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G. BARTLBT VERSUS CREDIT. 154, QUEEN-STREET. I--—, Watches, Clocks, and Jew, in pricß o{ jj ew z ea land Twe&dß, together with our Nran"d'i7«^men Ota OndW* are enabled to reduce our prices, and give the enorrapiui> *"'_ og f care tuUy oxecutefcction invited. Largest Stock in Auckland to select nous discount-w -^ Priceß all o{ which aro guaranteed Now Zealand. rom. xl.o touov. rcrmsNetCnsh. Whon sending orders please add the SlifSg 3™"^ j-S l^ss£i£f 6* "* ZEALAS° OoumrNo.l. ■ C1,,.,.n75-»■ »■■"""»■■ I B.f SBSi.'iV.'ia, ;T~7"n; — T^rTT^TrTvit Trou Suit Trou. & Veßt Trou. Suit Trou. & Vest Trou. Suit Troa^fc Vest Trou bau.Trou. & Vrf' *,„,_ (/1/ . 1/17/ oj. 23/6/- 4/10/ ~ 2/-/- 26/----/^"^L .Measurement for Coat— /■#r*_r?- r* '"& 1 to 2, From neck Beam to S W,.'J\ lonßtk , V -vvf v # I 3 to i to fi. From scum nt y/~l'\ ' """-Clt ~_^TN Hound waist uti-e_ coot / \ V « ff ° f -jj**^ state > vlmt pockota y°u I I 1 \/ / Measurement for Yest — A 1\ M \ / / Round chest under coat / 1/ IHi '-)■ \ II Hound wtiist under coat I fl \ §SJ ; A \ / Kram back of neck to ro- I fi« L__lh I V 'V i quired openlngttiidthon / »SPTa ! '*" -' ' 1 on to length I « v I <|| ; / \\ Measurement for Trousers I if |fj : I \ Whether, pockets to bo I Ml \ |j| ! 1 1 1 tos. From top of trousers / Mr 1 fi i Oil t0 ''OOt3 I A;/ I §9 i ■- .LJ Gto 7, Inside leg seam I « \ sj I '; V:? \ 2, Round liipa \ la I if ;/\ I S. Hound thigh \ I a ; i l\ I <, Round kneo \ % I, .-. —j4 I I \ 1 6, Round bottom ot boot I « 1 s| \ I -* I When sendin* yooi oi- I | II H 1 dcr, please state colour of I s- I I»f I I Twoed. Fill up moasure- 1 ft I I |J \ J nients according to in- II I J !?-.-.£ 1 I —<_-* "***" receipt of' Post-olllco Or- I |n I■ / a iflllj i I I I ""-~ dor or marked Chequo, I if _^\ 13-^.l V I *J -'■«—"" ■ forward to any part ot I M /Jv^Sip?, V~ I '1 :=fc=r- Now Zealand any gar- , iiiii»'in^Ti^'T/. 'ft »Tijt~ V - \ Sag—' ' ment required, as per iaSP*^ '/. LJ X-SW \ fsfL-rfS?—^"£L' Price List. 403^*"*^

1 TP E A O O C X, • OPTICIAN, MATHEMATICAL AND NAUTICAL instrument maker, Shorti<*nd -etrkbt. always in stockSpeotaoles and Eyo-Rlasacs of evory kind; an accurato fit guaranteed Opera Glasses of superior quality Teloscopos, Binocular Field Glasses, and Microscopes ; powerful and cheap Theodolites, Mining Compcsso'j, Abney Levels Drainage Levels, Prismutio Compasses Drawing Instruments, Scales, Parallel Rulers Ships' Logs, Sextants, Compasses, Binnaoles Birometors. Thermometers. Hydrometers Electric Bolls, Batteries, and Fittings Magnetic and Galvanic Medical Machines Magic Lantorns and Slides. Hand Magnifiers Stereoscopes and Slides, Graphoscopes Steam Guagos and Tubing, SaUnometers Amateur Phot .graphic Cameras Jest Received— Self-registering Aneroid Barometers Also. Aneroidß tor Lobbies, with handsomely (jarred frames INBTRUMSNTS OP EVERY KIND RWAIRED, OPPOSITB THE POST-OFFIOK. LINGER SEWING MACHINES Sales Id 18S2 603,292 Machine* „ JBBI 561,036 „ Inorkasb 42,258, tSt THREE OUT OF EVERY FOUR MACHINES SOLD IN THE WORLD APE .SJNGER'S. UPWARDS OF THHICE HUIfDRED FIRST PRIZES I 1 I AND AT CHRISTOHURCH EXHIBITION TWO GOLD fc TWO SILVER MEDALS. To bo obtained at PER 2/6 WEEK PBR 2/6 WEEK Only at 261, Queer-strut, Auckland. BEWARE OF GERMAN AND OTHER IMITATIONS. IQtQBR SEWING MACHINES. KEATIKO'S COUGH LOZENGES. COUGHS. COUGHd. COUGHS. CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY, ASTHMA. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY. BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS. CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY. HOARSENESS. HOARSKNKSS. HOARSENESS, Composed of the purest articles. These Lozenges contain np opium nor any deleterious drug, thorofore the most delicate can take them with perfeot confidence. 7 heir beneficial effect is speedy and certain. This old unfailing family remedy is daily recommended by the most eminent Phyeicians. (In use nearly 60 years). Sold by all Chemists, in tins, each having the wordß, " Heating's Congh Lozenges," engravon on the Government stamp. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. HEATINGS WORM TABLETS. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. A purely vegetable sweetmeat, both in appearance and tttst'i, furnishing a most agreeable method of adminiit<ring tho only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially artnpted for Children, Sold In tins by all Druggists. JAS. U C O T T, CORNER COOK AND NELBON REETS, HAS A LARGE SHIPMENT OF NEW TEAS, Just Landed, Price (rom Is fid per lb upwards, best in Auckland at the money. White Sugar, 3d por lb. 2Jd by the bag Jams, Gd per tin, Ss 6d by the doz Swiss Dairy Milk, 7d Moir's Fresh Herrings, Od Salmon, 7}d; Sardines, Sd Best Coffee, lib tints, Is id; Dandelion Coffee, Bd Meller's Worcestershire Sauce, 6d por buttle English Piokles, 6d Best Flour, Slbs Is <*ood Taranakl Rol' Butt or, 8d por lb Small Quantities of all kinds ol Goods at Wholesale Priooa. Goods Delivered to all parts of the City and Suburbs Free of Charge. Note tho Address— JAS. SCOTT, ,GORNER COOK AND NELSON STREETS. TUCKER'S XJAKING X>OWDER, Al X> Al JL Al TUCKER'S T>AKING T3OWDER. For JJWholesonisJL Bread. PTIUCKER'S T>AKING T>OWDER. J_ Ask your _C> Grocer L for it. Once Tried Always Used. FE NT.O N & C 0., FAMttY AND SHD?PINS» ' BUTCHERS, OLD "OBSERVER" OFFICE, VICTORIA-STREET WEST (next to Theatre Royal), Families In Town and Snbnrns Waited on (or Orders. Corned Beef and pork Supplied In Largo Qnantltiei. Hainj, Baion, cpd Poultry Drewad to Orde*. " OOfi PLATES, Stencil Plates, Dies, Manoersmi. eta.. Kneraved at this Stab )<r t "HyfUSIO, PortraJte, L»nd_o«pei, Bt«. t IVX UthographeainMlnUttiteftnaoolaai;!l •'SiPMSOffle*

HARATAUMQA LICENSING pj3TRICT. Notice at Application tor Transfer of tyoenae. I, James Courtnbv, of Coromandel, being the holder of a publican's license in rOßpeot of the house and premises situate at Coromandel (tho Tramway Hotel), do hereby Rlvo notloo that I desire to obtaia, and will, at the noxt He nßing meeting to bo holdon at Corouuinool en thn sth day of September, 18S5, aDply for a trantfer of tho aaid UoenßO from myaelf to Richard Andrew, my appointee. JA.MH3 COURTNRiT, Cororaandel, Llconsed Victualler. ■VTORTHERN OMNIBUS'COMPANY JiS (LIMITED). NKP? NORTH ROAD TIME-TABLE, On and after July 0,1885. DAJLY. Leave Avoudale. ' Leave Auckland, g. o a.m. 10 15 a.m. 9.0 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 11.30 a.m. 4.15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 5.15 p.m. 6 30 p.m. 0,15 p.m. SATURDAYS. 8.0 a.m. 10.15 am. 9. 0 a.m. 1.10 p m. 11.15 a.m. 2 SO p.m. 2.30 p.m. 315 p.m. 6. 5 p.m. 10. 0 p.m. 5.50 p.m. 11. 0 p.m. NEW LYNN TO AUCKLAND. Lcavo Now Lynn. Leave Auckland. a 0 a.m. 12. sp.m 2 0 p.m. 5.15 p.m. SATURDAYS. 9. 0 a,m. 2.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 11. 0 p.m. T> OYALi MAIIi LIKE Oif UUAUtia. ALTIJRATXQN OY TI.MK-TABL.Ci The Royal Mall Conoh" (carrying passenger* will, on and after fith October, ISO, aud untJ rui-ther notice run to the following Tim TABLE !— Leave Cambridge for Hamilton Junction RaU way Station daily atS.!5 a.m.; returning tron. Station to Cambridge on arrival of Train froor Auckland. .;,..- Leave Hamilton .tor To Aroha on Monday* Wednesdays, and. Jfrlday» on arrival of Trait trnxa Auckland f'rolnrning (roiu To Aroha or vdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7 a.m. hing the 2 o'clock Train at Hamilton Juno (or Auckland, it* Bookins Oitioks t GWynne's Hotel, Mamllton Wost; Colem&nt Hotel Te Aroha; and at my Promises, Kl'k wood md Lake-streets, Cumbridjro. W. K. CARTER, ProprJetOl Cnmbria«a, October 1883. Passengers Beokad at 11. B. Hbjt and Co'i Hlgh-stroat. Anokland. T IQHT HARNESS HORBES, BADDLS JH HORSES, and all kinds Of SPRING VEHICLES. Htrod. Bought, and Bold. a» OROWTHKIVS VICTORIA BTAHLKB WKLUBHTJCV-HTRMTT mO MR J. ff. WITHEFORD. Sin,—l have the honour to Inform yon that your tender for the solo right of Advertising on the Auckland Hootion of the New Zealand Hallways (for three years) has been accepted by the lion. Minister for Publlo Wwks on behalf o( the Queen. I have, etc., J. P. MAXWELL, General Manager. December 1,1881. TO ADVERTISERS. The Grand New Auckland Railway Station offers the best Advertising position obtainable In New Zealand. Guaranteed (or three yean a* above. Jl/TR J. H. WITHBFORD, la authorised to receive Fees for Special Mall Notices supplied dally to Private Letter Boxes. S. B. HISS. Chief Postmaster. •VTBW SOUTH WALKS i-1 ADVERTISING. The " Stoney Mokkinq Heealb" and the "Sydney Mail are the best mediums. Arrangements ore now being made to enable the public of Auckland to obtain regular delivery of the " Sydney Mail," which ranks a* the head of weekly journal* published in the Australian Colonies. Apply to J. H. WITHEFORD. fiOKE, OOKB. 00KB. THB AUCKLAND QA3 COMPANY LTD.) Invite Orders (or GAB COKE. . Delivered within 1 mile of the Works, for Cash ; longer dlHtanoos at proportionate rates I— Sample Sacks of three bnsnels - Five Sacks .. „ - - _ 6s 3d Eleven Sacks, or half ton 11s 6d Twenty-two Saoks, or one ton ..22s ' The Company 8 COKE Is made from the beat Qreymouth Coals; is superior to that mad* from Newcastle coals, being; tree (ram stoo* and oltnker In a remarkable dogro*, gives a RELIABLE FIXE, CLEARER & HOTTER THAN COAL, LIGHTS READILY, and MAKES NO SMOKE. GOOD SIRE IN 10 MINUTB*. 9FFICK I FOKT-STRBKTi BOira ooarja eoxm QPECIAL NOTICE For the convenience of Customers resident In Upper Symonds-fltroet and Mount Eden Dlstrlot we have arranged a BRANCH OFFICE (With Telephone connection), at obu'dob and noekion's', Wlnstcns's Buildings, Upper Symonds-street.: Where orders left (or " fuel, carting, horse-feed, Scoria, &o.v !., WII reoelve prompt attention. Note.—A large Covered Spring Waggon and Spring C&rts for Removal of Furniture, ■••"■ W, & G, WINSTQNB, ÜBTOMS-STRBET EAST. AVPBWSft

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 4