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~W. L. M ITOHELL "akd and isjtatb agknt, coomoks's alloadk, queenhthkct, Bankhiw—National Bank of Now Zealand. Telophono Kxchiingo, No. 199. Bouts and Interest CoHoctod in town and 00 Mcmcy Invested for Capitalists on flrot-clasa lecuritioa without charge. Mortt;:iKf s and Loans negotiated. Partnerships arranged. Katatos Managod for Absentoea and others. Tenants guarantoed to lnudlords. Houses To Lot and Properties For Sale or liCaeo placed on my Books Free of Charge. Inuwancob offectod at Loweat Hatoß, and Confidential A(?ouoleB nndeftakon. injll.DlN'W AU.OTMRNTS FOR SALIC. QUKKNSrRKBT-Valuable Vtloek. . CUSTOMS ST. WEST (near tho junction of Victoria htiv.eO-Grand Factory Bito. SYMONI)S-Sr.-Allotmenty,.-C:Gj)or foot. SURRKV HILL Clreftt North Road iront- - 3;! x 110, £11 per foot. N KLBON S t'RKKT-22 x 10.1, £$ per foot WELLINGTON-STRKKT—Allotment, JS por °IIfcPBURX STRIOET-Allotnient, .C 7 10j por fOANaiiK3KA-STRNKT- IS x 110, fiMO MOUNT KDKN (Main Road)-78 x 100. f.l per f°°lbUNT KOSKILL. (Main Road)- £2 12s per °VIEW ROAD (Mr. Kilen)-fil per foat. VICTORIA AVKXUIO (lit. Bdcn)-£3 per tO piIOSPECrr-ST£IEKT |Mt. RoskiU)-323 Gd P<KINGSIiAND (Now North Road Frontase)— £2 Ss per foot. , „„. KIN«.SI,ANI->(Allotment>-£fo. NIGKH STRKKT (Arch Hilll-.tCsper foot. JIARISK I'ARADK (Honaonbyl- £:( per foot. JUKACH l!')Al) (Devonporll-lilO per foot. JtOUNT ALBKUT (Main Road)-£2 53 lor °MOUNT ALBERT (RandewvyD-SOs per foot. HOUSES FOR SALE. No filSO-Oliphant-stroet, 4 rooni3 '<}}} Cau—Home streot, 4 roonm, scullery, eto. jsm JKjSO-Commorcial Road, 4 rooms, jeul., eta 6l*o £')Co—atauloy-Bt., 5 rooms each (2 Cottascs) wjß £nro—Stuart-strct:t, I'onsonby, 0 roomu *M £300-SaSBOX-ttreet, 4 roams anil scullery ~.l ' £380—Haslctt-atrcet. 1 rooms and scullery ii.l CHO-Vic. Park. N. 9., 5 rooms, K rand view SB2 . £350—Commercial Road, 6 rooms, scul., etc. oi*Jl £350-Alount Albert, 7 rooms, well, etc. ivjti ' fi3T.O-SuBSOX-Btri.-ct. I roonio scullery oto. BSJ £300—Mt. Albort, B rooms, blinds,grates,oto. /11l ' £350—Prospect-street, li roonw, outhousu jIS ; &50n-Mt. Rcskill, G roo.r.s, nil conveniences 6 ; S I £180— Vie. Avenue 8 rooms, scullery, eto. (>.j2 ■ £fi2i!—Mt. Kden Hd., 7 rma., all eonvenionces 623 £G3o—K.icn Vale Rd., li ruoms, cuncrots tank ,> .2 I £600-Edinbuwh-i-t. 7 rooms, kitchen, etc. MX) . £CCO-Nowton Rd., 7roomn. wiish-hoiU'P, ice ilfl , £000 -Mannkaußd.,9roonifl. wuah-hjuso.*cc. , £Sno-ltanukau Road, 0 raouiH, manle, &c. iUU £7,-.O -MacUelvie-street. 7 rcoms. sable. etc. Several of the above h:>uses may be purebascd ■ Qn exceptionally easy tonna. only a tnull cash 1 depobit required. TO BE LEASED for n Term, Gcntloman's well oppoinled Modern Kesidcnce. • with nearly an aero of ground, stable, coachhouse, eto.—W. L. Mitchell, Land Agent, Oueen-street. ! TO BE LET, Corner Shop in Vermont-street, 1 Pons--<nbv, with dwelling, 5 roonn, scullery. «c ' SVSIONDS-STKEET — Gentleman's Family Reßider.oe; 9 room", veraniahs,and balconies; commanding extensive view of the J'omain 1 and the North Head, and snvrounding Islands. ) This property id now oll'rred for ealn at a very low price, subject to a lease of about 90 , -years. Everything attaching to the house and ' grounds is in excollent order, and tho position is ; exceptionally trood. 1 KYBK.It PASS ROAD -Shop and 5-roomsd I).veiling. t?a». water, and ~11 conveniences. 1 Price. £12) en h renuired. NOltTtlCiiTK A (lr..nil Itusit.esa Si'e. 1.0 by 17iv [„ i!,-.. .rain ro:'.d near to the wharf. < oil'.'TT,i l; ; ri r^^!^-l:> low piico Um■■i!. ; e... ' TAIvA PUNA - U ' Aerr.-. i. 3plev.(lid Invi stmont, 1 Inthenviinmul; uip'-rncro term*easy. ffl3J-KiL-h:y a.-.e-l ksimn as Green Jflll a Oruawkurt lilo.-U. ;tu uorus In grans : a.l fancc.l uitlibarlie.-. v. uv..i. i>'7 A STOKK ON A MAIN1 ROAD, aolng an ix--0 tonaivo Grocery, Drapery, uiiii liMiiinor:i;(;ry '■ Business; larK'o dpuble-fronted ShOy, With !■ 10-roomod Dwolliffft, and over un Acre of '• Land; three chains frontage to tno road, b^r Freehold. £150. Stock at valuation, c ONEHUNGA. in tho best part of Queen-Street; d allotment 15 x 150. and well-built 5-roomed i, h»uso: 3 minutes' walk from Railway Station. A VERY CHOTCE COMPACT FARM o'lll 1 Acres, belrg the pick of tho I'uakau District. The farm ia all fenced, and auboiv'ded Into 10 paddocks laid down in tfrasa and e.ropa. with t a permanent water supply, and includes » 2 acres of valuable bush. Buildings consult of A a good G-roomed Houso and kitchen, lar«c A Barn. Cowshed, Piegerrea, &c. This property l is within convenient difltanco of tho Rallwoy j. Station and Waikato River, and in cloSu - proximity to Church and School. t' AVONDALE. close to railway sta'ion. 3 Acres )[ Volcanic Soil and 5-roomed House. Price ft £325. ' •'"• ib C Q S M O K-P, LAND AND MONETARY AGENT, [ 0 116, QUKKN STREET n (Adjoining B. Tonka, and Co.'a), y TKLKPHONE-NO. 185. 3, ——- Jt BANKERS I NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZK ALAND. ly MORTGAGES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED Hi RENTd AND IN'TKIiKsTS COLLKC'i'KD a MONKY IX V KPT XI) ON FIRST-CLASS r; BKCUBITUC3,VITHOUT CIIAROK 0- ESTATES JIANAGKIJ KOI'. AK-KNTEES t- VALUATIONS AND ARBITRATIONS 1- UNDKktTAKKN b- NATIVE LAND AFFAIRS SPECIALLY n UNDEKS'i'OOD Houskh to Let, and Propkuties for Sai.k Plackd on' my Lists Krek ok Ciiahgk ,f EVEHY DKSCniPTION OK LANDED PItOI'KRTY .1 bouout oh sold to oudek Lauqe Sumß to Lend on First-class Secuhity 8 Agent fob National Fire and Jlarink InW SUIiANCE CO^trANY OF NEW ZIiALAND. AND thk New Zealand Accident Issubanok Si Company. i- " P O R O A L E. 7 SHORTLAND-STRKKT.—Allotment 30 font x d 140 feet, with doublo frontage. Pricu, £15 pel 1. foot. Kasy terms would be arranged foi bulldlne. VERMONT-STREET, PONSONBY-Very Do *■ tlrable Eight-roamed Residence, on half-au- '■ aero allotment, tastefully laid out with lawn and orchard ; bath-room, pantry, &c ; dr.. j tached waeb-hou?e, lanre Rtable and buggy ' house; all thoroughly well-built ond llnishcd : gas and water laid on. Price, £1,200. J" SURREY HILLS.-U- roomed Dwelling llousc 5> Built in First-claes Style, with every Con *• venienco. Allotment, 10 x 132. Prlco. i'f 2l). WOOD-STREET, PONSONBV-8-roomed Rest B dence, exira larga and hijjh rooni3, with spleu d did view of the harbour, Blatc poof, concroti paths, small stable; allotment, la x 110. Price £850- easy terms. 18 SURREY HILLS—7-roomcd Houso on cornet *" allotment, 10 x 92; Riia and water, dctachcc a" wnsh-houso. nico warden. Price, £130. Slmiltii '° Houso on next allotment, 38 x 92. Price, £125 WOODSTRKET. PON3ONB V—Store and Five it roomed Dwelling, t-.igother with six-roomct c, House (let at 9j a week) on large corner allot ment. 100 x 105. Price, £850. MOUNT EDtttf (close to tho main road)— Well '*■ built G-roomed House and ecullery, verandah : • tidos, gas and water, on comer allotmout sable, bugiry-houso and store-hotise. Prict Df £500. very easy terms. sr MOUNT ROSKILL ROAD —Two Splondic t, Level Allotments, each 50 xUS Price, £3 15i 3, pi>r foot. Good business site. AVONDALE-1J acres close to railway station grand site for a rosldenoo. Choan for cash. c' ONEHUNGA—Grand Building Site of 1 acre if frontage to three roads, fencod; adjacent U "• Greon Hill. Easy terms. NORTHCO l'E— i roomed Cottage on allotment y 6tixl32; 10 minutes from wharf; £180 Ad l- joining allotment, 33 x 101, 20s per foot, is MOUNT KD UN—5-roomed Houso, built in best a- Bfylo. witn detached wash house, en allotment i; 50 x 250. A bargain at £500. 3) PONSONBY—Two 7-roomcdtwo-Btoried Houses in Pompalller Terrace; good investment; £750 16 MOUNT EDKN-Nice Residenco of C rooms. 10 with IJ aoros of land, woll-pianted, standlnp •d high, but well sheltered ; bath-room dotachud a wanh-house, &c. ARCH HlLL.—Two almost now llvo-roomed Houses, on largo leasehold allotment ; 35 years to run. Vory cheap ; £180. Nl€W NORTH ROAD-Victoria Avenuo.----7 Oomfortablo oigh^-roomed Houso. on food j. allotment, for £50 cash : b-ilanco ut 7 per cent. REMUEIU. — Choice Building Allotmcntaon 6 the Orakei Road, Gii x IGS; 25s to»Oj per foot, v CHKSrKR«'IELD, Mount Ro kill Road.—Good level Building Allotments, C 6 x 132 ; 22s Gd to i- £3 per foot. r £<)'•)^ —Nearly Now 4-roomed Houso and t" ~£j£>£")- Bkillion, on a'lotmcnt 50 x 90 0, in r Leamington Road, Mount Eden. Easy terms. i' J?»>O^ —New 3-roomed Cottage nt Mount ■ 3jA6O. Roskill, on allotment 75 x 115 ft. 8 All the above Properties may be arranged to o be bought on very easy torma. 4 WANTED. TO LEASE—A Farm of 30 to 100 acres, good 0 grass land, in Tamaki, Papatoitoi, or Mangero r Districts, on watersido preferred ; near to ). school, with 6 roomed houeo. TO RKNT-A d-roomod House, with about an I- aore of land and garden, within easy distance i- of town. a FARMS. . PAPAKURA.—EversIey Grove Farm, adjacon '■ to Hunua Station, consisting of 298 acres flrßt . cla^a land, well watered, mostly in grass •' large and oommodioua residenco, with all '" necofsary outbuildings. f PAPAKURA VALLEY.-75 acres of good f?ra*a t Land, lar^e Orchard, 7- oomed Houoo, v/ith • stables, cowsheds, etc. ' WARKVVORTH-46 acres in high ti-trco, on r Great North Road, all lovel and plough-able ; £1 per acre. ' PAPAKURA—3S ocrcs of really Firstcla=B Land, with new C-roomed House, farm buiW- ' ing, etc. all in ilrst-clais order; in beat part of district, and close to station. £901). I have several Farms of every descriptions , and in all parts ol the district on my lists, for Bale on oasy terms. \ CHARLES H. O3MOND. a ~" fP ° R SALE, 1 "- At lowest Market Rates I Rosin, Pitch, and Tar ; Kt-rOßone, Paint, and Olive Olla 1 Chamuion'a, Scott's, and Storert Genuine White Lead, in wood Muntz .Metal and Nalla I, Largo Slock of Oanvaa, vßrious brania U Ire Ropo, from 11 Inch to * inoh Bolt Rope, Hemp, and Manilla Rope, aIJ eifcea ratimt Windlass (wood), Frills, and Pftlli inoliow, from 10 ewt to 10 lbs, Uhalns, from i Inch to 1 Inoh. Coin and Irish Oil, 8 S. MoKBNZII,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6