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SAVED AT LAST. None Need Despair Hope for the Hopeless, 16,Klng-streot,Sydii_ w l' Gentlemen,-For many yea ra t i '- Buffered f oui acute chronic dyanenZ t haT« io rid myself of it I havo travelledW,J? W?.M world, and been treated by tho mo f ___ tto doctors in nearly every civillaS ic-5'WHt without avail. Only laet'year I soerit?&>' on the Blue Mountains. 'abatainiSl f ah"W«f ness altogether, and also undertook Vi™ bußi' tho popular health resorts of vfc __?*! ,o without gaining any appreeliw.' ,^M Having read bo much about th„ rellefof Hamburg Tea. I was induct inWlli it, and I am happy to say win! 0 boneflcial results that I write this L_ Qb solicitation-not as a testimony thom^C 0?' given without proper trial, tut as tttffifS? commendation of a grateful sufferer 'SSS Btt,?' back it up by my Influence aadSSfJl® ance. 1 am as well known asTrnX *_* a: merchants, and to all who suffer from _7_® morseless pangs of dyßpepsia, I earaiSi. te mend your Hamburg T^-Yo^ffi?*' «• aotm. Wholesale Depftt for AueklaniM. LEVY & CO., QDEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. f II E S_o V»A j, ADDRESS TO THE TROOPS' '' ' "' "EVEKY MAN TO DO HIS DUTY" BY TULEGRAM. ■ AA_ A.' Soldiers of New South Wales I Actn»t«_i"v." ■: spirit ot loyalty and patriotism, you S«l a '■ tariiy ottered your services to"ffiamS** country. Thoso services have beeT'fflS and cordially accepted, and you go forth h_ffi a brave but relentless foe; in a f .eIsSW The heart of the colony Is with mStRt4, of tho world on, you. Remember that JE" amidst Urn cm of battle, KnglandKwS naval hero expected •' Every man to AtAw. duty." They did it. New South Waliat™* hands expects likewise. Do it ordlein of.}? tempt Better death than dishonour. B___\ your strict obedience to orders, yonrtoiibiK undor all circumstances, and your heroioiuX In the field, to emulate tho gallant2g ancestors, and make your adopted otrantrTin..i; proud of her sons. So far, the pageantrj '___ lias been your lot, now you are to encounter th» stern realities. Shoulder to shoulder with _l veterans of tho British Army jou *vi i! called on to avenge brave Gordon's dtaihVS defeat the Mahdi's followers, "l_ ,__T. the hostile Arabians md foemea worth, of their steel. Soldiers I Many have ofi£f but few have been chosen. Yon are th«{ chosen few. The honour ot a colony is lnvdlTßil in >our future career, wkhe the pulse of S people throbs with excitement and exoectattiiti in anticipation of tho deeds of her sons tow «_! " eager for tho fray." Let not that colony b« deceived, nor the sympathies of her people __i ' placed, thi ough any action on your part If _v of you fall let it be as a eoldier-iat __ post. The Government of your country la™ mado every provision for your outfit aid comfort, both en route and on the field. With the change of climate, however, to which rou will be subjected, an addition to yonr kit of a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil will be found iayain. able. You leave these shores with Urn good wishes and God speed of thousands Btrongin tho faith that you will do your duty, toolkit when tbe campaign is ovor you will be justlr entitled to that meritorious welcome at the hands of the Colony that is only extended to brave and gallant men. Advance New South Wales. God Save the Queen. - o- _; Wholesale Depot for Auokland-. M. LEVY & Co., QUEEN-STKEET, AUCKLAND, CATARRH OP THE BLADDER-BUiilm ira» Hon, lufami-Mlon, all Kidney wid ilmilu OuaiiUliiu, oiind th "Buthu-ptlU." AtDruggtifc. 'HAL __ v w _ Proi_wAOo.,.___cata,___H]___tt_L _i}i mHE NEW ZEALAND FARMER, BEE AND POULTKY JOU_rUIAL ' FOR JUNE ' contains . -';■- v!' THE FARM —Opera- from Boekeepen, tions for June and Settling Sown In July, Deep Cultiva- New Zealand, The .'• ■ Hon, I'evice for pull- Markets, ing Stumps jilustra- EDITOR!* 1 !— The .. ted i, Klevating a Beet-rootSwutQues-Slaughtered Beet tion, North Otago A.' (illustrated), Practical and P. Association, Fencing. Orange Culture, The LIVE STOCK—Jorsey lufluenoeof AgrlculCattle at Home (illus- tural, Societies, Gotrated). Draught vernment Assistance Horses, Percentage to Farmer* Injurious of Lambs. Insects, Mlas Orme. THE DAIRY-Merlts rod's Ret ort. ~ ■--~,'■ . Jersey Cows, How to SPECIAL' INDUSPrevent Milk FeVer, TRIES " Tdbaowr Making a Milker, En- Culture, The Gaitao '•■_ silage and tho Dairy, Plant (Mutilated), Gilt-edged Butter. * Some SpecialiCropi' THE GARDKN-Ope- (continued). _T' ■__,-.-,, ~ rationß for June, Is TIMBER GAZETTB. Trenching Always EDITOR'S LETTER- ; Judicious? Brussels BOX, Enquiry De- ' Sprout, illustrated), partnlenW o' -y. - • Pruning Shrubs. THE POULTRY TheFRUIT-GROWER YARD - Plymouth Orchard Notes. The Rooks (illnßtnited). Vine, Apple Duchess High myers. Judging of Oldenburg (illus- by a Standard,, r.-,. ~| trated). Blackberries HOME,and HOUSE-, and Raspberries (il- HOLD.- ""■' ',±, ■■'-.. - lustrated), The Pro- THIS MONTH'S BUB-■ ragatlon of Small PLEMENT constato Fruits. of Mr J. A-IWa THE APIARY-Hlnts able AdaMeiJuJto>i for June, Instructions livered - 'before, tie j to Beginners In Bee- Auokland Institute, keeping (illustrated), It : diiwußßes; many Market Quotations. matters.-Of. great;imHumble pees. Bay portanoe to agriculView Apiary. Lottors turista.; ■;.;p "' ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Mr.-.ilUß.W.fc'i < (Payable in advance). ; y '/_ TfT OMAN'S J B IBNP;, MRS DrTsTUARTS ■niAMOUS TpaMALE DEMBDliat' The foUowing ExtoaotofromTesumonWi jXiy ■■ be read with interest :-^ . .not Symonds-street, Auckland, Fobmary 7, l»*r Sir.-I wish Mrs Dr. Stuart's Remedies 8 gr«« success. I have not found anything to domj the good that thoy have. I was vfryWwaM unwell, but by taking twb bottles of tho Tonlo I am now well and strong again. loonßidenns n medicine vory usoful for young women.-.., ; . Sarah , . „i r. ,_*_.. i_____u A'l Parnell, Auckland, February VWKp^S-.... I can gladly speak for Mrs Dr. StuaitsHUß,. they have done me tbe greatest poasiWe gootu Thoy are indeed the foniale's friend, as PM™"" I to using them I sunired greatly from headwno, ; , laiißour, &c. but now enjoy the best of neaiuw —Yours Bincerely. Jane Evans. ..i,-d™. r Ponsonby, Auokland, February 11, IBBS.--=Sj I had almost doepaired of gettingmy.^fflgj, back again, when I purchased a bottle Mine. Tonic and a box of each of tho PIIIb, ana?"™! cannot express my gratitude for the KOOdtney have done mo.—Gratefully, Alio. B— -. .. s.-,,_ Mount Eden, March 9, 1885.—SIB.—I.^JJJ used various drugs, such as PennyroyaißMra Plera. and Steel, but have not found anytnw so certain and convenient as Mrs Dr. BBWJ Pills, which I can highly recommend tt iaur* males. They aro wonderful to preventing MM ache and other painful troubles.-xours. «w» Elizabeth —. r^HE LADIESVrjONIOIBaand^SjMIW This excellent Tonic enriches and pnrlfl^1'; blood. Improves tho appetite, restores WF',tone and vitality, thereby removtogibeMMn* dobillty, nervousnoss, weakness, tmvngW ~-- proostons from which so many females sMier.. rfHB SADIES' QALENDAR (j^gj ( . piLLS j2s 63 and is 6d pet ,1* Those Pills are justly eateomed teflujpjj • value in preventing dieoomfort, fhfOT&ffij Inconvenience, and for periodical #c W" moat reliable and rrompt mediolneeverDrowi» to woman's aid. ; '■'■- '■'■' J' ';• rjpHE TADIES' -pUiA : Is 6d por box. , For the relief and preventative of M& blllioußness, giddiness, constipation, UW»»j plaints, Indigestion, palnß in the chest dso». »»• sideß, &c. . . ' . SOLE WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL AQKBT3o»B AnOKLAND, N.Z.— : :»_,___*■" MR S. GILBSHT, I Next tonoxVStauonw,, Chemist, i QUKEN-STREKU,,..,;. •■ MR T. A. CRAWFORD, I NEWTON. To be had Chemists tIA Drngglsta. :,:- * T IGHT HARNESS HORSES, SADDLB JLi HORSES, rid all kinds of &?*"",, VEHICLICS Hired, Bonght, and «"£ Bfl i CROWTHER'3 VICTORIA BTAU"..-., Wnr.T.RSLKY nTREET. ~" MUHHJ, Portraits, /^f£?{»iSS3 Lithographed In MtolatnM and «"" Mio BTiB 0ff1..« ' ■ : ' ■, il

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 4