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Threatened War With Burmah.

Tub eccentric King Thebau has insulted a British Commissioner who has now mado a requost to the Indian Government for 8,000 troops to bring the recalcitiant monarch to hia senses. England is not anxious to interfere with tbe affairs of independent Burmah. In 1878 tbe British representative was withdrawn from Mandalay on account of the atrocities which the newlycreated King was perpetrating—cruelties of the moat abominable character. But England, though refusing to countenance the barbarous Prince, was reluctant to interfere in his affairs. The provinces wrested in the wars of 1825 and 1852", gave England complete control over the seaboard, and there is very little to be gained by taking over the government of the remainder of the country. Nevertheless, the maintenance of prestige counts for bo much in the East, that King Thebau a insults may have to be punished by the slaughter of his people, who, if they had a choice, would be glad to get rid of the despot. This is not a very equitable mode of dispensing British justice, but in a rough way it attains its end. Possibly the Czar will come to his senses before the Indian Government proceed to ox-1

tremitios, but it is just as likoly that he will follow up bis insults with some now act of defiance.

The directors of tho Cambria Goldmining Company havo doclarcd a dividend of 9a por share, payable on Saturday noxfc. Tho aggregate amount of tho dividend is over ,14,000.

A peculiar custom which too freely obtains amongst solicitors' clerks was referred to tho Polico Court to day. In issuing a set of summonses, tho signature of tho Justice of the Peace had only been secured for one copy, and it woe said that an enter prising clerk had affixed tho name of the J.P. to aU the othor forms. Tho result was that tho defendant was supplied with a summons signed actually by tho clerk. Tho practico is said to be a common but illegal ono.

It lias boon Buggcatod that tho skolcton of tho defunct thoroughbred Muskot should bo mounted and proaentod to tho Aucklund Museum. At the Canterbury Museum, ono of tho most intoroßting exhibits to lovers of tho horse is tho skeleton of that famous siro Traducer. Mr \V. J. Suiter, Mayor of Newmarket, has boon olecuod by that body as their representative on tho Hospital and Charitable Institutions Board for tho Auckland district.

Mr and Mrs Dion Boucicault were passengors by tho s,b. Manapourl, which went South at noon today. Mr Boucicault will make his first appearnnco on the Btago in New Zealand at Dunedin durinp next week uudor tho management of Messrs MacMahon and Loitch. Ho will appear in tho " Shaughraun," " Arrah-na-Poguo," and othor of Ihb own plays which havo earnod great popularity.

Tho impudence of shopliftors is pro vorbiul, and only last night n striking case in point occurred. Mr Briggs, manager for Mr Dampior, was roading tho papor in his shop, when ho board v uoiso by tho door, and looking up, saw a pair of boots rotroat-ing-from the pog upon which they bad boon hanging. Ho gnvo chaso, and catching v glimpse of a Heeling form in tho darkness, followod it to the cornor, where ho arrested tho thiof in tho person of a man niimod Farroh, who had tho boats under his coat. Ho wub given into the custody of Constublo Rowlea.

Tho locturo to bo doliverod by Professor Thomas to-morrow evoning in the Young Mon's Christian Association— subject, "Tho Living Boings of tho Air " —will bo a vory instructive ono, and will bo illustrated by litnolight views. Tho last locturo of tho courso will bo doliverod by F. 1). Fonton, Esq., on Friday, 30th inst., whon ho will givo tho socond part of his lecture upon " Tho Life aud Writings of the Patriarch Job."

A large factory is at present in courso of oroction for Mossrs Mallcndino, cabinetmakers, on the vacant Boation at the corner of Stanley-street, near tho sceno of tho late tiro. Tho building will bo tv-o stories in height, and is intondod to roliovo the town establishment of an amount of prossuro on space, consequent upon a nourishing tiado.

Lingard's Diorama of Scottish sconory continues to prove a groat attraction at tho Opera Houso. Last evoning thoro was another largo audience, amongst thoso present boing Queon Makcn of Karotonga and party. A capital progrommo was gono through, and olicited gonuino marks of high appreciation. Thoro will bo an ontiro chango of programme this evening.

The rehearsal in the Theatre Royal last night of" Trial by Jury " for Madame Rita's benefit was lnregly attended, and passed oil most successfully. Herr Schmitt has oll'ored his sorvicos for tho bonolit perform unccs, and it has now beon arranged that ho and Judgo Fonton shall alternately wield the baton in the first partof tho concert. Wo would remind our roadors that tho box oilico is now opon at Lennox's, and tho performances aro fixed for Monday and Tuesday noxt, at tho Opera Houso.

Thoso pooplo who cannot understand tho froquont recurrence of neighbours' quarrels may tako a wrinkle respecting their eanso from a witness in tho Court today. Ho said, " His missus was drawing water, and my missus told hor not to make such a moss. Thon his missus threw a bucket of wator over my missus, and went and got some moro, and throw that over hor too. Then sho hit my missus with tho buckot." This was tho fii.Mis belli, and of courto tho unfortunate husbands had to fight matters out whon thoy came home.

It appeared yesterday aftornoon as if tho wholo Cliinoeo population of Auckland had invndod tho offices of Mr Napier, in Highstreet, in connection with tho criminal chargo against their countryman, Loo Uhonj;. After tho dismissal of tho case, between twonty and thirty Celestials followed tho accused to Mr Napier's ollico*-, chattering volubly, and evidontly vory jubilant nt tho result of tho cn co. Thoy remained for n considornblo time about High-street, discussing tho matter, and then escorted Chong to a cafe, where thoy wound up tho proceedings by regaling tho innor man.

Tho wonderful Strasburg Clock continues to attract largo crowds daily, and promises to prove a big " draw " for eotno considerable timo. It was shown again last evening and this afternoon, and it will bo on exhibition again thid evening from 7 to 10 o'clock.

Tho usual children's ton and entertainmont was hold last evening in Borosfordetroot Hall. Owing to an occidont which occurred whilomanufacturing gas, tho Roy. Mr Hill was tinoblo to exhibit his interesting sorios of limelight viows. Under these circumstances it becamo nocoßsnry to make up an impromptu programme, during which songs woro rendorcu by tho Misses llnyles, Thompson, and Fleming, and readings b\* Miss Brown, Mr Airston, ond Mr Wobb. An amusing and instructive uddresß was also delivored by the Roy. Mr Williams. Captain Daldy, superintendent of tho school, presided.

Tho local Secretary (Mr E. Mon/.ies) of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition has ro coived the following additional applications, which complete the list of Auckland exhibits :— Mantelpieco and overmantel of Now Zealand woods, tho wardrobe, or stationery case of Now Zoaland woods, by GarlickandCranwoll; kauri _ iraspocimons and trado samples, by E. B. Reynolds ; glasß case of Now Zealand wood, containing paintings of native birds and flowors on silk, by Harriot Ellon Tripp ; glass casos containing sauiplo of suuco (Worcester), by Lees and Company ; wire-strainer and koy and horßO boo and drill cultivator, by VV, A. Murray ; ironsand, bar-iron, stool plough, and sundry articles mado from tho iron by the _*ew Zoaland Iron and Stcol Company ; enaincllod-linod woodon export package.--, and scoria iirli with analysis, volcanic burnt cliys,infusorial oarths and sands, mangnnoEO oros, by J. A. Pond.

The Superintendent of tho Parnell Firo Brigado bogß to acknowledge with thanks, a donation of £5 towards the Sick and Accident Fund, from " A Friend."

Tho Devonport Navals havo placed tho übo of thoir rango at tho disposal of Captain Pucch.of tho French corvotto Mngon, during the stay of that vessel in this port.

It ia really surprising what a largo proportion of the persons punished at tho Polico Court for drunkonnoss aro women. Out of livo offenders to-day, no losb than four were unworthy representatives of tho gentler sex, and occasionally tho proportion is,'ovon greater.

Two frames of photographic portroits by Charles Hemus, and prosorvod meats and soups by R. ond AY. Hellaby, are included in tho Hat of exhibits to bo sont from Auckland to the Indian and Colonial Exhibition.

It would appear that tho decisiona of the Wellington Exhibition judges aro not liko tho laws of tho Medes and Persians, but aro subjeot to alteration, so thero may yet bo some hope for tho bands not "placed" in tho competition. In Claea D, tho judges have asked leavo to inako the following alterations in the awards : —Wilson ana Richardson, honourable mention for ladies' underclothing, to be altered to Ist prize (no competition.) Clocks and Optical Goods; Littlejohn and Son, AVollington, special lßt class prizo for turret clocka and regulators, with special mention for excellence of workmanship with special pendulum ; VV. R. Proctor, Chriatchurch, Ist prize for optical goods, Chromolithographic Printing: Archibald D, Willis, Ist prize.

The alternate Wednesday mooting of the Newton Rationalistic Society, waa held laßt evening in tho Foresters' Hall. Mr Morris occupied the chair, and introduced the lecturer, Mr F. Mouzer, who would speak lo them upon Ralph Waldo Emorson, one of America's colobrated writers. Tho attendance was not largo, owing, no doubt, to two causep, viz., the unfavourable weather and lack ot sympathy with and knowlodge of the illustrious subject of the lecture. The lecturer gave a very fair sketch of Emoiaon, who was a native of Boston, U.S., and who graduated at Harvard College. He was also the associate of the high-minded Dr. AY. E. Charming, the once popular unitarian minister of Boston. Mr Mouzer proceeded to review the career and essay production of Emerson, and gave a very creditable and appreciable summary of his character and writings. It is hoped that Mr Mouzer may repeat his discourse under more favourable circumstances.

Thoso Dewsons aro beforo tho Polico Cou. t again. This timo thoy aro charged under tho Polico Offences Act with unlawfully trespassing in a house, tho proporty of Thos. Windovor. It should be observed that they routed tho houso, and that the owner, objocting to thoir character, gave thorn notice to quit. If tho case succeeds, it will bo patont that the now Act provides an easy method of getting rid of objectionablo tenants.

In consoquonne of delay in tho sailing of the s.s. Rotomahana from Sydney.tho opening of the Mnjeroni and Wilson opera sonson at Abbott's Oporo Houso has been postponed from Thursday next, the 22nd inst,, till Friday noxt, tho 23rd inst,

To tho Editor : Sir,— I bog to inform tho public of Aucklund that,' boing undor medical attendance for orysipclas in tho head, I cannot fulfil tho public announcement made in last, night's issuo of tho Stab, but, if Mr Fugan is agreeablo, will bo most happy to iinisli the match with him, as also my olTor as regards hammer-throwing, nt any future timo on recovery.—Yours sincerely, Wm. Ma-meson.

Devonport residents hold a mooting this evening for tho purpose of forming a Fire Brigade,

A lad named William White was brought up from Tauranga to-day for committal to I ho school at Kohimaraina.

Mr Frank Lawry, of Epsom, has issued a circular to the School Committees of Auckland Education District urging hie enndi daturo for tho sent on tho Board of Education vacated by Professor Aldis.

"Bunthorno" writes suggesting "the advisability of soiling nt reduced rates a packet of twelve opera tickets instoad of twenty-four. Tho season is only for twentyfour nights, ond nobody would dream of going overy night. I think tho small packotß would sell three times as well."

Thoro was quito a scono in Manukau Rond, Parnell. A woman, ovidontly vory much inobriatod, entered tho drapory shop of Mr .John 8011, and nftor giving Mrs Bell a livolj quartor of an hour, proceeded outsido and smashed tho glass panol of tho drier with her umbrella. Sho was about to renew hor onslaught on tbo window, when Mrs 801 l seized her umbrella and took it from hor. Constable Hobson opportunely put, in an appearance at this juncture, and took the infuriated femalo into custody.

Tomorrow, at 11 a.m, Mr R. (•. Groonwood sells at his marl, Vulonn I nno, a good 2-stcried houso of 8 rooniß for removal, from Vincent-street. Tho building to be removed before the 21st inst.

Tho Roy, T. W. Dunn will delivor his cilebratod lecture on "Uow lo Read Characters from the Face" tonliiht in tho Primitive Methodist Church.Alt-xandra streot, at halt-past 7 o'clock. A Kroat treat ia autioiputod.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 239, 15 October 1885, Page 2

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Threatened War With Burmah. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 239, 15 October 1885, Page 2

Threatened War With Burmah. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 239, 15 October 1885, Page 2