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[By Hiitona.]

Wren tho knowlcdgo ;that Brigadier wns boing prepared for tho big ovonts of tho Canterbury Jockey Club Spring Meeting, I journoyod across to tho North Shoro during tho wook for tho purpose of having a poop at him. It ia no exaggeration to soy that tho son of Musket could not look better than he does at present, and ho has improved and furnished in ovory way sinco his victories at the Auckland Itacing Club Autumn Mooting. At that timo ho boro a very big appearance, but tho superfluous flosh has now boon takon off him, und for tbo timo, bis condition is all that could bo dcslrod. There wore not a fow who prophesied last season that tho colt's loga would not Btand n throe-yoarold preparation, but those of that opinion arodocidodly a long way out of thoir rockoning, for thoy havo ovory appoaranco of boing porfectly soundj and the colt haß nlrondy had a lot of work put into him. Anything moro liko old Musket than Brigadier it would bo hard to concoivo, and hia imago is stamped so pronouncod on tho colt that it does not require a second glanco nt him to boo tho striking resomblunco to his world-fumoil sire, whilo added to this ho inhoritd his splondid tompor. His owners toll mo that it ia thoir intention to land Brigadier at Christchurch about a month beforo the mooting takos plnco, and if ho goes on as ho ii at, present, I think thoro is but little fear ho will add to his good name. Brigadier has for his next-door companion Lionel, the four-year-old eon of Leolinus nnd Petrolouso, and those who saw him whon ho was told in January last will certainly see n wonderful improvement elToctod in his appeurunco and condition. Hia legs howover, aro a constant sourco of troublo, but euro and attention will in time, no doubt, offect considerable improvement in thorn, and wo may yot soo him win a doeont race or two. 80110 and Manaia wero turned out in a paddock adjoining tho stablo, and although botli of thorn wero in tho rough, thoy boar a thoroughly healthy appearanco It has bojn docidod by tho Committee of tho Auckland Bncing Club to hold tho Spring Meeting this your on Saturday, (ith November. Tho Summer Mooting, as usual, is fixed for Boxing Day nnd tho Ist and 2nd January, and tho Autumn Mooting for Easter Monday and Tuesday. Tho Winter Mooting will bo hold on Saturday, the Ith Juno. In a lottor to mo this week undor dnto lUlh August. tho well-known scribo "Warrior," who waa on a visit horo somo few months ago, furnishes mo with tho following interesting gossip:—Businoss bus commenced in real earnest at Knndwick. On Tuesday and this morning lirst class work was done by Trident, Blairgowrie, and Chesham, tho latter going in rattling stylo. Trenton has not yot broken down, as reported, but I feol certain ho will never faco tho starter for tho Molbourno Cup. Kelso's Corday and Koys's Lord of tho Lake aro in excollont buckle, and tho latter should go near winning tho Hawkesbury Handicap. This morning I was on tho training ground at daylight, whon Blairgowrie could not shako Potor off in eeven fur-longe.butCbe-shaminamileandaquartordid aa ho pleased with Happy Thought. Corday boat the Auckland-bred iilly Rosebud in a milo and a quarter bout. Kocruit, ono of tho faetost racohorsos for seven furlongs to bo found in Australia on tho' training track, but who, I am sorry to say, cuts up vory badly in public, did a fast milo and a quartor in company with tho Liverpool cruck, I'aladtii, who ho had boatcn in the last furlong homo Although thoy had in many places to run outsido tho hurdles, they compassed tho distance in 2min. ISisec. Monte Christo is improving ovory day.and I wouldn't be at all surprised to sec him run a big horso in tho Melbourne Cup. For the Hawkesbury Hnndicap,l liko nothing better at prcseni than Lord of tho Lako, Kitawa, Meteor, Hero's Luck, and Corday. A cablegram from Molbourno this week informs us that Commotion has broken down. At last accounts thoold follow was getting on splendidly, but tho prophesy that ho would novor stand another preparation hns proved correct, and I presume tbo " peoplo's idol " will now bo relegated to stud duties. Ho certainly retires with the honour that ho was ono of tho beet performers and most popular horse that has trod tho Australian turf.

From Australian papers to hand thia week I gathor that tho latest sonsntion has been tho attempt to knock Tridont out of the V.R.C. Derby betting and tho presumed break-down of Tronton. In regard to Trident, 10 to 1 was going friendless about him for a couple of days, but ho camo again, and whon the steamer loft S to 1 was the best pricoon offer against him, Withthooxcoption that Trident's stable companion Volcano has much improved, and is doing good work, there is nothing to account for the opposition shown to Trident. From all account.*, it would appear that Trenton is none too sound on his pins, nnd his truiner will evidently havo hia work cut out to koep him right. Trenton's dam Frailty produced a filly to Musket in tho early part of the week. It is to be regretted that tho littlo stranger is not a colt, but to mako some amends I am told that it is a nice-looking foal. Maid of Athol (dam of Krupp and Soudan) has droppod a colt to Musket. Sydney evening papers on tho afternoon of the 20th inst gave the following quotations, the horses boing backed at the prices given :-

Following out hia usual courso, " Mar_oppa" has compiled a statement showing tho sums pas3cd through the totalisator during tho season just closed, and ho makes the total amount "tot up the enormous sum of £559,773. In most casos my confrereatatoa that the figures of the different amounts aro absolutely correct, but where round uumbors are given the sums aro merely approximate, though not far from correct. Adding up tho sums turned over at tho various meetings, " Mazoppa " finds that £60,173 was put through the six meetings held under the auppicos of the Dunedin Jockey Club. Tho Canterbury Jockey Club had £64.522 for throo meetings; Auckland Racing Club, £57,430 for four meetintrs; Island Bay, £34,46S for six meetings ; Hawke's Bay, £29.519 for four meetings ; Wellington Racing Club, £28,036 for four meetings ; and Takapuna Jockey Club, £20,043 for four meeting?. Compared with previous seasons, the total is £89,700 moro than last season, and £229,700 more than the previous season. The comraitteo of the Auckland Racing Club, I understand, have resolved to introduce a new raco in tho Spring programme of ISSB to bo called the "Auckland Guineas," tho added money to bo 300sovs. At the next Autumn Meeting a Champagne Stakos will be introduced to take tbo place of the Mares' Produce Stako. '

Christchurch papers of last week state that' July baa beon backed to win tho Now Zealand Cup nt 100's to 4, and Wuitiri, Tosman, nnd Apropos havo mot with a good deal of support. Brigadier nnd Nolson are quoted favourites for tho rnco at 100 to 0 each, wliilo Pnslm is at 100 to 8, nnd Wnitiri, Tasman, Lochiol, and Beresford at 100 to 7. Tho following Auckland-Owned two-year-olds havo iccontly been honoured with namos : — Colt by Musket—Agate FLINTLOCK. Oolt by Antoroß—Atnlant.i Paddy. Filly by Storlingworth— Evorgrsan POIIOTAI-AWA. A privato lotter recoivod in town, statos that tho steop?ochaso moro Julia Ann taken over to Sydney a short timo back has beon purchased by Mr H. Bennett, of Paramatta, for 70 guineas. Tho buyer baa certainly bad nonothe worst of tho deal. Anothor candiduto for V.X.C, Derby honours has boon introduced to tho betting market 'I his ia St. Paul, a colt by Nowministor from Onida, by Yattondon. Ho is trninod at Caulfield, whoro ho has for n companion Kenneth, and from all accounts tho colt baa a set of legs undor him that will stand tho severest of preparations. J. Leok has chargo of St Paul It is expected that Torpedo will bo shipped to his now homo during tho forthcoming weok. Tbo price paid for tho son of Musket and Fanny .Fisher it soems was 400 guineas, and considering h'S aristocratic breeding, ho should bo woll worth it. Tho broedors of tho Marton-Rnngitikei district aro to bo congratulated on huving such a lino horso placod at thoir sorvicc, nnd ho is certain to have a big sonson. . From American papors by tho mail I learn that Minting was scratched for the Grout Eclip?o Stakes on tho eve of tho race, having strained his ncir fore-leg in a gallop. His withdrawal caused a groat sensation owing to him being a favourite. Sinister motives were circulated as to his withdrawal, but thoy wore dispelled by tho voteriniuy surgeon's certificate. Tho raco producod a field of twelve starters. At the annual meeting of tho Northern .Tockoy Club, tho Seorofary'a report ond baliinco shoot wero prcsontod to tho momborn and considered ; but, as the accounts had not boon nuditcd, it could nob bo ndoptod by tho mooting. A resolution was, howover, pnaaed, empowering tho committee to deal with tho balance-ehcot after boing audited. From tho report it appoara that, although the Club is about £30 in dobt, tho year'a mcotinga woro n financial success, as a considerable sum of money has boon spent in enclosing tho saddling paddock and othor itnprovomonts of a porinanont charactor. Somo conversation took place in rospoot to a stooplochaso.and it wus suggested to i»troduco such a race in future programmes. Of tho 11 rar-os won by tho Molbourno Cup favourite Little John, six havo been run over a milo and ahalf course, which is tolerably convincing proof of his ability to stay. It will be remembered that Littlo Jnrk won tho Ceclong Winter Handicap in 1882, and subsequently annexed tho Cuulliold Cup, so hero's v chniico for buliovors in coincidents. Ilia owner, Mr W. Morao, was offered 500 guineas for tho horso after ho won at Gcolong j but tho prico would not tempt, his ownor to p:irt with tho son of Hamlet. In referring to Little John's victory there, ''Augur" has tho following : -Tho winner is a powerful, short-legged horso with groat depth of rib, something of tho Kichmond type, and looks liko st'iying all day. Iloia a raro brod one, and it is to bo rogrotted I hat his dam does not. figure in tho stud book, tho omission, I presume, boing tho fault of tho breeder. Littlo John is by an old favourite of mine, Hamlet, from Maid of tho Mount, by Athos from n maro by Peeping Tom from Maid of tho Mist, by Tho I'rcmitr from Fury, by Littlo John from Flurry, by Wanderer from a Peter Fin mare. Stout, strains aro here, and if all goes well with this horso ho'll bo noar winning tho Melbourne Cup, oven should bo fuil at Caulfield. His woight for the Caulfield Cup ia 7st., and for the Molbourno Cup o<t. 71b. With Cracknell on his back ho should bo vory dangoroua in both. My indofagitnblo Duncdin confrere " Mazeppa " publishes an interesting articlo giving the fastest records iiiudo in Now Zealand (luring last season. Thoy are as follow .- — Four furlongs —First Lord nnd Rockot, oO'secs. Five furlongs-First Lord, lmin. SJsccs. Six furlongs—Necklace, lmiu. H^seos, Sovoti furlongs -Maligner, lniiii. 2Ssocs. Ono milo -Maligner, lmin. 43JSOCS. Ono milo and a dictunco — Titbit, lmin. 47:1 aoe, One milo and a quartor—Libollor, 2min. llecc, Ono milo and ahalf—Captain Webster, 'Jinin. ."'Si^oc. Ono milo and throo quartors — Poarl, 3min. (> 1 fith sec. Two miles—Nolson and Loon, 3min, 361 see. Two milos and a distanco—Nolaon, .'lmin. fl'ti^ec. Two milos and aquartor— Nclfon, 4i_in. In 1884 So tho best records were :—Four furlongs, 02sec ; five furlongs, lmin. 3Jscc ; i-ix furlongH, lmin llisee ; one milo, lmin. -13-, c; one milo and a distanco,2min. l._o ; 1-fiuiies, 2min. lOsec. ; Hmilcs, 2min. SSJ sec. ; li'miles, 3min. S_c. ; two milos, 3 mm. 35 seconds. ; 2}miloe. 4min. l. r>iscc. '

In 1883-8-1 :— Four furlongs. 49 4-sth sec. ; five furlones, 1 mm. 3? sec; six furlongs, 1 mm, 15J aec. ; ono mile, 1 mm 43.} sec. ; 1J milos,'2 mm. L'iJ _c. ; 1. milos, 2 mm. 40 sec. ; IJ miles, 3 mm. 9J foe. ; two miles 3 mm. 3'iJ sec. ; 2J miles, 4 mm, Ujsoc.

Particulars to hand of the ovidonco taken by tho Duncdin Jockey Club in tho Warop.i caso show tho horse's propor jianio waa Problem, r.nd that, ho won tho Soiling Raco at tho V.B.C. (Irand National Meeting on tho 17th July. A mass of evidence was taken in tho case, part of which was furnished by Mr Sydney .fames, who said ho had cabled to tho Secretary of tho Victoria Pacing Club for a description of Problem, nnd had rocoived tho following roply :—" Problom, by Bonnie Carlisle six years old, bright bay gelding, broad white atripo down faco, throo v«hito fetlocks, branded F near shoulder, nnd possibly FF near wither, undor saddle mark." This corresponded with the description by Mr Douglas", veterinary surgeon, of tho horso now at Musselburgh, save that Mr Douglass gave tho brands thus :-" IT near shoulder und F near saddle." A copy of tho " Auftra'nsian " was aleo produced, showing that after a Selling Race in Victoria tin. winnor, Problem, was sold to I. F. Gordon for ltiSsovs. Mr Sydnoy James also put in certain nominations received by tho D.J.C for tho Hunt meoting, amongst thorn ono from P. Gordon, nominating a horso called New Chum. Gordon had boen communicated with at tho addresa ho gave at Waikouaiti, and Hampden, and was unknown in eithor placo. It was further stated that a horse had poon landod from the To Anau at the Bluff, and received by Parkea. Parkoß stated bo never waa in Melbourne. Ho bought tho hoi so from Mackenzie for £35, and £10 if he won v raco at Forbury. Ho supposed that tho Warepa which won tbo hurdle race was tho same that wai nominated by Mukenzio as a bay golding named VVarop., by Don Juan ; that was how ho bought tlto horso. Mackenzie in his evidence stated ho sent Wurepa from Tapanui in chargo of a young follow who was working for him. He could not say where tho boy put up on tho way, and did not know where the boy could bo found now, Mr Fleming said ovidenco could bo brought that Warepa had not yot loft tbo Tapanui district. At tho conclusion of tho exhaustive inquiry tho Stewards unanimously resolved—" That tbo bay gelding that rati under tho namo of Warepa, at the Winter Mooting of tho Dunodiu Jockey Club, bo disqualified for cvor, he not being tho horso ho was ropresontcd to be, and that J. 11. Mackenzie and F. G. Parkes bo disqualified for ever, tho former for knowingly entering, and the latter for knowingly running tho said Warepa.'1 Prior to arriving at tlii^i decision, Mossrs Fiigan ond Philip, two of tho stewards, afked Mackenzie if bo wished fur time to bring witnesses, or prove that he eont V'aropa overland from Tapanui to Dunedin, but the offer waa declined, Mackenzie leaving tho room. Tbe general opinion of everyone horo (says tho Dunedin correspondent of tho " Canterbury Times") is that tho judgment of tho stowarda was not ono whit too harsh. As to tho motivo of ringiug in Problem instead of Warepa, it may bo questioned whether, considering tho small amount to bo gained, the gamo was worth tho candle ; but it is generally undorstood that most of the £150 odd in the totalisator was scoopod in by thoso in the know.

" Nemo " in winding up his series of articles on the Australian three-yoar olds, says:—Taking their two year-old running right through, it seems to be a matter of impossibility for ono to sift out the best of them ; but had I to attempt to foretell the names of tho heroes of the comjng three-year-old season as far aa those who have performed are concerned, I should select Chosham, Trident, and Aglaos.

CONDENSED ITEMS. Britiahor is said to bo looking particularly woll. , . , Tho Totalisator Bill has passed its socond reading in Adolnido. Over 200 nssoited horses woro recently shippod from Sydney for remounts in the Indian army. Mr K. bonovan, of tho Paetornl Hotel, Molbourno, baa purchased Dunlop from Mr A. R. Roborteon. Tho balance-shoet of the Victorian Tattoraall's Club shows a profit on the last your of £230. First Lady, tho dam of Grand Flaneur, has this season dropped a foal to Darobin at tho Grango Stud. Blink Bonny, the Caulfiold Cup horoino of 18S5, is to bo put to Napoleon, tho sire of Silvormine and Mozart. I notico in Molbourne papers that our old friend Welcome .luck is announced to stand tho soason at tho moderate foe of 15 guineas. Tho Indian ownor of Despot has changed tho horso'a nemo to Phoenix. Let us hope that tho re-christening will bring a chango of luck, Tho only namos of Victorian horeos amongst tho Hawkesbury goneral entries aro Hogmanay, Meteor, Mozart, and Straight Shot. An Engliah paper gives the following dimensions of the champion colt Ormonde. Height, 10 hands ljin., girth, sft. Bin.,and Sgin.below the knoo. Meteor was purchased by Mr R.K. Maitland aftor his defeat at Goelong.and the son of St. Albans is supposed to be under orders for tho Hawkesbury Mooting, Lord Carrington's filly, who got rid other ridor at tho Randwick course latoly, and lan into a atcsplechaso again able to take slow exor«ise. At tbe Newmarkotsaloß last month, 3,100 guineas was pivon for a yoarling brother to Paradox,and 2,350 guineas for a similar relation to Beaude.°crt.

Moonsheo'a withdrawal from his Spring engagements is owing to having broken down whilo running in tho Winter Handicap at tho Liverpool (Sydney) Meeting. Floyd, tho Victorian Steeplechases rider, appoara to bo quito aa good at sprint running as ho is ovor jumpß, and ia accredited with winning tho late Hurlingham Sheffield Handicap run for in Brighton, Victoria. Hogmanay, who has won a number of racoa at up-country meetings and isengagod in the big . pring ovents, appropriated tho Corinthian Handicap at tho laat Mooneo Vnlloy (Molbourne) rajes. Ho carriod lOst 121b.

Tho much-fancied Hoxbam was scratchfor tho Hawkeßbury Handicap on the 13th August, Bonnie Beo, Moonshoo, Pilgrim, Maokay, Acolyto, Soldier Boy, Tho King, and Yellow Jacket havo also beon withdrawn.

Flomington training noteß state that Sardins is on tho improving sido, and tho same may bo said of tho majority of tho horses, this soason being an exceptionally favourable ono, moro particularly for two-yoars-olda. Mr H. Redwood's New Zealand Cup candidates Alpino Koeo and Itopo aro reported to bo looking and going oxtromoly woll. Mr Kcdwood"intends ottering somo of hia young steck for ealo in Christ church in Novembor.

An Australian in Paris haa forwarded "Augur" a French raco card, which quito ttnow* tho Englir-h pastoboaid into tho slindo. It measures about lOin by lOin, and was provided by tho authorities at tho Autouil mooting. When tho last mail left England C. Wood wai still ahead of P, Archor in winning mounts, tho former having 70 to hi* narno and Archor 71. Wood's uvorago is far tho bot tor of tho pair, for he had only 200 mounts to Archor's 211.

A littlo bird tolls " Vigilant" that a Now Zealand bred horso called Krupp, by Musket out of Pungawerowore, ia likely to turn out to bo a Cup winnor. Offers havo boen mado to tako thousands to twenty about him but no business has resulted.

Tho Broker, by Goldebrougb, who ran third for the last Hawkesbury Handicap, nnd afterwards mot with an injury which stopped his racing career, recently took iirat prize at Forbos Agricultural and Pastoral show.

At tho settling over tho Liverpool(Sydney) races tho following business was dono on the Melbourne Derby and Cup :—5,000 t» 25 v Trident and Nelson, 5,000 to 15 v Trident aud Volcano, 5,000 to 15 v Crossfire and Silverminc, and 5,000 to 15 v Blairgowrie and Silvonnino.

In a private lottor to a Molbourno friend, Harry Haines, tho inetallician writes: "I expect to bo out again by Caulfiold Cup. They have warmed me up a bit horo up to now. 1 havo seen nil tho principal races, horses, and riders, and I certainly think thero aro good horses and men, but nt tho s irao timo a lot of bad ones. I myself do not liko English racing." Mr Alfred Joseph, tho well-known Victorian membor of tho ring, rofusod-tho honour of being made Mayor of Sandhurst, becauae ho waa requested by other councillors to state whether, in tho event of boing oloctcd, ho intended to give up bookmaking. He regarded this aa on impettinenco, and roaonted it by refusiiig to stand

Tho question of early two-year-old racing in Now South Wales has been discussed in oxteneo by sovoral of tho leading Melbourne sporting organs. Tho "Australasian" winds up an article on tho question thusly : —If owners will judiciously seloct those youngsters suited to run early, and keep tho alack mado, overgrown colts and fillies until throo years old, thore noed bo no fear of deterioration.

Writes " Augur :"—Judging from tbe numbor of horses already backed for the V.R.C. Dorby, tho layers of odds aro likoly to roap rich harvests, especially in doubles, for Trident, Volcmo, Crossfire Choshnm, Blairgowrie, Yellow Jacket, Acmo. and My Lord, aro all popular with tho backers of horsca, and if sotnodeapi»ed outsider should pop up—and thore aro moro improbablo things—what a timo the gootlo confiding public will have,

The ownor of Pasha has had an oil painting executed of tho consistent son of The Mute. Tho horeo is represented in a standing poaition, ridden by Alec Sutherland, aod tho likoneas to both horse and rider is said to bo vory striking. The only fault that can be found with the picture ia that the horsa'a colour ia o littlo too light, and that Sutherland is givon considerable increase in staturo.

A wonderful foat of (wo horses was rocontly porformed (says "Bruni," in tho •' Australasian") by Mr E. Evans, of Roto, and Mr Linden Wright, of Langlon, New South Wales, who started with four horses in a buggy from thoir residence, and owing to somo chaff with a few frionds whilo stopping ataplacecallodGunbowor, tho ownors ngrced to rido their horses into Hoy that night beforo 12 o'clock. This waa occompliehed, Mr Wright arriving at 11.10, and his friend at 12.53 a.m., the distanco covered being 111 miles in 24 hours, 57 miles of which was dono under a heavy weight in the saddle.

1IAWKESBURY HANDICAP. 100 to 7 v. Meteor 10.1 to 7 v. Here's Luck. 100 lo 6 v. Rillomtfn I'O to G v. Kitawa 100 to 5 v. Lord ot Lak 3 130 to o v. 'i he Orphan <!„KAT MttTltOPOLlTAN S'l'AKICS. 101 to fi v. Monto OhrUto 100 toO v. Dunlop 100 to 5 v. Iho Orphan 100 to5 v. C'rjo and Blue CAULFIELD CUP. 100 to 8 v. Silvormina 100 to i v. Meteor 100 to 1 v. Little John 100 to 1 v. Wilrium Tell 100 to 1 v. Ben Bolt. V.B.C. DERBY. 8 to 1 v. Trident 10 to 1 v. Volcano 10 to 1 v. CrorjBilro 10 to 1 v. Chesham 11 to 1 v. Bliirgowrio 15 to 1 v. Aelaos 20 to 1 -v. St. Paul 20 to 1 v. Whitebait MBtntlUBXB CUP. 100 to 1 v. Ban Bolt 100 to 1 v. Little Jchn 100 to 3 v. Malua 100 to ?, v. Brliishor 100 to 3 v. Silvermlno i 00 to 3 v. Trident 100 to 3 v. Commotion 1C0 to 2 v. Trenton

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 4

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TURF GOSSIP. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 4

TURF GOSSIP. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 4