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&<__ £«.&;, 001 l PRIVATE SALE. The well-known Hunters from Iho Rangltikel District, tho property of W, Hammond, Esq., DR. BRADLAUGH AND MADCAP. For particulars apply to HUNTER At NOLAN, Auctioneers. I7IOR SALE, 12-roomed House. Would ■J make good boarding-house. Cheap." and easy tonus. — A. M. Gravatt, Vermont-street, t'onsonby. IjjTDK SALlil, .tho 3-ton Yacht Ethel May a} (coppered), with all gear, etc., In good 'irde ; suitable for either pleasure or working luriioscs.—Apply Thames Carriage and Dray Vg -tory, Viotoria-Btroot Mast. FOR SALE, Temperanco Terrace, Remuera, two Bplendidly-situated Allotments, 33 x 00 ; close to tho Remuora Hall; will soil vory choap.—For further particulars apply D. F. Evans, Auctlonoor and Land Agont 1515 |710R SALE, in Symonds-street, near HJ City Road, a Comfortable Villa Rest(lenco of 0 rooms, lofty, nice hall, gas and city water throughout, asphalted paths, side entranco, bay window, register grate, standahlgh. Grand position.—Apply to D. F. Evans, Land Agent. 1502 }710R SALE, a Bargain, Proßpect-Btreet, J Ponsonby, and only one minute from tram, a pleasantly-situated 0-roomod Cottago register grates, gas In throe rooms, city water, md every convonienco. Allotment 33 x 100. Stands high ; grand view. Prico. £350. Terms easy.—Apply D. F. Evans, Auctioneer, House and Lautl Agont, 1503. FOR SALE, Port Albert, Kaipar 314a, Aoreß of good Froohold Land, nearly all fencod In by oreok nnd wire fence; 50 acres laid down In grass; small orchard; fresh water all tho year round; water frontago. and adjoins the Port Albert Township.—For f urtlior particulars, apply D. F. Evans. Auotloneor and Land Agont. 1511 FOR SALE, Bond-street, Arch Hill, a pretty froehold Cootagoof four rooms and soullery: passage, sft. wido; vorandah, register grate, colonial oven, and aink; a good well of water; nice levol allotment. 33 x 105 foot, planted with trees. Cards to view, apply D. F. Kvans, Auctioneer and Batata Agent. 1508. FOR SALE,' Nelson-street, close to tho BGhool, a nloo Houso of 8 well-flnlshod rooms; bath-room, fowl and wash housos, gas and city water laid on; pretty garden in front and good-sluo back yard. A very good view of tho harbour oan he obtained. Tho furniture can be taken at a valuation.—For furthor particulars apply D. F. Evans, Auctioneer and Land Agent 972^ FOR SALE (Special Bargain), at East Tamaki, Ono Acre of Rich Land, al' fencod. together with a substantially-built 8 roomed House, nowly ereoted, cow-aliod, trap houso, piggeries, &c, leasehold for 6} yearn at anninll rental of £3 per annum. Prlci onl> £150. Thero ara 81 acres of flrst-olasß Govern ment land, whore stook can gi azo at a small fie of s:i por head por annum.-Full particulars on application to D. F. Evans, Estate Agont 1513 F" OR SALE, Mount Edon, off Mount ROBkill Road, a pretty Villa Resldonco. rusticated, superbly finished off, fl rooms, lofty, bath-room, pantry, Leamington range, 2 register grates, bay window, splendid hall, tancy glass door; water laid ou to bath and pantry by 1 000-gallon tanks; p'okot fonoe; cornor Allotment, 11 x 118; vory largo etablo and fowlhomo; gas within 200 foot. Tho vlow obtained from tills property is unsurpassed In tho distriot With lino prospeotlvo value.—Termß, &0., on applicaon te D. F. Evans. Estate and Land Agont liOl I~TIOR SALE, JUNCTION FARM, 1 ALEXANDRA-A Splendid Farm 0f579 acres, Froohold, This Valuable Proporty la situated at tho Junction of tho Punul and Waipu Rivers, with a frontago of 21 miles to the Walpa, which makes a pormanont fonco. Tho lund Is level, rloh, and dry, 479 acres aro fenced and dlvldod Into eight paddocks, A Flno Largo Houao of 9 woll-flnlsnod rooms, wlthVoraudita round three sides. A most deelrablo property and paying woll. Will sell at low llguro.—For all furthor particulars, apply D. F, Evans, Auctloneor, Land, and Estate Agent. 1511 FOR LEASE, NGARUAWAHIA OR NEWCASTLE, six miles up tho Walpa Rlvor, a Flr»t-olass Farm of 250 Aorcs, fonoed and sub-divided into nine Paddocks. Rich alluvial soil. Tho wholo area has been oultlvatod, with tho exception of about 16 aorcs. -which, la In bush for fencing purposes. Tho proporty has a frontago of hjjf-a-mllo to Uio Walpa Rlvor. Tho H'ulkato Steam Navigation Company's steamers paBS four times _ wook. Tho House Is nearly now, with seven flno rooms, fitted with c vory convonienco, and all tho usual outbuildings —For furthor particulars, apply to D. F. Evans, Auctioneer and Land Agont 027 A NOLESEA • STREET. — Six-roomod _____ Houso To Lot; gas and olty water. Also, Six Rooms, Nelson-Btreot—O. Williamson, KsI taf.o Agent, Hlgh-Btroet. XTEWMARKET. — Grand cornor Pro_Lx perty, main road; commodious doublefronted Shop and oonvenlont Rosldonoo of 7 rooms, with private entrance, well, pump, otc. Prlco, £950.—Apply J. R. Randorson, Auotloneor. mO BOOT MANUFACTURERS.—To I bo Sold, cheap. New Toe-cap Punching Mnoblne, juit Imported, 2 patterns.—Apply ut SothcrUne s Leathor Btnny in MarkoL J__*iyTil_ WILL Purchase . Years' gfcl /W " " Lease, with purchasing olauso, ot 90 Acres good L«nd, within 8 mlloa of Auckland ; N.K. aspect; enltablo for Btrawborrlos, orchard, poultry, fco. ; 17 acres grass, together with Houso and outbuildings. Rental, £50 per annmm.—J R. Randorson. Auctioneer. BRICK SHOP AND DWELLING, WEIA.KSLEY-BTREET. KOR SALE, tho Lease of Buporlor Promises. Good Uußlneas Stand nnd Excellent Accommodation aa Private Rosidenco, with gas and water and nil conveiiioncos. Price low. W. L. MITCHELL, Land Aoent, Coomboa's Arcade. A/TALCOLMSON.T^ET ACY,&/^O. THE N.Z. HOUSE LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. Corner Vulcan Lane and High-street. AItCIUTECTS. CIVIL ENGINKER3. AND SURVEYORS Nohtii Shore Branch conducted under tho munugemont of A. VV. Gardner, Chemist, Victoria Road, M. Do L. & Co. aro prepared to conduct evory branch of Land and Estate Agonoy. Money In vested. Mortgages ar.d Loans negotiated. Valuations oll'octod on every description of Property. Kflrnituro, etc. Special faculties given te oliable persons w> becerao their Own Landlords on tho Small Deposit and Weokl/ Payinont System. I'lans and Specifications Prepared and To»rteri CalledforoTorydeeoriprtcmof Buildings. These having Properties either For Salo or To l__ot will find It to their advanteeo to ontrust buslntsstethowoll-known care of above Agency. To thoro unablo to call during tho weok-dayß, Ofllcc will b« Opon evory Saturday Evkniko, from 7 to fl o'clook. £?*___£_ —Cottage of lour rooms and rt/tP^r"/* Bcullory In Maokolvlo Bnd Folloii-atrorts, woll fencod Allotment; healthy dlßirlo* and good view. Terms, £10 caeh, balance by weekly instalments. — Apply at onr oillco, vnlcmn Lano; or to Mr F. Hastlngß, Srtrrcy Hills. . . j_*i £__.aa- ]?C)TEL V°V SALB' 9& JL *_?""" commanding a llrat-olas* connection, and situated In a rising country tewnßhip, with a railway tsrmlnus. It contains about 21 rooms, outhonßes, with stabling for 12 horsoa, &o. Tho present proprietor has boon In ponsoßßlon for ovor 5 years; satisfactory reaaona for Helling. Prioe. only £1,600. FORSALE.3 GrandßuildlngAllotmonta' 50 x 105, In Park Avenue, Grafton Rod; favourite locality, healthy neighbourhood, and 15 minutes from Quceu-»troot. .il* PL f^.£\ —House of (i rooroß for Bale j dWOOvi quite now, and faithfully built; situated close the Ponsonby Road ; good viow : water and gas laid on. Terms easy. i*QQ/\ —HOUSE of six rooms and Hti/OO"* Froohold Allotment, close te Throe Lamps; terms, £5 cash, and balance by arrangement A bargain. j>(tAA —A woll established nnd g&*_7\/"» prosperous Tobacco and Cigar Uuathcss, with Billiard Saloon (2 tables), for dlsponal; leading thoroughfare, handsomo profits; ownor retiring from the business. jf»/fl rVpT —House of six rooms, this 3&tfc 4 **• Bide of Monnt ftdon, close to tho main road, allotmont, 57 x 132, volcanic boII. Ownor loavlng Auckland. Terms oaey. J[?/flrtK. —HOUSE of G rooms and 3&tt:/&tP« scullory, quite now, sltnatod In Ar«yle streot, Home Bay, Ponsonby ; cloeo to tramway; termß, £2fl, balance by weekly or monthly instalments. _£•-* A/k —FOR SALE, a Prominent 3&' JL "" • Level Allotmeet, over 10 x 172, Hltuated at tho cornor of Salisbury-street ana Richmond Avenue: pleasant surroundings, and hoaltliy position. Price. 603 nor foot. -*M Kfi —EDEN TERRACE, Cot3&JLCJ»vf« tago ofs rooms and Allotment. Torms, £10 cash, balance by woekly Instalments. ALBERT PARK.— First-class Family Residence for Sale, comparatively now, containing 7 rooms, pantry, and bath-room, provided with gas, water, and evory other convenience : concrete paths,. oroquot lawn, summer house, and largo allotment _■ may be had furnlßhod or unfurnished. £*£*{_. —40 Acres of good Land at __&\__J. Nihotap'u Crcok, Waitakerel. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, At per Foot, Wallace-st, Home Bay, North Head Road, 75ft 00xl00,£5and£6pft frontage; a splendid Stuart at,, 27 x 110. £80 position St.Mary'sßoad.£7 Beach Road, North Sußßox-Bt, 10x132, £3 ft Shore, 50 x 331, £H ft Clarence-st., 40ft, £210s Summer-st„ £110s pft Bond-st., Sunnyside, £2 View Road, £3 10a pft Park Avonuo, £0 per ft, Mary-st., fenced, £3 pft ._. 50x105. • " _„ Many othors In Mount Eden, Remuera, Epsom, Newmarket, Newton, City, etc. 00/ I A—FOR SALE, one of the best &_\i/_i_\_VJ Building Sites in Ponsonby, situated In Wallace-Btreet, extra deep allotment, level ground, wido thoroughfare, good neigh-, bourhcod, healthy locality, close to the Tramway Terminus and Ponsonby Pier. Terms, no deposit. i*QO f_— COTTAGE of 6 rooms for 3&0/ V" Sale; pretty verandah frontago; situated in volcanic soil in George-street, just off the New North Road, by the favourite dls trict of Rocky Nook. This property is offered at a very low figure. Terms, £?0 Cosh only. J,?€>fy X -Cottage of 5 room's with 3&0 4 *-T» gas and every convenience: well fenced and provided with concrete paths I Eitnnted in Rose Boad. Also. Cottage of 1 rooms in Murdock Road, Surrey Hills. Price, £325. Terms : £25 cat_h; balance by arrangement T7IOR SALE, in Remuera, Villa Residence a" in every way otited to tho requirements of a family. The house ia superbly finished, and I na3 been ncw^y painted, and at present is in 1 first clasa order: good rani^e in kitchen. The outside conveniences include buggy-house and stable; large allotment; position of the house healthy, and commands a most extensive view of the surrounding country. mo BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—Land S_ and Building Materials found on reasonable terms. -.-■■■■ MALCOLMSON.DE LACY, AND CO,. Corner Vulcan Lane and High-st. Office Hours:—9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily ; Saturday Evenings, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3