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Wanted. WANTED, OD Swattip Hands.-Apply to D. Fallon, Auckland, or at Porter's Hotel, Mcrcor. WANTEDTThrce Good Brush Hands. -Apply M. ,T. Smith, ot Mr Green's, Falcon street, t'arnoll. WANTED, a good Groom, that knows his work,—W. CrowthtT. WANTED, a ._rst-crasß~C"arpenteV.-* Applyonjob > BtilmohtTferra*)o,Ke_miera. \%T ANTED, 8, Young Man to turn ladder 7 ? Winds (piecework) at J. C. Pelham's, Luduor and Barrow maker, Albertstreeti WANTED, a Butcher Boy to ride for ordors. — Appiy Mr Briggs, Butcher, Pnraonby. WANTED, a Youth or Souiig juuu lo drive a bakor'a cart and as : ist in bakehouse,— Apply Staic Oflieo. : WANTED, a smart OiHco Boy.—Apply National Insurance Buildings, 85, Queenstreet (upstaira), at 6 p.m., Wednesday next. References required. ANTED a Bey.—Apply oil Tuesday at 32. QUoon-atreot, Hancock and Co. WASTfeD, a Bteady civil Lad or Young Man, for tho Butchcring.-T. Hedgor, Ky'ner Pass. WANTED, a clean tidy Girl as General Servant for two in family.—Apply to Mrd Clcghorn, Romuora. WANTED, four Machinists, at onco.— Apply C. do L'Eati, Durhamotroot, Max Kobcr'a hands need not apply. WANTED, a good General Servant.— Anulv yingsland Post-ofilc'o. WANTED, good General, Servant. No Wishing. — Apply to Mrs Willoughby, 'i'ho Nook, Upper Symonas-streot. WANTED, a good Cook and Laundress. —Apply Mrs Forrester, Swan Hotel, Mechanics' Bay, ot oocc. W ""ANTED, Lady Holp. - Apply Mrs Dawsgn. Brown-street, Pon_onby. WANTED, by ti respectable YoUnft I.'orson. with colonial cxpbricniVD, Situation in Fanoy Goods Or Cbhfeetlonory Business; satisfactory lerorolicoß.—Address, A.V.C., Star Office. < WANTED.a Partner with£l,ooo capital in a good Paying Manufacturing Bualnoss.—Apply to Secretary T. ond H, Morrln ond Co. (Limited). WANTED, a i'artheiMvM "Capital to start A'.lfitlonoo'ring In my promises; in good Vtosltioh, and Btook to Btart with; opon till the lilh instant—W. L. Roth. Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mart, Viotoria-atroot Kast. WANTED, 2 or 3 respoctablo Men, as Boarders, bath, washing, 6c0.: tortns moderate.—Mr Dewetrow, Sydney Houso, Vincont-strcet, 3 doors above McDonald's. W "ANTED, in Pornell, twb rospectablo young lion BoantoiP: private family.; use of piano; tpViba vory moderate—Apply for njft'Toncra to Mra Hell, l'orncll Registry Ofllcq. WANT__f"D, 4 rospectablo Working Mon , as Boarders; tonus very moderate— Apply Mrs Darling, Albert Rood, Dovonport, North Shore. WANTED, Two Furnished Rooms, with uso of kitchen, and -rood view of I harUour.—Addro-B J.T., Stak Ofitcc. WANTED "to""Rentr a Six" or" Sovon ' Roomed House in tho Immediate I Suburbs (Ponsonby oxcepted). Rent not lo oxcocd 20s a weok.-Apnly by lottor, slating . particulars, to " J.H.8,,' Box No. IoP, P.O. . WANTED.— A gent'etnai) requires Furnished Sitting And Bedroom, with or , without Board, 0 minutes' walk froth Poet-ofllce. -Apply, stating tonus, 10 Senior, STAK OiHco. I W' ANT_3D to "Purchofib a Show Cae'e, j Bultoblo for hont.D ot ehop.—Addre3S, with pil.e, hi/.0, and whore can be seen, tj I U.S.T., Star OUlco. Y\7"ANTEDi"o good Store in tho Country ; ' T \ It must bo a good paying business.— ' Apply by lottor, stating full paiticulara, to Beta, SrißOflJ-O. _ I WANTED, Tonant for New Store or | Shop being built in tho busy thoroughfaro of Customs street West. Rent easy.— i Applytoo. Rhodes, ___„____. ' ANTED. a^Vqetly Supply of F resfi I Butlef ami Eggs. - A. J., Thcjmos, Brggefc Hartyn-Btrbat. Hoar St. JoWob'6 Ohj.rch. i 'MfED, Securities \ for sums ranging from £100.—Apply to ' J. M. Spood, Solicitor, Exchange Chambors, Durham-street.' [ WANTED, .-CSOO on good security, city. 10 por cent. -Apply St.. R Ofltee. ' WANTED, sptno kind, rcipoctat.lo f Person tv Adopt a good-tqijiporod; 1 healthy Bitby llor, '___.. six months old.—Par'- ; ticulrtrs from Mrs O.i cnto of Mrs Gould, UpDor ' Union-6trbc>. ._...__, -^ | WANTED, i'our Acres Land nbout ten t miles from town; Mangorc district pro- . furred. — Apply John Dawson, Brown-Btreot, ' Ponsonby. WANTED, Young Man to share Room c witli another, in a prlvato family, no , othor boarders: tonus 18s per week (Washing ' included).—Address Mrs Mitchell, Clarcmontstreet,Qll'Kyber Pane. i WANTED, the Ladies of Auckland and : surrounding districts to know that Mrs ' Coraton liHS.iiiit openod o case ot Knglish and Parisian Millinery, tbo most stylish in Auck- J land for shades ahd shape. A groat variety to • clicobo from. An inspection Invited.—Mrs | Cora on, Nowington Houso, opposite Portland House, flobaon Bireel. ■__, ( WANTED KNOWN, persons having t Books .bolOnginK to tho, Circulating . Library, Pitrnoil, will please 111 return them by Monday next, and thoy will muUh obllgb.— . eornt rof King-street jßichard T, Talbot. J WANTED KNOWN. Drapory unci j Clothing Salo of Bobson'B Stock la now au at Brighton Iloudo, top ot Uroy-6trcot.-J. , Rondell. Come If yphwaut Cheap Qo"ds. t WANTED KNOWN—Ciika.. Timbkb I i Chkai' TmnfcUl And oil othor kinds if Building Motorlal, oan bo nurcliasod ohoapor ( md bettor than anywhero oltlo at tho Jtardß of | :). Goldib .Albbtt-strß't. i WANf_t.i3, twolVo New Melhbors for ; tho Newton IMim and Flfo Band. For I tomiß apply wodllosdfly or Friday evening., betwoen fond B,b'olbc6. at Bdnd-shcll, bobk of | Nowtonlloli.—W.MowbrayHlggft.Banamaetor. i ANTED nt Onco, __o^B6o Pick and ! Shovel Men to call at Gorrott Bros', ond I .ocuro Watcrtlghts at 8a 8d; Bluchers, Is tld. jolo will last for Ono Month only. i WANTED KNOWN!—Expiration of j U'tlsb, Charlos kolsoy «r. Co, tiro otTering U caiih roturii of fodr shillings Ih ovory I wound oil' all '•Ash piirch___os of Fancy Goode iiver live Bhllllngs.-Charles Ebißby & Cb., 120, i Qiioon_street t WANTED KNOWN.—Four. Shillings ! in tho pound is tho oaah return or die- ' count on all cash purchases over tlvo shillings, | at Kolßoy'e, oll'their Gold and Silver Jewellery and Knncy Gooilb, thoy hovlmr to vacate their liremlsog -Charles Kolßoy &: Co . 120, Queon Bt, ; rXTZNTEITKNO WN—West End"Phor- < VV mooy, Ponsonby Road, ohoopest Drug • Store In town—Holloway'B Pills, 1b 3d: Cooklo'e, I ls3d; Wholpton'B,ls3dj Knoß Fruit Salt, 3s 3d; fToodlng BottlCß, 6d; Stoadmon's Powdors, is Sd; Porous Plasters, Is and lo 3d; Fluid Magncßla, la 3d ; Citrato of Magooslo, Is 3d; Jacobs Oil, in 6d ; Do Jongh'B Oil, 2a M ; Chlorodyne, Is and a 3d.—A. J. Blomßcld, liomceopothlo Chemist, Herbalist, ond Pharmacist. WANTED, another 1,000 Clocks and Watches to clean and repair; also, I purohosors for Waltham, Kngllsh, and Swiss watchos, Clooks. and Jowollery by Thoß. Nutsford, Watchmaker, Jeweller, &a, next Union Bonk, Vlotorla-Btroot.—N.B.—All work guaran- i ccd for 12 months; musical bozos repaired, oianoa purchased on commission. WANTED KNOWN—, FUR COLLARS, CAPES; AND TRIMMING.—D. McPHKRSON, Karangohape Road. FUR CAPES, at 2b 6d, 3s 6dj 5s 6d, 8s Od. 1)3. Ono caso only. ANTED TO SELL—Whips (a really splendid assortment of every kind)— i_adlcß', Gontal, Riding, Briving, Cart; also, -iolld Nickel Spurs, Stlrrupß, and the latest _ovoltloß in Saddlery ond liarnoss; prices are lseloss to anybody unless thojr Bee the auality. Oomn and inspect. — W. B. Jones, Whotoiqle Monufaoturer. 183, Quoon-streot. WANTED KNOWN-That Onb Smi made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN, Hob-ion-street, will woar longer than Half a Dozen Cheap ond Nasty) Shoddy Spits. ANTED KNOWN by the Ladies of Auckland, that from Wednesday, the .'hiostont. Dress and Mantle making .will bo lono in tho rooms ovor our drapery establishment on Co-ODerativo Princiolcs. The Public, (employer, ond Employee oil to Bhoro in the wont. Prices low; terms cash,—J. Green, 85, Victoria street. ANTED KNOWN.—lmportant to Spooulatoiß or partioß about to commence business. An opportunity to secure flrstolosb Business Premises (Freehold) In what will be o-io of the principal centres of trado about Miokland, bciDg on the Main Road, closo to Mount Kden Station; largo neighbourhood • islng up oil round; traffic to Whau, MountAlbert and Kingoland passing by. Termacon oo arranged; greater portion money cnu remain in mortßßKe. To be sold by auction on Thursday next, Oth met., at J. R. Randorson's, next Bank of Now Zealand, at 12|o'clock. ITfXNT ED KNO WN—Hfgh-ciass VV Clothing for the People at Wholosalo Prices. Gentlemen,—Our buccobb for tho paßt year has been most gratifying, and in again lubmitting our price Hat for tho season, we have i>ccn o jabled to moko still further reductions. Please note a few of our quotations :— Gonts' All-wool Tweed Suits to nioosure, 15s 555, 65a, 75a. Gents' All-wool Trousers, 13s. Gents' Colonial Tweed Suits, 60a, 70s, 755. Gents' Colonial Tweed TroQßers from 16s. Boys' and Youths' Suits to measure, at same low rates. Bond and othor Uniforms from 50a. Stylo, price, and material unequalled in AuckAUCKLAND CLOTHING COMPANY, CUSTOMS-STREET EAST, Two doors above Fort-street. Business hours. 8.30 to 5.30. Saturdays, 2.30 p.m. TIT ANTED KNOWN. GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE Contains the most varied and voluablo stock of any placo in Auckland or the Australasian Colonies, and is certainly tho cheapest. The departments may be classified— Clocks and Watches Basketwore Gold aud Silver Jewel- ' Fancy Goods lery toll warranted (of all kinds) Electro-Plate Dolls, Toys Cutlery Stationery Books China ond Glassware (at English prices) Lustreß. Vases, &o. and a variety Desks of goods useful vVork Boxes & Baskets and ornamental Inkstands not to bo found, tadies' and Gents' Bags elsewhere. INSPECTION INVITED. GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE, I Victoria and Queeu-streeta.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3