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The English Political Outlook

A Reutkb'u telegram states that it is believed the Conservatives will accept office if it is offered to them; and a special despatch this afternoon shews that bids are already being thrown out for the Bupport of the Home Rule party. The price of their vote is to be the dropping of the Coercion Act and the raising of loans for public works in Ireland. Tho Tories have so few chances of office that they may even snatch at this one, and if they do, it is quite possible that the Liberals will beep them in power, oh they did Mr Disraeli In 1668, so long as they serve their purpose, The position of tho now Ministry, holding office on the sufferance of their opponents, will, however, bo a moat humiliating one. Party lines in England are too sharply drawn for there to be any doubt about a Government possessing a majority in. Parliament, and tho result of the late division pi ores, beyond question, that wha'evcr the internal dissensions in the Liberal Paity may be, their opponents are not strong enough in Parliament, which ia i

constitutionally representative of tho country, to ontitlo thorn to control tho national administration.

Amongst tho Waihora'a passengers for Wellington woro tho lion. Mr Hondoraoii, M.L.C., Messrs Thos. l'oaooek, and Dargavillo, moinbors of tho Ilouaj of Roprosontat'voi", and Mrs Darpravillo, Tho Wybort Reovii Dramatic Company weroalso passengers by tho Waihora.

Somo heavy clearances of sugar from bond woro mado today in anticipation of a possible incroaso in tho duty.

Tho members of tho Artillery Band aro practising assiduously undor Bandmaster Huntor, with a view to an early departure for tho Wellington Exhibition. They intond to tho following programme on Saturday afternoon noxt in tho Albert Park, commencing 2.30 sharp :—Quickstep, "Lo, Arms," E. Nowton ; grand fnntanin, " Emira," Escudio : valae, " Soo-saw " ; grand contest selection, "Riou Zi" (Tho Last of tho Tribune), Wngnor; grand fantasia, "llonoria," 11. Smith; grand soloction, " Maritana," \'. Wallaco ; (Jod Savo the Queen.

We understand that tho cost of Couplnnd and Co's now and spacious four-story building in Customs-sbco- was .t"5,000, and that it was oroctcd by Mr Joseph Bccroft without architect's assistance.

Important news is to hand From the Golden Crown mino. In sinking a winzo on the reef, which' is supposed to lie tho Cambria roof, lfllhs, of spnoiinens woro obtained. The shares have boon enquired for at ss. to ss. (id., all calls paid.

Councillor Ooldio croatod somo amusomont lit tho mooting of tho City Council last night by oxprostiing tho opinion that a man who wan in tho habit of associating with tho moinbors of tho Northern Club, as Mr Ellor did, was not tho man for tho position as Collector, and was scarcely likoly to do much collncting.

Tho man Gcmand, whoso suddon disappearance was referred to in a rocent isßiio, ia said to havo loft Molbourno undor very similar circumstancoa, to tho intonso rogrot and disgust of a numbor of his creditors. Inquirios aro still boing mado rospocting his present whoroabonts, and should he bo still in tho colony, thoro is ovoiy ronson to anticipate his early return at tho oxponao of his creditors.

Six prosocutions for nllogod broachos ot tho Railway Regulations, including the chargo against Ernest Brabaznn, will romo nn for hearing at tho I'olicu Court tomorrow,

Nows has been rceeivod in town of tho doath in England of Mr Brook, a wealthy gontleman who resided horo for hoiuo tiino last yoar, and who purchased an estato at Mullot Point, Mahurangi Heads, 110 was a membor of tho Northern Club.

Thosteamor Waihora, which wont. South this aftornoon, took 101 tons of retined sugar, which she roceived at the Sugar Company's Wharf, Birkonhead.

Tho debris is at prosont boing cleared away from tho sceno of tho Victoria-streot firo. It is proposod to reinstate tho damaged buildings at ouco, and Mrs Wallace's shops are to bo roplacod.

Building operations still continue brisk in tho city and suburbs. During tho last fortnight, tho folio wing permits woro issued : —North Ward, 4 ; East Ward, 12: South Ward, 5 ; Ponsonby, 15 ; Kurangahapo, li; andGraftou, 3.

During tho last fortnight, tho Sanitary Inspoctor has attended to 09; complaints of nuisances, has issued nine notices to abate nuisances, and impounded nino doge. One caso of typhoid fevor in Ponsonby wns reportod to him within tho period in question.

Tho North Ward members made a stubborn fight last night to carry through their Hobson-street .scheme as projjared, but were defeated on an amendment striking out from the agreement between the parties (he clause binding tho Council to cut down Hobson-streel. from Customs-street to Vic-toria-street. Tho division was an follows : For tho amendment—Councillors Holland, Maekechnie, Cooper, Upton, Crowther, Aickin, Goldie, Waymoutli, La Roche, ami Morrison. Agaiust—Councillors Povoro, Dignan, Connolly, Montague, Kidd, Bunin, Masefield, and the Mayor.

It was not until lato yostorday afternoon that tho workmon engaged in removing the steam roller from tho hole in Victoria-street into which it foil, succoedod in their task, No damngo wns .sustained by tho pomlorous machine

There is a steady demand for Cambria ox dividend at Sx Oil (o !).s, and sellers !).-< (id. No news from tho mine to-day. The reef at the low level ia ko lalgc that iieco»aiily tho progress is slow, as by last account.- ho was taking out ten feet of crushing dirt. Moanatairi Extended have boon ndUccl for at low rates, and Crowns al fw c.ill paid. Lend Mortgage, Auckland Timber, .South British, Union, National, and Standard InNiiranco Stocks aro wanted, mid thorp mo buyers of liank of New Zealand shares at £21 10s.

Mr A. F. Eathrindgo, lately clerk of the Land Board nt Hokitika, Ins boon promoted to tho i>osition of chiof clerk in tlie Crown Lands office in this city, lie left Hokitika for tho North by steamer to-day. Prior to his departure Air Eathrindgo wn« presented witli a testimonial from civil .servants And rosidonts of Hokitika, who regret to lose him after a rosidence among them of twelve years.

Roviows of ox-Judge Fcnton's book on tho Origin and Migrations of the Maori People, Mr P. Mason's Geography of New Zealand and Oceania, and otnor recent publications, will appear in tho Stah Sl'Pt'LKhent of to-morrow (Saturday). Interesting oxtract.s from a novel by an Auckland author will also bo found in the Fame isstm, along with the usual original and .'elected matter.

The public fresh-water baths promisosoor to bo an Accomplished fact. It was agreed at tho mooting of the City Council last night that Stovonson's tender for the work should be accepted.

Mr Illcwdon appears to bo in ill-favour with the City Council just now. Ho was tho lowest tenderor last night, for two fioparate works, and his claims wore paused over in each instanco ill favour of a higher tendorer.

The Auckland Gloo Socioty will givo thoir iirst grand concortin St. James's lfall on tho evening of tho 25th inst., for which v first-class programmo ia in courso of proparation, and which will duly appoar. Mr J. H. Edmonds will conduct. Mr Edmonds, who was a pupil of Dr. Parry, is now the conductor of St. James's choir, and was ono of those musicians who took a prominent part at tho competitive concortu at the Crystal Palace in 1872-3. On his arrival ill Auckland, Mr Kdmonds was roquestod to form a Gleo Class, and ho hns succoodod In solooting 25 suitablo voicos, and will give his first concert on tho date boforo mentioned, ho trouble will bo sparod in tho ondcavour to vnako the forthcoming concort a comploto success.

Mr MacMahon, of tho "Silver King" combination, romombera visiting Auckland some oight years ago, whon on his way from San Francisco to Australia, but he expresses himsolf as totally unablo to recognise in tho improved and oxpandod Auckland of to-day oven the faintest likoness to tho timber-built town he formerly saw on its site. He considers that Auckland has tho most thriving appearanco of all Now Zealand cities, and ho is so charmed with tho scenery and tho boautifully mild winter weather that he hopes to remain for several months. Lovers of tho drama will rojoico should his hope bo realised, for tho Company have a largo and oxcellont rcpertoiro, well calculated to ontertain, to instruct, and amuse during a long soason.

Tho noxti mooting of tho Auckland Institute, on tho 20th, will probably be a lively one, as Mr VV. J), Campboll has given in the second part of his paper on Psychological Investigation (Spiritualism), while MrJ. Buchanan contributes a paper attacking the evolution theory of Darwin.

The football match to-morrow afternoon between the crack clubs of Ponsonby and Grafton is expected to bo the best of the season, and is looked forward to with the greatest interest. Both clubs are putting their strongest teams in tho iield. The Grafton have one new man in A. Chapman, a gocd half-back from Christchurch, while they will have again the services of T.Ryan, the crack three- quartor back, who has been for some time indisposed. Ponsonby havo two new men in Besant and Mclnly/o, the latter hailing from Wellington. T. Macky (their old captain), H. Davy (who has been away), and J. Braund will also play on this occasion. The betting on the match is even, and no doubt the gamo will be one of the best ever played on the Domain ground. Grafton will be represented by R. Biggs (captain), T. Brown, VV. Gardiner, Joughin, J. Lecky, T.Ryan, C.Madigan, A. Stewart, Spencer, A. Cbapmiin, Veale, Poarce, Mountford, N. Yon Sturmor, and F. Ohlson. The Ponsonby team consists of—Macky, Araiel, Braund, R. Whiteeido, T. Whiteside, Davy, R. Skcen, Me onnell, Young, George, Macintyre, Besant. Keefe, King. Bruce. Emergencies : Pilkiugton and Wooller.

A mothorin-law dooa not appear to bo an onviablo position for a middle-aged matron with marrlod ohildron about hor. Yestorday, the counsel for dofondant in a caso of abusivo language mndo a fow touching romnrks upon mothers-in-law (which, however, wovo tomporod with an underfooling of sympathy), which were sulliciont to raiso ringing laughter (a raro occurrence) in the I'olicu Court;. Tlio mother-ia-law in Iho cwibo, according to tho evidence, look a watch from a nail, and handed it (o dofondant, which, it was contended by hor daughter-in-law, was an unwarrantable liberty ; honce tlio family row. " You sec, your Worship," said ilr Cotter, " thero wag a mother-in-law in the house, and when mich porsons intorfero thoro is generally ." His Worship suggoatcd, smilingly, that cohdpol might liavo spoken fcolingly from his own personal exporionco. Bin ('i orohip could only speak from honrsay, which was not evidence. Tlio learned counsel nssurod tho Bench that happily ho had no practical knowlcdgo of such persons. " Vi.-Ror " writer tint ho notices a good deal of overloading in this town and cruelty to hnrsca. Ho should givo information to tho Secretary of tho Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. In our last overling's i«suo if) W(l9 stated that tho monthly inspection of tlio City Guards takoa plneo on Wcdnosil:iv overling next. It should havo boon TiicsJay ovoning, Tho following arc the football matches arranged for to-morrow :—Senior Clubs : I'nnxnuby v. Graflon, North Shore v. Albert, Auckland v. Cordon. Newton Ktandfl out. Gordon will be represented in the mutch ngaiimt Auckland by Ansloy, Clayton (3), (Joodmnn, llarington, .lonian, Laßoehc, Muldrum (2), O'Keilly, Poland, Tawliai, Webstor, Junior Clubs :—Auckland v. (Irafton (Metropolitan), Athletic v. Manukau (Onehunga), Aivuva v. Homo Bay (Homo Bay), (iordon v. Newton (Domain), Poiisonby v. Victoria (North Shoro), Albert v. Waitomata (Domain). Sir F. Whitakor (Governor of tho AuckInnd Parliamentary Union), has sont for Mr \V. (iorrio (Colonial Soerotary), and desires him to undortako tho formation of a Ministry. Tho procosa of Cabinet-making is thoreforo going on, but tho io-ult has not yet boon announced. Mr Win. Coopor (lato Minister of .lusticos), howovor, doclinos to ro-ontor upon ollico, as ho is committod to eoveral radical roforms. Procoedinga havo boon instituted ngainst the man Denis Lynch, who is accused of brutally assaulting his mother-in-law (Mrs Koalos) on Wednosday under circumstanccH dot died in our last cvonintt's issue. Tho caso will como on for hearing at tho Police Court to-morrow. There was a very largo audioiice at the Choral Hull last evening, when a concert, under tlio pafronago of Superintendent Hughes and tho Fire Brigade, was given for tlio benefit of Mr Kusraussen. Mr Impoy's band contributed eovoral appropriate selections, Mr A. Alexander gaveseveral amusing eketchos of English, Irish, and Scotch characters, Mr W. Trcmain ]ilaycd tho ouphonium solo "La Bello Franco," Mr Burloy recited " Dimes and Dollars," while songs were rendorod by Messrs Spear, Tarpleo, Osborne, Burloy, E. O'llaro, and by Misses Alice Campboll, Carry Oribblo, Marson, Gillingham, according to tho advertised programme Duots wero also contributed by Miss Gribblo and Mr Campbell,'and by Miss (iribbloand Miss /.. Campbell, while Miss K. Campholl played tho pianoforte eolo " Lv Traviatu." I'rooccdings closed with tho National Anthem. An cntortainmont in aid of tho onlargomeat fund of All Saints' Schoolroom was hold in that building last overling. The Rev. Mr Caldor presided. Sovoral part songs weio well ronderod by tho choir, and other itoma were contributed as follows : — Overture, pianoforte, " Pas Redouble," tho Mis.-ie-1 Kelly: song, "Romany Lass" Mr C. Macindoo ; duct, "Tho Lily and tho Rose," Misses Lowis; song, " Twickenham Ferry," Mrs Johnson ; song, "Tho Friar of Orders Grey," Mr Smyth; song, "When Night is Darkest," Miss Henderson ; duet, "In tho Woods," Missos Kdgar and Havloy; song, "Tho Watchman," Mr Barnos. Tho entortainmont concluded with the National Anthem. Tho usual fortnightly mooting of tho Women's Christian Tomporauco Cnion was held yesterday aftornoon in tho hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. Thoro was a good attendance of ladies. Tho business consisted of a resolution that all petitions for tho abolition of barmaids bo got in within a fortnight, for tho purposo of sending them to the House of Representatives, at Wellington. Mrs S. Parker was elected superintendent of tho visiting department, and Mis .1. L. Wilson of tho literary department. Mrs Wilson informed tlio mooting that sho hud ordered a supply of tomporanco books, which would shortly arrivo. It was announced thut Mr.- Lcavott hod been most .successful in her Southern mission, and had established branches of tho Union in nearly nil the controe of population, oxropt in Wellington. It is expocted that sho will lcavo Napier for Sydney in tho courso of next week. A very largo portion of Owen nnd Orahani'a salvage stock was purchased by Mr M, Levy, of the Mttlo Jlonator Clothlnp; Hall, yiicen-strcut, vvlio announces a croat cloarlup; sulo. Tlio kooclb lioiiKht hy him umbra™ thoso injured by water that no badly damuKed ur'ticles aro anioiiK them. On account of tho wuiK of spiu:o. the whole mnstbo oleared out rapidly, and tfrcut barKulns may bo expected. Largo and small buyors will find it to lliotr advantage to buy thrlr meat at tho Couvurntlvo Htoro, fi'-'. Wakttlold-Htrcot. Callnnd boo prlcos and qualtty of prlmo Walkato meatIt. Snlnion. Dkkbat ok tub EnoliSll Ministhv.— Tho Hoplßiiatton of tho Qladatonlan Ministry lias oausod us much oxoitomont anioni? tho inInibitanta of Now Zoalimit ns tt has in Kniflnnd. Tlio Liberal parly luis alwars nlmuft to keep tho poor Biipplk'il with a cheap breakfast tablo, tho rloli holiiK nblo to takn oaro of yiomsolvop, and pay for luxuries. I'hoao who.aro largo conBiiniora cmi siivo pounds In thi) conrao o[ a I'month by calling to-morrow and purolmalng Prlmo Canterbury Hacon (gunrnntdcd), 8d ; hoot Factory ChcoßO. Cd; Othor Dairies, Jd: 8»lt liultor. (id; tho boat Frculi Huttor (doublo porfecilon). 1b por lb; flood rto.. Ud; and 1,000 different lines of a Hunkrupt Orocor'o Slock must bo Bold at leas than cost.—Katon'a Conn, ralivo Storos, llobson-stroot (next Criterion Hotel).

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 2

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The English Political Outlook Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 2

The English Political Outlook Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 132, 12 June 1885, Page 2