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Tun wcokly meeting of tho Council waa hold last evening. Thcro wero presont: Hie \VorshipJtho;Mayor (Mr W. R. Waddol), in tho chair, Crs. Holland, Mackochtuo, Coopor, Upton, Devoro, Dignan, Connolly, Montague, Crowther, Aiokiu, Kidd, Goldio, Wayinnuth, La Kocho, Burns, Morrison, and Mnsefield.

Stanley -strket Dkainaok. — Messrs ' Frasor and Tinno wrote drawing attention to tho fact that tho main sower is now about completed, while tho lilling in of tho open ■ eowor is about to to commenced, and asking i tho Council to consider tho connection of an ) eighteen inchdrain running through the proJicrfcy, drain ng tho gully at tho back of tho ' foundry into tho new sower. l'nlc-s this woro dour, tin ii: workshops would bo Hooded. Tho Engiuoor roportod that llic (Jouncil would require to connect tho drainf, ua thu main i.s now on tlio other tide of tho drain, and was changed by tlio Council. 'I ho coat would bo about .CIO. -Agreed that I lie necessary work bo dono as soon aa possible. EbUOTT STKEKT. — Moesrs Coutina and Atkin complained that in consequence of pipes being laid down in front of their factory in Elliott-street, and lifted in abovo tlio stroot lovol, there was great diiliculty in golfing vehicles in and out of their shopn. rieveral accidents liad occurred, and tliey iskcd that the lump bo taken oil'the road. — \j.:recd that Engineer bo instructed to rouuvu tho of complaint as soon as p.jtsiblo, Koah Sukai'Eu. —Tlio Mount Eden District Hoard inquired if (ho Council had at llicir disposal a road scrapei1 cither for palo or hil'O : Agreed that ti reply bo SOnt. ro•_;retting that tho Council has no scraping mac.lino for salo or hire. iMi'kiUAl, JliiTici,. —C. Kliodcs applied for Ihe extension of Wig permit for alterations to tho Jmporial Hotel for n further period d! one month: Agreed tbat a permit be h-Hticd for the extended term applied for. La.Ml.—William Wiriani.'on apji'.iod for permission to allix a lantern light under thu verandah of Mr Hogg's, butchery, Karanga-h.-ipe Liotid.—The rcquont waa granted, subject to the usual condition*. ElilNUUlKili hTIiKKT. B. Woi dcoiiiplaincd I hat the i;i.-1 ructions to cut, down the footpath of Edinburgh el reel, at, ita junction witliKarangahupokoad luul not boencarried out. He also requited the removal of tho lirebull to (be waterworksivservoirsite, and tluitnlanip be placed at cornorofEdinburghstreet.- Tho Engineer roportod that tho loromali in ihe ward has instructions to lower tlio pathway and lix the boll v lit 110 lower down Kdinburgli .-trcot, clear of the corner. A lump would bo useful, but that was a question of expense : Kefcrrcd to tho .Slreols Committee. Ai:kii(!ko.mi:iu STliiiKT, —James. Uilloepio applied for ]ieiinission to orect un iron shed en Mr I'carsou Wilson's property in tho above street, for tho purposes of a stable.— Tho Surveyor roportod that tho application was in accordance with tho by-laws : The rogue.-l waa granted. K.vrr.s.— Henry Keening, jun., applied for exemption for payment of rales on his allotment in Lower llob«on-etreot, on tho ground that ho had been prevented from building by the cutting down, and that his appru.'.ch had been cut oil. Jlo also applied lot a reinis.-ion of rates on the Emily L'lnco propuity erected by him : Kcferred to the I'iiuinee Committee. (lorn-: .s.iuiit. -McrHrs R. and \X. K. Wallior cinnplaiiiod of tlio Mato of the ■'rain in this street, and suggested that the nuisance bo remedied. A memo, from Mr Ucvciidgo stated that tho «oik was being altcndi d to. -Agi ted that a reply bo sent in accordance wilh tho memo, Ckmktmiy Ilium:!:. — W. Stirling com:'i,ineil that tin; culling of the approach to ho Ci.nieteiy Bridge hid caused his fence n fall, and'was likely to lead to further iiunago. lie requested tho Council to 10 erect hi- fence and Fouuro bis ground by : lie ertclion o! a retaining wall.—Tho Engi- ■ ier «a- instructed lo repair the fence. Aktiii-i; st:;ki:t. -Whilakor and Ku.-sell, ii behalf i.f Mr S C. Smith, said that thoii lv nt bad been givil) to uiidcrsland Unit lie grade wouhl be 1 in 30, and at present ■i lin 15. His wall was tberefoie itilk-d a ( uf twenty inebes. llu .-kid it the Council intended to do anyihinjj : Hi fuied to the .Streets Comtnil'.ce. I'atijii>ai:k. W. (i. Hoburtson npplied Mr (In piilron.ige of the Council at tho dramalie eiitertainiiient in aid of tlio funds ■il ihoCiiyieaii Vetcraiib' Association : 1 he Council ik'i-iik-il that it could not grant its patronage toother than charitable entertainmotifs. Caut Timi'K —C. .1. Iliitchinson wroto stating that his pnmi.-es in Conmierceireet a'O nearly ci'inplolcd, mid requesting 11ml n c-ut track bo provided for the |iirp<i-e (I entrance into hin warehouse: Kcfenxd to Streets Committee. I'm ami: CnMMirn.i;. -This Cumin it tee i\'Ct.itniin.m!ed : Tolegratl) Iran Colonial ■i-ielaiy re Killing Act, ISN.L' : Your Committee si c no rcuron to reeomniein-l any ilt - rut i .ii in tho pre.-ui'. system of rating. -fipccial report from Messrs ililuo and liawlings le CullicfiirV Itcparlment, clau.-e No. I of report: That the suggestion of Milne and Knulings, so far as making out n receipt for every individual properly is I'onccruul, be adopted \iith the iiiodilicafion lhat Iho receipt bo made lo suit tlio paynient of the special rnto in two payments, (his doing away with the proposed supplementary receipt book, as provided in the modified form ; that tho practice of Iho Collector going out to. Collect rates be discontinued, ami that all ruteu shall bo paid at the ollico.—Clauses 'J and :: of report : That tho Collector's re reipls be checked by tho treasurer at nqt less intervals than oi\o week, and all post ing be made daily, ami from tho cash book instead of tlio receipt book,—Clnuso I of report : That part of recommendation No, I be given ellccl to in the following nuinnor, viz ,by immediately on a duplicate payment being discovered, the attention of the Finance Committeo bo called to it by tho collector, and a cheque for refund bo

ibtaiucd.—Clauxo SI of report: That in ro

"poi't to clatiHo D, pointing out of ,C2S 11b Sd was twien paid, but was not carried to any suspciifo account, but was fiuid to Treasurer as part of tlio rates colLcctcd, thus ii Hoot ing tlio rciativo amount of rates reocivcil and of arrears existing, llio Coininittoo find that tho looso memo, detailed in tlio items was shown by tlio Collector to tho auditors, and initialled by them. Tho Coininittoo oro of opinion that tho Collector should have rovoaledhis error nn soon as discovered. Tho Coinmittoo nro further of opinion tlint tlio City auditors lufvo failed in their duty in not having reported tlio orrors mado known to them by tho Collector.—l-ie llobson-strcct agreomont : That tho eamo bo approved, consequent upon tho sixmo boing signed by all tho parties interested, Motion No. 957 (Cr. Dovore), ro cab fnros : That tho present by-laws bo amended ; that fares bo reduced as follows—For 4 wheels, Is each quarter of an hour or portion of a quarter ; for 2 wheels —Is tho first quarter, and (id oaoh succeeding quaator. Separate accounts : Committee recommend that iii accordanco with Clause 8 of Municipal Corporations Amendment Act, ISSO, soparatoaccounts at tho bank bo opened for tho special funds in tlio hands of tho Council, viz., Ward Allocation (each ward), Town Hall and Library, Waterworks Extension. Allocation re freshwater baths : That Committoo find Unit thoro is in hand, alter allowing for tho Fri o Library contract, of the ■monoy borrowed under tho Consolidated Loan Act, 1870, and tho Additional Loan Act, ISSO, about ,C 4,000 for Town Hull, Public Ullices, I'ublic Baths, and Frco Library purposes, and there still remains to bo borrowed under the additional Loan Act tho sura of £7,« r>oo for

Town Hall and Free Public Library purposes.—Cr. (ioldie moved that the clauses relating to Clauto 1 of tho report bo referred back to tho Committee, and that tho necessary inquiries bo mude of the Customs in tho South Dunedin only paid a man ,C 225 for collecting all rates. A lengthy discussion took place on tho subject.—Cr. Upton referred to the fact that there were i'JJ.OOO or i'l,ooo arrears, whilo Cr. Montague quoted from Mr Ellor's repoit to show that with tho rates at .113,000, tho wholo rate was collect, d excepting £13. Only CIS was uucollcctcd from a rate of £18,000, Clti from a £20,000 rate, and ,C 45 from a :t."'.».'{,000 rate.-Cr. Waymoutli paid the whole rato of Glasgow was collected in three days,—Tlio amendment was carried, and tho clauses referred back. Cutting Down IJojisosstkkkt. — The clause referring to tho cutting down of llub.-'ui -ilrcot );avo riso to some discussion. — (Jr. Cooper moved that the clause in the agreement binding, tho Council to cut down Hobson street from Cu.-toms-street to Victoria-street be expunged.—Cr. Mnckechnio seconded.— Crs. Masolield and Montague urged that no delay should take place in the work, whi.'e exception was taken to their remarks by Crs. Goldio and Aickin.—Crs. Upton and Aickin contended that full particulars of tho claims for compensation should have ben given to the C-'iuiieil and mado public, nnd that all the dotills ohou'd have been submitted,— Cr llolland suggested that tho matter hould bo refemd back to the Committee, The amendment expunging the cutting

down provision from tho agreement waß agreed t). An amendment by Cr, Maseh'eld that tho matter should bo deforred for a week, and that in tho meantimo tho schedule bo apponf'rrl, W as negatived.—lt was agreed, on the- motion of Cr. Goldie, that after tho deed has been altered it bo referred to the Streets Committeo and North Ward members with tho schedulo_ of payments to bo mado as compensation, with tho proposed work to bo dono for oach applicant. Cab Fares.—Tho clause of the report relating to this subject was objected to. by Cr. Crowther. Several of tho members ri-J forrcd to the extortionate charges mado by tho cabmen in delianco of tho schoduloof ehargos arranged by tho Council.—Tho matter was eventually deferred for a month.

(Jitv Baths.—Some discussion tool; place on this subject referred to in the report.— It was agreed, on the motion of the Mayor, that Stophcnpon'a tender for the baths bo accepted —An amendment providing that cement, bo substituted for tiles was negatived. -Tho Finance Committee's report was adopted in its amended form. As.vru, ACCOUNTS.—The following report on this subject was submitted by tho Finauco Committee : — Your Committoo recommend as follows : - Ko accounts (1) Committeo find that tho accounts as presented to tho Council by tho Treasuror aro prepared in conformity witli tho order of tho Govcrr.or-in-Council. (2) Committeo recommend that No. 18 of tho printed accounts for Maich 31, 1885, bo prepared in futuro after the manner of tho form marked A, accompanying this report, such form being a modification of the account required by law, but not contrary thereto. (3) Committee recommend that in addition to tho annual statement of accounts laid before tho Council by the Treasurer, a st-ltcmont showing tho operation of tho accounts of the Council after tho manner of the form marked B, accompanying this report, bo also kid before them, such form being a modification of n return requiring to be mado by the Treasurer to the (■■vernmont. The state mont marked B si o ra that after allowing to each special fund, tho interest and pro miuni to which it id owlitlud, tho General Account is doficiont C2u,'-34 -Is 2d. (-1) Tho Committeo ruconunend tho Council to take into consideration its financial positi*m. (.1) The Committee recommend that to meet ihu wear and Unr of f.o waterworks plant a conservation fund account, bo op: ned. Memo, from Town Clerk, re leaseholds expiring in llowo-street : Committee recommend that bho buildings on tho ground be advertised for removal 14 days after expiration of lease, and that tho Engineer survey Iho ground and prepare plan, laying out plan if allotment to tho best advantage.— The report wan deferred till next meeting. CiMiK-sTiii-.i-T Skwkk. — Tcndeis were opened as follow :—Blades and Connolly, ,Clf)S ; John 11. Evans(accopted), £184 10s ; Win. Boulton, £193 Ilia Gd ; Archibald, £211 9s Oil; JameH Checn, i' 2-15 2a 7d ; Elias I'obcoo and Co., i'22llßs ; Conlon and Kogan, .t'233 —Tho Engineer's estimate was L'J.j-l. Worlcß to bo charged against South Ward.

NuJtFOLK sti:ki:t. — Tenders for drainago extension works wore received as follows : — William Blowdon, £32(i; Alexander Archibald (accepted), ;C332 19s (id; William Boulton, .nil Us; E. i'ascoe, £370 8a 6d ; James Cleghorn, .C.iSi ISs; Conlon and Kcgan, £385. —Tho Engineer's estimate was C42.V Works to bo charged against I'onsunby ward. Cuohsino. — Cr. Aiekin moved, "That tho crossing in Queen-street, at tho northern corner of Shortland-street, already authorised, bo at onco proceeded with."— Agreed to. Extension of Ratino I'ower.s —Cr. Dcvoro was to havo moved, " That the Town Clerk prepare a report showing tho scope and ell'ect of Sir Julius Vogel's proposal to extend and alter tho present powcis of rating properties within boroughs."—Cr. Uevore said the information he had asked for was already bo ing prepared by tho Town Olork and his ollicials, consequently ho would not move. The meeting then terminated.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 4