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_\,_<E HP HE N.Z. SHIPPING /%£&£&& A COMPANY'S LINE. "^^^^^T barque "sam _mkndel, -«Qg£i§9m' PROM LONDON. Consignees are requested to pass Entries nnd obtain Dolivery Orders from the undersigned for their goods without delay. Cargo impeding tho dlsobarge of the vessel will be landed and stored at Consignees' risk md expense. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY (Limited), Agents. Auckland, 11th June, 1885, "TVEFENCES OF AUCKLAND. SUBSCRIPTION LIST NOW GOING ROUND. " Auckland oxpecta that every man this day will do his duty." PONSONBY NAVAL ARTILLERY. Owing to the extenalvo seaboard of New Zealand, our Naval Defences mußt evor occupy a place of tho first Importance. Tho Public, for whose safety Volunteer Companies have sprurg Into existence, ought to do everything in thoir powor to aid and encourage Naval Corps. Tho PONSONBY NAVAL ARTILLERY numbors among Its mombors somo of the flaest amateur yachtsmen In tho colony, while every man is more or less export at handling a boat. As these men give their services freely for the defence of Auokland, it would be a graceful and generous aot on the part of the public to provide them with a sultablo vessel for marine maricouvresln time of peace, and which wllToe of great Bervico in war timo. The Naval Artillery Is the most valuable branch of tho Volunteer Service inaugurated for tho defence of tho city and harbour. Any hostile attack on Auckland would be by a orulser, and the Naval Artillery Fores would consequently be the first callod into action, having oharge of tho batteries and submarinemines, work which can only bo done efficiently by well-trained men In well-equipped boats. Subscriptions towards this laudable object will be roceived by MR J. H. WITHEFORD. Shortland-s^root. " Auckland expects that every man this day will do his duty." AUCKLAND PARLIAMENTAR7 UNION. We horoby declare tho following gontlomon to have been duly olected, In tho ordor In which their namoa appear, as members of tho House of Representatives ;— 1, T. Henderson, jun.: 2, R. J. Dobnoy; 3, W. Qorrio; 4, J. M. Geddls; 6, A. Hoardman; 6, Joslah Martin; 7, W. McCullough; 8, Theo Coopor, jun.; 9. James Coatee: 10, E. W. Burton; 11, G. M. Main; 12. Levi Coupland; 13, 11. Worthiugton; 14, J. M. Shera: 15, J. BurJianan; 16. S. Vallo; 17, F. G. Kwlngton; 18 F. Lawry ; 19, W. J. Napier ; HO, It Cameron; 21, W. F. liennott; 22, J. Batger; 23, Roy W. Tobbs; 24. Hudson Williamson; 25.1.har10f Atkin; 20. K. Coopor; 27. J. Mason ( 28, J. 811 lington ; 29, R. Maris Clark; 30, Dr. Honoyman ; 31, Adam Porter; 32, J. P. Camnhel!; S3. W. Crowthor; 31. W 11. "onnoll; 35, Edmund Bell; 38, F. Battley; 37. G. Holdshlp; 38, P. A. Philips; 39. Graham Tawhal; 40, G. A. Buttle; 41, C. McMastor; 42, T. Mason; 43, Dr. Murray Moore; 14, Matthow A. Clark; 45, W. 3. Cochrane; ill, R. Cranwell: 47, W. Coopor ; 48, Rev. D. Bruce: 49, C. Laßocho; 50, D. Tonks; s>, F. Cherry; 52. K. K. Davis; 53, J. Kduon; 54, H. T. Gorrle; 55, J. Blades; 60. S. Coombes; 57, K. Carr; 58, Cecil Gardner: 59, A. Kidd ; 60. M. Nlcool; 81, V. Joune; 02, W. Cruiokehank; 03, J. Edmißton;ol. J.Jillyett; 05, A. Hanna; GO, C. B. Stono; 07. F. HUB; 68, J. M. McLaohlan; 69, C. H. Osmond ; 70. Frank Phillips ; 71, T. L. Whito ; 72, Andrew i Hell; 73, R. R. Garlick; 74. C. W. tlaver 75. James Coupland ; 70, Georßo Cozens ; 77,1). H. Luak ; 78. Dr. Purchas : 79. W. it. Robinson ; 80. VV. BucHnnan ; 81. 11. Rooa Georco ; 82. IT. Shurlond ; 83, A. B. Shora ;81 H. Vllloval; 85, M. Montaguo ; &, G. S. Jaklns ; 87, R. McDonald Soott: B*. J. A. Campbell; 89, W. K. Mears ; DO. D. J. McLeod ; 91, Andrew Stewart; 92, p_ L. Skocn ; 93, A. M. Beale ; 94, Major Greon ; 95, G. L. Poacooko. R. J. DEBNEY, ) Tjfltnrnino J. M. MoLACHLAN. %™„ B W. R. ROBINSON. j "'"core. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TAURANGA DISTRICT. Gknit.kmeu,— It is with oxtremo rogret I havo learned of the critical condition In which Mr John Sheehan at pro-ent lies. Undor tho circumstances, you wtllagroo with me. It would bo ungenerous to further proceed with my action for declaring his election void. I have therefore Instructed my solicitors to stop proceedings. I am, yours, WM. KELLY. Juno 11,1885. VTEW ZEALAND SUGAR COMPANY JLI (LIMITED). NOTICE. Tho Prico of Company's No. 1 SUGAR Is this day ADVANCED ONE POUND PER TON. Auokland, Juno 11,1885. TO avoid all mistakes ask for Wolfe's SCHXAI'PS. THE NEW LOCAL ANSrETHETIC HYCIIOCHLORATE OF COCOINE, Received from New Yore, Last Mill Steamer. AT AIOKIN'S, THE PHARMACi, QUEEN-STREET. o a? I c s. All persons having Claims agalnet the Estate of tbo Into Roiikut Graham, Esq., aro requested to send to mo, on or beforo SATURDAY next, 12th Inst., particulars of the came. F. G. EWINGTON, Agont for tho Exocutors. A UCKLAND NAYaITARTILLERY. Tha Inspoollon Parade of the Corps will take place on FRIDAY EVENING, at 7.3 J. Blue Uniform. Tho Drum and Fifo Band aro expected to play for tho march-out after the Inspection. By order. .-„„„- „ "/ June 11.1885. , Gt. E. LXX. Hon Sec, A UCKLAND CAVALRY TROOP. Tho Troop will Parade at the Ridlne Suhool for Government lnsoeollon, on SATURDAY Afternoon noxt, at 2.30. J. C. SECCOMBE, Capt, AUCKLAND COLLEGE RIFLES. - Members will assemble at the Auckland Ballway Station, at 2 p.m., on SATURDAY NEXT for convoyanco to Kllorelle. J. F. BLOMAN, Acting-Captain. WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS is suporlor to brandy or whtsky._ \y~K BOYS' AND YOUTHS' TWEED 4 O SUITS, only damp, 12-j Od ; regular price, 30b. Bought at Owoe & Graham's Are.— J. M. McLachlan. 222, Queen-street, TALKING AND FANCY BIRDS for Aviary for Salo at. Stono House, opposite St. James's Hall, Wellington-street, King Parrots, • Galars. Rosolles, Lovo Birds, Zebra Flnphos, Canaries. &c, &c. ~ ■'_:,-&•■ "VTOTICE.— All Accounts against Mr C. jAS White, of Onohunga, must be Bent in on or beforo tho 21st Inst., with dates attached.--Address C. Lynda, Princes-street, Onehunga. MONEY to Lend at low rate of interest on freehold securities.—Apply Richardeon and Jackson, 81, Queen-street, and Durhamstroet Woßt, EVERYBODY nowadays drinks Wolfe's ecnyAirs. THE Cheapness of an Article Depends upon tho Quality. The reasons why the Now Zoaland Twtod Company, Tailors, Short-land-strcot, has met with the amount of success thatlthasarc: Firstly, tho Tweeds aro allot Now Zealand manufacture coming direct from the Mill, bo thero Is no Middleman s Profit; secondly, every Garment Is Thoroughly Shrunk, and mado in a First-class Stylo thirdly, there Is No Credit, so tho Good Customer does not pay for the Bad.—New Zealand Tweed Company Tallois. Bhortlflnd-stroßt, opppßlto Star Office "T3 E M U Ei E. P AAi Is now forming a GRAND LAND CONSULTATION of VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Under Land Transfor Aot, SITUATED AT REMUERA. To BB DRAWN about IST AUGUST, 1885. To bo Drawn about August 1, 1885, In presence of Committee of Shareholders and Press. 1,300 Members at Twbnty Siiilunob Each. 12 ALLOTMENTS, and ONE MONEY PRIZE Ot £25, to be Selected in Rotation. AH Allotments situated, and forming part of the Victoria Glon Estate, and fronting into the Victoria Avenue, Selwyn Road, and Portland Road, comprising nearly a. quarter acre eaoh. Tho land is perfectly level, and just sufficiently undulating to make the view all that could be desired for pleasant Villa Residences. The locality and neighbourhood ia too well known for its superiority to need comment. Application BY LETTER ONLY, enclosing Two Stamps, with exchange on Cheques, or by Money Order, Bank Notes, or Drafts. Registered Letterß or Telegrams will not on any account bo received. If Bank Notes are sent, please use two envelopes, ono sealed and placed Inside tho other. P.O. Orders nreferred. when procurable. It will greatly expedite busineßß if an addressed envelope la enclosed with application. All letters are to be addressed, " REMUERA," caro of A. Morton, 83, Queen-, Btreet; or Box 221, P. 0., AucklandMISS J. Oi'HANLON, Artiste in every kind of artistic work, is prepared to give Lessons. Terms, quarterly. £2 2a; or Single Lessons, 2s 6d, Is fid, and Is. All Orders tor Work in.Wax, Marble, Leather, Silk, Wool. Laoe Painting, and Seed Work promptly and satisfactorily executed. — Addrees : Coombeg's Arcade, Queen street. SCIENTIFIC DRESS-CUTTING. For the convenience of Ladies! resident In tho Suburbs. Cla'ses will be formed on application at the following placeß :— MRS CLAYTON'S Parnell MISS HILL'S Ponsonby MI4S STODDARD'S Onehunga Satui day afternoon Class at Wollesley-street East (2nd House from Park), at 2.30 p.m. These classes te begin in July. Torms, including j system, tracing-wheel, and instruction till port cct, £2 3s. TSISMUERA SOCIAL UNION, - The First Dance of the Season will take place in the Hall on THURSDAY,EVENING, 18th ' instant. • '" | ARCH. CLARK, Hon. Sec.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3