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_o Lei c m O LET r £ Tho Two-Btoried ' liliilCß: fIUILDtNGINCOMMERCE-STREEI Lately ocoupiod by A. and R, Eaton. 11 Apply to r- HENDERSON & MACffARLANE. 1 f\iO LET, S-roomed Houao, Alexandra A streot.-J^VilliaaiG, Victoria-street. I r|lO LET, atliocky Nook, frood 5 roomed 1. 1 House, with stable, fowl !iOU9O. and large ■ill-.)tmont.—Apply J. L Kelly. Stak Offlo». ; I f#if)"LET, two new Hhops'aml Dwelling" '' SL h.-.uioo.luUniotJ.-sitrest.—Appl^ to Edward ii'uiloy, Architgiit. I r 1^(0 LE'r, to Ellerslio Railway StaP -B "ion, anew, handsnnio 5-roomcd Cottage. i -Apply A. Pollard, Elleralie TFIO LET, a Houao and Shop in Karanga- ? -i- hajio Road, next to Mr Grubb'B Bakery.— ' Apply to 81AB Office. ■ j FT\O LET, an S-rogmcd Ilouso, corner of J Wolloalcy and rTu'soh-Etreets.—Apply to - G. Iril, Hriirdreaaci', Vlotoria-atfeet. TO~IST, (I cohveiiibnt Shop, withthreo rooms attached; ir.ostcommanding position in Nowmarket— Apply Royal Georgo Hotel. 3 rpO LET, Office in good position, Fort--0 a. ft. co . dose to Queen-atreot.—Apply to A. >, Saundors, 2, Insurancu Buildinga. TO LET, 4-roomed Cottage ; rent, 9s ; oity water.-Apply Mrs Cargo, near Three I, Lamps^Ponaonby. ■ 1 ri^O LET, a 4 roomed Cottago in ParJL nell.—Apply to Miss Hyan, Manukau BOad. '. md LET) Hutton Cottage, England-st., % _ Ponsonby; i rooms, Lcamingtoh, city water ; 123 per week.—O. A. Fawoott. Day-Bt t riHO LET, Two Unfurniahod Rooms, with „ JL , uso of sitting-room and bath-room, 7s por ° T;ee!t.-Apply Star Ofll.oo. ■ ft^O iiET, a nicoly situated Cottage in 3 JL Vjncent-Birqct; water ai)d gas laid on.— ' April '-■>r- BnfftM, nc^t to " Horald " Office. TO JjET, a 4-roomed Houso and scullory in '.'ietoiia-st. West; city water; 5 minutes 3 from Q i<;cn-3t,—Apply W. Leys, Wyndbam-st 3 rfW LET, 8-roomed Houso, Parnoll, 17s !, JL per week: S-roomed Houso. View Road, lls per week.—W. and J. Frater, Land Agents, ~ Quoen-otreot. .- f"pO LET, from the middle of Septembor, 8 JL for three months, a largo Furnished House r at Mt. Eden.—For address, apply Mr Smith, 1 i imnibviß Driver. Mount Kden. ■ rino LIST, TWo Front Kooms, furnished ; A. or not, to respefctable, qtiiet peoplo, without ,' children..— Holvetiti Cottage, Russell-street, J Arch Hill. ( ._ -__ r rpO LET, t-'raiton Roßd ap,d Heburnr J. burn streot, 5 and 6-roomed liouseß. Gbb , and wattr.—S. Y. Co:lins, Kama Colliery Office, 14, Queen-s'jeet. , rF!O LET, comfortable detached 7-roomod r _- Cottage, on one flat, good-s'z.'d garden, in 1 Svalleld View. Rent, 15s.—Apply T. J. Bennett, Draper, 109. Queen-streot. [ mO LET, a Commodious Groomed '. JL Houso with three fireplaces; and water ' laid on. Every convenience.—Apply D. Somer- ; ArchHtl). » mO LET, Furnishod Houso, North Shore, ' JL within 5 m_utes' walk of Wharf nearest 1 Auckland; rent, moderate to a good tenant.— ; Apply House, Star Office; . TinO LET, a good 5-roomcd House, 10a Ud, ; _ (odrington-STeot, Great North Road, ! bceldo Pahlin achool;—lnquire third house, left i sidtf. _ I rfiO L_T, Valley Road, near Mt. Rostill, JL pretty 5-rooracd Houso; Frenoh windows, j double verandah. — Apply H. W. Heath, 18, SliorUand-fltroejt ! mO LET, in I'ortland-Btroet, Parnell, a 1 JL good 3-roomed Houee and largo scullory ; > well situated.—Apply Thomas Hul, Craccoft- ; kb-tot f TBIO LET, a Groomed Houso in Ponsonby; i gas. water, bath, and every convenience. f —Apply W. L. Honors, Ponsonby Furnishing ( Warehouac. ! ri 10 LET, in Livorpool-streot, a 4-roomed J JL House; range and oity wator; lar^o ! cellar ; vory convenienti—Apply on promises.— G. Duthle. T"~6~LfiT, 0 roymod llottscj "Sc; Mary's Road, Ponsonby; 5-roomod House, Rylb--1 ftrcot, Ponaonby.—Apply J. li. Morpoth, Now • Zealand Inauranco Buildings. . mo LET, Houbo, 4 rooms and eoullery, I The Avenue, Vale Road, Mount Eden.— Apply Mrs t'owtor, Victoria streot, next Barrington, Butcher. TO LET, G roomed Houso, corner of Surrey-street and Murdoch Road: 16b; largo allotment, 52x!)8; now houso. wellllDishet'. —Malcolmson and Co., the N.Z. House, Land, EBWto, and Financial Agency. High-Btrcet. nnO LET in the Exchange Chambors, JL corner Queen and Durham streets, a Suite of Offices or single Offices. To a good tenant, modoralo rent. Also, two Largo Offloes on ground floor, tho best in Qtioon-Btreot.—Apply J. LoVy, 11!, Queen utrcet. rjn6~~LET, Privftto Bitting-room and I two Bedrooms; comfortably furnished; tuporior claanliucsa; splondid view harbour 1 and Uomoin: twelvomiuutesfromQuocn-Btrect. —Addre^ Dalßton Villa, Cih house below Bridgo-atreet, Upper Grafton Road. TO LET, with immediate possession, a Qoort Family Residence in Remnero, a t ew minutes walk from tho Railway Station. Thoro iiro 10 rooms in tho houso. togethor with washhoiife, stable, and ovot oonvenienoo. Rontal £80 a year.—Ai ply to J. M. Lennox, Lind Agent, Auckland, ortoMrPlckmero, Itomuora. mO LET, in Simms' Buildings, foot, of I Groy street, that flrst-claes Buniness Premises, No. 41, lately occupied by tho Rivorsdale Manufacturing Company as a loathor and grindery warehouse, and is now being fitted up as Shop and Dwolling, which comprise largo Shop, IS x 32, with Bpaciouasittingroom at back. Tt ree large roams on second floor. Tho ceilings aro lift. high. There is a spacious kitchen, and oxtensive storage accommodation in tho basement storey, with concrete floor. Back ea--1 tranco by Brewer's Lane. Will be ready for 00- --. cupntlon in a few days.—Apply to Mr JoEeph Knott, Ironmonger, next door, or to Mr Nicholas Sinims. Nowton Road. 1" TIARM, well improved, splondidly situ- . ated, to be Leased with Purchasing Clause 1 That grand property at Lltebflold. near Oxford, Waikato, consiatinK of 367a lr 20p of oxcellont land, divided into 7 paddockß of from 10 to 250 acres; over ICO acres in grass, 20 acres in oats,. 10 acroa fallow, 5 acres orchard (600 good, healthy, fruit treos). good garden; every acre of this beautiful farm Is ploughable. Tho Bul'dings consist of a vory well finished 5-roomed House and Store-room and Scullery, with wator laid on, neat varnißhod cupboards in three rooms; colonial oven, dro3ser with shelves and table in kifhon: Washhouso and Men's Room, well finishedfortwomen. Firat-classStablos.bullding containing 3 stalls, loose box, harness-room; also, Piggeries, Sheds, Sec, tho whole in thorough good order. Thero i 3 a certain market in tho locality for butter, from 15 to 20 cows at Is per lb. all tho year round, and heavy crops are pro duced year by year. Coaohoa dijss the estate, and tho new railway is expscted to bo complete it 3 months. This moat doMrable property, now off red for ihe first time, will be Leased for Fivo Years, at £130 por annum, with a Purchasing C!au3O of £i 10s per acre.—For furthor information and cards ta view, apply J. R. Randerson, AuctioEOcr. Auckland. HOUSES TO LET.—Comfortable sroomed Verandah Cottago, with bathroom, gaß, city wator, &c.; Jervols Road; ront, 163. iroomed Cottago. with scullery; Jervois 1 ltoad ; rent. 103. New 7-roomed Villa Residence, Home Bay Road ; large garden, every convenience, also city water—Apply W. G. Allen, , Draper, Jervols Road, Ponsonby. 1 /OFFICES TO LET, High-street, from I \J 5% a wook, light, central, easy of accoss — Apply New Zoaland Mortgage Loan, and Discount BaDk, High-street, next to Atkins b, ' Printor. i mo LEASE, for a term of years, Corner i JL Allotmont, with 66 feet frontage to - Manakau Road, Parnell, with Bnildings there- ; on.—Apply_H. W. Heath, 18. Shortland-atreet. T'O~GE'N_'T_fM-N.— One or Two Bedroems. with Sitting Room, to Let, fur--1 nished or unfurnished, bath; near Domain J Cricket Ground. —Address at Star Office. dfosr fesie I~7^OR SALE, a few Allotments, Paten'B . No. 2 Leasehold, CO yoare. Deeds Free, ' TilOß^ SALE, firat-clasa Mntamata JT Pressed Hay. — Thornton, Jinlth, aDd Firti^ ■ TTIOR SALE, tho Goodwill and Lease of JP Buchor'a Business, very cheap.—Apply • Mr 3urman's 3tore, Mount Eden. ( TTIOR SALE, first-class new Hansom Cab, - Jj Double Seated Buggies and Dog Carts; r also 2 Second-hand Hooded Buggieß—W. E. t Basten, Coach Builders, Wakeflold-strcct, OR SALE, a nearly new 400-gallon Corrugated Iron Tank, with tap, complete, t —T. Harris, Stuart-stroet, oif Vermont-street, ; Ponßonby. I Ti^Oß POSITIVE SALB.—6OO Acres !■ Good Land, with water frontage, only 10 miles from Queen-streat Wharf, and will be sold cheap.—Apply to John Soppat, House and Land AjfentNo. 8. Quoen-stwwL OR SALE, the 3-ton Tacbt Ethel May (coppered), with all gear, etc., In good • orde ; suitable for either pleasure or working 1 purposes.—Apply Thames Carriage and Dray : Fa.'tory, Viotoi—-Btroet East. ■- K7IOR SALE, the Shop now occupied by f J_ Enoch Wood, Butcher, Symondsstreet; 12 foot stud, 25 by 18, and screwed on the blocks; 3 can easilf be converted into a small cottage; a bargain for cash, as I have no further use for it FOR SALE (£355), Comfortable Cottage of 5 Rooms and Scullery In Ponsonby, city water, 40 feet frontage, well fitted and finished. Close to Tram?.—Anplj" at onco to l)e Lacy & Gibbon, 21, Queen-street (next Oabriel Lewis!. "IL7IOR POSITIVE SALE, cheap, a perJD fectly new House of 5 roomß, fitted with every convenience, and large Freehold Allot- ' meut, near MountEdenßailwvStation; terms 1 eaßy.—Apply to John Soppet, House and Land I Agent, No. 8, Queen-street. OR SALE, Single and Double-seated Buggies. Waggonette, Stylish Victoria ' Pbroton. with hood, and Ladies' Driving - Pbtetons (three), Light. Elegant Pheeion, with ) extension top, and a splendid Grey Mare by r Quicksilver, 5 years old, quiet to ride or drive, and carries a lady, harness if required.—Edwin ' Harvio, Upper Symonde-street FOR SALE, a very convenient wellfinißhed Kightroomed Dwelling; largo rooms, bath; grant! view; city water; venotian 1 blinds curtain poles; good cellarage, wash- • houio, and largo garden ;10 'minutes from . Quuen-atreet; corpcr aliotinent and good buildi i n g spnee.—For this choice property, apply early f to J. R- Vail*, senr.. House and Land Agent s (Bennett's Chambers, j!)9, Queen-street). \ TT'oTe'L ' ~~FO R SAL E. For Sale, in one of the most rising and flourish- " ing Waikato townships, a commodious Family ' Hotel close to abankandneirn,railway S'ation, r doing a flrstolass visitors and bar trade. Large " public works are being carried out In the immediate neighbourhood, ted the proprietor's only j reason for Belling ia his desire to retire from I bns_e_.-A P Ph^_ BDEviN) _ eAwaj?utUi

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3