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U_*_P_A__ —^OR SALE, House ot j36v VVI nine large rooms; largo Allotment: situated Eden Vale Road ; volcanic coil; '• heallliy and favourite locality; tcr'.tis, ,<_J'i canh, balance, oil webkly payments.—A riply .Malcolm- " son, DoLaoy, and Co.. tha New Zealand Houao, Land and Estate Agency, High-Street, . l&l_P~9\f\r» DENCE of 10 convenient rooms for Sale, situated on a Corner Allotment - of 2 acres, volcanio boII, prominent poaltion. and if extensive view; two minutes from the Mount c Albert Station.—Apply to Malcolmson, DeLacy and Co., Tho New Zealand Houbo, Lard, and - Estate A gwnoy, High-atreet. , ri >i? _C<f \i\ ~26 Actes of Arabl° Land at !' %/«.""• Tuakau, part ploughed and cultivated, rest in grass ; all fonced and subdivided into paddooka; o* chard of two acres, cottage of fivo rooms, cow-shod piggorieß fowlhouse and yard. £375 can remain on m. rtgnge ' utS por coiit.—Apply to Malcolmson De Lacy, 0 and Co., The Now Zealand House, Land, and r ' Estate Agency. High-atrect. __?/_ 6)> PJ, —Houso of Seven Rooms, j nowh'finished, and situatod^n Argylo-itrcot, Home Bay, situated within two minutes distance of the tramway terminus. The r lioubo is roploto, with ovory convenionco, and , includes gas and water, allotment, 10 x 110, good view, quiet and healthy locality; terms, £'.!> - cash, balance on weokly paymonts.—Apply to , Malcolmson, DoLacy and Co., Tho Now Zoa- . land House, Land, and Estate Agonoy, Highstreet. 3 -£*1 __«ffcf_ ~rOR SALE, 4 Allotd 36»_LfJ'vFvre monts.PinosEßtato.chcttp; - 1. Well Park; All-fenced Corner; 2 four and flvoroomod Cottages, just off Ponsonby Road, j with Stnblo. etc., suit anyono with horses; also, 7-roomcd Houso. with overy convenience. ' Sovoral other Properties, IJeferrcd or other ' p lymonts. Tho above amount to bo made up at once. Will soil at a sacrifice.—G. Sage, Ollphant--3 street, Ponsonby. • __*"_ £__Mfc-MONA VIEW, Karan- • a&J.O"" gahape Road. - For Salo, tliis Splendid City Property, containing tho shop with dwelllng-houso, at present in tho occupation of Mr Haslott, chemist, also House ' containing C rooms and outhouses, occupied hy ' Mr Comopo. Tho Allotment is ono of the deepest of any allotment between Pitt and Queen . streets. Tho property is in thorough repair, and '. yields a handsome rental. Without exception, ' this Is ono of the finest properlios ln tho market. ICasy terms can bo arranged to an intending purchaaor. - Malcolmßon, DeLaey. and Co., Tho Sow Zealand Houso, Land, and Estate Agency, . High-Btreot. L 0J4k_V~Cottago of 3 rooms and •>"" Allotment (il x 218, Volcanic soil. Mount Albert; a good bargain.—The New Zoalaud House, Land, and Estate Agency, : Hltfh-slreer. I •_•_ I l-'- A*: >'-*- ancl become your own , _I__.W\. Landlord.—For Salo, Pollonstroot and Mackolvle-strcet, Surroy Hills, and Gcorgoatreot, New North Boad. newly-built fl and oroomed Houses ; well finished and having ovory • convenience ; prico, £300 and £320 oaoh; terms, S2O cash, and remainder In weokly payments.— Apply Malcolmson, DoLacy mid Co., tho N.Z. Houbo, Land and Estate Agency, High-street. BIRKENHEAD.— 1 to 5 Acre Allotments ; good bush and wator; price, from fi3o per aero; terms easy.—Apply to W. F. Hammond & Son. Architects. SB. Chambers. TypSW HOUSE for Salo, 5 largo rooms, __. verandah, large Allotment. Howe street; £10 doposit; balnnce r.s agreed—Apply A. J. Thomas, FJoros Store, Haydn-street PIANO FOR SALE. — Pdee, .__o.— " A.G.M.." Stak Offlco. SCAF.'OLb POLES" for Sale, cheap.— Sam. White, Customs-street mo CONTRsCTOKS AND PLASTER1. KUS.-Foit Sale, about 25 New Poles.— Apply, at once, to W. and J. & Co., Drapers, junction of Queen and Uroy-streolß mO-CONTRACTORS. —Rubble Stono JL for Halo; quarry easy distance; good road : no toll—Apply to W. Durham, VictoriaBtrcot West. dazctte in Bankrnptcy. r N BANKRUPTC V. IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. In tho mattorof "T.lio Bankrup'cyAct, lS*l."and the nniondiiionla thereof, 'md of tho Bankruptcy of MAIiY Kkai'Don, of Nowton Koad, Auckland, late Hoarding - lioubo keeper, a Bankrupt Noihi: IS lIBRKIIV lIIVEN that I, Mary ltEAUdon, uf Newton Hood. Auckland, in tho Provincial District of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, lato Iloarding-houso keeper, have this dt.y filed in tho said Court at Auokland ,i Petition io bo adjudged n Uankrupt Uiilo.l thisiUh day cf April, 1885. MARY RBARUON. JoSKl'il Hladks, Vulcan l.ano, Auckland; Solicitor for Iho Uankrupl. T N RAN X R U f T C Y. IN TilK COURT OF HANICRUPTOY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. In the mattorof "The Banktuptcy Ait 1811," anil of tho amendments thereof, and of the Bankruptcy of .Mary Rcardon. of Auckland, lato boarding house keeper, a Bankrupt. NoTI.K is iIKKKHV oivkn that Iho First ( l oneral Mooting of Creditors will bo held at my oillco, Staii Buildings, Fort-Streot, in llio City of Auckland, on Thursday, llith April, at II o'clock a.m. Proof of debt must be furnished prior to or at tho meeting. Proxy forms oan bo oblalnod at my oflloo. No proof can bo admitted, evcopt under order of tho Court, after tho expiration of thrco nionthß from tbo date of tho filing of tho petition. Accounts sent in unsupported by proof of dobt as proscribed by law cannot be rcoognlscdl Mat^.hiamhdayof^pi-il,^^^, Official Assignee in Bnnkrui leyJ. Wades, Vulcan Lane. Auokland, Solicitor for Ilia Bankrupt. IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY X HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. 'n tho matter of "Tho Bankruptcy Act, 1881," and the amendments thcroof, and of the Bankruptcy of Chaw.ks Hkniiy Hill, of Thud Avenue. Kingaland, in Iho Provincial Diatnct nf Auckland, Labourer, a Bankrupt. NorlOß is iikkrhv oivEN tlintl. Charles Henry Hill, of Tlilnl Avenue, ICincsland. Provincial Mlstrlctot Auokland. in Now Zealand, Ijabouror, havo this day fiod iv tho said Court, at Auckland, ii petiiion to be nrijurincd a Uunkrupt Dated at Auckland this Uth day of April, 18.5 C. E. MADDK. , High-Bt, Auc'tland. Solicitor for the Bit .krunl. rN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE ( OURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. in tho mattorof "Tho Bankruptcy Act, 1883," aud ot the amendments thereof, and of the Bankruptcy ot Ciiaklks Hkniiy Hill, of Klngslaud. L ibouror, a Bankrupt. Notice is iikukhy riven that tho First (.oneral Meeting of Creditors willb) he'd at my oillco, Star Building', Fort street, in tbo Olty of Auckland, on I'HURSD.Y 10th April, 18.5. at twolvo o'clock noon. I'roof of debt must be furnished p^lor to or at tho mooting. Proxy Cormß cun WO obtained at my 0111-O. No proof oan bo admitted, except under ordor of tho Court, after the oxoiwion of three months from tho dnto of Iho illi- g of the petition. Accounts sent in uußiipportcd by proof of dobt. as pnycribed by law, cannot be recognised. Dated this Oil. day of A^lMl ______ Official AaiiKnecln Bankruptcy. C. E. Maddkn, High street, Auckland, Sollcilor for tho Bankrupt T N BANKRUPTCY. ■ IN THE COURT OF~BANKRUPTCY • HOLDEN AT AUCKLANM. , In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act, 188.')" and of tho amendments thereof, and of . the Bankruptcy of Angus McSkill, of Core mandol, Minor and Contractor, a Bankrupt. - NOTICE: is _ren_n_ oivkn that tho first General ■ Mootini of i reditora will be held at my offlce. itak Buildings. Forl-strtct, in tho City of f Auckland, on WEDNESDAY. 15th April, 1385 at twolvo o'clock noon. Proof ot debt '• must be furnished prior to or at the moot- ;, !ng Proxy forma can bo obtained at my office. No proof can be admitted, oxcept under order of ' iho CoiKt, after tha expiration of throe month. ' from the dole of tho filing of tho petition. Ac- . counts sent in unsupported by proof of debt as - proscribed by law cannot be recognised. . Dated this Bth day of April, 1885. . JOHN LAWSON, Official Assigneo in Bankruptcy. '' Jackson and Russell, Auckland, Solicitors . for the Bankrupt. r TN BANKRUPTCY. r IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. i [n the matter of "The Bankruptcy Aot, 1883.' , Bi>d "Tho Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act , 1881." r Notice is hbbeby given that I. George William 1 Whilcorub., of Fouaonby Read, Suburbs of i Am-Mand.iu the Pro vincialDisttio! of Auckland, in Now Zealand, Baker, bavo this cay filed in " the said Court at Auokland a petition to be ad- ' judged v Bankrupt. '" DatPd this Bth day of April, 1835. GEORGE WILLIAM WHITCOMBE. i Wa.i.tiM TnoKNK, y.ueen-atiTot and Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Bankrupts Solicitor. i T N BANKRUPTC Y. c £ '• IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY a HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. n Iv the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act, JBs_." v ond of tho amendments thereof, and of the J Bankruptcy of GiiOTtai! William Wmri. combb, of Ponsonby, Baker, a Bankrupt. >, Nonci_ is H-S-Ucbv given tbat the first General Meeting of Creditors will be held at my office Star Buildings, Fortstioet. in iho City of r Auckland, ou MONDAY. 13lh April. 1885, at 11 '■' o'clock am. Proof of dobt must be furnished '* prior to or at the meeting. Proxy forms can be 6 obtained at my office. No proof can be admitted :B eyceDt under order of th. Coii't. after the s" expiration of three months from the date of the 1 filing of the petition. . Accounts sent iv nn* '• supported by proof of debt aa prcßcribed by law n cannot be recognised. *" Dated this Bth day of April, 1883. 2 i * JOHN LAWSON, J.""' "Offloial ABaignee in Bankruptcy, t, W. ThobN-, Queen-Btreet, Auckland, Solicitoi for the Bankrupt.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3