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T> E N. D A W S O N, -*-* SEEDSMAN, FRUITEREP., &c. 51, Lower Quebn sthbet (Next door to Union Steamship Ce.'s Office). VBGKT iBI.E and FLOWER SEEDS of Newest Varieties, and true to name. POT PLAN TS, &c, always on hand. CAULIFLOWER and CAHBAQE PLANTS Fresh Daily. QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS COMBINED. An inspection invited. THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND, The Public Trustee may bo nominated Kxecutor under the: Will of a Testator, or Trusteo nnder a Marriafeo or other settlement. No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trusteo Is appolntod Executor. Prosont Trustoos, Exooutors^or Administrators may, if approved, rellove^Riemselvos of futuro responsibility by transferring trusts to tho Publlo Trusuvb. Hence, Trustees residing In England, Aniorica. and olaewhorp, holding moneys for tho benefit of persons who have ejoisrratod to New Zealand,may not only rolieve thomselvos of responsibility, but, as tho rate of lnterostobtalnablo in Now Zealand oxoeeds the KngllHh mte, will greatly augment tho income of tho beneficiaries by bo doing. Tho State gives an absolute guarantee agalnbt loss of funds by tho fraud or dishonesty of Its oillcore. Tho Public Truateo holds large sums of money for Investment on real security at current rates of intorost, Application for advance on first mortgugo will bo received at tho various agencies, where all f urthor particulars may be obtained. R. C. HAMERTON, Publlo Trustee. C. D. DX CASTrto. Acting Agent. A RCH. CLARK & SONS, •£*• WAREHOUSEMEN, MANUFACTURERS OP ZEALANDIA HOSIERY— GIRLS' AND WOMEN'S HOSE, HEN'S HALF-HOSE, and BOYS' "WIREK-QUARTER HOSE, MADE FROM , NEW ZEALAND AKD IMPORTED^ YARNS ■■:■■: Tl/TESSRS L. STEVENSON & SONS, MELBOURNE, Have PURCHASKD, at aL I RGB DIBCOUNT, Wessus McARI'IIUR & CO.'S STOCK Of that aty TUE TWENTY-FIFTH OF AUGUST U'ill bo tho FIRST SHOW DAY, INTENDING PURCHASERS can make Satisfactory ARRANGEMENTS for RETURN PASSAGE with their Afionta hero. Mehsbs SIIERA BROS. Tji DWA R D BARTLEY, ARCHITECT, STICHUURY'S BUUiDINgB, QUEKN-STREET. R R I V I N G, EX DOIUC- ■ PIANO by Mignon, Haako, Rnpoldl, and Aechorborg ENGLISH HARMONIUMS, from fltO CHOICE VIOLINS AND VIOLONCELLOS ohoson especially for J.H. by an Emlnont Kngliah Violinist STRINGS iind FITTINGS EARDLEY'S PITCH PIPKS, embracing the wholo Chroniitic Scilo. Invaluablo to Choirmasters Tunrra, &c. ROTHBH lIA M' 3 CELEBRATED LEVER WATCHES, in Gold and Silvor ERHARDTS LKVICR WATCHES, with Chain and Fus<jo to enauro accuracy of Timc-kooping. J HOWDRTC. Qi'FKN-STnicitr riIIEMIST AND DKUGIiIST" M X 1). T. OR R Wishes to inform his friends and tho public that he hii9 Purchased the liusinoss known as tho "GOLDKN M.ORTAU." KAItANGAHAPE ROAD, And with a now Stock of Drugs and Chomicals, will do his beat in the in'.orcsMof hiacustomors. I)u. Waikkr attendu daily, B to 10a.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. PRELIMINARY NOTI CE. WM. ROSSER Is about enterinff into business as ARCHITECT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Offices are in VICTORIA CHAMBERS, Kirangahapo Road, and will be ready in a fow days. W.n. anticipates a fair share of publto favour, considering his extensive knowledge aa a Practical Builder. Contractor, and Architect in England and Colonies. Ho is well known in Auckland, and poisons about to build can rely upon his caro and study in tr»!ir special interest—both in tho plans »nd specifications; and also in his personal suporvinion ot caeh bui'ding given into hia handf. KICHMOJSD HOUSM, PONSONBY ROAD, AUCKLAND. W. COCHRAN, Sbn., FAM ILV BUTCHKR. m H O~M A S R, WATT, -*- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONIST, GnEy-ST. JUNXTIOJ! (OI>PO3IIK FIRSOBLL). CHOICEST TOBACCOS. CIGARS, AND SMOKERS' REQUISITES. FANCY GOODS AND STATIONEi.V. •' Sydn"y Mall "on File. UR MOfTO"QUALITY WITH ECONOMY." FURNISH FROM E. WHITE & GO., Near Throe Lamps, Ponsonby. CHEAP TOILMT BKTS, CHEAP KURNITURE. CHEAP CHAIRS, CHKAP BEDDING, CHKAP CROCKERY WARE. COMPARE OUR PRICKS AND QUALITY. WHY GO TO TOWN AND PAY MOBB ? E. WHITE & CO., PONSONBY. FUNERALS FURNISHED. T^-OTIOB OF REMOVAL. J. C. CLOUGII, Engineer and Gcnoral Mechanist, Has Removed from 35, Greystreet, to Chukchbtjieet, Ponsonby (next to District School). Sowing and all other Light Machinery Repaired in the best manner and at roaeonablo ooßt, Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. TX Y. T 0 N E 8 CABINETMAKER, SHOW CASES, CHKMIST31 AND OTHER SHOP FITTINGS, SHOtRILAKD-STBBET. aO TO BATH toROTII'B PUBLIC HOT, COLD, ANI' SHOWER BATHS, VicxoniA-street Lasi. Dharge-ONE SHILLING. OpennUweek -.ton from n a.m. to 0 p.m., and SUNDAY MORN INGB from (1 till 10 a.m. The ISath-roomn arc ill private, and supplied with every conven iencc, Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes cojn'o?, respirators, Boap-i. &c- faelect liatn rooms (private) for Ladies cvory day, at ar hours, with fomnlc attendance, Ono ShiUins tttirl iMxpsnco. Please iioto tiio address-v ictonr. street Kul. above (ho Greyhound Hotol. f.m Bsxt tho Cherro lioddint; and Furniture Mar. Aaokls-.-.d N.H.-HirV-.- Ur. .-.ltj-ndsn^. QUPERIOR CORRUGATED TANKS, j. lT~kban lias for Sale a nninbor 0" tho above, with '.ap; ready for vw: price, 355, at his Shop, Welleslo;----i B'root Eaat (nc::t to Crowther's Btabloi?). ; Lcrjo gnanritir.fl of Spouting, I'.idglnfr, ant' Dcwn !?ipea nlwavs in slock, Verandah Iron curve* at tke shortest notice. Country orders will always receive his prompt attention. Lead Washers always on hand,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 1