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dH A 8 W ILLIAMSON, aOUSIC LAND. & COMMISSION AGENT. HISH-ET., KKAB SHOKTLAND-6T, TKLKPHONH NUMBER-194, BUNI-a and INTKREBT Colleoted, KSTATRS Manaßed. lor Absonteeß. I-JOUSB3 TO LICT and PROPKRTIEB F(J±S SALE placed upon my Uato Free of Charge. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FOB SAtB AT PS» iWJTI— View Point Road, 50a Bneom Roafl, £2 tWiera' 10, Hit HepUnrn-atreet, Site Newmarbot. 80s Jfiar Place. 80s Randolph -atroot ISmmett-street. 88s S& Borestord-streßt. 70s Victoria Park, 25s HcWB-Bt,reo:. 1000 Conquost Place, £A Bhully Beaon Road, fis O.stom!iouao-sirees Worthooto. 100 and £5 Fort-ctreet apase). 60s Hobaon-st,, Leasehold. Fiteoy-atreet, 60s And in various omer Btreota at low rates. Ankara i Hationol Ban£ ol Hew Kealana, naONMY Invested for Capitalists on IfiisfrtieiiSsonrltieawithoutolUK3B. Bixpor cost*, •ii'nwod on doposita until Invested. MOIVMAGES und LOANS Noj?ottate<U BUIHiING aOOIKTY SHABE% BoUKht. iiiIiOTMKNTS Bouxht and jioaeaa Bulls ou tbo Weekly Payment Syetom, f'tffll TO LESIt.I n Sumi" of fiit) end npwftrns oauoad aaonrlßsa at low ratca. HOUSES TOR SALE:Several Houaos for Sale upon small deposits. Summor-stroct-New JSix-roomod Houso, 3 lots, Reso tloa"—New Six-roomed House; gas, oity lloTburnvtreet-Now Six-ro;imed House, £500. obo Road-Famils Reßidonco, 9 rooms. £850 Kliziiboih-atroet-Now House, 5 rooms, £32a l)8\'on-btroet-5 rooma (now), £301) Groy-streot-Boardlntt-houso. £1,600. Kowo-stroet-Shop and Dwol ing, £120 Russell-Btrebt-Now 5-roomed House. £200 Mount Kdon-Family Resirtence. 8 rooms. JEB7S Mount Eden-Gonoral Store, and House, £800 RusHoU-strcet-Large House, £190 Heresford-street-Lea'fehold. 11s Od weekly P.mtonby Road-Now 7 roomed Houso, t'aa, £700 Avondale-Cottogo and J acre, £UU. Cobdon-Bt.- 5 rooms, gaa, and city water, £d7o Kyber Pass-Hhop and Dwolling, £120 Pratt-street-8 rooms, oity wator, £280 ICy bur Pass-Shop and Dwoliing, £1 000 Coilingwood-Btreet-New 5-roomed House. £320 Dnvoriport-Naws roomed nouae;ga3,&o.~£3()o KinKßlimd—Now 3-roomed Houao-£l5O Surrey Hills-New 6-iv.omed Houuo, £500 Suirey Hills-New 6-roomed House. £370 Surroy liills-Now (i-roomud House. £-125 llichniond-Now 8-roomed Hohso. £350 Aiml-aea-streot • Now 0-reomcd Houso. £«W Hniitlnol Road -New 7-rooinod Houso, £675 Mury-atroet—Now 0-roomed Houso, £500 Stowart-Bt..Mt.E.len-Ncwl-roomeaHouse.£27s Nornmn-etn-et-Nc-w House ; bay wmrtow-£285 Ru»soll-streot-Ntw House, 4 ro.ima, £i3O HnKland-Htreot-Shoi) and Dwelling, £l.lGti MLIIK STONK QUARRY to Lot or Lea-.e or term of vonrs. four miles from Auckland. COMP FARM ot 88 aorea for Sale, -within 16 milen of Auckland, ou good roads. Sixio >mcd House and outbuildings; largo run for e"ttli) anioinp. Splendid timber on property. "MOUNT KDKN—Charming Villa Residence For Salo (just built), 7 rooms and bath-room, dotaehed wash-houso. fowl-houßO, oow-shed, stable, buRRy-houso; largo volcanio allotmont, an-1 tirand view. Only £700. COTTAOEB anil VILLAS To Lot in Sontinol Road, Boresford-st., Howo-st. Klizabeth-st. mvK ACRKS OF LAND (for Salo on Lake Road, partly foncod, in grass; 2 miles from tho flrat: wharf. A bargain. FIVE-ROOMhD HOUSE For Salo, and 4 rooma Cobdon-frt., with 9-Btalled stable; JEBSO; ■"fiSASMfoLU COTTAGE AND STABLE for Salo. iv Freeman's Hay; 32 years to run. ONE ACRE OF LAND for Sale, at Belmont, North Shore, with three road frontages. New 7-roouied HOUSK For Salo in Arawa-nt, £500; also vory convenient Houso Dukost, with ango. gao, wash-house, &c, £100. £l'(!o.—Now House. In Devon-stroet, Newton, for Salo; a bargain at the prloo. RICHMOND ROAD.—Protty Cottase (New) For S.'lo, with al! conveniences I £220; gas luidoc. Also, new House for£l!7o. &Is\— Now Four-roouiad HOUSE For Sale In centre ofcity (loaaohold). iCsodeposit; balonae oa deferred paTmonta. C2SIJ.—Now Vour-rooniod HOUSK For Salo In Howa-«troot(freehold). £80 deposit; terma. PIiSTTK VILLA KESIDKNCK for Sale In Unooln-swoot; (?no. city wator. range £360, <UIW-CottH"ortsblo HOUSE For aale in trasses itroot. Newton Road. Small dopoait only. m TH AULY—AUotmoDts to bo Ijeased in BoMOford - otroot for Thiny threo Yeara. Monny iont co butW vritb. U c'ealrod. FARMS alau For Sslo at W&lkouilU, Paromotomo, Woltnteroi, Mahnrangl, North Shoro, Papaknra, fiw. Also, oeo to " Now !!ca!ana '■foralfl " fcoi " Weakly Nawc" 0 H A3. WILLIAMSON, SS'CATH &i>KNT HTf4U.BTIUCI?r. DR. S PEER'S FAMILY DISPENSAKY. Palmkrston Buir.oiNos, Foot ov QdeknSTKKET, AUCKLAND (Establis^odfr;r tho Scientifio and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous, and Special Diseasos). Dr. Sperii is a Regular Graduated Phystolan, fdiicatfil tit Himvrrt. ' olli^c, U.S. Ho has devo.t-'j allfo'.imo tc, and isaLknowloiiged to be iho most rxiiert Physician in. hid speciality in tho Uiiittd citutcß. Young Men end Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervot'3 and I'hysloal Debility. Lossol Knergy nori Memory, Krr.pLions on tho Knee, Me 'till Depression, KUli.ey and Bladder Tr>iublcn, Nt-nmlgii, lthcnniatlsin, Scrofula, Suit Hheum. Piiralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, :t. V.tuna Dance, l.ivor Oompltlat, Asthmti, Catarrh. Henri Disease. Gravel. Hlqs, &c., and nit i red of uking miovral <irug>". will do well !o como at d try tho Doctor's method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, reliovo them o! their Butl'tii-ines ami re-ti.-u them to hoalth. 'l'lu: i) cUr iw* no mm pnjjiurat'.ocs; his trent'iiont co .si.-ts wholly in thu use ot vokfotao'o romod ea. It will cost jou nothing for coDbUltation: on pleaao call uml satisfy your-b-lvi-a th t tho Oojior ui.dcrdtitnda your caso. Dr. S. ivi:t-a Flurnnura au'l T'ivasej of tho lilnnrl. To L'i-3ic:H who nrn oltl:ct.ed hyuuy of tlio follo-.ving i!'jinplaints:-Cnlii Extremities, '■■•■eat. r't/maelis. Line and Weak Bucks, Nn-i-ciiß ami: irk Uradnchef. Coiutlpatltn nnd lu;li.;iiM'ion, Pain in the Side and M'-ck, Lou cli'irren, eto. etc.: I wish it diatincl." untier(•too! that I do not claim to perform imposjibilttii's. or to have miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No oiperlmßUt ing I will guarantee a positive cure in every oaso I undertake, or forfeit £200, Oor.RultaUon In oill.-e or by lattor (!TKKK). fihargva moderate. Kxamlnation and Advico, £1.--Call or Address: Dk H. J. SPKKR, Palmuhston Buamsos, Auckland, N.Z. Ofllco Hours: 9to 12.1 to 1. 8 to 8 p.m. j Sundays, 10 to 12, N.B.- All Medicines necessary for a oompleU euro can bo sent free from observation on receipt of symptoms. AT OHTHEUN OMNIBUS COMPANY -Li (LIMITED). NKVV NOP.TH ROAD TIMK-TABLB On and after July 0,1885. DAILY. Leavo Avondalo. Leave Anokloni 8. 0 am. 10.15 a.m. 0. 0 a.m. 12.1i5p.r0. 11.30 a.m, 4.15 p.m 2.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m 6.30 p.m. CJS p.m SATURDAYS. 8. 0 a.m. 1015 a.m9. 0 a.m. p m. 11.15 a.m. 2.80 p.m. 2.80 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 5. 5 p.m. , ) p.m. 6. SO p.m. p.m. NIW LYNN TO AUCKLAND. I.eavo New Lynn. Leave Auckland, »• oii.ui. 12.15 p.m. «■ 0 p.m, 6.15 p.m. SATURDAYS. , a.m. 2.»0p.m. Sf6p.m. U. op.m. |>OVAL MAIL W&SI OJ' CGACBSSfc '" ALTifKATIoFoFTIMK-TABKS. t*« Royal Mail Coach (osrryitig passengrerM will, en and after Bth October, ISS3, and SnU' ;u;!.her oolioo, run to ths follovrlne Time T.t;ave Oambridas (or Hstnilton Junction Rail v,;,:V otatlim dully at ."jr.; roturning f-oin r.:.-.tiois r<iCnnibrldgoon arrival of Train fro:o J.'JrtVtf Hamilton for To Aroha on Mor.nnyr VVrOnoadaya, and Fridays on arrival of Trait. row Auckland ; rol.urning from To Aroka on 'yuayi;, '•'>i;i.'i-ra) i iia, iiui Satiuilayß, Hi 1 a.m. hlni; the 2 c clock Traia at l!.,«.m(itn« J^^^ fo=r AMok-tanrt, BoOKtHO Onricisit i .-■irtji.iuo's Hot-ii. Hii.'iiiton VVost; Coiemaaj :iiy.c). ii Aroha; BUdstrnyPretntees.Kiriwsoi! wu LflKe-otreoto, Cairt-rltfge. • v/ Wr. K. CAIiTKB,PH)»iSea,f sJainbiieiw. (J-ji:obei 18S3. Paesongora Poobeil a« H St. Hayr and Co>. I -5 V, LKOKAPH LJNB OF COACHES. * '^'OKTAOTNOmMTO TOUBWTB ■ ltu:i <i Coiiiih through to tho Hot Lakes, Ohhio' _i n^tlo Ifuroa, £1 las; or Hoturji Tickets, avail"p;'i,tun 01>e we<!k Bfter dato of ! ™«e, £3. '=efo]-e^eavf nK°rS *° be BGOteoa at the °fflo» Buggies and Saddlo Horaes, with experienced Inveis, to order on tho shortest notlca Orde» HILL BUS TIMB-TABLbT B.^p.m.. 10 p.m..and 15.20 on Ba&y n& Bsrtnrday nights only), 7 p.m.. 7.16 p.m. P ' 8. YOUNG. Proprietor, RP. HOLLIS'S LINE OF • COACHES. LEAVE ONKHUNGA-ManukauHotol-7 30 8, 8.30 9, 9.45,10.30, 11.15 a.m., 12.15,1,1 30, 2 30* 3, i 5.30 pa, Mondays-6 p.m. sAturdays-e' 9, 0 45, 10.30 11 a.m. 12.15, L 2.^45 3 154? U? iti ya Sm!S!fpiatUrd^Jl»-" 5 Singlo Fare, Is; Return Fare, Is Bd. Tickets sold by tho dozen :-To and from Ono hunga, 7s; to and from Greenwoodi OorSe ?* r to and from Brown-street, Epsom, sa. Ulaer- "s i B. P. HOLLIS, Proprietor,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6