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TO LET, a Now Soven-roomod House, Norfolk-street, Pongonby; gas and ivatci; rent, 15s por week.—Apply J. Kamson, Suinmoratreet. TO LET, in Albert Avcnuo, off Y.illoy Una1!, comfortable 7-roomed House, quite new; v.-u'o'.1 Initl on; cupboards, eink, u:itnrnnm do , itndevcry convonlonco ;n)so eplen.Hd view; rcm low.—Apply W. H. Hardy, Grocer, Upperj-ynio.-.l^treet. rpO LET, Kyber IV.s.SliopaiidDweliiiu,' JL of lroo-ns; iMSand water, good size oven: near Mr Sotcombo'd brewery. - For further par- : iruinr.; apuly 1). l'\ KyanMi-itatc Agent. IllS mOLET, St. '(ioortro's Bay l'foad, L Janiell, __ ? .■oipfor'nbln House <>C 0 rooms; ever; <•-:ivi-:ihi)W : u-i'oi! --.r/i'M alluiinenl, *". &c— K-;r aUparlieur>i-.i apply D.Klivuns, Auctioneer '<i<d Ksuito Agent. •*■>? mo LET, "St. Mary's Koad, Ponsoubji J Corner of Dublin at., now 8-roo;nc:l l!ou<-:o. in liiVit-cHss orde; ; ku* and water throughout, iiatliromn; 6pl'!r.iii.l'i)iwiiiovi, rlnso to the 'hm and train r.taml.-- For further particulars BprOy !> l'\ linnrj, Ketnte A; s vnt_ _ _U3B rniO LET, ilaokot «t., L'oiirfonby, Lionto Ji. ofS room:, well llnlelicil, llttwl willievuvjoonvenionco. Kent, Miner week—For fui'ili.r parHcuhrs apply I i. I-'. J'ivann, Auctioneer anil ifetato_A(:ent. C 37 HHO LT'T, St. "Mary's l'.narl, Ponsonbv, _ owmTOf trß'; nice po itiori. hr;h v< raud h, eood view.— "or fnrtliev parHrulnrH ny tv )J. X Kvaua, A iictiormcr and Land Agent. 010 mo IKT, Grafton Roar], fmo largo 7--5 roomnd I'ou.-o. wi'li fw.s an'l cit- water; 'iir^eivlotincnt, 10 x VVK with back enlrancvFor farmer particulars apply I>. Jl. Avails. Auctioneer r.nd Land^Ageivt. . •'■" TO LET. St. Stephen's Koad, L'anicll, protty Villa Hcsl&enc ; of 7 roomsi; bathroom, scullery, &a ; Kn* mil water; allotment B<l x lm.— Fov furthi'.r particulars apply at iMlice of O. F. Kv.-inn, Katato Agent. __9JiL nriO~LE'fTMount Eden Road, oil' Mount JL lloakill Hoof!, a comforhililo Villa Kepi deuce, now, containing 7 raonm, gas and water throughout: lantcynrd; delightful situation.— For further particriais apply 1). F. Evans, Auctioneer an __n_A__t _i__TO LET, Victoria-stroot, Shop anrl DwcllinL'i gaa and water throughout: allotment, 10 x 70 ; back entrance, concrete yard wa'ih and wo-d houses; rent, very low.—l<or hiriii.- ii..rticilara, apply L>. V. Kvans, Uqmio and Land Asoi'.t. m 9 r*T\O LET, Arney Road, Kcmuera, new 3 and handsome Villa Residence of 8 room*; bathroom and wash-houße : about 1 aero in garden; lai 7,o munberof choice plr.nts. Dcl'Khtful situation: ovorlookiixr Hobaon's Bay.-)). F. Evans, Auctioneerand Land A;.;ent. _J_ nno~Lt!T, Shelly Beach Koad, cornor of R Cnm-ron-street, Family Residence, 9 ™>:iii', lnlhroom scullery, washhouso, copper and boiler, bus anil water, pood range, stable. nnfUarjfo (?ardtii. &c, &c.-Fpr further ■ ■•'■■! -li'ium npply '>■ !'"• Evan?, Auctioneer and K-t'ito Agent, M" mWON'co Front Rooms to Let (unfurP nlSliod), 8i per week, Mount Kden.liiqniroAl Surmun'n i-'loro, ?iloiint. Kden. rri on be t," 0 Tliob 3VK R V CO MMOD I 0 U ',: IMtEMI:-KS in Victoria-: I reel, at r.rußint occupied by M«Bars T. and K. Cookn. at KiiniiMie\Viir(:'' Trc-rr i!'a v-ini^.!,.'' p O3 "eXn can bo KWO.U mTcnWjL) F'jtato Ar;cnt. C!or,nib,-an_A_ ado. rglO "n6"6T""jM ANUFACTUiiFRS, MERA CHANTS, AND OTHKBS. A comcact mamifaotory nnd plant, in full work, everything requiretl, in good order Tor the present trade, to be Leased us a Eoinj,'concern- i.o on'lav required for pi nt or llttiiu-s. A LTund prolltablo oonce.rn-seldom met with in the'markot, Alao, if required, live r- lail shops 'rho trado alone more than k:-cpa the factory KoinK, and can bo considerably increased.Apply by letter to j. x AUSTIX , Proprietor, Auckland. L Jo? Sake ■jtuTr pkiv at c sale. Hi The well-known Hunters from the Rangitikei Diutriet, the property of W. Hammond, Esq., DR. BRADLAUGH AND MADCAP, For particulars apply to HUNTER & NOLAN, Auctioiioor£.__ Tj^Oß SALE] Now and Second-hand .F Spring Cart.-Appiy F. I'atteraon, Upper Quoi;n-Btrout. _. TJTibli SAt.E, a grand bargain, at Parua Sr Hay "CO acres, at 20a per acre; abounds with t'ii. lead, nnd coiip.--_;Haiinaf_d_AKency. ■fjiOU SALE, 12-roomcd House. Would JJ muke «ood boardins-houßO. Cheap and ensy terms. — A. M. Graviitt, Vermont-ttreet. PonKOidiy. _ SifUR SALM, .tho 3-ton Yaoht Ethel May U ' (coppered), with all pear, etc., in (,r ood ordo ; suitable for cither pleasure or working nun.GBCB.— Apply 'l'hamea CarriaßO and Dray Fa -tory, Victoria-nlrcet Kart. TfiORBALB, I'ercival Parade (great bar L 1 uaiii) that Fine Brick House OLEix rooms, five llroj.laceH.KOod well of wale'; allotment, 15 x Kin; ifood view of harbour. For sale at the low l>: ieo of £220 - For further particulars apply 1). F. lSvann, Auctioneer and Land Afjent. l/JOll SAJjK, Snlo-rtrcot, luk'i position, P overlooking Fr. emeu's liny, a Choice Liitlo Villa of four well-furnished loonm in i;ood Blato of repair. (.Corner Allotment. p x 75; very elu up at .i:aO.-l''or fin-lh -r particulars apuly V. F. Uviina, Auctioneer and Land AjrcnU llifi. liWi. SALE, Ireliiiitf-rtrcct, Ponsoiiby. SJ Nice Liitlo Uoltngo of four rooms, conveniently situated, clone lo town. Allotment, 'ii s7l • very clirii'. I'.'i.r. .6210 -For further purliculars apply U. F. Kvann, A ucUoncor end Land Akoi t. »"'• JilOPv SAf.U, Avumlalc. llosobank Estalo, 1 181 acrca of Btiloiidid Land, half iv oraps, potitoea'and oala. the balance in grass ; a pood creek fronlak-e, and p'enty of fresh water; a lino Bubolanlial ltecidencp of 5 rooms, with daiiy. stable coach liouhc and fowl houso; oil woll and eccuruly fenced; pricefil.'.'ii-For furtlior p-u-ticular?, apply U. F. Kvina, Auctioned'and Kit ate A gent. '■'■" -JA 0 IV BALE TIIK HUNTLKY BRICK, TILE, ANU POTTKUY WOIIKB. Tho abovo Works, with all nccesßary Machinury and Plant, for tho carrjing on of a prolltablo aud successful industry aro now for disthe property Includes scvoral acres of oxnollcnt clny, thoroughly tested, and of hif!h oualitv well suited for the manufacture of Bricks, Pipes, Drain Tiles, and Pottory Ware. Tho bufidingß consist of Corrugated Iron Sheds und Mill cihed, i;ood Dwelling-house and Tho machinery comprises Clayton's Brickmakini; and Pipo Machines, with all requisites. Al^o, 12-H.P. Tnngyo Knrino and Boiler. Ihc Kilns nvo now and in good working order. Tho AVorks are in clo^o proximity to tho railway and coal-mine: thus enabling coal to be obiainod at the lowest rate/, whilst tho railway brings tho works in immediate connection with Auckland and tho AVaikato district. To a practical man this local industry offero a chance seldom to bo met with. For full particulars apr,ly to W. L. I.UTOIIKLL, Land Agent, Cocmbcs's Arcado. "/_bJlT7\ WILL Purchaso 9 Years' H&i-5 vf Xr Lease, with purchasing eliuse, of % Acres good Land, within 8 miles of Auckland; N.E. aepect; suitable for strawberries. orchard, poultry. )Z.c. ; 17 acres grass, togi-ther with llouso and outbuildings. Rental, £50 per annum.—J H. Rnndnraon. Auctioneer. ANIiLESEA - STREET. — Six-roomed House To Let; gaa and city water. Also, Six Rooms. Nelson-3treot.-C. AYilliamson, Kstato Agent, High-street. BKICK SHOP- AND DWELLING, WISLLICSLKY-STIIEET. FOR SAI.TS, the Lease of Superior Premises. Good Business Stand and Excellent Accommodation a3 Private Residence, with gas and water and all conveniences. Price low. W. L. .MITCHELL, Land Agent, Coombes'a Arcade. GREAT BARGAINS in City Property. New Residence (just completed) within 12 minutes of Queen-street. Contains largo and lofty rooms (3 of them 21 x 15 ca h), gas, gas Btove, city water, and bath ; every convenience; grand view o£ Harbour ; locality pleasant and healthy. Apply early, as thia choico property is sure to sell quickly.—J R. Randeraon, Auctioneer. KOADT^Very Desirable J_l Corner Section and 7-roomed Dwellir gin Fh-3t rate Repair with all Conveniences for a Family. Not far from Symonds-street, in a Grand Position, alway3 commanding a Good Itontal. Tho owner, desiring to realise will Sell at a Low Ifigura-W. L. Mitchell, Land A gent, Coombes's Arcado. , TCTEWMARICET. — Grand cornor Tro_L^l perty, main road ; commodious doublefronted Shop and convenient Residence of "i rooms, with private entrance, woll. pump, etc, Price, £050.-Apply J. li. Kanderßon, Auo tionccr. "OItOFITABLE BUSINESS, returning L good income, for £200; includes complett ■ furniture of large boarding-house (22 rooms, to gnlhcr with 3 years' lease of brick building, anc good-will of biiEineEß). Tho situation is central and tho house full of permanent boarders. Onlj reason for selling. own=r leaving the colony.- , Cards to view from J. li. Randorson, Auctioneer mO BOOT MAN UJ?ACT URERS. —T< I bu Sold, clu-ap. Now Toe-cap Punching Jlaehine, iiet import-id, 2 patterns.—Apply a , SuiherlaijC'a Leather Store, in Market. WILLIAMSON _ VENUE i SORRBST HILLS. SPECIAL NOTICK. 4 limited number of CHOICE ALLOTMENT! . !r. WI i.JjIA HMiN AVIt SI 11". dt-r,tined to bo th finest Btre.t in or about Auckland ; d.\bd 30mo 1; • ;:■ strs; rs. nra NOW roi: tbs fikbt tim: i aaw roK saws, . '!'crm3 s Omvflfth Cash, balance any tlm rflthtn IU-o ynurs. Instaliunnta of &i und uv } warda rnouiyecl. Interest,'/ vov cent, on unpal tmlancea. Prices and plani can be hud at OJBee, Short snd-otrout, j A. BUABUMAN. AKent. Meetings. 3 "KTEW ZEALAND EDUCATION A. ■ J3I ISSTITUTJL-AUCKLAND BKANCE An Adjourned General Meeting will bohcl in AVelioslcy -street School THIS (fcnda: 1 EVENING, 14 7.:!". Business: Ulecussir.n of th I j:ulesar.d Krgulut.ion-i of the Beard of Kfluei i tiou. Membera of Committees aro specially ij ''. Vlted' JAS. COLLEII' DICKINSON, Secretary.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3