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(Uoforo !). Goldio (Chairman), ,1, \V. Oarr .ImtiOHOivniliw, .1. Knoll, C, G. Hill, Lice.!:; -I. 1.. Stonov, Clerk.) >' -Ho Criterion ;!-a WollinKton Ko:ol3 io la Cloaca. Tiik adjourned i-ittiit;; of tiil- Court was opened ;it 10 ii'i'lm-U lliis morning, fupov tt.-nUi.-iil Thomson represented tho polite, ;-:i! Mr '-V'tii-v appeared for Ihu Lteeiwtd - ii Ul.dli.-r.- .'..-. nt-i-i;urn. \IM-I IOATIdSS IOU UKNUWAI.S. Cimtimjwn IIoTM,. — Mi.nry liidlui^h Mr i. lleske-lh appeared for Iho applicant, and Mi' il'. 10-u-1 for Iho owner.-Mr llosketh -usled that if (lu> Henoh would adduce • .ul-.i'ico :.i .-.r,(-. ( -.uil d' their übjuetinn.H lv :l'.f riM«vw:>.l o£ iho license of this house lie «;.:• propped wilh ivlmlliii" evidence.— l'!w ("''.■■ inn; n i.v'ic.i llwil tho Bench iliil ".'! inioinl :,, , iVoi; :sny e\ idonee. Amph ■■■ !■ ' i:j-o;i which to fiirm :> judgment !•.'■: ii.ii i!i;it [lie house w.i.i i<ot required in ■ ':>.■ in i :':'. ';'n:o.■,[. Moiv.uvur, ii was imi iiji 1.. i 11-.o raiuiron-cuts of r.n liotol.--Mr ir-!.i.-i!i ! r, ii'ly i'oiho:m!l.l Ihu ir was the d ay in' tin. Lo ich to adduce tho evidence '■:> suppoii oHhoir objection, «i that the li.'onscij mi^l.t hiivoa tali- or.pui-tiu.ity of defondin^ him-eif, and of producing" ro--I'iiUiiij' evidence. A.-- to (he present condition of tho house, regard hail boon (mid to (hat, nml plans wore now in Iho Court of a now three storey brick building containin;; no less Ih.-in IS bod rooms, which it. was p.op;-scd to proceed with at onco. A |H.-iitiou ■;;n ill y 11 Ir.itcpuyersatfcsted thnfnotthnt iho hotel was required in tho neighbourhood, - |Tho plans and petition referred to were iheii handed in lo the Bench.]— Mr Hcskoth m-ulo a rtron;; for consideration tow .-in.!- hiselient. Tho Chainnnn remarked th;sl of tho lllpetitionors.only 3'Jworo ratepayers —Mr F. Earl alto supported the applica'ion, ami pointed out that tho owner >'..;; prepucd to do everythinj' that was noco.-s:i)y in order to mnko tlio Criterion a til1: t-elns?hosielry.— The Chairman answered that tho Committee had well and carefully considered the matter, and they wcro re-.--.■lut.-i in their determination to rofuso the liccneo on I ho ground that tho hou.«o was not required in tho neighbourhood. —Mr Iv-rl then applied for nn adjournincnt in onler that, ho mijrht have opportunity of proving thai tho houso was required.— fh-i Ch:irunn replied that the Henrh iioc'i'i ill ) jj'.-.anl nny further adjournment, for tho priiduc'i.-in of c-vi ienco.—After seme further t!upn.-<H?n, thn renewal of thy lie ii?o wri'd.i.-i iv.-!y wlV.h:.'. I!o:; K-.iv lldtkl— William Uofran. —Mi' Tlio'iia-i Cutttr mnwired for iho apj-lieant, ;n.l Air U. Hrov.-aii)!; ?t the owner.- In aiijiwer to Mr CoHur, the Phninnan stii<l that tho Bench, in this caso also, did not propose to offer any ovidonco in support of their objectionj.— "Slv Cutter then proceeded to adduce ovidence.—Constablo Borunrd de]iO3cd that tho house was well conducted. and that he had taken people there, after lioura nnd obtained accommodation for them.—John l>iili:i;_ilon deposed that for 12 years !io had rerided next door to the Rob Roy Hotel. Since tho present tenant had taken possession it had boon well conducted, and more especially so within tho last two year*.—ln answer to tho Bench, the witness stated that thero had been no Sunday trading, to his knowledge, since the tcnipornnco people secured election to the Licensing Bandies.—Win. Regan, liconsco of tho hotel, deposed that thore were seven rooms in it for tho use of tho public, althongh ho did not keep a- »■ regular boarder?.— If. Sothern, W, H, Marllet, and .1. Bea-lcy also gave favourable testimony.—Tho Chairman said that tho Hench had no objection to Mr Retail, for he had conducted hid hoiwo well, but they were rather divided in opinion as to how they .should act. They could not but feel that theKobiloy andFreemans's Hotels wore too co-ely totrether for the limited requirorientd of Ilia neighbourhood, and one of them would lmvo to gi. Still, as Mr Regan had condnot-d his liun.-o so well, they wcro loth to deprive him at onco of his license, it would thercforo b<s renewed for this year on tho distinct understanding that if tho samo Bench held ollico next year it would bo refused.—Licenso accordingly renewed. SVklmniston llOTEt—Andrew Dunn,— Jlr Cot.'cr, in applying for the renewal of tho license, handed in plan? of a thrccstorcy building, which tho applicant pronosed erecting during tho ensuing year, at an estimated cost of £3,300. A potilion was also produced.—Tho Chairman stilted that tho Committe had no objection to tako to I ha personal lituesa of the applicant. They un!y wished that there woro more publicans like Mr Dun. I: v.ns merely a question an to whether tho house was required, and tho Bench did not think it was, more especially as a now hotel (tho Robert Horns) was now boitig erected in tho iuimediato neighbourhood.— Mr Cutter applied for an adjournment in order that he might adduce ovidenco.—Tho Chairman replied that; it was useless to di> so. Besides, that opportunity had already been afforded. Mrs Dunn had told tho Bench that sho troubled with boarders, nnd thoro was a now and largo hotel being erected in closo proximity. —Mr Cotter then proccoded to adduco ovidonco.—Constable Bernard deposed to tho good conduct of the house, and E. Hfldrill, Samuel Vivian, and John Carson, whilo also testifying to that fact, stated further that tho hotol was a public convenience. — Andrew Dunn, liconseo'of tho hotel for tho past tivo years, deposed that it had boon a hou.'o of accommodation for visitors from tho Thames. Ho folt assurod that it was a necessity in tho neighbourhood, and so also was the Robert Burns Hotel.—Tho Chairman stated that tho Bench were firm in their opinion that tho hotel was not required, and- thoroforo would not rcnow tho licenso. Neither would they grant nny further adjournment.—Mr Cotter : "Then this is a Court where porsona may bo tried and deprived of redress." — Mr Goldio : "Tho Bench have cast upon them tho duty of administering tho Act as they find it." Criterion Hotel.—Mr Gidlcigh pleaded for leave to carry on for 12 months, saying that tho refusal of his liconse would placo him in tho street. —Mr Earl also twitted Iho Botich with being unmerciful as well as strong.—Tho Chairman replied that tho Bench had no reason to reconsider their determination.

Tho Court then rose

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3

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COURT. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3

COURT. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 3