to each packet 2nd — Each Single Powder has directions for tho doso, and tho words JohD Steodman, Ohomiet, Walworth. Surrey, printed thereon ,3rd—lho name Stoodman ie always apelt with two EE's. Ith - The manufacture carnod on solely in Walworth. Surroy. Sold in Paokets by all Chemists and Medlcin Vcndora, at Is 1J ito 2s Sd each. Agents BiciiiPTHORNE. Prosskr and Co., Auoklan Wellington, Chrißtchurch, and Dunedin. pAPBRfi.. NGINQB, W. PHILLIPPS 4 SON H-.VB RECEIVED, EX LATE ARRIVAM 186—P A 0 KA G B S-186 OONTAININO W. 030 BOLLS OF PAPERHANGINGB, OONSIHTIHS OF NEW PATTERNS *6* Drawing, Dining, Bedrooms, H«0 _«. Rmxaaa,. inltable for the Mansion or Cottage, , iR -,_ BEAUTIFUL DK3IGNB. _*3 BEST VAIAjK EVER OFFERED EH PAP-JRHANGtNGS. 818-PACKAGES-916 SCRIMS AND HBSSIANj* PUM AND SHEET GLASB, WHITS _*AD. OILS, TURPS, VAR-rfISHEB-AND AIL TRADE SUNDRIES. ' W, .HILLIPPS & 50 X, tS A_rn 07, Quasu-siikhbe T T O U" N G If • GENERAL GROCER, SHORT LAND-STRKBT.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 6