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The dutios colloctod at tho port of Auckland for tho pest week amounted to £4,028 8s lid; beer duty, £155.

Tho formation of an Auckland Merchants' Marine Club is projected on tho linos of tho Auckland Club for the benefit of masters of large vossels trading to this port, and also of merchants in tho lower end of tho town. It is proposed to oroct a largo building in tho vicinity of tbo wharf and fit it out with all necessaries. A mooting of all interested is convened for Monday noxt at 3.30 p.m., at the Harbour Board office.

During the early part of thi. week the harbour presented an unusually lively appearance owing to the large numbor of vessels in port, but now business in marine circles has relapsed into a very quiot state, and shipping at the wharves is very dull. The direct steamer Tongariro is to haul off from tho wharf early to-morrow, and sail for Plymouth at 4 p.m.

The Ponsonby Wesleyanß are determined to make short work of tho balance of debt remaining on their late echool enlargement scheme. Encouraged by their success last year, they have arranged for a Christmas tree and sale ot work in the Ponsonby Hall on the 4th prox. As usual, the ladies are to the fore with a huge conglomeration of goods in tho usual varioty ; also pot plants, fireworks for tho sth, &c, ; whilo a museum of curios is among the attractions. Wo are asked to call the attention of thoso who havo promisod articles to tho abovo dato, and to request them to forward such artioles to the committee during the present month,'

The following schoel statistics for the last quarter were submitted to tho Board of Education this afternoon : Schools open, 228 ; teachers-male, 20(3; female, 378 ; sowing teachers, 48. Numbor on roll—boys, 10,2^8; girls, 9,702: total, 19,960. Average attendance — boys, 8,170; girls, 7,603: total, 15,773, or a docroaso of 130 on last quarter.

A mooting of tho members of tho Stewards' and Cooks' Union was hold yostorday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in tho Wavorley Hotel. Tho business transacted was of a privato nature.

The Apostolic Strasburg Clock, which is on viow at Coupland's storo, continues to attract visitors, and yeßtorday it was patronised liborally. A description of tho clock is given to visitors, and it is woll described by tho proprietor while tho figures and movements aro in progress. Tho clock is very interesting, especially tho procession of tho twolvo apostlos, including tho hypocritical J uclas, under tho sway of tho I'rinco of Darkness.

Yostorday evoning tho Roy. Mr Hill exhibitod a series of limolight viows in Borosiord-strcot Hall to v largo gathoring of tho scholars of that Sunday School,

Tho Pavnoll pooplo aro now to bo favoured with a season of Mission effort, conducted by the Roy. Mr Bodington, ono of tho Anglican Missioners whoso ministrations havo beon so acceptable in tho city and elsewhere. Tho mission sorvicos at St. Mary's, Parnell, commencod this morning, and for to-night and tomorrow mooting, aro nnnouncod in our advertising columns.

" A Lover of Music " asks : " When may wo hopo for tho commoncomont of tho opon air musical selections in the Albert and Western Parks ?"—Perhaps tho Mayor for ISSO will sco to tho gratification of the popular taste in this direction.

Last ovoning a most onjoyablo Bmoko concort was given in Mr Brister's Coffeo Palaco, Cook-street, by tho Parnoll Young Mon'. Improvement Society to their frionds. Tlio musical itoma wero vory good, and the entertainment altogether was a groat sue coss After ample justico had been dono to tho refreshments tlio concert wound up by the singing of " God Save the Quoon."

A meeting of tho committee of tho Ponsonby Social Union Return wua hold last ovoning, when preliminary arrangements of nn elaborate description wero mado for tho plain and fancy dross ball, which is to tako placo in the Choral Hall on Nov. 4, It was decided to entrust tho catering te Mr Johnston, of Newton, and to engage a firstclass string band of livo performers. Subcommittees for decorating, etc., wore also appointed. Tho Secretary reported that applications for tickets promisod to exceed tlio limit, and a vorv largo numbor was passed.

Wo aro informed by tho wardons of the Hobrow Auckland congregation that tho notice which appeared in our columns is not correct regarding tho general public not boing admitted to the consoorntion of the now Synagoguo. Owing to tho limited spaco the membors and subscribers will bo admitted by tickot, and afterwards so many of tho public as tho building will hold,

Tho Roy, Alexandor McKomsio, M.A., 15,1)., who is to preach in St. i'otor'., Surrey Hills, to-morrow (Sunday) morning, is a Gaolic-spooking minister of high classical attainments and orthodox preaching qualifications. Por somo years past ho held tho pastorate of Kingnirloeh, in tho Presbytery of Lorn, Argyloshiro, Scotland, where ho was much liked. Ho is a gentloman in tho pritno of life, and boing of n robust and healthy constitution, ho is well adapted for tho colonial ministry. Mr is a nativo of Suthorlandshire, a county which has given Prosbytorian Scotland many of hor illustrious clorgy.

Tho Philharmonic Society hold its final rohoarsal last night for Monday's concort, and judging from tho successful mannor in which ovory item was oxocutod.tho concort should prove to bo one of tho most attractive entertainments of tho soa.ori. The programmo, which appoara olsowhere, has beon carefully compiled, and uuiongst tlio performers' names wo notico tlioso of Mr J. Radclifl' (tho ominont llautist), Mr G. Clutsam, and a numbor of othors who havo kindly contouted to tako part. It is therefore to bo hoped that tho public will patronise the Society liborally, as wo understand thoy aro much in need of fund..

Mrs Edith O'Gorman Auffray locturod on Thurxdny ovening boforo anothor vory largo and enthusiastic audience. Tho subject was "Tho Mass, and Her Trial in California," whoro tho Jesuits had 10 men arrayed to swear away her character, but wero dofoated. Tho loeturo proved most interesting. Tho Roy. J. it, Jones, Baptist minister of ronsonby, presided, tho Roy, Mr McCalluui (Presbyterian minister of North Shore) oponcd with prayor, supported by Rev. Messrs Mason and Worboye. Tho latter gentloman movod a hoarty vote of thanks to the ablo and oloquont locturess for her splondid and eloquent loeturo. In doing so, ho told tho nudionco that ho knew of Mrs Aullray's work in London, and was woll acquainted with ministers in whoso church slio had locturod to largo and wollplonsod audioncos,

A vory onjoyablo conversazione and musical ontertainmont in connoction with tho Devonport Presbyterian Church took placo in tho Devonport Hall last ovening. Tho building was woll filled, tho Roy. Mr McCalium presiding. Proceedings opened with an instrumental pcrformanco, after which short addresses wero given by tho Chairman, and by tho Roys. Messrs Munro and ,1. Roborts. Vocal seloctions woro contributed by Mr Culpan, Mrs Culpnn, Miss Guest, Miss Rosina Guost, Mr Lankham, Mr George Roid, and Mr Worrnll. During intervals rofroshmonts wore handed round. Sovoral exccllont band selections woro played by Messrs Greon, sonior and junior, and Mr Gordon, flautist. Tho porformanco concluded with tho National Antliom.

Tho usual monthly meeting of tho Mount Roskill Band of Hopo was hold in the school-room last night. The attendance and programme wore good. Songs wore capitally ronderod by Misß Bishop, Mossrs Neal, Brophy, and Richards. Recitations by Rebecca Richards—a child of sovon years—elicited tho hearty applause of the mooting. Miss Proudo recited " Lolo Kosino,' and was oncorcd and gavo "The Bridal Wine Cup." Recitations woro also given by Mossrs I_. Waitors and ,T, McKay. Mr J. G. Carr, in an earnest speech, advised all who would bo wise, good, and strong, to sign tho plodgo. Mr J. W. Carr occupied tho chair.

Reporting to the Board of Education yesterday afternoon on tho examination of tho Girls' Hi^h School, Rev. Mr Gulliver said : The examination on tho wholo produced good results. Thero was ovidonco of stoady work, and in most cases tho average of tho various classes was satisfactory. Sometimes, indeed, thero wore indications that tho candidate's knowledge was too much a matter of words, tho technical torms of grammar and tho liko boing used in such a way as to make one suepect tho thoroughness and realism of tho knowlodge which lay behind tho words. In history, again, llioro was at times a waut of accurate definition, tho candidates not hcing always clear ns to what they meant to say. Mr I'ayton reports on drawing that Mr Watkins is to be congratulated on tho efficiency of the pupils in tho subjects he teaches them. Tne results should bo very satisfactory to him. Professors Brown and Thomas roport at length on the various subjects.

Tho Presbyterians of Onohunga have resolved to mako an effort to clear off the debt on tho manso. With that objoct in view a bazaar will be held early in December, as notified in unothor column.

Tho Sanitary Inspector and his attendant satolites woro earnostly ongagod yesterday searching for an alleged nuisance in Grafton Road. It appoars that .apetitioncontaining sixteen signatures was forwarded to the Sanitary Department complaining about the nuisanco, and tho Inspector at onco wont on tho warpath. When last seen ho had visited over a dcz in places unsuccessfully, and, liko John Brown's soul, was still marching on. It should not bo too much to expect that if a nuisance is complained about (ho petitioners should at least indicate tho localisy plainly, and not waste the valuable time of tho -.unitary Inspector.

Tho folly of placing Kingsland railwaystation in the position which it occupies has long been apparent to practical men ; but it is not often that the fact is emphasised as it waß this morning. Thero is usually a solitary gontleman passenger to pick up by tho morning train for town, and the train only " slows down " to allow of him jumping on ; but this morning there was a lady, and the iron horse had to come to a complete standstill, This was achieved with some little difficulty, but it was a work of a more formidable character to get " pulling Billy" set in motion again up the steep grade. It was only after a delay of five minutes, and by backing the train some forty or fifty yards, that at last sufficient momentum wus got up to start the train on its way. II this station were placed in a more convenient position, it would be used by hundreds of possengers daily, instead ot odd units, and would be available for goods truilic, instead of being absolutely useless as at present.

A meeting of tbo members of the Eight Hours' Demonstration Committee took place last evening at the Working Men s Club. Tho chair was occupied by Mr Millar. Representatives from tho following trades were in attendance .-Bricklayors, Simpson and Gee; plasterers, Cullen and Stewart; carpenters^ Parker andCowden; Auckland Ironworkers Association, Millar and McQuinlan; coppersmiths, James Mack; blacksmiths, C.Beacham ; moulders, J. Main ; mill-wnghts, R. H. Jury. After some discussion it was resolved that every effort should bo made to cause this year's demonstration to be a succoss oqual to tho ono in Sydnoy. Some preliminary business was transacted, after which tho meeting adjourned until Friday noxt,

"Rocky Nook" writes as follows, evidently unconscious of the humorous view that may betaken ot what he says:— 1 quite agree with tho gontlomen who said tho roads in this district aro impnßsablo for a donkey ; I stumbled in George-street the othor night myself, and camo near breaking my leg I" Ever mindful of tho comfort of the genoral public, tho directors of the Tramway Company havo laid on a service of open trams during tho hot summer months. Theso are light and airy, open on all eidos, with tho soatß placed crosswise, like the pews in a church, By this means the travelling public will be sparod the disadvantage of being smothered in with a lot of children, as persons can see at n glance when tho compartment is full, and aUo that there is no standing room betwoon the seats. These cars should prove a groat boon during tho hotter hours of the day, and the public should bo thankful that a company possessing a monopoly aro willing to pay such attention to the comfort of tho patrons.

Our Waiuku correspondent writes : — "Death has again visited our quiet and poacoful district, and on this occasion it has takon away Mrs Thomas Hiekey, senr. Tho deceased lady was most hospitable, and ever ready to assist others and to do good. Two years ago she was takon seriously ill and horlife despaired of, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Haines she enjoyed two years of a pleasant and useful Ufo. About two months since the deceased was taken ill, and was removed to Auckland for medical treatment, but to no effoct, Sho returned to Waiuku a little over a month ago, and finally succumbed on Tuesday at 1 o'clock. Tho deceased lady had beon a resident of Waiuku for twenty-one years, and leaves a husband, four sons, and five daughters to mourn thoir loss. The funeral took placo to-day, and was followed to hor last rosting placo by a large concourse of poople from tho surrounding district. Tho Roy. Father Costollo road tho service and gavo a brief address, during which ho urged all to bo ready. Judgment may havo beon pronounced, and although tho sentonco had not boon carried out, thoy might rost assured it would, and let them all bo ready to moot tho summons as had thoir doceased sister."

The final of Profoesor Carrollo's _ gymnastic contests came off last [night in tho Gymnasium, Mercantile [Chambers, Queonstroot, there boing two contests to decide. Tho first was for gymnastics only, on rings, trapozo, parallel bar, horizontal bar, and military horse. After a capital competition tho contest resulted in favour of T. H. Koesing, R. J. Phillip 2nd ; won by 5 points. Tho second ovent was defensive proficiency, including vaulting, Bingleßtick,quartorstaff, light and heavy clubs, dumb-bells, and boxing. This was won by J. W. Dickson, G, Brack 2nd. The latter having worked hard in eveiy contest, and being of such light weight, Professor Carrollo* has decided to present him with a medal of equal value for the proficiency displayed by him throughout the five contests. The presentation of prizes won will tako place at the Professor's next carnival.

Ono of Francis's patent eolf-regulating incubators is now on view at Messrs E, Porter and Co.'s, nnd can be inspected by thoso interested in poultry farming either on Monday or Tuesday. Tho incubator holds 100 oggs, and is guaranteed to hatch !)7 por cont. of thoso, if properly worked. Its prico, with open door rearer and drying boxes complete, is £1410s.

Wo have recoivod a copy of tho first numbor of tho " Rovtio Colonialo Internationalo," which is published in Amsterdam by Mons. J. H,do Bussy. Itisaboautifully printed inagozino, in sizo and appoaranco similar te tho " Nineteenth Contury," nnd contains, besides a lengthy introduction in French, twoarticlcsin English,onoinGerman undone in French. ThoEnglish contributions comprise an essay by Sir Richard Tomplo on Imporal Federation, and a roviow by Commnndor Camoron of Stanley's great book on tho Congo Froo State Dr. Fabri discourses on " German Colonial Policy " in his nativo tongue, nnd M. E. Lovasseur has a good doal of interesting information to impart about tho colonies of Australia. It is noticoablo what importanco is attached in this " Rovuo" to colonial bibliography. Tho literature which has appeared relative to tho Nothorland colonies since ISB3 is first dosc.ibed by Dr. Kan, and then follows a long list of books and articles which have rocontly boen published on any and all of tho European colonioe, English, German, Dutch, and French. This list, which in tho number before us contains no loss than 436 entries, will bo continued month by month. Altogether the new literary venture is decidedly a credit to its promotors and publishers, and ought to moot with success.

Tho sevonth anniversary entertainmont of tho Arch Hill Band of Hope took place in tho Newton West School last evening, and was well patronised by friends of the cause. Owing to tho unavoidable absence of both President and Superintendent of the Society, Mr J. M. French occupied the chair and briefly reported the result of the last year's work. Solos were contributed by Miss Jessie Downoy, Mr W. Tremain, and Mr Fook ; quartottea and glees by members of the Society, and several choruses by the children, under tho conductorship of Mr Pook. The recitors wero Miss Dora Whitely, Master Barry, Messrs G. Yearbury, and W. J. Macdermott. MrG. 0. Griffiths delivered an oxcellent address upon " The Necessity and Benofits of Band of Hope Societies, and an amusing and instructive dialogue by members completed an excellent programme.

Mrs Edith O'Gorman Auffray, the Escapod Nun, has kindly offered to give her thrilling and interesting lecture on "Life in a Convent, tho Romish School System, and tho Romish Priesthood," in aid of the Freeman's Bay Mission, on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, in the Theatre Royal, This is not a new feature in Mrs Auffray, as she often givos lectures for benevolent and other purposes. The whole proceeds of the lecture will bo given to the above Mission. In order to enable a large concourse of people to hear her, the prices of admission aro reduced: Dress circle, 2s; stalls and pit, Is. There is now an opportunity for hundreds to hear this talented a_d persecuted lady, who may never be hero again. The above is said to be tho most popular loeturo of the course [Advt.]

A grand variety entertainment and ball is to bo given in the Nowmarkot Hall on Friday ovening next. A flrst^cloßß p-oftrammo has beon arranued, and oomprloos comic songs, patriotlo xongs, pathetto oallads. hornplp... long elioo dances, and a farce omitted " Rum 'Uhb from Rome," otc , oto.

A carpenter named Guy got one of his ribs broken yesterday by falling down the collar of a Nelson hotel.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 247, 24 October 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 247, 24 October 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 247, 24 October 1885, Page 2