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VyANTED, a K ood Dam Builder.— T T Apply toll. Annlger, Aml;laiulTimber P'npany. (Juatoms-strent. Went. WANTED, at once, respectable Lad , about Hi; k -onil roferenoos unj ,iblo to nrlve.-Apply Dr. Cobbott, Loivci _ymonda"treot. WANTED, a Situation by a young man as Groom : good driver; will make himsolf gonorally useful.— Apply STAIt Office. WANTED, Watches, Clocks, and Jowellory to Ropair. Purchasers for Hatches, Clocks, nnd Jewellery on Deferred I "aymont systom,—Tom Koubiiig,jyiutoria-st. WANTED, a good (lonoral Servant; no washing.-Apply to Mra Uoulter, I'ppor SyiiiDiulii nlrcot. \\f ANTED, Kood Couerill Soivant; miist » T bo ablo to cook.—Apply ____ Doilgu, l'rlnco of Wales Hotel, Hobson Btreet. WANTED, by a rospectablo" young Woman, Washing or Cleaning by tho day. or would take In plain sowlng.-Apply PTAIt OftlCO. WANTED, a good Gonoral Servant, and to mind 2 childron— Apply at once Anchor Hoarding Houso, opposite Governor lirowno Hotel. \]& ANTED, Generals (13s), Nursegirls, y f liouseniaida, Waitroesoj, Femalo Cock and Lads of all kinds.—A. Alcljood, 7, Quoonslruet. or at St. Mary's Road, Ponsonby. WANTED— Wanted,- Cheap excursion to tho Tomplo of Fashion, where you can got tho best, cheapest, and most stylish winter suit to measure In the town. Suite from sw. Trousers from 13sGd.—Tram tickets to all oiintomors from S. Bowrlng, Tailor, junction Groy and Pltt-stre.ots. ANTED KNOWN-In Drapory, Clothing, Drosses, Millinery, Blankots, Flannels, Calicoos, Hollands, and Wlncoys I ilo.'y competition I—J. U. Haniinn. Vlotoria-st. WANTED KNOWN—Chbap Timjbbb I Cbiup TiMDKnI And all othor kinds a? Building Material, can bo purchased oheapor and better than anywhora else at tho yards of p, Golpib: .Albert-Btreot TITANTED KNOWN. - 2,000 dozen T V Boys', Youths', and Men's Shirts, Colin r. and all claesos of Clothing —At Allen's Balvago Salo. Jorvols Road. ANTED Known—Book Music Cd the Book; Songs, Dances, andPioceo; also, I'lano Sheot Music. Id each; Homy's oelohrated Pliinororto Tutors, 2s (markod ss); Violin Books (by tho bOBt masters), Is—At Dampier's Selling Off, Hobson-strooL WANTED KNOWN.-In order to keep tho Salo going, I have purchased ovor £100 worth of Travellers' Samples, odd Blzos, whloh I Bhall soil at 25 por cont. undor tho usual price. Bo In time and got tho pick at Damplor's Boot Shop. Viotorla-Btroet. Bg In time. WANTED KNOWN.-BoysVV. Youths' Oxford Suits, Whito Shirts from Owon and Graham's Salvage Sale, from 3d to 2s.—At Allen's, Jorvols Road, Ponsonby. WANTED Known—Save your money I Wood Chairs, Sa: Spbidlo Cano Heated Grecian Chairs, 44 ltd; Carpot-soatcd Chairs, It lid ; Rooking Chairs. &s Gil; Tufants' Chairs. Im lid; Infante' Hocking Chairs. 2s lid; Infante' High Chairs. 3s lid.-At Dampier's Selling Olt Hobßon-atruot. YSTANTED KNOWN.-Still loft but 'it Belling fast, our noted oheap (aud wellknown) Kid Boots at 4a; Prunella, 4s 9(1; Suporior ditto, Sb Od (all with high hools); Children's Bucklo Shooa. with heels, 10 to 12, .:. Bd ; I and 2, 8s per pair, at Dampior s Boot bhop, Vlctoria-stroot, Ho In timo. \XT ANTED KNOWN — It's a~loct V V Cretonne, ljd ; Quilts, 4s lid (white) coloured Qnllts. 5s lid; Tnblo Unon. te Gd Ijico Curtains 3s IU ; Sheeting, la 3d ; Towolr, 3id and ljd : lot Blankete. 7apair; 10idditto, lis Sri; Tablo Covors (coloured), 7s Gd; Window Net, Gd; Hoarth Rugs, 2s lld.-At Dampier's Hobson-streot Shop. WANTED KNOWN-West End I'har niacy, Ponsonby Road, Cheapest Drug Store in Town. All Drugs guaranteed first quality. Homoeopathic Modicinos any attenuation. Hoibal Remedies, Patent Medicines, and all Druggists' Sundries, cheaper than any other houso. —A. J. Blomfikij), Pharmaooutical Chemist. WANTED KNOWN—Boe our Stock of Blankets boforo purchasing—£soo worth. 9-4 Blankots. 8a Gd. 9a Gd, and 10s Gd per pair; 10-4 Bl&nkote. 12s od, 17b Cd. and 20s per pair; TwUl Scotch Blankots, Now Zonloiid Blanket^, and Coloured Blankots. Thoso goods aro tho bent value wo ever offered.—D. MoPhorson. Kurangahapo Road. ANTED KNOWN.—Ten por cont. discount is takon oil' all purchases of Gold and Silver Jowell»ry at Kolsey's. They kaop no Imitation jowollory. Everything guaranteed. — Charles Kolsoy and Co., 120, Qiieon-strsot. WANTED Known—Buy what is useful. -Good Pillows, Is 6d (flax); Flock Pillows, 2s lid ; Koather Pillows, 3d lid i Single Mittreeses, 3s lid ; Single Palluisies. 8a; Singlo Spring Mattressoß, 16aGd: Chair Cushions, IM. —At Damplor's Furnishing Shop, HobsonBtreet. WANTED KNOWN. - T. K. Brister, Coffoa Palace, Cook-streot. having engaged a first-class Pianist, can invito all Tomporanoe peoplo to call and spond a pleasant evening; WANTED KNOWN —That George Gregory, Photographer, of Quick's Buildings (near Three Lamps), Ponsonby Road, has deoldod, on ond after April 24th, to make sonsldcrablo Ucdiotlons in his Prices, so as to suit the working classes; prices from that date bolng: For Carte de Vislto, 10s 6d per doc; for Cabinets, fll Is per doe. Children same price. Tram cars pass tho Bhop WANTED KNOWN—In Ladies' House Sllppors I have a groat variety—White Canvas, 2s por pair; Black Imitation Kid, with elastic In front, only 2s Gd; Carpet, 2b 9d ; Morocca, 2b 9d; Auckland mado do. Imitation woolwork, 3s Gd; Ladies' Danoiag or Kvoning Dross Shoos, 4o Gd ; Buporlor do.. 5a Gd; Real Glove Kid, with fancy boarled vampe, 7slßd; at Dampier's Boot Shop, Ylctorln-Btraot WANTED KNOWN. — Greatest Bargains ever offered in Ponsonby —At Allon's Salvage Sale. Jorvols Road. \\T ANTED KNOWK—That Dr. Onrtor TV MoH'»t,n Aummoniaphono will last for yoars. and should bo used by Antors, Vocalists, Clenzym»n. Public Spaakun, Mombers of Parll»nio»t. Lecturers, Leaders of Psalmody, Soh'dmnsters, Amateurs, Church Choi™, BurrUters, and all persons who use their voices »*»f«»8lo»ally. It produces a melodious voioo of extraordinary ringlog clearness and range. whfe great gco 1 Is done to tho sonerul health.— Murrey and Spencer, Agents for Auckland. W~ ANTED, the Ladies not to try to get into Parliament, but to buy Glasawnro. Tumblers. 3d and Id ; Water HottlCß with Glass, lid : Cream Juas, 4d; Suger Banlna. 6d ; Butter Coolers, lid; Ghue Mute, 3d; Glass Boskets. 2d; Jam Dishes, 3d; Sslt Bollarß, 2d and 3d.—At Damplor's Selling Off, Hohsen-st. WANTED KNOWN. —Men's Light, Durable Boots (sewn), 7s lid ; Patent Houne B!lppers. without heols. 2s tM; Cork Snlos, 2Jd: Cotton Boot Lacee. 8d por flOKon; Bont Protectors, 3d b card; Boot Gloso, 4d a bottle; Button Hookß, Id oach or 9d a dozen; Root Buttons, 2d a dozon; Patout Button Faetenors. Gd a box; Shoo Horns, 91 to la (a groat variety); Best Yollow Silk Roola, No. 14. ii—At Damplor's Hoot Bhop, Ylctoria-streot, WANTED KNOWN.—To thoso who wanttosavo money, call and purehwo tho 'ollowing Goods:- Rico, 51b for Is; 71b bng Oatmoal for Is; Hftus'hold Soap. Id bjr:2lb tins Peaohes. Gd and 8d; Jams. Gd : Fresh Horrlntis. Gd ; Lobster, Gd; Inglish Plokles. fkl and 7d ; Dhrby Cheeks, Finno Haddock, Yarmouth Bloaters. Spic« Herrings, Herringa in fruit snuco, Kipporrd Herrings, 8)d per tin; Dates, Id ; Cooking Applos. 61b for Is; Lollies, Gd lb; (JurranU, ltd; Raisins, ljd; Unfit Flour. 81b for ls; Honey In s»ctlons and tins, M; Honoy in bnik, 4d lb; Golden Syrup. 4d lb; Dried Chorries, Gd ; Extract Soup, ilbpßckote. Id ; 51b White Starch, 1b(M; Salt belmon in barrels lid ; White Herrltnre, 3d dosi.; Red Herrings,, Gd doz.; Bonol«ss Codfish, 3d lb; Salt Butter, Gd to 8d lb; Sporm Candles, 7Jd and 8d lb; Condensed Milk (Milkman Brand). 2d per tin; tho best brands, 8d; Coflfce, Ib : Lemon Peel, Is.—Katen a Co-operative Stores, Hobson-strcot, noxt Crl terlon HotelWANTED KNOWN—In consequence of tho approschlng termination of tho Losso of the LONDON AKCADB, nnd the uncertainty of obtaining in such a position i in Queon-street promise's large enough to display our present oxtonalve stook, wo havo resolved te GREATLY REDUCE IT, and to enable us to do"o wo havo made GRKAT REDUCTIONS IN OUR PRICKS, so that wo shall contlnuo our Salo at ECLIPSE PRICES, and Invite our nsmerous patronß toglvo ub a call of lneP°otlon boforo making their purchases, as wo arpconfldont in bolng ablo to givo ontlro Batlsfaotlon by the low prlceß wo havo markod our RO°n»Wo havo adopted tho plan of mrfpng &U thb roduood stock In Rkd Ink il }>_, prloo. Our Fanoy Goodi oomorlao-'V • Clocks, Sterling Gold and 111 r>-. - Fitted Dressteg Caaos, Work i ij. Baskets, Dosks, Comnendlnm *.bysßlnian Gold and otherUj'.< ' Jewollery, China Tea SotnQH '• '' ' Ornaments In Profusion, ai i r v Accordlans, Conoertlnas. AI) i n - GOODSON'3 LONDON A . _ WANTED That R. TtroEHOPD. In street, always koops In Btoc ' ■'' ment of Gosallero, Gas Brack -ad Gas Globee of newest d'leigne; •Jtoolt jf Eleotrlo Bolls and Bitting, W t-r Hpoo and fittings, and e>*y requlsito of tho '.rade. Liberal Ellnwanoo modi, io tho ti-r da -V\T ANTED KNOWN SMALL HOUSES FOR SALE, Doposit £10, balance by weekly iaßtalments, Also. SHOP, and one of SEVEN ROOMS. T. S. JACKSON, Builder, Klngsland Estate, or to MALCOLMSON, DeLACY & Co., Vulcan Lane. DVERTISER leaving Now Zoaland wishes to Transfer Three Mortgage Bonds for &SOO upon Three Freohold Farms; paying 9 per cent.-Apply "5.E.A.," Star Office A French Lady (new arrival) seeks engagemont as Manager of Dress end Mantle Department; first clasa testimonials ; excellent cut and fit.-M. P. G., Star -fflce. EX-GROCER and Storekeeper requires Situition as Counter Hand or position of Trnst. Quick and reliable—O.S . Star Ofiice. HORSES I HORSES I—Wanted to Sell, Staunch, useful Farm Horses, cheap.— Viccoria Stables. W. Crowthcr. LAW, Engrossing, Copying, and Generol Clerk, requires a situation, highest of tebtimoninla can be given: salary small.— Address "X.Y.Z.," Star Office TVfURSE <-R GENERAL.-Two Girls, ±S aged 14 end 17. Beck for Situations.-Ad-dr.-sa A.M.. STAn Offlrn-TT>_4l-NTEK Wanted. — Apply to A. H. JT Morris. Karangahape Rood. PARTNER required with £40 ; a sure and good income If willing to travel all over New Zealand and Auetralia.-Address for interview. ' S.R.O ," Star Offlco. ; ___ ROCKING-HORSE.— Wanted to Buy, a Second -hand Rocklng-horse.-State price, etc, Johnny, Box 211, Post-office, Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 3