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Satukhav noxt is set down for tho docision of the inaugural Stoeplochaso Meeting of tho Auckland Racing Club, and if there is a tine day, I think wo can conlidontly look forward to somo excollont sport, Tho bill of faro consists of tivo events, tho two principal being the Great Northorn Stooplechaso and Hurdlo Race, for which tho weights appeared on Thursday last. Tho " big stick " raco looks a real good thing for Director with list 71b, and should ho sco tho post lit and woll, must tako a powor of boating. Tho Hurdles, on tho othor hand, boar a vory open aspect, but in my opinion King roads almost as well as anything. Acceptances and gonoral on trios for tho moetiiig aro duo on Monday noxt. Tho Takapuna Jockoy Club Meeting on Monday was a fitting wind-up to a suceosafut season. Although fupitor Pluvius was not so kind us ho might havo been, the attendance was good, and tho racing throughout tho aftornoon of a most interesting character. Tho big stoeplochaso undoubtedly wiih the best yot scon on tho course, and tho way Quilp shapod proved that ho can both stny and go faßt, but his victory was due in no small measure to the oxeollont way in which ho was handlod by (ioorgo Hope. _-,700 was passed through thu totalisator during tho aftornoon. 1 hopo that boforo noxt soason comos round, the Club will mako an offort to havo tho course enlarged, for thoro is no doubt that it would mako tho gatherings far more popular, and also onubio thorn to havo a raco for two-yenr-olds on tho programmo.

Our Wanganui friends as usual teem lo havo scored a succoss with their Stooplochaso Mooting. For tho big event,tho good field of ton went to tho post, and tho 'i-iniior turned up in Mr F. Harrison's Druid, who ran third for tho sumo event last year, and Inter on in tho afternoon appropiatod tho Maiden Steeplechase, Tho winnor is a live-year-old son of Don Juan and Norma, and ho was riddon by F, Hodgo, who also piloted old Cluronco to victory last year. Tho llrand National Stccplochaso was docidod on Thursday—Linwood, who wo aro informed by telegraph was a moiul for tho raco, having to go down boforo Moody. Six wont to tho post, being two in excess of hist year. Tim Whilller sooms lo bo gotling in fo> m again, for on tho first day of tho Dunedin .loekey Club Wintor Mooting, ho got homo tirst in tho Provincial Handicap—tho principal ovont of tho afternoon- with Lady Emma and Taiaroa as his immediate attendants. On Monday,howovor, in the Birthday Handieup, he had to bo content with acting as luimer-up to Captain Webster, who by-tho-by seoms to be greatly improving of lato. Next soason tho son of St. Albans should bo well worth watching for some of the big ovonts. By Cast Ashoio's victory in tho Takapuna Birthday Handieup, Mr D. McKinnon treated us to a similar surpriso to that ho cll'ectod on tho samo courso two sousons ago by tho aid of 'lilderoy. So littlo did Mr McKinnon think of Cast Ashore'schanco on Monday that, being interrogated if ho thought it was good enough to put a pound on tho colt, ho replied iv ctl'eet that the horse had no show, not having been in work, and .--o littlo was ho impressed with his chanco of winning that ho only intended taking ono ticket on tho totalisator, and that was for tho jockoy. This ho did, so that tho honosl "Mac" had the grim satisfaction ef seeing tho colt score his tiist win without having v singlo shilling on him.

llonoydow, who won tho Queen's Birthday Cup at tho Sydney Turf Club Mooting, is a son of Goldsborough and Queen 800. As a two-year-old ho gavo promise of turning out somothing abovo thoaverago.und during the wintor was thought to havo a show in the A.,1.C. and Y.R.C. Derbies, but ho wont all to piecos oarly in tho spring, Tho colt has beon in lavender until of Into, but whon tho handicap for tho race undor notico mado its nppoaranco a couple of weeks buck, it was then admitted that with Gst he was " pitchforked " into it, und so the rcsult.kas proved. It scorns that tho yoarling colt by Piscatoiious—Yattorina shipped to Sydnoy lust weok has not been purchased by Mr F. Wontworth. Tho colt is conjointly owned by two Auckland "sports,'' and ho will bo raced in Australia in tho namo of Mr .1. Stockton. J. Monughan will prepare tho youngsters for his engagements, and with his polish on him, he should reiidor a good uccount of himself. I ioorgo Williams tells mo that ho has accepted a rotainor from MrC. 11. Lushington. Should all go woll, this gontlomun will havo a big team iv training noxt soason, for besides Lionel and Liouess, ho has four yoarlings now boing taught tho rudimonts of thoir profession. Tho Epsom Derby eumos uji for docision on Wednesday next, and the result will uppour in tho Stak of tho following day. At last advicos, Lord Hasting'a colt Molten was hold in high estoem for tho ovont, and in all probability tho honours of favouritism ore dividod botween him and Paradox, tho winner of tho Two Thousand Guinoas.

Tho weights for tho Now Zealand Cup uio duo on Monday noxt. With Wolcomo Jack and tho Hon. W, Robinson's team out of tho list, Tasraan will now occupy tho post of honour. Tho handirapping committeo consists of Messrs Brabazon, Cotton, P. Campbell, Grosson, and G. P. Williams.

I am glad to be ablo to state that The Dauphin still continuos lo improve, and it is expected that ho will bo ablo to bo taken out of tho slings at tho end of noxt wook. Mr T, Halstead has boon unremitting in his attontion to tho horso, and should ho get him on his legs again, it will bo a groat foather in his cap.

A correspondent undor tho signature of "North Shore " writes usking mo if I can supply him with any particulars concerning Tho Barb, who was scratched at tho post for tbo Takapuna Jockoy Club Birthday llaudicup. Looking ovor my records, I find that in the Otago provinco last soason ho started sovcn timos in tho colours of Mr 1). Biunchloy, winniug tho Lumsden Handicap and two hack races. During tho presont soason, this form has boon much improvod on, for in January last ho oasily won tho Tuu|>oku Joekoy Club Hundicap, two milos, with Sst 21b up, getting ovor the distance in tho good time of ,'jmin. •15soc. He also got homo lirst in the Lumsden Handicap on tho 30th Docomber, carrying Sst. 121b., whilo among sovoial othor performances he ran second with Bst to Garibaldi (7st 41b) in tho Arrow Handicap at the Lake County Jockey Club Mooting (Queonstown). The well-known owner and trainer, Mr H. Goodman, of Dunedin, bought Barb from Mr Brenchley in Decembor last, and according to the " New Zealand Referee " Mr Goodman in turn disposed of him to a North Island " sport" in March for 42 guineas. Barb is a son of Nigger and Prairie Flower, and if the handicapper again lets him in at any timo noxt soason with list, I should certainly adviso my correspondent and readers to put a mark opposite his name. Mr Thompson informs me that Buzzard cracked up after a stronggallop on Saturday morning last, and on Monday tho horso was so bad that he was unable to leave his box. With a spell, however, and the attention he is sure to receive from his owner during tho winter, we will no doubt sco him again iv his old form by the time the noxt racing season comes round.

The much-talked-of July must have some very infatuated admirers in Christchurch. I notice tlie best price now obtainable about the son of Truducer for tho next Now Zealand Cup is 100 lo 15, and it is said there aro plouty of takers at the prico. Trenton is noxt iv domaud at 100 to 5. aud, with the exception of these two, 100 to 6 is offered against any other. Mr H. Kedwood hold a salo of blood stock at Spring Creek several days back, but it did not provo a success. The only lot disposed of was a yearling colt by Leolinus— Spritsail, who was knocked down to Mr D. Fraser, of Rangitikei, for 125 guineas. The youngster has a number of valuable engagements, including the Auckland Derby of ISS6-S7.

Noxt Monday nominations are duo for the Melbourne Cup, Caultiold Cup, Great Metropolitan Stakes, Hawkesbury Handicap, V.R.C. Derby 1881), and Maribyrnong Plato. Mr Pen fold, tho Socrotary of the Canterbury Jockey Club, iB authorised to receivo Now Zoaland nominations for tho Victoria Racing Club up till 12 noon, but for tho othor ovonts entrios must bo sent to the respective socrotarios. While running in tho Birthday Handicap at Takapuna on Monday, Kalo by some means put ono of his logs into a hole.and it troubled him the next day to such an extent that French was unablo to take him home. Nigger has also strained tho susponsory ligamont of both his fore-logs, and he will have to undergo a severe blistering. Derritt, who is in Sydney with tho Hon. W. Robinson's team, has mado n great record during tho now almost doad souson. Out of 122 mounts helms proved successful in no loss than 51 racos. Ho has ridden the winner of moßt all tho big ovonts, viz., N. _. Cup, Canterbury Cup, Dunedin Cup, D.J.C. Handicap, Wellington Cup, and Great Autumn Handicap, This is somothing to bo proud of, and I havo no doubt before ho again returns to Now Zealand ho will also givo Australian raco-goors a tasto of hi? ability in tho pigskin. Mr Vallancc oxporioncod a pioco of hard luck in Wellington (says "Sonox.") In the Horot.-iunga Handicap Sou'-wostor ran second to Speculation, but ho was closo to tho rails undor tho judgo's box, which is rathor high, and missed tho judgo's oyo. Consequently Pasha got tho sooond money, Cl 5; but the handicappor noticed where tho horso finishod, and punished him accordingly, so Mr Vallanco got slated both ways. Referring to tho submitting of Wolcomo Jack for salo by auction, "Vigilant" has the following:—"As far as looks go, Jack can certainly givo a fow points to most of our Australian cattlo; but, in spito of tho big reputation tho Maoriland champion enjoys in his own country, I think I could loavo Commotion and Malua out of my calculations and thon pick threo or four Australian nags who could boat him at level woights ovor any distanco, cither Sardius, Moriin, or Riugwood boing, in my opinion, fully equal to tho task. Under thoso circumstances, Mr Pilbrow complains very justly of tlio weight allotted his horse. Sardius, for oxamplc, who, on his Koynl Park Stakes running, proved himsolf to bo within a pound "of Lo Grand, was handicapped in tho Adolnido Cup at nino pounds loss than Wolcomo Jack, whoso best performances would novor justify such a concession. It is manifestly to tho interest of tho turf that ownors from distant eolonioH should be oncourngod to visit us and pit thoir cattlo against our own, but tho weight metod out to Mr Pilbrow's representative as compared with thoso allotted somo of our own horses, scarcely savours of tho fairest of lair play." In connection with Welcome Jack, I may montion that Mr Pilbrow was oxpected to arrivo in Christchurch this weok, on business bent.

Apropos of consultation drawings, tho sporting contributor to tho " Nnpior Tolcgraph " tolls tho following :—" Tho Chairman at a drawing expressed himself to tho effect that ho would liko to draw a certain horso in u'J.OOOtickotsweopon tho Molbourno Cup, ns tho horso was a great fancy of his. Ho drew tho animal; it was a wonderful coincidence, if it wore nothing moro. A man who had repeatedly invested monoy in cortain swoops wroto to tho promoter that it was tho last pound ho would ever sond, as ho had novor yot won a prizo. That last pound was a good investment, ns ho drew tho second pri^o, and thon to show his gratitude published tho loiter ho had forwarded to tho promoter." Tho subjoined description of the courso ovor which tho Livorpool Grand National Steoplochaso is run will doubtless bo road with interest by lovers of tho illegitimate gamo. 1 may montion that a considerable portion of tho "Mat" going is over nowly ploughed ground, and that tho ovont lakes placo in what may iairly be termed tho rainy soason : — l end IU.-An ordinary hurdle 3ft. tiin, high, and bushed with gorso. 2and 17.—A Ihorn fence ."■ft. high, with a rail ou tho take oh"aide 3ft. high. This rail isolosc up against the fence. I and IS.—A thorn fence, Ift. -in. high with a ditch on the take oil'side lift. .in. wide and 3ft deep, and n rail in front of said ditch '.'ft. high. 3 and l'A-A rail and fence, tho rail being -it. ilin. high, and the fence sft. high, and a space of ISie. lo '.'ft. separating said rail und feneo. p and 'JO.—Sh-io as No. 1. a and 21.—-Known as "11-coher's'Tlrook." which is v thick thorn fence Ift. liiu. high, with a rait 2ft. liln. in front, and a natural brook about Oft. to ..ft. wide on the far Bide, and Bft. deep 7 and 22.—A thorn fence -"'ft. high with a rail in front 2ft high. S and 23 —A thorn fence, standing -Jft- high, wiih ditch on tako oil sirto between ,'ift. nnd lift. wide, and a rail in front 'Jft. high. D and 21.—Known as " V.dentine's llrook." beingathorn tenco-ft- high, with a rail in front 2ft. high, nnd brook on far side. 10 and 2.1. -Fame as No. I. Hand 20.- A rail 2ft. high a ditch about lift. wide and 3ft. deep, and a thorn fence on far side Ift. llln. high. 12 and 27.-A rail fence 6ft. high, and ditch on far side 6ft. wido. 13.—Same aa No, I. 11. -A thorn fence Ift. Ilin. high and 2ft. in width, ditch on tako oil' side lift, wido, and a rail in front 2ft, high. IS The "Water Jump," the water part of which Is 12ft 3ln. wide and 2ft. deep, with a perpendicular thorn fence in front a foot thick anil 2ft. In height. 2S. 20, and 30 nro hurdles, 3ft.iiin. high, and bushed with goree same as No. I.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 121, 30 May 1885, Page 4

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NOTES BY HIPPONA. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 121, 30 May 1885, Page 4

NOTES BY HIPPONA. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 121, 30 May 1885, Page 4