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D. P. Eva n s, ESTATE, HOUSE. AND LAND AGENT, AUCTIONEER, &o. mo CAPITALISTS AND QTHEBH, FIEST-CLASS INVESTMENT IN THIS CITY FOR SALK. AUCKLAND—VaIuabIe Business Site for sale, situate In Ehortland-atreet, corner ot Mills Luno, and immediately betweon the promiees of Messrs A. Clark and Sons and Bycroft and Co. Terms easy. ALBERT AVENUE, MOUNT EDEN (2J minutu'n from 'bus—A First-class Villa Ko&idonco ot 0 rooms, now, and llniahod off in flrst-eluas style; tlie rooms are aud lofty; cup boards, regiator gratca, now racKO ; concrete paths bac:< and front; white ticketfonco in 1 fivnt; grand ki'chcn golden all planted, and in fliio bearing; etands liKh, possessing tho finest viwea in the Mount. Kdon district. This 13 ii chance seldom mot with.—For particulars apply to D. if. Evana. (itSTI) ALKXANDRA-STKHET (top, noar Symondsstreot, and near the planted resorve)—Comfortable R.sldeneo of f rooms, city water, bath, nnd all conveniences; a very desirable proporty. (13& D BOND-BTHEKT. Arch Hill—Comfortable Cottage of ~ rooms, ou all union r, 33 x 10.5; largo Btable, gowi well of water, Bide entrance for express. Price only £150. (lo'JO) BOND-STREET, Arch Hill—Freehold CoUago, 4 rooms and scillcry. lurgo puaeaKO, register urate, &c.; gas opposite, and all conveniences. Price £270. USOS) BAYFIELD, Ponsonby—Now Verandah Villa of 5 rooma, &c.. bay windo w, rogietar grateu; on allotmont 10 XIOO. Prico only £275. (1117) BRADFORD STREET, Parnoll—Largo Freehold Allotmont, 80 feet frontage, with sroomed House thereon. A bargain ; price only £350. (1560) BAYFIELD. PONSONBY—Nicp New Hou«o Of I rooms, Boullery, nice position, freehold allotment; only £250. (HSU) COLLEGE ROAD AND GKEENWO iD-ST. (CORNER)—Freehold Shop and J hvclUnß ot G rooma; all con vonicncc.i; gas and city water. Full particulars to D. F. Eviu.b. dulls) COX STREET, BAYFIELU-2 Nice Houses, each 5 and 6 rooms ; nicely finished off, mid all conveniences. Price £200 and £300. (1317) CHURCH-STREET-Villa Residence of 5 noma, fitted with oupboards, drosser, registor. grate, oven, &c; good well and tank, well-stocked garden. Price, £380. (729) CLARENCE - STREET, PONSONBY - Nloo Verandah Cottage of 4 rooms and eoullery; aUotment, 40 x 87; £270. CAMBRIDGE—Lot 18; grand enrnor allotment, 1 aero. Also, lot 370; valuable acre section; splendid corner Bite. (1523) COLLINGWOOD-STREET — Handsome and commodious Residonoo of 7 rooms, bathroom, &a: tine position; grand viow. (1145) DOCK-STREET, NORTH SHO BBS-Freehold Villa Residence of a rooms and largo soulli ry ; wator laid in; bow window, -terauduh. mid porch ; all conveniences, and iluiihed oil' in tlrst-eUios style. Lai go allotmont, 10 x 132 This is a most desirable freehold, only two minute'H fcoui wharf. Grand view. Price only £100. DRAKE-STRKET (Freoman'H Bay)— Commodious Business Premises; lino position : good lnvoatmont. (1495) ELDON-STREET, PARNELL - Comfortable Verandah Cottage of 7 rooma, stable, workshop, &o. in flrat-clnss order; kitchen range, dresaor, well, yunip, &c, near tho beach j price, £150. 1179 FERNLEIGH-STREKT-S Verandah Cottages of 3, 4, and 5 rooms respectively. In jiood order, City water laid in. Price, for tho threo. £560. A Rood iuveetmont, (1103) GKORGK AND RYLE STREETS (corner ot)Very suporior House, beautifully finished off in ccJar and ornamental woods. To bo Bold at onco; a bargain. Mo;i GIBRALTAR CRESCENT (Parnoll)—A very Handoomo Villa Residence, possessing six fine rooms; gas and wator throughout; wnshhonao ttnd every coiivcnionco; freehold allotment, 36 x 100; well drained and planted ; this property i» pleasantly situated, commanding a mo3t extensive viow of the Domain. HSJ HAMILTON — Splendid Little Farm of 100 acres, mostly subdivided into paddocks, situate near tho towuehip; good road, splendid houae, lino position. Prico, only £2,000. (1393) HACKETT-STREKT (Ponsonby)-Comfortable Villa, 1 ltirgo rooms, lear.-to, &c; gas and water laid iii; nieo position, r.ear tho bench, Prico, £350. (1540) KLNGSLAND (2nd Avemio)—House of 1 rooms and workshop ; A.lotmont 10 x it'i. Prico. MARY-STREET, MOUNT KDSN-Nico Freehold Residence of fl rooms, pantry, wa»li houso, and l.avl houso; all oODVeulom'.i'S; healty place. Price, £JSD. (lOiO) MANNING-STRUKV <>>■-. ■ ■•■ tmil-A comfyruhlc Hou-e of t> rooms, fitted with Wnctiau binds, BUS, water, oti , ., etc. £3oj. (I-WI) J'Ol.' --T K\)\'\ V.ymn :{y.i.! CoiiiTorl:!-: Iroomed Cottage O:i inrgo allotment, IOxi'0; a largo a.l eouveuiences. Pricj only £-.'!0: t< run en«y. (1G55; MOUNT EDK\, Mary-troot-5-room;:d Viila Residence, with pantry, wa-h-houe , , fowlhniiso, &c. ; pretty garden, nico all r, c ;t. J , rico£lso. U0l' ; ) MOUNT E;)EN ioppnsitoMrHatKcr's.nnd acar riisideucejjf !'rofCß?or Aldia)—Comfortable 7Villa; nice hall, every convenience, well-finished off; pretty p'.tteu, Brand viow. Prico only f520. (IK9) MOUNT EDEN (Owen's Road)-Protty Villa of Brooms, wash-house, &c , S:c; sylendl-i volcanic allotment ,132 x 170. (1517) MOUNT EDEN ROAD, opposite Valley Road - Comfoi'tnblo "-roomea Villa Rosidenco, &c., appointed ,ritlu;as and water; gmnd corner lot (Q5 x 132); nlca rodition. I'rice f1720. (15S0) NEWTON ROAD-Two flniahod; built oa tho m 'Bt improv«l dcs Kit; all conveniences. G noma n>.d Bcullery ; p an to bo seen at D. F. Evatia'a Ollleo. Priiu's, »MSO and £175. KC3!.') NKLSON-STREET-Comfortnblo House of rooms, bath-room, &c, &c. ; city wator ana gaa laid in. £520. (97!)) NOlirH.SHOKK—Comfortable "Villaof 9 roou?8, wash-house, copper, grto, and all ccnvuntouccs. Prico, only £030. (1541) NEWTON ROAD—Uuod investment; two very nieo Houses; gaa and city water in each. Both in first-class ordor and in splendid position, closo to Kuransahapo Rnad. Grand position for shop (12811 PARK. lIOAU—Good House of 7 rooms, pleasantly situated; splendid viow; lar|?e allotment. Price <U650. (1121) PARNKLL—ViIIa Residenco of 7 rooms, bathroom. &c,&0.; wood,eoal,and with boiler and all qonveuiencoj; allotment, (SO x 10a. (151?) PROdPEOT TERRACE, off Mount Roskill Koad—Snroral nico Cottages of 1. 0, and 0 rooms; nico allotment, healthy. From £'SJ. Terms easy. Usi>3) PBRCIVAL PARADE, Poneonby-Brick Villa Residoneo, C rooms; good well, register grates, &o.; ullotmoat U x WO. Prico £320. (7i7) PONSONBY ROAD, opponito Hepburn-street— Splendid Now Shop and Dwellingofsrooni9, gas and city wator; allotment 10 x 105; room to build another shop, Prico low; terms caey. (1f.93) PONSONBY — Handßotno and Commodious Residenco of, 9 rooms, bath-room, confervatory, &0., &c; out buildings and all conveniences ; ullotmont, 132 x 216, fronting two streets. C 631) PUKEKOHE—Good Freehold Corner Allotmont, with Houso of 4 rooms, Shop, Btable, and out-house. (U01) POMPALLIER TERRACE-Very pretty Cottage, lv splendid order; very nico garden ; allotment. 50 x 100. Prico, £350. (12071 PAIINELL (Brighton Road)-Now Honsa of fl rooms ana workshop, stovo, rogiator xrato; vorandah bic'o and front: allotmont, 60 x 3(0. Price, £12) Can bo Bold on tonne. 1188 PONHONBY ROAD. - Good Villa Roaideuco, clobo to the Franklin RoaS; Quito now; gaa and water; allotment 58 x 100, Prico, £1.000. (1186) RBMUERA—Comfortablo Villaof Groomn. &o , &G.; largo allotment GO x 221, planted, &c, &c £500. ' 11528) RICHMOND ROAD - Handsome Villa of 7 rooms, &o.; kitchen range, coppor, &c, &o. (freehold). £500. (1233) RYLE-STREET—Pretty Vorandah Villa oi a rooms, &o.; allotment C 6 x 1201 a vory dosirablo roaidenco. (1033) STEWART-STREET, PONSONBY (close to train)—A Comfortable Villa (now) ot 6 rooms, &c, wollilnished oil', fitted up with all conveniences. Price only £150. (16311 SUMMKR-STRKET, PONSONBY-CottaKo of 4 rooms and poroh; register grates, otty wuto , -, &o.; erected on 2 allotments, each 10 x 90, 33x93. Price for tho ot, £3; 0. SUMMICR-HTRItET, PONsON'BY-Vorandah Cottage of 1 rooms and ficullery; water laid on. Price imly £;50. (l<121) SPRINGSTRBET. Alma Place, and only ten minutes' walk from G.P.0.—4-roomed Vorrandah Cottage, city wator. Prieo o*>ly £235. (18081 SHERIDAN-STREET-Comfortable Houbo of 8 roonia, &c.; gaa nnd water laid in; nice position. Prico, £500. (1470) SALE-STREET (Kraminn 8 Bay/-Cottago, i rooms, in good ordor; corner allotment; only £320. 1478 SENTINKL ROAD-Handsomo Villa Residonoo of 7 rooms bath-room, &c, &c; city water and all convonieucoa; allotmont, 10 x 180, £550. ■ (USO) ALBERT ROAn, NORTH SHORE- cmfoilabia 5-i'unmed Villa Residence, with buy window, Bouliory, &o,; ill sonvoniennee ; n very prolty place; hjrgo ttllolmout, 50x!62. Prico only £Kb. (lfill) VICTOKId-STItEKT WEST—Shop and Dwelling of i rooma. £450. (lO9i) VALLKV BO AD, Mount Eden-Wrand Building Allotmouts, splendid view, from 30, i per foot Terms. 131« VALLBY ROAD, Mount Eden—Nice Villa Residenco of 5 rooms, &o.; gas and water, all convenience, nice place, Prico £iGS. Terms easy. (1580) VIEW AVENUE, MOUNT EDEN - Now Villa Residence of S rooms, and outbuildings; scoria aoll, and good position. On)} £320. (1097) VERMONT-STREET—Commodious and comfortable Villa Residenco of flvo rooms, waehhouee, cellar, &c; city water and every convenience : trood allotment. Very oheao. VINCENT-STREET (OITY)-Como Villa, a very handsome villa residence of 6 rooms, exclusive of pantry, bath, waehhouse. and Bheds; gas and city water; fl rat-class position; always let,—Full particulars D. F. Evans. (1630) WHITE-STREET (CITY) just off Upper Queenstreet—A Comfortable 4-roomed Cottage; nice allotment; city water, all conveniences. £300. (1831) WELLINGTON-STREET—Very nice Cottage of i rooms, &o; large workshop; all conveniences. Price only £300. (1623) WALLACE-STREET, PONSONBY-A very cice Houso of 6 rooms, gas and water laid on and every convenience, and out-house, about 3 minutes walk from the tram, and 200 yards from the Home Bay Wharf. (1505) WYNDHAM-STREKT, just atcornerof Albert street; grand site; fine allotment, with old oottagoa now standing. For Building Allotments, Rural Lands, and Farms, see separate advertisements. D. P. EVANS, HOUSK, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENT, AUCTIONEER, &o. Laud Mabt— Qpbbn-btbebt, mxi Bank or AUSIBAtASIi,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 7, 9 January 1886, Page 6