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Tho City Council dorives this yoar from pub'icans' licenses a rovonuo of £2,500,

It is stated that tho building for tho Sailors' Home, which is .sought to bo erected at tho corner of Quay and Albort-stroota, will bo in koopiog in design with tho prosent Harbour Boar J otlieos.

Tlie funeral of tlio Into Mr Yaxley, of the Albion Hotel, took place to-day. I>r Hayntun, tho decea-0d . medical attendant, cer-tified-that death -.suited from apoplexy.

It is probable that tho old Baptist Chapel in Wollcs'ey-streot will ho utilised for tlio pnrposos of tho Vouny Men's Christian Association whilo tho now premises for this body aro being erected.

At tho meeting of tlio Harbour Boar..] yesterday afternoon, Mr M. Nieeol i_nvo it as his opinion thai tlio pilot service wa.» boing better performed than it had over been boforo.

So fur tho on Quoon-n(root Wharf has not provoil a euccors oven as an experiment, but hotter results may attend futuro trials.

A mooting of tho creditors of ,1. D. Wrigley, of Taui'ftnga, look placo to clay, and was adjourned until tho lir-t of July, at Tauranga, and tho dcbtm'4 offer to nc' gritui'ously f rtho interests o' tho creditors was accopted. Tho d.bin amount ,to C_OS l.s lOd, and tho assots aro nil.

Tho Sugar Company continue, to roccivo largo orders from southern ports. The Manapouri, which poos south to-morrow, will tako 130 tons rellnod sugar for various ports, and tho Suva will follow with another lurgo shipment noxt weal-

Sergeant Clarko, of tho Wator Polico, has a swag belonging to a seaman named Keith, who shipped on tho brignntino Sarah I'ilo in January last. Tho swag was found in tho Dock yard, and it is possible somo accident may havo happened to ils o-iior. Tho sergeant will bo pleased lo receivo any information respecting his whereabouts.

Thoro having been rumours that the Union StoamshipConipany woro negotiating for tho purehaso of tho steamer Triumph, our Dunodin correspondent telegraphs that he is authorised to contradict tho statoinent.

As a menus of introducing tho different commercial delegate.", to llio South Hon Islands to each othor, aud enabling them to have a preliminary talk ovor thoir plans, Mr John Bold, Chairman of tho Chamber uf Commorce, ha? Invited thorn to dinner at the Auckland Club this evoning.

Tho mooting of A. W. Gardner's croditors haß boon adjourned till tho IMth Inst. Tho estimates presented at. yestorday's mooting wero those prepared by tho debtor, anel not tho Assignee's, aa stated in our last issuo.

Tho passenger traffic to Mount. Roskill continuos. to increase, und Mossrs Con.'ins and Atkin aro now engaged in the construction of an unusually largo 'bus for Messrs Patterson, of Lome streot, to liu'ot tho demands of tho growing traffic.

Tho Hobson-strcot Wharf muddlo was undor consideration at tho meeting of tho Harbour Board yestorday afternoon on tho motion to pay Messrs Winstone £500 iriFiitisfactionof all claims. Tho Mayorsarcastioally characterised tho work as a credit to tho Board and nil connected with it, and nckcd if it was completed according to specifications os it now lay. Mr McKonzio said it was well-known that tho work was not completed as specified. It all tumbled down again, and wns now usoless for any practical purposes. Tho money (£7000) had therefore boonßimply thrown uway. Mr Niccol said the fact of the matter wus, thoy had really paid this monoy to establish a roof in tho harbour. It was pointed out that a portion of tho work -night bo utilised when the Hot-ion.itn.ot Wharf wns to bo constructed, and the matter then dropped.

The first issuo of tho " Rationalist," a new free-thought paper, will be published on Friday next. Tho paper will bo edited by "Ivo, ' and is to appear weekly.

A social mooting was held on Monday night in tho Tcmporanco Hull, under the auspices of tho Good Samaritan Lodge of Good Templars, Thoro wa. a fairly good attendance. During tho evening several pianoforto soloa woro rendered by Mrs Mills and Mr Stoddart, anel tho following pro gramme was presented : —Mr Mason, eong, "Sailing;" Mr Clifford, song, comic; Mr Stoddart, pianoforto solo ; Miss Cavanagh, song, "In tho Gloaming;" Mrs Westbrook, song, "Old Oak Tree;" Mr Proecott, violin solo; Mt Holland, song, "Tho Sea is Merry England's ;" Mr Vallaolt, song, "SV hitechape-1 Girl' (loudly encored) ; Mill. Townsend, song, " Wheel of Life ;" Mr Westbrook, song, "Old Log Cabin ;" Mrs Mills by special requott sang " Tho I.ose, Thistle and Shamrock " splendidly, Refreshments woro plentifully provided, anel various games and dances were engaged in during the evening.

The case of Mr Joseph Brown, who was injured by a train at the spot where the late Mr Thomas Macffarlane, a few days afterwards, met his death, is one of extreme hardship. Mr Brown is a carpenter, and he was employed upon a contract which was being oxecuted at the railway workshops. In the pursuit of his duty he passed through the man-trap which proved fatal to Mr Macffarlane, and was knocked down by a locomotive, his collar-bone broken, and other severe injuries inflicted, which confined him for twenty-seven days in the hospital and disabled him for life. The verdict of the jury at the inquest upon Mr Macffarlane declared that there was gross contributory negligence on the part of the Government in allowing this dangerous trap to remain open, and the authorities have recognised tho justice of the verdict by closing the passage ancl paying £300 to Mrs Macffarlane. They cannot, with justice, ignore the claims of Mr Brown. A letter has been addressed to the Government representing his claims to consideration, and we hope the Cabinet will show by its prompt action that the petition of a poor man for justice will receive as fair and impartial a consideration as that of ono backed by powerful influence.

. Cambria and Goldon Crown shares aro in demand. Tho manager of the former reports 0.-i0 ozs. of amalgam from about 150 tuns of dirt (one week's work). Af the specimens are not treated, this shows the general'dirt is shaping very well. There arc buyers nt 9s 3d, and sellers scarce. (! olden Crown., aro wanted at 5s Gtl ; sellers, few, 0-. Karangahnl.c stocks aro still in demand, Bank nf Nou Zealand are quoted (sales) J..1 12s Od ; Auckland Timber Company (buyers) £4 14s; Sash and Door, £-1 10s. Gas and Taupiri Coal shares asked for, and insurance stocks at quoted rates.

The Chief Justice of Fiji has appointed Mr Arthur IX Bennett, Notary Public, etc., of this city, a Commissioner of tho Supreme Court of the Colony of Fiji to tako Crown affidavits, etc., tit the city of Auckland.

A meet ing of t ho City Schools Committee, Mr (lorrie chairman, at which tho headteachers of the various city schools were present, was hold in the Wellosloy-streot school, to discuss the rules and regulations of the Board of 10.lticuti.uti. Tlio Committee will of course .-und in a separato report, but in the main the resolutions adopted at the recent meeting, of the Auckland Branch of tho Now Zealand Educational institute were adopted. Tho genoral opinion provailed that the individuality of teacher., should 1.0 respected, and that regulations should bo interpreted after ti liberal and common-aonso method.

No Htcps boiO'id thoso a'reody stitod hive been taken in tlio direction of forming tho districts of Nowton, Arch Hill, nn. Kden Torraco into n borough, It is, however, thr.t a conference of the bodies interested will bo hold noxt week to tako tho matter into consideration, Whatever may bo tho opinion of the other bodies, it is said the opinion of tho Eden Terraco Board is opposed to the change indicated, and that if any alteration wore mado in tho form of government, (hoy would seek to join tho city.

i.saac Walton*, a debtor, in examination boforo tho Oliieial As.-ignco to-duy, deposed that ho formerly carried on business ns a butcher at Waiuku, and got intodii-iciil-i-S to the oxtont of i..00. Ho gavo u|> bin-incn- and carried on a .small farm on lenso, but could not mako it pay. Dining tho lust year ho had been working as n journeyman butcho1', and averaged less than 40s a wook. Tho debts represented on hia sehoilulc, amounting to £_•!_, were nil, with tho oxcoption of Jt-7, incurred nt Waiuku. He was compelled to scok tho 'protection of tho Court through ono of hia creditora taking out a udgment summons.

Mr Williams, tailor, of \ .ctoria-stoeot, has collected Iho sum of i_4 lo_ for Mrs Johnson, widow of tho lato Waterman Johnson. Part of this monoy had boon devoted to the purchase of a mangle, by which Mia Johnson will bo able lo contribute towards tho support of herself and futnily.

As will bo scon by advertisement el.owhero, tho management for tho Auckland district of (lie New Zealand Accident Association, 1 .ihnoi-ton Buildings, liiih been placed in the hands of Mr Arthur D. Bennett, llio accountant and notary, The change of management was made during tho visit of the general manager, Mr..'niton, from Honcdin. Mr Bennett nlso takes over tho business of Australasian Livo Stork Ai--siisiuicc Society nnd tho Now Zealand Plato Glass Company, Limited.

A parsonage in connection with St. Sepulchre'h Church is to bo erected in Biirlolgl.--.reet. Tho following toiler., for tho work havo betn received by Mr Ally.right, architect. Wm. Grant, _.(>. 12s ; Chalmor.. and Al.lcrton, £1,029; Luver, JL'1,034; W. 15. Smith, _~(.._; Dawson, t..,0..0 ; _al.oyaiid_i_.ea, £1,070; tloszard, -1,077; Flowollvn, _-,0.(); Julian, £1.01)7; E. Mills, Cl,Mil'; Scott, £1,350.

Messrs Groy and Mitchell, architects, received tho followinp tenders for Mr Gray's house, : -(!. Wooler, CI7I ; James, 1.3-7 ; Burn-and I.ounedy, £439; Pollard, .43i.; ll,ilincs, ..350; Chottnm, i-14; l.i.*d, C...S ; Heron, .C 130; Koso and Walk, 1_1,')7; Julian, .t'3.&, Fur Mrs Cocbrano. li.wh.: G. Willow, -'-111. ; Jonos, A.17- ; l.iuti. uii-1 l.uin.iilly, t'4'.'i); Pollard, .C4l- ; Holmes, t'3'JO; Choltam, j_3S)O ; Kocd, Clli'J; Her.n, 1-130; Koto and Clark, £3-!): Julian, £335.

Tho " Silver King " continues n groat attract ion at tlio Opera House. Thoro was another very large audionco last evening, the div"3 I'iii'lo being well-patronised, whilo other parts of tho houso woro crowded. Tho performers mot with a flattering reception, nnil applause was liberally bestowed. "Tlio Silver King " promise- to havo a long " run," and Mill no doubt draw crowds upon each occasion.

Mrs Hutchinson, Superintendent of (ho Female Prison Cute Brigade Heme, giveH tin, following report for the week onding '_t!i .hire: -Kr-oive. into Home, I ; left, 1 ; remaining in Homo, 7 ; bods giveui, 30 ; lneal.. supplied, J IKS. Donations :Of broad, Messrs KvaiiH, Waters, Howie, Treuiaino, Waddol, Teasdalo; milk, London nnd Devon* .hire Dairies; meat, MossrsGarrott, Woods, lltilmc, H-ilnoil ; sausages, "A Friend;" ulsters, Mis Policy ; underclothing, otc, Mi. Bailey : calico, merino, anil blankets, Mrs St. ("lair; towels and toilet covers, Mrs Samuel Parker : potatoes and 10s, Mrs VVoodhaui : fiOlb- honey. Mr Hare, Whanj'aroi. Consequent upon tho removal to

ii,■«■ promise.., additional articles of furni »1Iro aro ictpjitetl.

The Onohiiiiga Ivirough Council held thoir ordinary business meeting on Monday evoning. Picsont: Hi. Worship the Mayor and all tho Councill-i-. Ur. Scott roported two cases of diphtheria, ami applied for a culvert in.tenil of an invert in front of his Queen-street property. The application wa. rofcricd to tho Streets Committeo, nlso the rcqtiosti for repairing boundary road at Ono Imo Hill. A circular from tho Waikato Railway KoformLeague re (...appointmen* by < iuvc rninont of n Conunistion to investigate and report upon Mr Snmnel Vaile's Kcheino was allowed to stand over until tho noxt mooting of tho Council. Tho credit halanco was eta tod to bo £347 10J lid, with liabilities under contract amounting to £..55 8s .d. A potition to tho Governor was ordored to be drawn aeking that tho borough boundaries bo increased so as to includo tho foreshoro, and that tho area gained should bo a i oudowinent to tho borough. Tho clerk was ordored to procood against owners of unregistered dogs, nnd tho Financo Committeo woro instructed to prepare a by-law to provido against unlicensed hawkers. Ro cemetery sito :In answor to Mr Yntos, Mr Sullivan nnd tho Mayor said tho petition hud gono at tho proper time, also Sir (1. M. O'Roiko's loticr urging the sumo. It was moved that tho clork should wiito to Sir Maurice asking him to prof-s tho matter forwaid to prevent unnecessary delay.

A Dunedin journal says -.—The largo sum of £8 000 a year, which is at present spent in Dunedin on benovolont assistance might surely be luid oul to better purposo than at present. A largo portion of tho amount stated is tho consequence probably of breadwinners boing out, of work, instead of doles of charity, would it not bo moro beneficial to lay out. somo work near at hand, such as tho reclamation nnd ornamontation of llio Town Bolt, which might afford work for tho unemployed ? A lady in London has given £1,000 for laying out public gardens on condition that tho work bo clone by tho unemployed poor of the metropolis. Ono of Iho most beautiful walks in or around Edinburgh is that at the huso of Salisbury Crags, called " The Radical Road," which was mado by the unemployed weavers somo sixty yoars ago. Bofore allowing our destitute poor to dogenorato into mero paiipoi., something should bo done in tho way of utilising thoir poesiblo labour."

Lord Rosoberry, speaking a fow weeks ago on the subject of Imperial Federation, said: — "We, the Imperial Federation League, havo been reproached for not offering a deliberate plan to the consideration of tho country. Now, I think those who have made that reproach have not understood the course of public opinion in Great Britain. What would happen if we had proposed a definite and actual pUn for the consideration of the country ? Holes would have been picked in it, and from tho discomfiture of the plan the movement would have boen definitely retarded. What wo require in support of this movement is not a plan,but the support cf public feeling. The question should soak down into the mind of tho people of this country, and when it has so soakod down the people of this country will find a plan of themselves. When men begin to understand that their trade, their power, their future, and their happiness depend in a large degree on tho union nf their colonies,they will find a plan that will be a better plan than any league can suggest to them."

Colonel Carnegy is announced to lecture to-morrow evening in St, Luke's Presbyterian Church on " India."

To-morrow (Thursday), 18th inst., Messrs '"Vnile and Douglas will offer some very valuable city properties situated in Queen street, Highstreet, and Helwyn-ntreet. 'ilia rapidly improving value of land in all lliese central positions of llio ciiy should render this sale worthy of tho attention of investors.

Chambers's celebrated sewing machines, '.0, Wueon-street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 17 June 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 17 June 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 17 June 1885, Page 2