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j4.ERI.VING BX DORIC. PIANOS ' »"•*'«■■ Aa^r . J>y Mlfmon, Haake, Rapoldf, and A>*berg j?"* 1 JS3H HARMONIUMS, from £10 nm' js_ VIOLINS and VIOLONCELLOS, chosen V?c_ffl_ y J' H" by an Eminent Engllali P BRINGS and FITTINGS «ardloy s PITCH PIPES, embraces &c whole •I, n&r&ntto.^ 81^ to &*£ : ERHAROT-S Do. Do., with Chain and Fubek to ensure acouracy of time-keeping. Ji H O W D E N, _. . QUEEN-STREET. W [EaSA-H-ISHBD 1863.] ALTER FRIC XE R, „„„„ PAINTER AND GENERAL DECORATOR, Fonnorly of Auckland, ond late of tho Thames, having recommenced business In Auokland, la prepared to execute with despatoh and good . workmansip all ordors entrusted to his care. Orders to bo loft ot Mr O. Williamson's Offloe High-atroet, or at Mr Batty's, Builder, Ponsonby Road. dOTO B A T i JJTto ROTH'S PUBLIO HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS, Victoria- btwmt East. Ch»rgo-ONE SHILLING. Open all weekday! SS-_\_li m-. t2,. J**. 111" *** SUNDAY MORNINGS from t till 10 o.m. The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, oombs, respirators, soaps, to. Select Bathroema (private) for Ladles every day, at all hpun, with female attendance, One Shilling and Slxpenoe. Please note the address—Victoria street East, above the Greyhound Hotel, and next the Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mart A<^Man* V.6.—Bsurber In ______ufiu_uOHARLKS HESKBTH.J \_L_\X, AITXBN7 HESKETH and AITKBN are glad to inform their oustomors and tho publio generally that having sold the whole of their lost year's stook of Clovers, etc., they aro in a position to offer an entirely New Stock arriving por direot steamer Aorongi, from London, and per Mail Steamer from San Francisco, as under, all current season's growth, conalstWlflTE CLOVER (Trefolium repens) RED CLOVER (Trefolium protena) ALSYKK CLOVER (Trofoliuiu hybftda) COWGRASS (Trofolium perenno) SCARLET CLOVER (Trofellumlnoarnfttuml TREFOIL (Modioago aupulina) LUCERNE (Modicago Bativo) ALFALFA (Modicago Chiliana) TIMOTHY (Phloura Prateuis) CRESTED DOGSTAIL (Cynosurus erlstalUß) MEADOW FOXTAIL (Alopeourus pretonßls) BHKEP3 FESCUl_'(Fe_tuci,ovlna) v"3u'uma' WOOD MEADOW GRASS (Poa nemorsila) PRAIRIE (Bromus Schrcederl) DOOB GRASS RAT-TAIL (Sporobolus olongotus) RYE-GRASS (Soleum porrene scmpervlrenß) COCKSFOOT (Daetylisglomerota) '^^ PURPLE and GREEN TOP ABERDEEN TURNIPS «*muw. DEVONSHIRE GREY STONE, WHITE BTONK, and GLOBE TURNIPS SWEDE TURNIPS. ""«*™> They nre also Agents for the Bonedust an manufactured by the Auckland Manure Company, Sydney Bonodust and Flour, Mineral and Bone Phosphates, Potato and Grass Manures, Peruvian Guano, Nitrate of Soda, and other Artificial Manures; Oats, Matso, Barley, Beona, Peas ,-Coarse, Fiuo, and Rook Salt Cobra, and Linseed Cake; New Zealand Flax and Tow. eta. W. L H * B, BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, TUBES DOORS ABOVE " STAR " orrKHL MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS, Insurance and mining Register Books Specially Ruled and Bound. Miudo, Magazines, Publio Libraries, and Sonday School Books well bound. BAKERS' SPECIAL RULED DAY BOOKB. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Booki Re-bound. BAND AND OHOIR MUSIO BOOKS RUI"-" ✓^IThos. J. Harbutt, f I MANU-TAUrUBIB OV CORN BROOMS, B|g^» i_u__i^Kapai}ma_u_. • telephone n 0...231 nuio k'~s stables, V* ALBERT-STREET. MR F. QUICK begs to roturn his Sincere • fhanks for tho Liberal Patronago received • while carrying on the Businoaa known as "Qulck'a Llvory and Bait Stabloa," Albert- ■ atrcot, and truste that MESSRS JAMES DIGNAN ft CO., tho gentlemen to whom he has • relinquished the samo, will be accorded Support In on oqually liboral manner. Patrons can rely upon being trootod olvllly and fairly by his successors, nndor whoso proprietary ho fuels sure ' tho hostelry will bocomo the favourite of Auokland. J. J. DIGNANI IT. FOLEYI (P. LUNDON • MESBRS JAMES DIGNAN & CO. having • Burohascd Mr F.Qulck's Business, hopo to merit 10 patronage so generously bestowed on tholr - late and popular prodecoasor. For Hire—Han- i lorn Cabs, Open and Close Carriages, Buggies of every description, Waggonettes, Breaks and Omnibusoa, Ladles' ondf Gontiomon's Saddle Horses, Prlvaw Carriages with Livery, Hearses and Mourning Coaches. Orders by Poet, Tolegraph, or Tolophono (No. 124) receive oarotul attontion. Tho Stabloa provide unsurpassed accommodation for Horses, fto. Night attend- | tnoe. Charges moderate. , Q. HENDERSON, • DISPENSING CHEMIST, PHARMACIST. AND SURGEON DENTIST, Medical Hall. Ponsonby, opposite Three Lampe. TolophonoNo. 807. __. . (SUPERIOR COl-UGATEI) TaNM j J. L. KEAN i Haa For Salo a number of the abovo, with tops, ready for use, prioe 85a, at his Shop, Welleeleystreet East (next door to Crowther s Stablee). Largo Quantities of Spouting, Ridging, ana . Down Plpeß always In Btook. Verandah ton onrved at tho shortest notice. Country ordors will alwoya receive hla prompt attention. Lead Washers always on han_U^ _. WIL LIAM THOMAS, Corner of Lome and Viotorla-Btreota, Auokland East, „„.„„. r MONUM___NTAL,MARB__E.ANDG__NERAL ■ stfoiTOMASdN. o ARCHITECTURAL SCULPTOR AND ' CARVER. _ „ __ , Inscriptions Aoourste and BeautlM. Monuments. Tombß, Headstones, and erery description ofStone Work at the Lowest Possible Prlooa for Town ond Oonntrv [A CARD,] 1%/TR W. F. BUCKLAND Has commenced practice In Auokla as a BARRISTER AND SOLIOITOR In Ohambe No. B, Dnrham-et. East (opposite T. andß.Mo_T_nandCo.'Bßldeentranoe). BAY OF ISLANDS WAGGON AND CARRIAGE CO. (LIMITED), 88, QUEEN-BTBSXT. This Company having opened an AnoHand Agenoy, are now prepared to *f£e °rdw from the trade and the publio for all kinds of Waggon and Carriage Material at manuf aoturers prioee. Bollolted by the Agent, _^ ragNOHARD . WARNOCK BROTHERS, [EstabUßhOd 1882f SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFAOTUREBS, COX'S CREEK, AUCKLAND. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Extract of Soap, Dlslnfeotont Powders, First Prize Yellow, Blue Mottled, Double Crown, Eoonomlo, and Household, Carbolic, and other MedlptoeJ and Toilet Soopa, mode from the pureat of Tallows, "Offloea-DURHAM-STREET, Auokland. N.B. — Cash Purchasers of Tallow, Wool. Sheepskins, and Bones, "•t/TESSRS E. COX AND SON, DENTAL SURGEONS, Beg to announoo that in addition to thelr Rooma, 118, Queen-street (A.M.P. Society's premises), they have opened a New Suite at Kingslev House, Hohson-Btreet (next door but one to Oram's Hotel). . ONE SHILLING.—To the Ladies o Auckland,—l. FERNANDEZ deßlreß to announco that he has juet received another Shipment of 1,000 Ladles' and Children s Fashionable Winter Hats ond Bonneta They consist of all the most Fashionable Shapes In Straw, Felt, Velvet, Beaver, Satin, and Fur. The colours are. Black. Navy, Green, Brown, and Cardinal. Those goods are a similar shipment to those which creatod suoh a sensation last year, ond will be sold at the low price of One Shining each, acknowledged by all to be the most wonderful value ever shown In Auckland. In addition to the above, I.F. haying i purchased the INSOLVENT STOCK of S. Bowring, he is now selling £1,300 worth of Drapery and Clothing ot quite Half Price. Genuine Bargains for Everybody. Come ond Judge for Youraelvea. Trom-oora psee the shop; ask the conductor to set you down.— FERNANDEZ, Draper and Clothier, Karangahape Road, Newton. imo TRAVELLERS, i PRESENTS FOR HOME. ) Very handsome Inlaid Table Tops, Cabinets, ond Walking Sticks, made from the plok of New Zealand's beoutifa wooda, at very reasonable prioes. Carefully packed for shipment

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 1