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YI7ANTED, a Coat and Trousera Hand ; r 1 srpmly employtnent_to good hand?, YVTANTEU, Salesman for the Hosiery ,? i ■ ar"X ■•I"r<-'<=iT department —New Zealand Clothing Factory, 1:8 and HW, Quoija •«^jot. \I7"ANTED, Runnors for tho '*«fSwMi«r-j ~!.' Gazcttii."—Apply at once, to r? R > iloo.""" 1 Advertising A KC nt». VuSoan WANTED, Useful Man for kitchen i rnfi-TiK-' rho3- n- I!ri9t°i''s Family Hotel and C oilde PiUaco, <-oo«:-3treet. ■VSTANTED, a respectable Youthlor the T^AK'i'ED, a binari; Youth for The * v "rapery.-A. K. Fcnfn, Draper llovonportHouao^North^hovo. *»tn», XTTANTED, a respectable Lad, aboutTT, YT tol.carntbpiGontß' Halrdroasing Busi-ness.-Inquiro A. Gaoth, Hairdrcsaor, North Shove. WANTED, Apprentices and Improvers totnopreßemafcinfr.-ApßlJi-Mrolladlcy, Hobson-strepti opposite Oraitt'aHotel. WASTED,, every afternoon, Young v V-f, V osshtinhonslo-- APPIy Mr \Vattß, Cnhinot Mnkei:, Mount Fden Road. WANTED, a Nureegirl.-Apply to Mrs Buddie Cheltenham Honol^North Shore. WANTED, a good Housemaid, with reforpdce, fcr hotel.-AvnlVjiTAß Oiltce. WANTE D, Young Lady forilw "Betail Dn-inesa,—State qualirtcntions and re-ler-^nceg to Q.ueon-Btl'eol-, Star O/ll«r>. "OjTANTED, a General Servant; must t oV^^A%"g e l e agndreM-- Ap' lly TS7 ANTED, a General Servant! must be "» » Rood Ct-pk p- d Launitrose-.-Mra GOrrio, n"Xt Rcmuern. Station. WANTED, n, smart (ieriefttl SaTvttnt, with rcl'orenccs.^-Apiily Mis MaseOold. Ponson'iJ'. V\7ANTEI>, a Genoral Sorvant -, aieo, o V » Nur.Wßlrl -Apply to Mra Nowoll, JJlighon. Read. Rcnuiora. WANTED, exporionced Genoral Servant, able to conk, in email family; no ehiWro-n.-Mrs Home, St. George's Bay iioad Painell WANTED, a Cook and Laundross; references required.- Apply netweon tho hours of 11a.m. and t p.m. to Mrs Scth Smith, \ lotorla Avenue. Runmorn. YSTAWf E"D, MaVe or fcm"ale"Cook ; also, trnpeHafnoielT Or COU^ try h«»tel-»PPIy WANTED, Working Housekeeper; must be a Christian woman.—Applw by letter only, FccYrtary Female "r.'Rcn Gate B'-'sade, Fort-atreeh.... ... l^/AN'.CED, (jovernosses and Servants V V Tnmiring Kngagementa to call on Mrs S. IL Clark, 310, -Queen street, between Alexandra-street and Turkish Baths. TSTANTED, Ladies requiring GoverT v nesios und Servants to call on Mrs S H Clavk, 310. (Juoen-atreet. bot^vcon AlexandraBtrot't and Turkish Baths. "VS^T-ANTED by a new arrival, a Situation; TV nhoban jnilk, niakobiittorahd.brettd &c —Will bo nt llannaf6rds Auckland Registry Tomorrow, at 11-. TTTrAllTEDr^osition as Managing Clerk TT or Assistant. Firat-olasa colonial referorces can be given, also reason for leaving rr--geai situation.—Address A.8.. Star OiHco. ' WANTED, Situation by o" Young Man ; Call ride Or drivo.—W.F.J.. StAk Oflleo. WANTED, Situation a^ GoinpanTotTby doiho9ti'6a*ed Toting Lidy; would not object m liv d ht housework; references.—"Notserp," Star Offlco. WANTED, by a respectable Person, washing or cleaning by the day.—Apply to Mrs J. W. Nairn. Craeroft-atreet. Parnoll. W" ANTED, by a Book-keeper, Employment for Ihrco hours per day, to fill up spnro time.—A.B.. Stab Offlco. WANTED, by an experienced young Lady, situation in a Berlin Repository or Drapers.—Apply " C.F.H.," Post offlce. WANTED, Boarders,at 18s per week.— Apply CloroughHonßO, Oroy-street. WANTED^ one Boarder; single room ; (jood accommodation; ISa.—Apply Jas ci?. Wakefiold-streot, 6ne minute from Queen street. ANTED, 2 Boarders, IS3, washing included. Doublo and s,inglo rooms, hath; every convenience.—Hunter, Nowton Hougo, Karangahape Road. WANTEDT^ Reffpeclablo Mon to Board, or otherwise, double or single rooms. Uomfo^ table homo ;no children.—Jlra Wilson, nexi door Mr Taylor's Store, Karanguhapo Road. „_______ WANTED, three respectable Boarders for llobson-street. Good Table. Terms, IS?, includinß washing.—Allan Tracy, top HobsouTtreet, opposite Wollin>itoa-stroet. "OTANTED, by two Gentlemen en«;nged ? V during day, Bed and Breakfast; will share one rooni; tst;ms intosc bo moderate.— Hoply "Exchange." Star Olllce. WANTED, a regular supply of good freah VcßetabTea and Jtßgs. — Apply Gruy-atreot Fruit Mart. WANTED To Sell, the balance of"my Rtmnantsof Gold Paper Hangings, at Is and la Cd pec roll.—X. Dunne, top of GroyBtrcet. WANTED to Sell, for £6 Cs, a Dress Suit, tit ordinary sized man, best cloth, almost new. Coat £9 9j. (Jwnor having given up frivoling.—Apply X.Y.Z.. care of Stab. WANTED, My Deferred Payment Sj Btem thoroughly understood Kvorybody can havo Watch, Clock, or JeweUory.— Tom Keeaing, Victoria-street. WANTED, Tenders~for~ Papering a four-roomed Cottage, until neon of Thursday, 13th inst.—Apply at Mr Haltron'u, fruiterer. Upper Queen^Btroot. WANTED to Sell (choap), for cash or terms, Levol Allotment. Krandly Bituatod on Mount Eden Road, 11 x IGI feet; also, same road, splendid Lovol Allotment, II x 100 foot, and New Houso, Bixrooma; ovory conveniaaco. Inqulrd prices at Alaccleaflold Villa, Kurantyihapo Road. ' ANTED, good, levol, and cheap allotrccnta in the vicinity *i Nev/ton Road. —State full particulars to Malcolmson and Co., N.Z. House, Land, and EBtato Agency. High at. WANTED, Grocery Business ; not too largo.—State turnover per month and all other patticulais to "A Grocer," Star Olllcu. WANTED.— When you are in HobsoDEtreet, call at Munro & MilUgan'a and Bee the largo and choice stock or Tweeds and Coatlugs just opened for tho present season. No shoddy goodo or elop-maktng and trimming at thiii establishment. ANTED, the Public to Call and See the New and Second-hand Buggies, Waggons, oto., at the Thames Carrlago and Dray Faotory, Victoria-street East. WANTED, everybody to sco tho Wonderful Living Five legged Bullock on Exhibition, next t» Leydon's Auction Rooms, on Thursday. Friday, and Saturday Nights. WAKTED KNOWN.—Cheapest Butcher, Uppor Queen-street, near cornor of Cross-street. Salt Pigs' Heads, Beef, and Mutton, lid. V*TANTED KNOWN-Good chance for Yt Working Man. Transfer of. Mortgagoof good Houbo and Shop, in a leading thoroughfare; only £50 required.—Apply." M.A.," Star Offlce. - WANTED KNOWN — Fresh Butter, from 6d to Is par Ib. Just arrived Hams, alp.rgo Shipment, yd per lb.; Guaranteed Sound. —Eaton's, HobßOMtreet. W "ANTED KNOWN—On Sale, Bricks, Lime, Sand, Cement, and Ground Mortar. Liftlna Jacks on Hire.—N. HoLoan, Builder, lute J. J Holland. Lorna-street. ANTED KNOWN—Waltham Silver Lever Watches for Sale by T. H. Lewisson. Warranted ; £s.—Quoen-Btreet, opposite Uuion Bank. ■ ANTED KNOWN—Mrs Hadley bogs to inform her friends and customers that she is no.w prepared to have Dross and Mantlemaking executed in tho various branches on tbe promises, at Hobaon-atreet, oppoßito Pram's liotel. ANTED KNOWN, that J. Gilmour, of Parnoll. hag still on hand some very good lines of O. and G.'e Salvage Stock; also, Ladles' Corsets and Umbrellas, whioh will be sold at tho fame low price as the above. ANTED KNOWN, that the advertiacr in Manufacturing every Doscrip'ioiv of Riding Saddles, and is prepared to S«ll tlieiii at prices to meet tho times. N.B.—Saddle, wist. Hogskin Scat.completo.witnmounte.from £'21DL Bridles, from 5s Bd.—William Morgan, Saddl«l( Nowrnarket^ ATfTANTED KNOWN.—I will give 6of V T of the largo lot of handsomely bound books standing at my door for nothing to tho first porson who does not think them a wondorful bargain. So be in time, and get the pick be ■ fore tha best of them aro gone.—At Damplor's Hobßon-stroot Shop. _____ WAN'I-lD KJSOVVN~(-___i' Tisuiaa ! C—Eap Ti_bkr! And al! other kinds of BuliiilnK Material, can bo ptirohfiEed ehe&per Red bettar tiuua auywisere else at tha yardii of i). StoLCia TS7ANTED KNOWN—See our Stock of V V Blankets before purchasing—£soo wort*. 9-4 Blnr_ets, 8a 6d, 9a Bd, and 10s 6d per pair; 10-4 Blankets, 12s Od, 17s6d, and 20a per pair; i^will Sootch Blankets, Now Zealand Blankets, and Colonred Blankets. These goods are the best value we ever offered.—D. MoPheraon, K&rangaA ________• - WANTED KNOWN. — Having now taken stock at both shops, and haviDg found them turn out about twice as well aa I expected, I am enabled to sell the fo lowing Bargains:-Fa_oy-Baskets. 3d. each; very grand line of whita handled Hair Brushes. 9d; lib tins oi BaJricg Powder 3d; Coloured Ink, 6d per doz bottles; Black Ink. 3d per doz.; Albums, Cd eaoh; M°-hest price do., Is 6d; grand lots of Brown Tea-pots, Cd each; Pig Ringers, 3d eaoh; Boya' Velocipedes, 193 6d; Coloured Pictures, 1 foot histh. Id each; superior do.,.Cd and la ; Splash Mats. 6d ; Infants' Foeding Bottles, 6d; square Looking Glasses, 6d; ffanoy do.. Is and la lid: nreakfast Cups and Saucers, IJd; Parlour Mats, Is fid; Door Mats, la Cd; h-riaeomo Coal Skuttles, 63 6d; KeroB ene Hand -lamps, 9d each; Luminou3 Match Boxes, 4d ; School Slat™, 3d; Tomahawks. 6(1; Oyster Knives, 4d; Children's Iron 6d" Bull's o^e and other Lanterns, 9d; Marking Ink, Id tho Bottle; Tin Plates, 2 for Id; rnrkßcrews, Id eaoh ; Is lid tho set •■ Cre__l Jugs. Id each; Padlocks. 2d; Small °crewdriveis. Id ; Good Siio Cash boxes. 3s 6d; Rpd Keys Id: Sewing Machines, 6a; Patent B ___ Tills; 7s 6d each fQlaaa Baskets, 2d : Salt rnllSrs Id- 186 dozen Piano Bheet Music. Id each"tome or them marked 3s; the Diamond Wauo Mu-io Books, 6d; Homj's celebrated Tii-nra fa" Pianos, 2s, tnarked sa; classical Violin Musio Books Is; good Spectacles /all siehts). Id per pair: superior ditto, M; _S_leß. 9d; real Pebbies. 4s, &c, &0., at 1 Damvier's|F_:ras_JiK Shop Hobaon-streat. ■

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 184, 12 August 1885, Page 3