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rf^ORDON HOUSE (LATE DAMPIER'S), WAKEFIELD-STREET. H. Gordon begs to Inform tlio public that be ha opened the abovo promisee with a well and carefully selected stock or General Drapory, Millinery, Hosiery, &0., mported direct, that will bo offered at prlooa which will merit a share of yonr patronage. For good value Inspect this stock. Equalled by Few, Excelled by None, New goods to arrive ex Doric, now due. [Established IS63_ WALTER FR lOKER, PAINTER AND GENERAL DECORATOR, Formerly of Auckland, and late of the Thames, having recommenced business In Auokland, is prepared to execute with despatch and good workmansip all orders ontrustod to his care. Orders to be loft at Mr C. Williamson's Offlco High-Btreet, or at Mr Batty'a, Builder, Ponsonby Road. TO VISITORS TO WAIOTOA HOT SPRINGS. Visitors to tho abovo Springs will And every arrangement for their convenience and pleasure. Tho above Springs aro famed for the Cure of Eye Diseases. See testimonials in Stab. F. STRANGE. Proprietor. GT I S DALE, • COAL AND FIREWOOD DEALER. At Yard, Karangaliape Hood, or Ship's Side. Posts and Rails, House Mocks, and Shingles on Sale. [A oA_l>.] MR TV. F. BUCKLAND Has commonoed praotloo In Auokla as a BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR In Chambe No. 5, Durham-, t. East (opposite T. and 8. Motrin and Co.'s side entranoe). AY OPnBLANDS WAGGON AND CARRIAGE CO. (LIMITED), 83, QtTEKN-STKEKT. This Company having opened an Auokland Agenoy, aro now prepared to take orders from the trade and tho public for all kinds of Waggon and Carriage Material at manufacturers' prices. Farmer .Spring Waggons, with seat and brake, now on hand; also. Hubs, Wheels, &o. Orflwo sollolted by the Agent, GUY TRBNCHARD. Ty/TESSRS E. COX AND SON, DENTAL BURGEONB, Bog to announoe that In addition to tholr Rooms, 148, Queen-street (A.M.P. Society's promises), they have opened a Now Bulte at Kinqsley House, Hobson-stroot (next door but ono to Oram's Hotel). JC U NOTION HOTEL, NEWMARKET. Tho Proprietor, JAMES SMITH, bogs to Intlraato that he will be happy to moot all his old friends, and now onos too, at his wbll known hostolry. Junction Hotel, whore nono but flrstolnss brands of liquors are suppllod. The best appointed Quoit and dkittla Ground In Auckland. DANGES. RANGES. RANGES. T, ATKINSON, BNERGETIO FOUNDRY, Ciittis.o-_uiu._l, Has arrived, and commenced a BRANCn RANGE, COPPER, AND FURNACE FACTORY fn AUCKLAND, VICTORIA-STREET, near Old Red Lion Hotel. It Is by the request of so many of his old friends that he has done so, and ho hopes thoy will now glvo him all tho support they oan. He Intends this yoar to give a death-blow to Colonial Ovens, a. his Rangoß will be sold bo remarkably Cheap that every poor man can get one. Price list by callinc. Every Range sold In his Phop guaranteed to glvo satisfaction. They sro tho most economical in tho colonies. Holdor of Eighteen Certificates and Ono Silver Cup Come and see for yoursel vcb. Prioo, irom £2 15s to *_0 and upwards. A man kept on purpose for Repairs. '•"mHE^RACTICAL HOME PHYBIX CIAN," By H. M. Lynians, M.A., M.D.; W. T. Belflold, M.A., M.D.; A. W. Jones, M.A., M.D.: ChristianFongos,M.A.,M.D. Kinolyillustrntod. Over 6,000 coplos Bold in tho Middle Island In 1861. Dr. Philson : " I bollevo It to bo tho mos valuable compendium of Domestic Medio in and Surgory yet published." . l)n. Dawson : "It contains a vast fund of valuablo information, written in plain, oondso language dovoid of all unnecessary technicalities, and. thoroforc, easily understood." Or. Maunbkll, Dunodln: "The best Book ever publlshod on Populnr Modioal Soionoe. Dh. Prinh, Christohurch: "Tho bost Book for tho Household yot publlshod." Dr. Clobs. Invorcargill: " Far in advance of all other books on tho sumo subjoct. Tho Health Editor of tho"Otago Witness": "The bost book of tho kind that I havo oomo aoross yot." For full testimonials soo handbills. W. B. HARVEY, BOOK DEALER. 138, QREY-BTRKET. _tf__v ff£r V\ Bk » *\ | HOIiSOW-STBBM. 1 «_ **_» __»__# CASH AND DEFERRED FAYMBJfI TAILORS, DRAPERS. MlJ44N___}_ MANTLE AND HABlXt_____kS-_. HOBSON-BTB-11. We respectfully invite attention to our ___.fl Stock of NOVXLTX-CS for the preient Season. Our Great Variety and Choice of the Bet _"abrlos, with the Skill and Talent we now •_. ploy, and the great suocess of our efforts to pro luoe Superior Garments, Perfect In Fit, an* Unexcelled In Oat and Style, give* us every oonOdonce In respectfully roliolWng the tavotu of a visit All Tweeds thoroughly shrunk before betel made up, and Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. The Deferred Payment System hu ben ouad to be a groat boon, by enabling thOM with limited Incomes to prooure neoeeurlee il ha easiest possible way. ALL GOODS ARK MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, Cash Customers receive 5 per cent. Discount (one shilling in the pound sterling) on all paroels of 20s and upwards. INSPECTION INVITED. TRAMCARS PASS THE DOOR. ARNOCK BROTHERS, [Established 18621 SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, COX'S GREEK, AUOKLAND. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Extract of Soap, Disinfectant Powdors, First Prize Yellow. Blue Mottled, Double Crown, Economic, and Household, Carbolic, and other Medicinal and Toilet Soaps, made from the purest of Tallows, Offloes-DURHAM-STREET, Auokland. N.B. — Cash Purchasers of Tallow, Wool, Sheepskins, and Bones, A REIVING EX DORIC, PIANOS, by Mlgnon, Haake, Rapoldi, and Ascherberg ENGLISH HARMONIUMS, from filO Choice VIOLINS and VIOLONCELLOS^hOBOII ospoclally for J.H. by an Eminent English Violinist BTRINGS arid FITTINGS Eardloy s PITCH PIPES, embracing the wholo Chromatio Scale. Invaluable to Choirmasters, Tunors, &o. ROTHERHAM'S Celebrated LEVER WATCHES, In Gold and Silver ERH ARDT'S Do. Do., with Chain and Fusion to ensure acouraoy^of time-keeping. J. H O WDE N, QUEEN-STREET. ONE SHILLING.—To the Ladies o Auckland.—l. FERNANDEZ desires to announce that he has just received another Shipment of 1,000 Ladies' and Children's Fashionable Winter Hats and Bonneta They consist of all the most Fashionable Shapes in Straw, Felt, Velvet, Beaver, Satin, and Fur. The colours are. Black, Navy, Green, Brown, and Cardinal. These goods are a similar shipment to those which created such a sensation last year, and will be sold at the low price of One Shitting each, acknowledged by all to be the most wonderful value ever shown In Auokland. In addition to the above, I.F. having purchased the INSOLVENT STOCK of S. Bowring, he is now selling £1,300 worth of Drapory and Clothing at quite Half Price. Genuine Bargains for Everybody. Come and Judge for Yourselves. Tram-oars pass the Bhop: ask the conductor to Bet you down.— FERNANDEZ, Draper and Clothier, Karangahapo Road, Newton. mo TRAVELLER 8, PRESENTS FOR HOME, Very handsome Inlaid Table Tops, Cabinets, and Walking Sticks, made from the plok o_ New Zealand's beautiful woods, at very reasonable prices. _>>«WJl_ in_e_edfor shipment, W. NO _£____, Shortlao. •___«.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 77, 9 April 1885, Page 1