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GREAT OPENING SALE Off AUTUMN AJSTD WINTER DRAPERY & CLOTHING. JAMES GBLfVIQUR, (OF COROMANDEL) Having Secured the Premises latoly occupied by Mr. J. G. BROWN, in PAENELL, HAS NOW OPENED WITH AN ENTIRELY NEW AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK ov DEAPEEY& CLOTHING And having purchased it on very advantageous torins, is dotormlned to SELL AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN IN AUCKLAND. J.G. hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit tho favour of Mr Brown's Customors and the Public generally. TOHN DUCHANAN, CJINGBR BEWISG MACHINES. WHOLESALE GROCER, Baleiln 1882.__603,291 Maohlni* „ 1881 861.036 „ TEA, COFFEE, & SPICE ihouui... .«,«. MERCHANT, ■•'ilSzm^l CUSTOMS-STREET, AUC#.4<iND. j^^^^^^^^^^ Telegraph Ad drew« I Telephone Exohangt, tß&ffil'&M&CsJpitifo \! " Eagle," Anoklond. | No. 65. wfraVraiiP^^^M^i Tho Advertiser deiirea special attention '^^'t!*GgigmM&))lgS&P^ to hi* Celebrated Brands of BLENDED j *"' '"" INDIA AND CHINA TEAS. Binc.l THRM Qm or BVERT roDR their introduction tho greatly incroasod ( OHINSS BOLD !N THK WORLD ARB demand for them substantially proves their j SINGER'S. excollonco, »nd confirms the high eatoem j which the Public have juitly accordod ', UPWARDS O» THKKK HUNDREB them. The following disttestj-; "j^sda all \ KIRST PRIZES 111 bear hia Trad* M«rk on tho labels, and are xhd as packed in lib and Jib paokots, also in Clb, OHKISTCHURCH EXHIBITION 101b, and 401b tini, viz:— jwq GOLD k TWO SILVER MBDAIA BLENDED INDIA AND CHINA TEAS. *• be obtained at HOUSEHOLD COUNTESS PKK 2/8 WEEK PER 2/6 WEKK DUCHESS PRINCESS Oiar u sfll, QunM-snut, Anoium EMPRESS Brakds. BLENDED PURE INDIAN TEAS. "■***■ Stations.""™ °TH™ VICEROY ZEMINDAR UHUHB BIWIMG MACHIXMB. BAKING AND YEAST POWDERS C^GfCsP | | IEI These I'owdors, einoo tliolr introduction, have been accorded by tho publio the re w| fjf' tfS 'S1 fsfa '[jil'SP coition their oxcollonco dosorvos, and only t&? iEfil K § r! »r SH Ji j&sj ruqnirQ a trial to bo more universally ueoa. Hr}. Ewy 111 |h Jr® I|| mw Attention is requested to tho following jjjy| J^^ \^ jgjj g^ gj ijjjj g£g "Laboratory. Hobßon-jtrcct. Auckland, June fIF PURE GOD LIVER OIL 13,1&M.-I have samplnl the Bnklnp Powder In .V. „ . ~, /i,' *, o , »h« bulk, preparod by Mr John Rucimnan, Mer- And HjpopllOSphltCS Of LUU6 and bOOIU ?hant, Auckland, und have analysed tho suino, •md ilnd tho constituents pure and woll-propur » t trflcrn «~ OAT^iW A"3T 9«i MTT 1? doned. The result proves this ortlelo to be AJUMObi BS f ALAIAcLIA aS MlIiK, •juperior to anr oilher imported or coloninllj SSfS&S^ feaSStiySSSSSJSRtffISi # Po-Bessing tho combined virtues of publlo.-(Slgnod) J. A. Fond, Colonial Analyit." these two Tulunbleremeaiefl in their fullest Kaoh tin bears his Reglaterod Trade Mark. ? p6r,co' Mo. ro el>fy digested and tissimi- _~, _ , CTI . • 'fttod than in tho crude form, and Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers Generally, especially desirable for sickly, ih« RTnnir nf ownwrai nnnpßnv ,„« wanting children and poraons with Oilmen's Storcß comprises a Splendid Assort- feoble dlgeßtlvo Potter- nnd fIS ment, which Is constantly Doing replenished by A. REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION, Importations from Kuropoan, Amorlcan, and . Tj rMl i T » v vnn wigttvii nrancpa Australian Markota. A KL.iILI) X rOK W AsllnU I>lStASta jubt riobived. i REMEDY FOlt SCROFULA, KX S.S. BUOEPHAUI^fjom Calcutta. A BKMEDT FOR ANEMIA AND GEN--200 DRUMS BULK CASTOR OIL. A R -,. ; J )y € { )Vms coIDS OATAuwn^TlFFuoinoK. ■ , AND THROAT AFFECTI6NS, ____. In fnct, all diseases where there is an To those about to commence businoes, Inflammation of tho Throat jind Lungs, a att on« on U d t a« to tho od v antaß : of boing in a position to offer the Coleibratod world equals this palntablo Emulsion, and Popular Brands of Sprcart EllftlO . 11. ia. prescribed and endorsed by th« _ * _ beet phyiieians in tho various countnesof Teas, Biikhiß and Yeast Powders, tiis world, who will attest those faota. CtC, and to soouro other epociftl induoe- l'ot Bal° by ttU Ohemists. monte which I am prepared to offer. " TOHN "DUOHANAN, WHOLBSALB GROOBR, "^^^^o^ OUSTOMS-BTREIT, ' » rq » AUCKLAHU. X* ill X •'_•'_' v"_ OCULIST OPTICIAN, F"™T"^"^ 1 ,' \ O' Chrlstohnroh, is now on a visit to Auckland, i L^ i \ for a short time only, and may bo Consulted on ■ I 1 * all Diseases of tho Kyo, and for the. proper ad--1 I J / \ / iuntmont of Spoctaolas. With regard to the . lid *JLmmmmM, JL Jh| / Diseases of the Kyo, there may be considered / two distinct kinds of treatment, viz., tho Medical n / and the Optical; tho Medical to the Phyßician, / tho Optical to tho Oculist OitiouN. Entirely — — . m /J**k.t two-thirds of tho diacasos are due to optical T l/i/i/is/im sv 1 7/7/7 rffl t defoctn. Blindness, Squint Kyes. Headaohes, LJrIYZuCf/ILCCL /*C// NouralglaofthoFacoandTomrlos,Ueafnesß,«nd ■v rrw * **■ rrwvv />^'»X Innammation of the Kjosarofronuontlycaused __ /ft / by optical dofcotß, and aio Prevented and Cured, IS /I If without oi'KitATioNS, by properly adapted / v/ Spootaclos, mado to oorreot the defective porO_ «_ //n » / tion of tho oye. Thoro are over 500,000 various I I I ."3 /fr* I combinations of Spoctnoleß roquired to correct I I \\ I^^J / theso dofoota—impossible to be kept in stook by *-"/ ■*• *•/ 7/ any Optiolan, even in London, therefore, must /rt^ */ bo ground expressly to meet eaoh individual / fffi f . caso. I /Ak// ■ T. R. PROCTER rocolvod the highest award I / jf granted for tho manufacture of Speotaolos in 1/ j /' f overy combination of Bphorioal and cylindri- / | | 1 f f *TT"» 7~» A cal form roquired, at tho International Kxbibl- / I I I XAv / / f~* Xi rlon' N-z • viz -> B Certtfloate and Gold Medal. / I I t f/y+7 f •*■ •*—** * T.R.P. has fo,r many years made an especial / JL \Jf^LJf study of the optical means neoessary to remedy I f 7/ ■ the defeota of the astlgmatio or weak-si(?hted I //*V\ f °y°ai and thia experience, combined with the / flSif IROMNniNH appllanoeß for manufacturing, enables him £reI / *%Sf Bouoni/inii quenUy to relievo even the otherwise hopeless f*<%/*f oases. // ] f No Ohargo for Consultation, / \*J/ ™ / Addrosa !— // / / _, - THRKR DOORS B®»M THEATRE BOTAL /SY/ Strength vizm^tmmT. ()/ f\ VI O K'S STABLES, ■ V<s ALBBRT-STRKET. / AND MR 7. QUICK begs to return his Sincere f fhanks for tho Liberal Patronage received f _ _ . , while oarrylng on the Business known as /lIIAfI AIIAI IT\/ "Quick's Livery and Bait Stables," AlbertHII4 H fill II I I I V street, and trusts that MKSSRS JAMBS DIG)IllUil UU/iul I ■• NAN & CO., the gentlemen to whom he has « relinquished tho same, will be accorded Support In an equally liberal manner. Patrons can rely upon being treated civilly and fairly by Mb sue-D-|7i v T T T oessors, under whose proprietary be teelß sure H; * * * the hostelry will beoome the favourite of Auok- • •*-* land. GUNMAKEB, J. J- DIGNANI JT. FOLKYI [P. LUNDON nRi nnw ßW a ™™T inmiivn MBSSRS JAMES DIGNAN & CO. having 354, Qdkkn-stebei, AUCKLAND - purchß ßed Mr F.Quick's Business, hope to merit (Opposite the City Market). the patronage so generously bestowed on their irniimnrnm lid > late and popular predecessor. For Hire—HanESTABLISHED 1859. 80m Cabß,Open and Close Carriages, Buggies of • every description, Wafrgonettes, Breaks and Intending BOTEits ji». Omnibuses, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle should inspect the ,Iml Horses, IMveub Carriages with Livery, Hearses Lahqe Stock of Breech ■KgDk. sind Mourning Coaches. Orders by Post, Teleand Muzzle - loading graph, or Telopbone (No. 124) receive careful Guns on hand. They a attention. Tho Stables provide unsurpassed will see the best value In llflsßH^fT accommorliitioii for Horses, So, Night attendAuckland. Every Gun tho- + sk, »noa. Charges moderate, roughly examined and guaran- /^jß^HffiFg : : Tamterie^SwlthSie-V^il JJOTICB TO THE PUB.-LIC, men's Patent Steel Barrels, 12 Moo^lStPlJlatelf Weblly's^uli SUPPORT THE PARMING COMMUNITY Dog and Irish Constabulary Revol- |M Through their Association, the vers. also his New Patent Self-ex- JH " """ tractlng Revolver; Kynoch's Patent Xgggl , „ ..» », "Perfect" Reloading Metallic Cart- *BJI s^^ ridge Cases and Crimpers: Eley'a Re-IH s^**% jfc^ft^ ° volver Ammunition and Metallio Cartridge |H /^ i2^^sj> Caseßj Newoaetlo Chilled Shot; CurtisßHl //& j\ 'A Iffi^w^' A V\ : and Harvey and Pigon Wilk's and Lau-WI f/<c ijv • guff- *i\l rence's Gunpowder; Eley's Wadding and «ll l( Nfiii^!?JSi&sY>--J2?S: I Cartridge Cases; Powder Flasks, ShotHtt» WJ, W^lM&^M£M?m JH/J Pouohes, Game Bags, Gun Cases, Cartridge X&oJ"*- 11*^*^^^,* , vz/ Belts. Gun Oil, Tow for Gun Cleaning, For- X-ce0,,.. *vo!^^ rot Muzzles and Bells, Saloon Rifles. Air Canes, >>«<il£Y£_ASSgey££>S^ Breech-loading Imploments, Fishing Taoklo, S-==S=S *"*^ Cutlory, Fireworks. _, RKPAIR3, mcludlng Browning: and Re- 69, QUEKN-STRBET, AUCKLAND, stooking. specially attended to, and satisfaotion {or Sale on their Snarenoliaerß guaranteed. account: D. EVITT, GUNMAKEH AND IMPOBTBB, OATS CHEBSE JM, QOEEN-STBKET, AUOKtAKD. U HAY EGGS — POTATOES FRUIT. TNSCRIPTIONS on Gold, Silver, and BARRETT Manauer X PlateengtßTtaattbegxAß Office. 1 w. sarrett. Manager, i

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 4