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Mr Bell, of tho Public Works Oflico, Wellington, who has been sont up to Auckland to carry out Major Cantloy's plan of dofenco, arrived by the To Anau today, bringing with him the necessary plans, and accompanied by Mr Vickorman, Assistant Engineer. After taking their luggage to tho Albert Hotel, and despatching a hasty lunch, the two gentlemen wont up to tho local Public Works Office, where thay saw Mr Hales (District Engineer), and thence proceeded across to tho North Shore to inspect the sites of the proposed batteries and to see what work had already been done. Among tho passengers for Sydney by the Zealandia were : Madame Cora and tho Emerson Minstrel Troupe, consisting of— Billy Emerson, Charlie Cogill, Harry Cogill, William King, Jamos Walsh, Dan Tracey, Burt Stanley, Gus Pixley, Alt Holland, Professor Reinhardt, Ben Clark and quartette. In a letter from Sir Wm. Jervois by Mr VV. A. (Murray, His Excellenoy oxprosses regret that he fias been obliged to abandon his intention of visiting Auckland this autumn. An outbreak of fire occurred at Devonport late on Saturday night, and resulted in the destruction of a six-roomed house, occupied by Mr J. J. Burgess, carpenter. A number of neighbours assombled on tho scene, but beyond assisting to prevent the spread of the fire, they wero powerless. The houso was owned by Mr J. Duder, who is at present in Australia. Tho furniture was insured for £50 in tho Royal Office and £60 in the United Fire Associaduring tho evening, and was returning homo when the fire broke out. Mrs Burgess, with her two children, was in the house during the evening, and before going to bed she made up the fire in tho dining- . room, and put tho kettle on for her busband's supper. It is beliovod that a spark sottled on tho matting and caused it to ignite.

Pollard's Lilliputians appeared at tho Theatre Royal on Saturday night in the first of two extra performances. There was a good attenianco, and the " Little Duke," which was presented on the occasion, was most satisfactorily performed. " Pinaforo " is announced for this ovoning. The choir and Btewards of tho Theatre Royal Sunday evening sorvices, to the number of about 50, drove out to Romuora this afternoon, having beon invitod to a picnic by Mr J. L. Wilson. Rev R F. Macnicol commenced a series of monthly Sunday evening lectures to young men at St. James's Presbyterian Church last night. Tho subject of tho first discourse was David, whom the lecturor described as a man ef faith and prayer. The Pitt-street Wesloyan Sabbath School anniversary sermons were preached yesterday, in the morning by the Roy. C. Worboys, afternoon to the children by tho Rev, R, Bavin, evening by the Rev. A, Reid. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The singing by the scholars, under the conductorsbip of Mr Chadwiok, was really excellent. To-morrow night the annual soireo takes placo. The prisoner Sheehan, accused of the murder of his mother, brother, and sister in Ireland, left for Wellington in the Rotorua yesterday afternoon, under the chargro of Sergeant Dunny and Detective Walker, The trio leave Wellington for London in the Ruopohu on the 12th. "Fun on the Bristol" was repeated at the Opera House on Saturday night before a large and appreciative audience. It will form ono of the chief holiday amusements to-night. The English hop market when the mail left was in a very disorganised state. The tendency continued downwards, as had been the case for a long time previously. English hops, 1884, were worth from 75s to 90s per cwt.; Americans and Californians, 70s to 80s ; yearling Americans, 40s; and Tasmanians, 1884, 40s, Tho latter were sold last July for £7 10s per cwt. With these facts before them, it would be madness for New Zealand growers to send Homo any of the crop which they have just gathered in. They must try to dispose of it locally, and will no doubt find that sound coloury Bamples fetch remunerative prices. The teachers and elder scholars of the Beresford-street, Newton, Mount Eden and Onehunga Congregational Church Sahools held a combined pionic at Lind's Gardens, Northcote, today. There were about 200 persona in the party.

There was a good deal of dissatisfaction amongst those on the Flagship at the Ponsonby Regatta to-day when they discovered that nothing stronger than lemonade could be obtained on board. It appears that the Regatta Committee applied for a license to sell, as usual, and were refused. They consider that this is going "alittle too far," when licenses were granted to past regattas, and also to race meetings now going on. Charles Holben, engine driver at Miranda colliery, some distance above Mercer, met with a serious accident on Saturday. While attending to tho engine his coat was caught by a pinion whool, and his right arm was dragged in and severely lacerated. Ho was brought with all expedition to Auckland Hospital, where his injuries were attended to. An address from Sir George Grey is always welcome in Auckland. Replying to an invitation from the Secretary of the Liberal Association, Sir George writes :— " Kawau, April 2nd, 1885. Dear Sir,' —j shall bo happy to comply with tho wishes of the Auckland Liberal Association with re-, gard to delivering an address to the people of that city. I hope in a short time to be in Auckland, whon I will arrange a suitable day with tho association.—Scours &c, G. Grey. To P. M. Grant, Secretasy A. L. Association." Te Aroha is to have a visit from the Minister of Mines shortly. Mr Larnach lately telegraphe asking that a question aa to grant towards forming connection between the tramway and Ferguseon and Company's battery should stand over till his visit this With regard to the Government enquiry asked for into all matters relating to the construction of the county tramway, the reply of the UnderSecretary is to the effect that the application would be submitted to the Minister of Mines on his return to Wellington.

On Good Friday tho mombers of Mount Edon Baptist Bible Claßs and friends went in four omnibusos to tho farm of Mr D. Wlytock near Threo Kings, whore an agreeable picnic was held. Professor Rice, the celebrated mindreader, humourist, phyaiogonomist, will to-morrow ovoning givo the first of his sorios of novel entertainments in mental scionce, music, and mystery, in the Theatre Royal. Tho press spooks favourably of the Professor's entertainments. A grand naval review is taking placo to-day in Port Jackson Harbour, Sydney. At Totara Velloy, Timaru, a man named Capps has beon found hanging to a cabbage treo. Amalgamation of Moanataiari Extended and Cambria Gold-mining Companies is proposed. The business of J. Bycroft and Co., flour millers, &c, is in future to bo_ carried on by a joint stock company, with Mr J. Bycroft aa inanagor, and Mr R. Fry as secretary. Grafton Chess Club is in futuro to be known as Auckland Choss Club. At the annual meeting hold on Saturday night, Mr Lusk was olectod President, and Mr A. Ashton, Hon. Secrotary and Treasurer; Messrs Sloman, Gorrio, Hosking, Jakins, and Garlick wore elected a committee. The death is announced of Mrs Barriball, widow of tho late Mr Charles Barriball. Tho docoased lady, who was 71 years of ago, was, with bor husband, a pioneer settlor, having resided over 20 yoars at Waiuku. Architects who intend to compote for tho new Custom Houso design are requostod to call on Mr Hill, collector, who hus rocoivod some additional information necessary for them to bo in possession of. Referring to a paragraph in " Random Shots " about an attempted swindlo in connection witli a suburban sweep on tho Honderson Mill Races, we have boen shown by tho promoter a complete exoneration of himself signed by the committee on tho night of the drawing, and also a further exculpatory resolution carriod at a mooting of shareholders convened subsequently to investigate tho affair. Tho resolution completely acquita tho promoter of nil suspicion of being implicated, and states that " tho charges woro withdrawn by tho gontlemon who had proforrod thorn." An examination of tho books and papors rotating to the affair shows that, although tho occurrence proves tho liability thore is to attempt at swindling in connection with those drawings. Every reasonable procaution had boon takon by the promoter in this instance to secure that tho drawing should bo conducted fairly by representatives of tho eubscriborß undor whoso diroction the drawing took placo.

A largo number of charges woro on tho polico Bheet this morning, but the majority could not bo disposed of by Mr Suporintondont Thomson, owing to thonon-appoar-ance of a second Justice of tho Poaco. Thoro wore nino drunkardß; threo woro discharged, being thoir first offence, and six were punishea by lino or imprisonment. John Whitlnnd was finod 40s for fighting in a public stroet. Tho following woro remanded until to-morrow:— Matthew Thornton and John Hays, breaking a door and assaulting Thomas and Mary McQuoi by striking them; remanded to tho Sth instant. Georgo Rowland, disobedionco of lawful commands on tho ship Northumberland ; Duros Russell, unlawfully in tho stablo of Messrs Fowler; Jacob Solomon, bogging in Victoria strcot; remanded to the lOtli inst. Michaol Head, larcony of bottlos and jars, valuo 20s, from tho stores of Messrs Sharland and Co. ; Jeremiah Driscoll, striking Edward Wholch; Edward Ryan, violontly assaulting Win. Urquhart; Elizabeth Cuthbort, larcony of a watch and chain, valuo £7, tho property of Michaol White

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 2