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Public Notices. "jew ZEALAND FARMER, BEI AND FOUfcTRY JOURNAL. In consequence of the great and npo'oja domand from the country districts, the Makci number of the above ia unfortunately short ol requirements. The proprietor would, there fore, feel grateful to any persona, who, having read their March copy, return game to Stab Office, One shilling will be paid for ovory copy in good condition, pHURCH OF ST. THOMAS, WEDNKSDAY, APRIL 8, 1885. SPECIAL BAPTISMAL SERVICE, 7.30 p.m. LLOYD KEATING, Pastor. PURSUANT TO "THE LICENSING ACT, 1831,-' I, Allan Knnß Taylor, Chairman of tho Mount Albert Licensing Dietrict, do heroby appoint SAMUEL BROOKING ProSiding Officer, and WEDNKSDAY, tho 22nd dar of April, 18S5, as the day, and the Publio Hall, Mount Albert, as the place at which a Poll of the Ratepayers of Mount Albert Licensing District is to bs taken, to determine whether the number of Publicans' Licenses is to bo increased in the said District. Tho Poll to commonce at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and close at G o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. Dated this 6th day of April, 1885. ALLAN KKRR TAYLOR, Chairman Mount Albert Licensing District, THEATRE ROYAL. Lessee .. .. Prof. A. E. Rico Musical Directress Mrs Rice TO-NIGHT! (Wedneaday) TO-NIGHT I PROFESSOR A. E. RICE, PROFES3OR A. E, RICE, PROFESSOR A. E.' RICE, THE CELEBRATED MIKD - READER, HUMORIST, and PHYSIOGNOMIST, In an entirely Novel Entertainment, Embracing MENTAL SCIENCE, MUSIC, & MYSTERY. On this, the Professor's second appearance in New Zealand, a moat select and interesting Srogrammo will be presented. Professor ;ick ia an actual THOUGHT - READER, THOUGHT ■ READER, And will road the mind of anyone dosirous of tosting his peculiarly wonderful gift-even to tolling name, age, and nativity of pcrfoct strangers. "There are moro things 'twixt heaven and earth than's dreamt of in man's philosophy." —Shakspearo. In addition to tho above will follow an extraordinary and instructive programme, Consisting of MUSK (Vocal and Instrumental). Physiognomical Delineations, in which Prof. Rice is universally acknowledged to be unrivalled, and CABINET MYSTERIES. Outdoing tho Hindoos (vide opiniona of tho Press). Prices of Admission:—Reserved Seats, sa; Dress Cirole, 3s; Stalls, 2s ; Pit, One Shilling. Doors open at 7.30; overture at 8. Orchestra—ltalian String Band. C. HAWKINS. Advance Agent. __ H. PXtITCHARD. Busincea Manager. HUSSAR and Jersey Jackets, button in front, with jacket backs, plain and embroidered. 10s to 40s; an assortment just opened.—J. M. MoLacnlan,J!22, Queen-street. BIILHEADS, 'Memorandums, Account and Invoice Forms, engraved on copperplate, Lithographed or Printed in type at the 3tar Office. tHE onormous increase in tho sales is a proof x of the growing popularity of Wolfe's BenAPPB. 'THE pubno shonld avoid all imitations ot *■ Wolfe's Schnapps. Be sure you prooure tho genuine Wolfe's. CTELENSVILLE, TOWN DISTRICT. TAKE NOTICE. The Valuation List for the Helensrllle Town District for tho year 1885 ia now open for inspecon at Messrs P. and J. McLeod'g Store, Helonsvllle, until the 31st April, 1885. CHARLES NEWMAN, Clerk. TTORI WAIROA AND Jj KAIPARA. '^KSgSCJfflfi' Tho Brigantine «^Ej£jggjjgjpp LOOK-OUT Will sail for the above Ports on or about MONDAY next. For freight. uC apply to E. MITCHELSON & Co.. Agonts. DRURY BRIDGE, GREAT SOUTH ROAD. Notico is horoby given that tho abovo Bridge will bo CLOSED tor Cattle and Wheol Traffic for Ono Month on and after tho 9th day of April, 1885. J. MARSHALL, Contractor. mO BUILDERS. AND CONTRACTORS. Tenders will bo rocoivod up to noon on WEDNESDAY, tho Bth April, for Controto and Brickwork for gas apparatus to be erected at Waitara. For further particulars apply to tho N.Z. FROZEN MEAT & STORAGE Co,, 125, Qucon-Btrcot. Auckland. rraE.NEVV ZEALAND LAND MORT ± GAGE CO. (LIMITED). Subscribed Capital .. .. £2.000,000 Paid-up Capital .. .. £200,000 Head Office for the Colony : NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE BUILDINGS. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. This Company Is prepared to negotiate LOANS on Froohold Mortgages throughout the Colony at current rates. For Application Forms and f urthor particulars apply to JAMES BUTTLE, Socrotary. Queon-nt., Auckland. OULMAN'S PHOTO. ROOMS.— Tourists and othors having expressed disappointment in not seeing our Photo. Views of tho Hot Lake Dißtriot, Bush and Fern Studies, oto,. before purchasing elsowhoro are invited to inepoot our large Serios of tho sumo. The finest collection of Maori Portraits In New Zealand. J.B. — Instantaneous Portraiture in all in brunches. Enamelling done for the Trado and Amateurs on reasonable tennß.—Shortlund-st.. Auckland. "PROCLAMATION. GREAT SACRIFIcS"!)? £9.000 WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, and SLIPPERS, tho Balance of our Immense Stock. GARRETT BROS", having decided to prolong the SALE FOR ONE MONTH LONGER, in order to dose partnership accounts, G.B. are determined to sell during that time at PRICES UNHEARD OF IN THE COLONY! The following are the PRICES of a few lines only:----s. d. s. d. Men'sWatertlghta .. ..8 6..worth 11 6 Mon's Elastics 7 6..worth 12 6 Men's Balmorals .. ..9 6..worth 12 6 Mon's Bluchors 4 6..worth 8 6 Men's Shoes 6 6..worth 10 6 Ladies'KidE.S 6 6..worth 9 6 Ladies'Buttoned Boots .. 9 9.. worth 13 6 Ladles'Buttoned Boots .. 7 6..worth 12 6 Ladies' KidE.S 6 6..worth 9 6 Ladlos'Kid E.S. High-leg .. 7 6..worth 12 6 Children's Shoes .. ..1 o..worth 3 6 Children's Boots .. ..1 o..worth 3 6 Ladles'Evening Shoes .. 4 6.. worth 8 6 All Other Lines at Equally Low Rates for CASH ONLY. GARRETT BROS., Tanners and Boot Manufacturers, WAKEFIELD-STREET, Auckland. /IHEAP /GROCERIES!! /IHEAP QUGARS I ! pHEAP nnEASII AT REW'S OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY STORE, VIOTORIA-STBEET. White Table Sugar, 3d per Ib. Very Best Fresh Butter, Is per lb. Very Good Fresh Butter, lOd per lb. Potatoes, 3s 6d per cwt. delivered Beat Factory Cheese, 6d per lb. New Jams, fis 6d per doz. A Fresh Supply of the Famous la lOd Tea jußt to hand. VISIT REW'S, VICTORIA-STREET. £•-» _f_ TO £10,000 LENT on Building ml J_ " Society prlnoiples.or on other.tarms 0 suit bo> rowers. Allotments bought and erases bsli on Weakly Payment System. Mortgages and Loans negotiated. Beo List of Properties for Sale on other page. Six per cont, allowed on money deposited for Investment.— O. Willamson, Land, Estate, and Finanolal Acrnnt and Vainer. High-street. Auckland. tTIUHT-SOIL CONTRACT. Quarter is now due, and must be promptly paid, or service will be stopped. BAM. WHITE, Contractor. "> ELIEF from Cough in Ten Minutes.— % BHARLAND'P CHERRY PECTORAL' Moe, 2s 6d and la 6c—K. O. Bharland, opposltl 1 Post-office. DR ARNOLD'S PENNY ROYAL AND STEEL PILLS.-Th« most popular madlolne of the day. Prioe, 2a W a box.—Colonial Agent F. C. Bhabland, opposite tha PoatOBcg * T> OSELINE job thb B AIR —This eleXV gant preparation completely eollpasa every artlole of a similar kind now before the public. Prioe, Is 6d e bottle.—Shabund, Apothecaries Hall, WORMS. All children suffer from them. If BUspeoted. ask for the Certain Cure. 3HAFJjAND'S WORM POWDBRS, la packet Apothecaries' Hal opposite Post-office. A TBI RATS! RATS !—Use BKARLAND'S PHOSPHOR PASTB, Eats eot it greedily, end die s no smell. Prloa. One Shilling a Bottle. i SHARLAND, opposite Post-oifl w.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3