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Tho stcamor Janot Nicoll docs not leavo on hor trip to tho Islands until Thursday next, 18th inst., nnd tho Chiof Postmaster announces that the mail will closo at 4 p.m. on that day. Letters of introduction from iroru His Excolloncy tho Governor and Sir Julius Vogel to tho Consuls at tho different Islands aroboing provided to tho dolegatos of tho Chamber oi' Commerce, who will also bo supplied with otnor facilities for obtaining tho most roliablo information regarding the Island trado, &c. Mr S. 13. Hiss, Chief Postmaster ut Auoklond, nccompanioa tho eteamor on departmental business.

Mr John Sheelmn, former Nativo Minister, who was recently returnoil as M.U.K. for Tauranga, is reported to bo lying dangerously ill at Nupior. In consoquonco of this nnwoleouio news, Mr Win, Kelly, who contested tho soat with him, has abandoned his contompluted proceedings to upeot tho oleotion.

Captain Macgrogor, munngor of tho ISorthorn Stoamuhip Company, proceeds to Kawau this ovoning in the s.s. HtafTa, with the schooner Fanny Thornton and a scow, for tho purpose of resuming operations in iloating oil' tho Macgrogor from Kawau. Tho Macgrcgor will bo lifted as boforo, botwoon tho schoonor and scow, and run as far up the' boaeh as possiblo, after which repairs will bo ellceted, preparatory to a voyago to this port boing attempted.

To tho Editor : Sir,—Allow me, through your valuable columns, to (hank publicly tho Vonorablc Archdeacon Mauusoll for his kind mid Christian sympathy shown towards tho Female Prison Gate Brigado and its work, lie has bcon iho Jirsl and only one of all the ministers In Auckland to call und inspect tho Home, and to give us an encouraging word in tho Master's iiumo. — Yours truly, Fius. W. Buynto.v, Hon. Secretary.

Ernest Brnbnzon is to bo ehargod at tho Polico Court to-morrow ■ with carrying loaded firearms in v railway carriage. It will bo remombeiod that it was by tho dischargo of his fowUng-pioco that tho young man Nicholson was killed somo weeks ago.

Constublo Mitcholl loft for his now sphere of duty ut l'noroa to day.

A most successful mooting of tho l'oneonby Baptist Band of Ilopo was hold on Monday ovoning in the Chapol, Jervols Road. The following progromuio was gono through :— Rooltution, Air 11. Tattorsall; overture, Miss Scott; recitation, " Tho Collegian and the Portor," Mr O. Crults; solo, Miss E. Patterson ; reading, "A Welsh Goat's Lecture," MrF. W, Gaze ; solo, "Home to My Darling Again," Miss A. Shopherd ; speech, Mr Loylund, son.; eolo, Mr J, Bigolow. During tho ovoning tho Chairman, Roy. .1. 11. Jones, in presenting prizes for recitation to Masters W. Barry, Angus, John Nicholson, and John McLeod, took occasion to make a few remarks on tho importance of Band of Hopo work. A vote of thanks lo Mr Loylund and tho friends who had assisted to mnko tho mooting a success brought a very pleasant ovoning to n close

Of tho "Silver King," which is to bo produced in Auckland tor tho first timo tonight by tho largo and ellicient company of Messrs McMahon and Loitch, tho "London Dramatio News " pays :—"lf ono cared to note what vnriotlcs there can be in the stylo aud character of modorn drama, it is only necofsnry to journey as far as tho Princoss's Theatre, whoro Mr Wilson Barrett has recently revived ono of tho vory best plays of Its close, 'ThoSilver King,' n piny that owes its success to the clover collaborationof Mrllorman and Mr Honsy A. Jones—-aplay that starts on ono of tho finest motives that liastoooutly occurred tonnydrnmntistlnany country. For years past wo bnvo got our best dramas from Franco, but Franco has given us no play so good as 'Tbo Silver King, If sho woio wlso, sho would tako it, adapt it, audplny in itpioftrjnco to any ' Thoodora that was uvor written. At llicso times, when laughter Is often so forcod, it is pleasant to find a piny in which can occasionally bo enjoyed tho luxury of a 'good cry.' Tho pocket• handkorelilofs aro freely used in ' Tho Silver Ring,' nnd good, honest pooplonro none the worse for a shower of tears,"

Tho official declaration of tho result of tho goneral elections In connection with tho Houso of ItoproecntativoH of the Aucklund Parliamentary Union is plotted in .another portion of this Issue It will bo .-con that a number of prominent mombers buvo beon divorced from thoir constituencies, and that thoro Is a considerable infusion of now blood. Mr 11. 11. Luok (late Premier) and Mr W. MeCullough (Minister of Lands) had a lone interview yostorday with the Govornor (ail Frodorlok Whitakor), in the eotirso of which "His Excolloncy remarked that tho situation had been considerably complicated by Mr tusk's retirement. Thoro was only ono similar caso in the entire list of English precedents, and as tho host means out of a dilommnj ho suggested the resignation of tho Ministry. Accordingly, Mossrs W. Goiiio.McCullough, and \V. Coopor forwardod tholr resignations later in tho day, nnd It now rests with tho Govornor to "send for " whomsoever ho plonsos. As a consequenco aspiring members nro a-tiptoo with exportation. Tho names of Mossrs P. A. Philips, A. Uoardman, and 11. Worthington aro being talked ot in connection with the Speakership,

At a vory pleasing ontortninment given by tho ArK of Eden Lodge, No. 52, 1.0. G.T., on the Oth inst., tho following friends ably ossistod in carrying out tho progrnmmo, with Mr Rondall in tho chair. Mr E. C. Can dolivored a tolling and graphic speech on temperance. A piano solo was givon by Miss A. Allies, songs by Bros. MoiiKtes (2), Solby, Mnsson, McLoughlin, Townsond (2), Williams, and Niblock, and recitations by Bros. Cavill, Walker, Morcor, McLoughlin, ond Mr Henry. Tho audionce, which was fairly good considering the woathor, showed their appreciation by ropoated applauso and good behaviour.

Wo understand that tho rosldonts of Point Chovalier and surrounding localities intend to petition tho Postmaster-Genoral through tho Chiof Postmaster of Auckland for tho establishment of a post-ollico in a centrally-situated part of tho locality. Undor present postal arrangomonts, tho residents of Point Chevalier and neighbourhood ore ottßged' to send to the Nowton Post Ofiice for their correspondence—a distanco of nearly four mile?. This is an inconvenience that shoald bo obviated in these enlightened and progressive times. A public school is also needed at Point Chevalier, and an application to that effect is likely to bo made to the Board of Education ore long.

An instructive lecture was given last evening in tho now Eden Hall, Summerstreet, by Mr Wilcock on " Tho Sadducees' Question," Luke xx., v. 27 to 38. Tho k-ctu'er explained that these weekly lectures were intended to set forth the views of friends! who held tho doctrine of conditional immortality in accordance with tho literal teaching of tho Sciptures. The subject under discussion was not to much tbo question of hho Sadducee-i and their non-belief in tho resurrection, as with Christ's complete an__.v/or, and as to whether there was n state of absolute death. The question was argued with considerable ability, and many passages quoted in support of the viows enunciated by Mr Wilcock that Christ was Lord of tho living and the dead, and therefore there was no absolute death, nor immediate transition from one ttoto to another, but a sleeping in the realm of silence until the awakening morn of the resurrection. Several questions were put and answered, and at the close it was announced that on Friday, the oth inst.',' Mr Rees would lecture on "Paul's desire to depart, etc."

Several actions aro about to bo brought against tho Devonport Ferry Company for domogo to clothing, caused by soot emitted from tho Company's steamers. It is said that the directors are now taking the best legal advice respecting their liability. They have spent upwards of £300 in vainly endeavouring to prevent the nuisance complained of.

Proceedings are being taken against cabmen, express drivers, and porters who aro in tho habit of trespassing on the railway station platform seeking hire. Two alleged oll'ondora named Adlam and Porter aro to uppour at tho Polico Court to-morrow. Intending subscribers to the Pomionby Gunboat Fund can now pay in their contributions to tlio Bank of Now Zoaland, at which an account has been opened. The funds can only bo oporated upon conjointly by Ilia Worship tho Mayor, tho Chairman of tho Harbour Board, and Mr J. 11. Witheford, tho originator of tho subscription. Mis Hutchinson was recently compelled to resign tho Matronship of the Fomale Prison Gate Brigade, owing to ill-health. Tho Committee havo, however, prevailed upon her to continue as Lady Superintendent, and it is their intention to engage a liousokooper in order to take the hoavy work off Mrs Hutchinson's hands. The Female Prison Gate Brigade's report for the wook ending Juno 6th is as follows : —Roceived into Homo, 3 ; loft, 2 ; remaining, 7 ; number of bods givon, 59 ; numbor of monls supplied, 190 ; donations in broad, Mrs Howio, Messrs Evans, Waters, and Waddoll; meat, Freezing Company, Messrs Garrott, Wood, Barnott, and Hulme; underclothing, Mrs Citsholl and "A Friond." Boots and groceries aro required,—A. Hutchinson, Matron in Charge.

Wo would call attention to the extensive salo of jewellery, watchos, alborts. diamond rings, lockots, bracelets, &0., to bo hold by B. Tonks and Co. to-morrow, at 11 o'clook. Tho collection is perhaps tho most extenslvo that bus over been snbmlttod to publio auction In this city, and tho sulo is to be without the sllghtost restriction whatover. Mr John L. Hatswoll, grocer, who has sull'ored very considorablo loss by tho disastrous lire In.Princcß-strett, Informs his friends and customers that ho has takon promises In Shortliuiilstroet. whoro ho will carry on his business until tho orectton of now promises In Prlncesstrcot, noar tho Auckland Institute. Tho mombers of the Romuora Social Union will commence tholr dancing season in tho distrlot hall, on tho ovonlng of tho 18th hint. Motor water consumers are notified that all quarterly Bupplios due on tho Ist Inst., and unpaid foron Monday noxt, will be cut off. FirtK at Lornk-stkkbt.—Tho Chairs and Furniture rescued from tho liro at our faotory, together with our extonslvo stock of Carpets aro now olTorod to tho publio at Cloarlng Sale Prices ut our temporary premises in Wellusloystreet ICnst. Discount on Carpets from Is to 7s In tho, _B.—Garlick and Cranwoll.

Chambers's colobratod sowing machines 20, Duoou-slroot.

Lingo Meat Buyors will aoe, on Friday and Saturday, a grand display of Choice Meat, to bo sold at prices favourable to tbo purchaser. Tramway tickets given to peonlo living at a distance.—U. Iluhnu Butcher, Queen street.— (Al)vr.)

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 131, 11 June 1885, Page 2