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1 TkrAfTTED,- a Boy.—Apply Publisher, - _TT BTAROfflc3. ' ■■ WANTED SEEN, the Children's Dlstors, from 2s fl-I, at t'Ordbn House, . Wakellold-Btreel, WANTED, _ General Servant.-Apply Mrs Row. College Roqil. _ . X\T ANTED, a (Jood 'Needlewoman.— Tf _Apply Wlnas'ttttd HftU, Sh6rtland-Bt. • VirANTBU, a . _?_s_„_. fjSr. —Apply f '*■ ™. %re, Dri-por. Victoria-stroot. WANTED, a good General Servant— Apply French Bakery, Hobaon-streot. 1 W 7ANTED, Situation as Storeman.— ?7 Addr.ssJ.\V.3.,STAßO_ico. WANTED, a General. Servant; must bo a good cCbk-.-Appl. td Mrs Alfred Huckland, lunr,, RbiiiUora. WANTED, a Gerioral Seivant, referoricsS required,'—Apply Mrs Hazard, HoDßon-etrccl, cppoßito Devonshire House. WANTED KNOWN.—Four Shillings 'in the pound 1b tho cash return or dls- ' count on all cash purchases ov-orflvc shillings, at Kclaey'B, off thoir Gold and Silver Jewell.iry > and Kancy Goods, thoy having to vacato their liremiscs—Charles Kolsey fe Co.. 120, Queen st. , VITANTED, another 1,000 Clocks and If Watches to clean and repair; also, purchasers for Waltham, English, and Swiss watches, Clocks, and Jowollery by Thos. Nutsford, Watolunakor, Jeweller, &c„ next Union Bonk, Victoria-street.—N.B.—All work guaranteed for 12 months; musical boxes repaired, pianos purchased on commission. WANTED TO SELL—Whips (a really splendid assortment of ovory kind)— Oadlos'. Gents', Riding, Driving, Cart; also, Solid Nlckol Spurs, Stlrrnpa, and the latest novelties ln Baddlory and Harnoss: prices are useless to anybody unless they sco the Quality. Come and inspect, — W. 8. Jonos, Wholosale Manufacturer, IJS3, Queen-street. WANTED KNOWN—That Onb Sou made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN. Hob--on-strcet, will wear longer than Half a Dozen (Cheap and Nasty) Shoddy BUITB. WANTED KNOWN—West End Pharmacy, Ponsonby Road, oheapost Drug Storo ln town—HolloWay's Pills, Is 3d; Cockle's, Is 3d : Wholptou's, Is 3d; Eno's FrultSalt, 3s 3d ; Fooding Bottloß, 6d; Stoadman _ Powders, la 3d; Porous Piasters, Is and la 3d: Fluid Magnosla, Is 3d; Citrate of Magnesia, Is 3d; Jacobs Oil, 2s 6d ; De Jongh'B Oil, 2_ 9d ; Chlorodyno, Is and c 3d.—A. J. Blomilold, Homceopathio Chomist, Horballst, and Pharmacist WANTED KNOWN by tho Ladies of Auckland, that from Wednoeday. tho 3th instant. Dress and Mantle making .will bo done in the rooms over our drapory establishment on Co-ooorative Princinles. The Publio, t-inployer, and Employeo all to sharo in the nrotlt. Pricos low; terms cash.—J. Green, 85, Vlctoria-streot. TT7ANTED KNOWN—Working Men 1 TI of Auokland.—Why patronlso Building Socicticß if becoming your own landlord is tho goal, whon greater assistance for becoming so oan be givon by tho undersigned 1 £20 dopoait and a weokly payment is all that is required to onable you to bocomo your own Landlord in a Proporty worth Bay £300. whereas, according to the rules of building societies. £100 ia required on tho Bamu amount, a sum which vory f_w working men can reach. Sovoral properties for salo on the above terms. Call for particulars any day from 9 a.m. till 5 S.m., and on Saturdays from 7 to 9 p.m., at tho Glee of The N.Z. House, Land, and Estate Agency. High-street. XJtT ANTED SEEN, My NEW STOCK of AUTUMN and WINTER TWEEDS, whioh I am convinced will bear favourable comparison with any Stock ln Auckland. A. LOVETT, Wellcsloy-st. West. VVT ANTED KNOWN- * * Thatß.TuDKHOPE,Plumbor, Welleeloy ttreet, always koops in stock a splendid assort oent of Gasaliers, Gas Brackets, Pendants, and las Globes of newest £"■_ lg. a; also, a good stook >f Klectrlo Bellß and Fitting, Water Pipes and flttluga, and •> >y requisite of the trado. liberal allowance mad. io tho trade. ANTED KNOWN—lmportant Information to the Working Classes: £10 or £20 deposit and a weekly paymont will onable you to bocomo your own landlord, so why pay root. To thoso who aro unable to call upon tho underaignod dutlng tho week, arrangements have boon inado to open thttr offlco on Saturday ovonlngs from 7 to 9 p.m,, for tbo Soiling or Building of Houses on iho Deferred System.—Apply Malcolmson. DoLaoy and Co., Tho New Zealand House, Land, and Estato Agency, Hlgh-strcot. _ X%T ANT E D K~T~O WN. JUBT OPENED. Fur Capea, Belling freely at 9a (.1; Black Velveteen, Is Od; Coloured Cosh:noi-e, Is. This Season's Dress Goods from lOd a yard. l_ttcst Novelties Ih Autumn Millinery and Manlloß. A. LOVETT, Wulleßley-Bt. WANTED, intelligent"people to look at the pricos and the reason why tilings oan bo done at those pricos. . J. H. DALTON. City Tailoring Establishment. Viotorla-stroet EAST, Has cleared out a Warohouso Stock at under English pricos, and can givo— A Good Suit for 55e, usual £310s Bd 60s, „ £-1 os6d „ 655, „ WlOsOd Trousers 12s Cd, „ £110<6d 15s, ~ £1 laOd 218, „ £1 5s Od 22s Od, „ £1 7s 0d This ts a Gonulne Sale, and no blow about It Every ono gets just what they want, the address;: J. H. DALTON, Tailor, VIOTQBIA-BTRBI-T EABT. TTnr~A~_TT ED KNOWN. SALE OF ROBSON'S STOCK. At J. RENDELL'S. Ton or Grkv sti eet. Not Curtains, 2s 6d por pair. Net Curtains, 3s lid per pair: special value Men'B Tweed Tronsors and Vußt, fs lid. Men's Tweed Suits (meant for woar), 19s 6d. Please Note : A hot ot Hoyle's and other best makes of Print, 10yds. for Is lid. Fino all Wool Flannols. good width, Is OJd and Is 3Jd. Customers must soe theso to know the value. __«.,. Boy's Tweed Trousers, 2s 11W. Mon's Stout Mole Tronsors, 5s 6d por pair. Boy's Knioker Suits, 3s Od, lined through. Boy's Knlokor Suite, la 9d, nicely broldod and 60 Ladles' Durable Umbrellas, beautifully mounted, 3s lid. , ,__,_. Ladles Corsets, Is 6d per pair, original prico Crewdson's No. 2 Stout Calico, is Id por doz. Dress Matorials, 2a lid, 3s lid, is lid tho Droaa Tweeds. Is por yd.; Nelson do.. 2a Bd. 70-lnoh Twilled Sheeting. BJd. Ladies' Mocklntoahea with Hood, 12a Gd. J. RENDELL, BRIGHTON HOUSE, Top of Gbey-btri-KT. TVT ANTHD KNOWN. GOODSON- LONDON ARCADE ContaLoa the most vailed and valuable Btoolc of any place ln Auckland or the Außtralaßlan Colonies, and is certainly the cheapest. The departments may be olasolflod— Clocks and Wotchos Baskotwore Gold and Silver Jewel- Fanoy Goodß lery 101 l warranted (of all kinds) Electro-Plate _, Dolla/lova Outlory Stationery Booka Chins and Glassware (at English prices) Lustres. Voaea, &0. and a variety Desks of goods usoful Work Boxes & Bankets and ornamental Inkstands not to bo found Ladles'and Gents' Bags elaewhore. INSPECTION INVITED. GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE. Vlotorlo and Qoeen-atroeta. :vrr ANTED KNOWN-] THAT KEAN AND ALDERTON, OF WELLEBLEY AND NELSON-STREETS, Selling FIREWOOD at the following Ptfcea for CASH :- LONG WOOD.. - - 12s 6d per Ton. CUT WOOD .. - - 13s Bd „ „ SPLIT WOOD Hs6d ~ „ Full Weight and Measurement Guaranteed. FORCASH ONLY._ _ T¥T"A~N"T ED KNOWN. WORKING MEN*"OF AUCKLAND. Now is the tune to get well Buited at Woollams's for 50s. To raise the wind tor Extensive Bhipmeut Io arrive por Coptlo, OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF TWEEDS Will be Sold at unheard-of Prices for 10 DAYS ONLY. Look at tho prices marked In the window, end judge for yourselvea. WOOLL A M S, . READY-MONEY TAILOR, Sydenham House (Foot of Grey-atreet). N English Lady desires a Re-engage-ment as Governess; English, Music, and French; can furnish good references; count-ry P referr-d.-Apply Mrs Bell, Parnell Registry Office. , — "A LADY staying in Auckland a tow A. months would give her cervices as Companion, or mußio loß3ons, in return for comfortable home.—Address Muriel, Stab Offlco. LADY wishes for employment (study, amanuenßis, or otherwise), two^houra every evening.-Apply " Eoudan," Star Office. OOTMAKER wanted (single man), 20 miles in country. Must be able to make and repair.-Apply V»nraJlquße^3pllege_Kd ; _ /^HEAP~AND GOOD CUTLERY.— \.y Ivory and Bone Handled Table and Dessert Knives, belling at very low _ anmel, 103. Queen street. . ■■-^OOR PLATES, Stencil Plates, Dies, 1 j Monograms, etc., Engraved at the Stab OJaco. i STEADY Man Wanted to drive, manage a horse, do garden and farm Work:-Apply ' before 12. to J. Rendell, Brighton House, top of ~ Grey-atreet.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 3