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TTOUSE AND GENERALI DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMENT. 13, WYNDHAM-STREET. 16. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. J. Hendebson, in thanking hia numerous ollenta and the publio generally for their past liberal favours, has much pleosure in informing them that ho has Removed to more Extensive Promises (two doors above old shop), where he trusts to merit a continuanoo of their patronage. J. HENDERSON, WYNDHAM-STREET. 1.. Ti/T R P. F. M. BURROW S, Architect and Building Surveyor, Over Goodson's. _ AUCKLAND. Tl/rESSRS E. COX" AND SON, DENTAL SURGEONS, Beg to announce that In addition to their Rooma, 118. Queen-street (A.M.P. Sooiety's premlsos), they lia^e opened a New Suite at KiNQSLKY Housu, Hob_on-street (next door but one to Oram's Hotel). r^UIOK'S STABLES, \ol ALBERT-STRKET. MR F. QUICK bogs to return his Slnoere fhanka for the Liberal Patronage received while carrying on tho Business known as "Quick's Livery and Bait Stables," Albertstroot, and trusts that MESSRS JAMES DIGNAN & CO., the gentlemen to whom ho has relinquished the samo, will be accorded Support In an equally liberal manner. Patrons con rely upon boing treated civilly and fairly by bta sueooßDors, under whoso proprietary ho tools Buro tho hostelry will become tho favourite of Auckland, J. J. DIGNANI [T. FOLEY! IP. LUNDON MESSRS JAMES DIGNAN fc CO. having Burohn_i_l Mr F.Qutck's Business, hope to merit io patronage bo timorously bestowed on their lato and popular proth. segßOr. _ar Hire—Hansom Cabs, Open aud Close Carriages, Buggies of overy dcuoriptlon, Waggonettes, Breaks and Omnibnsa., Ladies' and Goutlomen's Saddle Horses, Private Carriages with 1J very, Hoarsen and Mourning Ooaohos. Orders by Post, Telegraph, c- Telephone (No. 121) receive careful attention. The Stablos provide unsurpassed accommodation for Horeos, Ho. Night attendance. Charges moderate. m i; a d c notice". M. BROWNING, having this day dlposed of her Chlnaand Glass Business to MR J. L. WILSON, tenders her sincere thanks to nor Customers for their liberal support during tho time she has bnon ln business, and begs respectfully to recommend her successor to their favourablo notico. Queen-strcot, Auokland, April 7th, 1886. In connection with tho above, J. L. WILSON, in soliciting tbopatronngo of Mits Browning's customers and tho publio generally, respectfully ask tho continuanco of the kind support so long accorded to his prodoceesor. and wlil ondeavour, by civility, prompt attontion, and choapnoss, to merit tho samo. ELLIN G 0 E Fl FOR CASH ONLY SREAT REDUCTION IN LADIES' SUMMER MAWTLKB. fto. .UR REMAINING STOCK OF SE\ IiNG MACHINE1" _*»__-.' lugllsh I-rloes W. PETTY, LADIES' TAILOR, 294—drill QOKKN-<ITBBB1!. —254. ARSHALL'S SpeciaTTincturo of Podophyllum Is the Homcoopathlo Remedy for all Liver and Stomach Disorders and Risings and Indigestion. Price, is per bottle.—C. W. Goodson.Lotidon Arcade, Solo Agent for Auckland . ■OLATTAND FAWCETT ARK SELLING OFF THEIR STOCK OF BOYS' & YOUTHS' SUITS, Sco., &o„ fto., . . AT COSI' PRICE. J .■jri.'f""'. '" .-' -. .*.: , KARANGAHArfI ROADj To Mm- Room For Tiueir Increasing Ordbr Th adk. Land »«<( Entatta Agents. W L. M ITOHELL LAND AND ESTATK AGENT, COOMBES'S AIIOADK, QUEKN-STREET. Bankers—National Bank of Now Zoaland. Telephone Kxchango, No. 199. Ronta and Interest Collected In town and Money Investod for Capitalists on flrst-olaas Bcourlttoß without ohargo. Mortgages and Loans negotiated. Partnerships arranged. Estates Mnnagod for Absontoos and others. Tonants guarontood to landlords. Housos To Let and Properties For Sale or Leaao placed on my Hooka Free of Charge. Insuranocß effected at l_nvost Rates, and Confidential Agenoios undertaken. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE. CITY—A Grand Froohold, altuato in Cnstpmsstroct West, noar tho junction of Vlctorla-Bt. A double frontago; an oxcollont aito for factory. Only U750, and easy torms. CHEAP ALLOTMENTS, Sussox-Btroet, noar to Uppor Pitt-street, £3 per foot. VICTORIA AVENUE—Grand Corner, also Good Allotments, £3 por foot. KINGSLAND-Choap Allotment, only £36. MOUNT EDEN, main road—Good Business Stand, £7. VIEW ROAD-£3 per foot. VICTORIA AVENUE, Mount Eden—Excellent Villa Site. £3. MARINE PARADE, Ponsonby—£3 per foot. KING-STREET—263 per foot. ALLOTMENT—NeIBon-stroot, 22 x 105, £8 por W KLLINGTON-ST.—Allotment, £8 por foot. PONSONBY ROAD—£II por foot. KINGSLAND, main road—Allotment, £3 per foot. MOUNT ROSKlLL—Allotmont on main road. very ohoap, at 65b. KAHANGAHAPB ROAD-A Grand Site for Business, £50 per loot, PROSPECT-STREET, Mount Roskill — 32s 60 per foot. HOUSES FOR SALE. No. £210—Homo street, i rooma, soullery, etc. 555 £260—Commercial Road, 1 rooms, scul., etc. SU_U £_80— Mary-streot, 4 rooms, scullery, etc. 527 £:>oo—i-taiiley-sfc, 5 rooms each (2 Cottages) f*b £300—Mary-Street, 5 rooma, Boullery. otc. 527 £_S_ Vlncent-st;,, 6 rooma. outbuildings, oto. 510 £140-Vic. Park, N.S., 5 roomß, grand view 582 £350-Co_nmorcial Road, b rooms, scul,, etc. 5681 *350—Mount Albert, 7 rooms, woll, eto. 536 _350-SUBBOX-tr_et, 1 rooms, scullery, otc. 6al £330— Prospect-street, 0 rooms, outhouse 51S £4(10— Mary-street. 5 rooms. Bcullory, eto. 527 £425— Prospect-Bt., 6 rooms, bath, outhouses 500 £150—Mt. Roskill, 6 rooms, all conveniences 577 £500—Mt. Roskill. 6 rooms, all conveniences 578 £520—Vie. Avcnuo, 6 rooms, scullory, eto. 552 £520— Wynyard Road, 9 rooms, bath, etc. 620 £600— Day-streot, 7 rooms, gag, water 609 £<;V— Mt. Eden Rd„ 7 rms„ all conveniences 529 £030—Eden Valo Rd., 6 rooms, concrete tank 522 £650 -Wynyard Road, 9 rooms, bathroom £700—Wynyard Road, 7 rooms, washhouse 528 DRURY—£S per acre, an improved Farm, consisting of 1"5 acroß, of whloh 40 acres fenced and ploughed; 2 acres of Orchard in full bearing, good house, stable, cowshed, &c,; within i'milc of railway Btation. 602a MANUREWA— Ten minutcß' walk from tho railway station; 200 acres, with ten-roomed House, stable, piggeries and outhouses. 20 acres puriri and mixed bush, 60 acres in grass, aud a running stream through the property. £7 ricr acre. 602 AN IMPROVED FARM with _ mile rivor frontage, 71 acres rich looso loamy clay, 40 acres of which arc under cultivation; remainder mixed bush. Prico, £350. 613 £325— Eighty acres, known as Green Hill, Oruawhar. Block; 40 acres in grass; all fenced with barbed wires. 607 NGARUAWAHIA,— A handy little Farm, with 14 miles frontage to the Waikato River; 217 acreß; partly fenced, and laid down in gra?s. Good homo, orchird, dairy, stable. £3 10s ncr acre hOS A STORE ON A MAIN ROAD, doing an extensive Grocery, Drapery, anil lr umiongery Business; largo double-fronted * hop, with 10-roomed Dwelling, and o'er an Acre of Land; three chains irontage to tin. road. For Freehold, £350. Stock at valuation. MOUNT ALBERT—A well-furnished 6-Boomed Residence, bay window, verandah, kitchen, bath, fitted witb every convenience, including electric bells; grounds, 1 Acre in extent, tastefully laid out ;stablo (2 stall), coach-"louse, cowshed, &c- Price, £7.0 569 SUBURBAN VlLLA—Seven Rooms, with over - three Acres of ground planted in fruit trees, and well laid-out garden; a grand north-east tßpect. with a good boundary; creek of beautifully clear water. Cash, £100 to £200; balanco, 8 per cent. 554 CORNER ALLOTMENT, Wood-street.—los x 100, with Buildings thereon, consisting of shop and dwelling of 5 rooms; also, 6-Roomed House. Tho vender wishing to effect immediate sale, offers this at the exceedingly low price or £175. 687 _ A 6KAND PROPERTY unequalled for situation, cO'isisting of eight acres of rich Boil, with )art;e House with spacious, lo'ty, halls and entertain—ig rooms, ball-room, conservatories, rockeries, tennis lawn, and gaidens. Prico £4,000. 537 TO FRUI r-GROWERS. MARKET - GaR- • DSNER-.AND OTHERS-W. L. Mitchell haß Bcveral sections from one to twenty acres in various localities, close to town, suitable for Buch purposes, and is in a position tg give the most reliable intomatlop.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 1