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A telegram received from Lyttolton this afternoon states that flour is £10, and a further advance ia expected.

At the Police Court to-day,before Mee^rß R. C. Barstow and F. liattley, Justices', five persons wero punished for drunkenness. Hichard Walker, Jan., uged 17, for being incapable while in chargo of a pair of horses and cab in Qucen-streot yosterday,wiis ordered to pay 40s and coate, or in default gevou days' imprisonment. James Ingham, a deaf man, for stealing a pair of boots from tho doorway of Mr \V. H. Dampior, Victoria-street, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. He had been previously convicted. Charles Gould, for jumping on to the train while in motion' at Auckland on tho 2!) th ult., was fined 5s and costs.

Efforts are being made for the drapers to close their places of business next week on Monday instead of Thursday, on the occasion of the Auckland Kacing Club Winter Mooting.

To the Editor : Sir, —Will you allow me to say that Mrs Aldia will bo obliged if all persons who have sheets of the momorial to tho Council with signatures on thorn will return tliem to her at onco ?—I am, ie , W. Stuadman Aldis,

The last congregations in which the Prosby tarial system of visitation has boon carried out were these of Whangarei and Waipu The report of tho commissioners appointed to visit thsee churches (tho Hove. K. Mackinney and A. M. MoCallum) was to the effect that their respective ministers were faithfully discharging their pastoral duties, and that the congregations were making considerable .effpjts _tP..JWJJ, ntftW church at Waipu having been enlarged. The report was adopted, and the commissioners received the thanks of the Presbytery.

Hooper's Speciality Minstrols are announced to appear next Monday evening at the Town Hall, Helensvillo. The entertainment will comprise the usual chair business, an olio, and a couple of screaming farces. Subsequent to this, there will bo a wall zing competition tor a china teaBervioe and a valuable meerechauin pipo. The vocalists comprise—Miss Emily Elliott, Miss Harriett Percy, Mr Harry Hooper, Mr W. Vaughan, Mr Howard Holloway, and Mr Dick Musgrove. Mr Percy VVentworth will preside at the piano.

On Wednesday night, Rev. J. Smalley, Wesloyan Conference .Evangelist, delivered a lecturo at Onehunga on "St. Paul," tonn appreciative audience. Tho lecture was illustrated by numerous diagrams of the various cities visited by tho -illustrious apostle, and was mode very interesting by the introduction of anecdotes bearing upon St. Paul's views and doctrines. In tho course of the evening, two lady mombers of the Wesloyan choir rendorod sacred solos in pleasing stylo.

A very pleasant social was hold in Waito's Mount Eden Hall on Wednesday night, given by the gentlemen of the dancing class in return to a picnic given by the ladies. Tho hall was gaily decorated with bunting, ferns and evergroens About 30 couples were present, and dancing commenced at 8 o'clock, and was kopt up with vigour until 4..50 a.m., tho floor being in splendid condition. Mies Sceats, in white and cardinal, with silver spray, was decidedly the belle of the evening, while the honour of beat dancer was equally divided between Mies JUvwson and Miss Waite. Mr Rowlinaon, of Garrett's Buildings, Karangahape Road, catered, and gave every satisfaction.

The case of Dignan and Co. v. James McElroy, claim £4 10s, balance on tho purchase ot a buggy and harness in 1884, was taken to-day by Captain Jackson, R.M. Mr Dignan for plaintiff, and Mr Franklin for dofendant. Judgment for plaintiff was given for £3 10s. The remaining case, Kanderson v. Rosina Smith, claim £13 15s, was decided in favour of plaintiff.

It 18 notified in our advertising columns that the Metropolitan Club have removed to Victoria-street East. In taking this stop the members have much improved their position, both as regards localiiy and convenience. The promises contain a large nuurifcor of rooms, all of suitable size and all well ventilated, whilst the cuisine will bo of a first-rate order. The Club has commenced its new career, as it were, with a large accession to its members ; and with i\ painstaking committee to guide its affairSj it has promise of being one of tho most successful in the city.

The manager of the Northern S.S. Co. has decided to run an excursion steamer to Tauranga. The s.s. Clansman has been put on commission, and sails this evening at 7 o'clock. Return fares are fixed at 30s.

Notice is drawn to an advertisement in another column that No 3 Battalion ot Kiflo Volunteers are called for inspection parade at the Drill-shed on Monday evening next, at 7.30 o'clock.

An entertainment was given in the Newmarket Hall last night under the auspices of the Victoria Lodge, 1.0. G.T., and the weather being favourable, a large houae assembled. The programme, which was long and vaiied, included many striking novelties.

D. S. Chambers's old established sewing machine depot. Wholesale and retail

Messrs Morton and Jackson's unreserved sale of jewellery has been postponed till Tuesday next.

If people only knew how conducive to health and comfort a good bacon breakfast is, no one would go without it. It is the bOBt bodywarmer that can be taken. It is what coal is to a steam boiler—fuel to the system. If you want to have plenty at go in you, and to feel equal to every emorgency. eat plenty o£ good bucoii for breakfaut, especially whilo tho weather in colU. Earlo and Montgomery have the iarxeet acook of the best haiaa and bacon in Auckland. Best Canterbury in cloth, by the side or half side, (ijd per lb; hams, Old.; everything else 20 per cent. cheaper than most shops, and 10 per cont. cheapar than tho cheapest houao in the trade. Having purchased large quantities of breadatuffa before therlao in price, they are not going to take advantage of the market, but will give their cuatomcra the benefit of cheap bread, while everything else in the establishment will bo aold at a price to suit tho timoa and pockoto at the people. .Nuf eed.—(Advt).

Ai.couq/.ic FaTITITV.— liuclironli; i',ili;im'V;i: fenis cliiit he poH;t.iviii,v <■•>■, not exi-i <■■ • h ut iv.-> ulcuholiu stimulation. To cjui drinking '.r in continue tlw habit, bringa death nil !,).>■. ton o Such a man can Had in American ( o.'s Hup Bitters, properly used, a perfect pauucoa lo ■ the drunkard'B cure. Read.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 135, 11 June 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 135, 11 June 1886, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 135, 11 June 1886, Page 2