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i /I II KS T S O F Dl! AWERB, "^ / Voiv llandaomo Cheats of Drawers-, inßicl jollied K-iuri nml e1!,,!- li-.-iuiiifui .i'oi-'j.,| I'iinbiMM. all at very Ife.iso-iahlu pricesfor Tosh All tho tin,her use I in First Quality, thoj I aiv maili) by lii-,t-i-!,i:,s workmen, and havi I tin'ajßKiveu ir.c.Lt sutia/;ictiun. 1 W, NOItRIK, Manukactuhkk, Top or Rhortlnn l-atri et. "VfOTICB BY"'rilE NATIONAL IrUB -Ll LISIIINU COMPANY. j Tin; bout edition of tlio Fiiinily Pictorial Biblo ' to which iH attached a coinpli-tu Knc.vclopmdii . of Si-ripuiral ICr.invlnlfic. Il ii ilhiMnit.M will ' i)M>r'..,iHi lCnvrnvin^hv I lon- andotlu r cmlnem artists. Thi)N.P.(.'.u'.etialloiwith ' world to equa tho uhovo in beauty of bindiiiKs, rantorita, tine priceH. Tlio Compimyarii introducing tho aoovt into tho AuoU.m.l PiMvlnco, and ihis nuvßniH 1 i-t-nt v. in-i; i, to !)■■ hud dy su!isrri|.ti(m only Mr itoliiMt Martin, of View Road. MonntKdon ia tho solo Agent for tho Auckland Provinco. i <££'■#?. -Jl^ } milE I'UBLLC; TRUST OFFICE OI j i NKW ZKAI.AND. t The Public Tnißtcn ma} Do nomluatoi . Kxi'CUlor i ndor tho Will of a Testator, oi j Tnhitoi: vin.K-r a Jlnrriami or oilier S'ltlloinunt t No olmrgo is niadii uii.i'u tho deposit £ u r Him oilHtody of any Will b> which tho PiiblU TriiHtcc in appointed Kxccutnr. Present Tiusicos. Kxeciiitin-H, or Adinlnlntra tora may, if ai.-lTovi-.1, ii.lleve iheliiHtilvos Oi fuiuri! ri'spoiwibiUly by truiiHfurrinK truuls v tho Public; TiuHtve. lli-neo, residinp in Knglaml, America, and eU-whcro, holding mono}a for tho benellt o( pornoua who havi tiniKroicd to NiiwZculuini.niny not. only ruliovi Oheniselvei of resiioiisiliility, but. A.i llio rale ol inU'iVHt iibluinnblo in Now Zealand execedu tin Kiwlish rutu, will greatly augment th<i incoim of the briH'lii'iarics by t,o doing. Tho Slatt niv.n an iilwilulo H'lanuitou us'iiinat losa ol funds by Iho fraud or disboueuly of its olllcers. Tho Public Truaino "ioUIm hiiv« luuua of mono] " (or luviwtmont ou real wuurliy at uurrunt rates of tutorial. Appliciilions for udvancoon lirni - mortgago will bo recoivod at. tho various agon cics, wticro all furLher may bo ob taincd, It. C. lIAMKRTON, Public Trustoo. Tiios, MACFKAIiXANK, Kaq., Agent at Auckand. w; c ■ « i BOOK BINDUK, PAPr.R KULKn, ACCOUNT HOOK MANUFACTURER, XBIUEIS DOOIS3 iBOVS " STAR " OJTICX MKRCHANT.S1 ACCOUNT BOOKS, inßuranos Iml minims rsoistitr boom Hpkciallv Ruled and Bound. 1 Mvlblo, T.raga?.luos, Public Librerics, and Snnday School Books well bound. ' BAKBItS1 SPECIAL RULKD DAY 80088. , Biblsa, l*rayor and Hymn Booki Re-bound, KJJOiJ AND CHOIR MUSIO BOOKS IHJI-» n _ Ini I) war d I>a r' sons, BREAD MAN UFACTURER BY MACiU.N'KKV, S V M OKDS-STI! E E T. I~> M o i] A^ li E N, • COAL & FIRKWOOD DKALKR. At Yard, KaraiiKahapo Road, or ship's Sldo. I'twtrt and Riilis, Houwj Hiooks. aid Shingles , in Salo. GO TO BATH to ROTH'S PUBLIC HOT. COLD, AND tUUnVKK IiATUS, VllTOI!IA-STKK!-.T KAS-. (N'US from G till 1U Tho llath-rooma ai« t!L I^ iT^i;i"lU.wcr'i^lw'.ui ena^.:rusbe": ,„',,,;',; ,',,,) ii >rs soinw &>!. Select Halli-rouniVd-nvni.Vfo'r Ladiri .-v.-ry day. at all hours with female aitn.1.,:..'... ~-,,■ s;,ill'.ni; and ■iKiciC'' Pleai'ij no!.: lb.: :l'Wvc^ \ ietorianext the Chiv»:> lied.liii-- : ii"d l-'iiniilure. Mart. Ai,rU-l^_ X^'.-H l Mb. ; -ilii.;Mi'l:-nei.. ~\\f ARNOUK BR6TII ER S, \ ♦ KstahlishPil IStLI SOAP AND CANDI.K Jl \NUFACTCJIIiR3, COX'S CRKKK. AUi'IILAND, Mnnufaciurers of tho Ci'li-brafxl Kxtrict r.f Sniji, Di-infectnnt Powder;., l-'irsr Prizo \ ollow. P.Uie Mnttlcd, Duublo Crown. Kcunoiiuo, anil Household. Carbolic, and oilier Medicinal and Toilet Soaps.mado from tho puroat of Tallows. Offlecs—DUßHAM-S ' R'.CKT, Aunkland. N.B.—Cash Purnhiwora of Tallow. Woo Hl-.flrpnlcina. and Horn" muukisii v at v s, -a- UPPER (JUBKN-STRBET, Near tho Queen's Hotel. This well-ventilated establishment la Open Daily from 0 a.m. to I", p.m., and on Thursdays and Saturdays These Baths aro highly recommended by the I'aliiH for L.m'>iks on Tukbdays and Tiii'usiiayh, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., ndor chargo of an oxperioneed hilly atfendunt. F. .7. I.'ARRKI.L. Socrntury. QUI'EIUOU CORRUGATED TANKS. 1/1 J. L, OAN Has for Salo a number of tho abovo, with taps ready for uho : price, to, at lii-> Shop. WeMchlovstreet Kast (next floor Ii) Crinvthwi titahhw). Largo quantities of Spout ing. RidgiiiK, and Down Pipes alwajs In slock. Verandah Iron curved at tho shortest, notice. Country orders will always receivo liiu prompt attention. Lead Wtu-hori- always on liuiul. "YlfTh L I A M THO M A 8, VV Corner of lotiio and Victoria-streots, MONUMKNTAL."MAlR nBLK' BAND REN ISRAL STOXICMASON, AUCHITKCTURAI. SCULPTOR AND CARVKU. In-.crlptionsAecnrr.le and Beautiful. Monuments, Tonbs. llendutones. and every description of Stuno Work at tlio Lcwost pouRlblo Prices for Town and Country. A R 0 O"N D LI M B. GROUNI) LIMK KOR SALK BOUT II (i ATM 9 MAHURANGI HYDRAULIC GROUND In any nmmtlty, for Concrete Paths, Mooro QUP-TlJoa). For tanband other wet rrk it Is a flrst-olaaß material. B XX HE, ToLB AGHNT, CUSTO^tt-KTRICKT riIHAMES OARL" \«E ANU DRAY X VMX■■:. liY. JAMES MACIvLE, Proprietor, VICTORIA-STIUSKT KAST, AUCKLAND, Ir^n^;^uted^?;Sae S \S. aUd also Ironbnrk Shafts and Spokes, Red Cum feS dunWi!'rM""oSKitcndodta Tolophono_No 1 _30? : _____ f~l EOR O E H. EAST ON, NEWMARKET HOTEL, NKWMAHKET. /IS tf» Harboct, [corn brooms, "tgfiK" rau:PHOWB N 0...83, fa 4V\ If nOBSOX-STBEBT |j \> ,-> &! [ V- *\ MBIT ji • f^iASli AND DEFERRED PAYMENT <O TAILORS, DRAPKRS, II A B I T -MA KBEB, 1 HoIKOX-STKKIiI. [ W« r<:'<i»-ct.ful'y invite Attention to our Large Stock of NOVEiTISS for the present Season. Our '.Jr.'at Variety mid Choice of the Best ■ Fabrics, wi>h tiic Skill an'! Talent we now cmI ]'lo\ mid thn great i-.nre.eas "' our eli'-irls to proiliu'r Huperi-ir UariiieTil-, Pcrl'oct in Fit, and Uncscoilort in Cut Stylo, givofi us every Donlldi'ue.u iv re: ii-ctftiily aolioitlug Lho favour ofaviMi, All Twccls tjoroughlr shrunk beforo being ro ilo up, anil i'it :iml VVcrkinunshlp Guaiftiitood. Tho referred FKgmesJi System has been foi!';'t '.:' bo a ~'veiit kinn. by enabling iJioso with limited ine.nncs to procureneceesarteß in tho ca.-ics'. poasiblo way. ALL GOODS AHK MARKED IN PLAIN KIGIURKS. po-h nnstomi-ts r.-'.r,:1. ::l . r> per cent pteconnt (orTtV'Hiiiiiintr'iii ilioviiiitidsforling) on all parcel!

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 1