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Land and -.state Agents. MMDKD VAILE.] [JOHN BODOIIAB, Vaile & Douglas (Late Samuel Vails), HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS. LAND AND ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE VALUATORS, BROKERS UNDER THE LAND TRANSFER A C T, SHORTLAND STREET (Next tn k Post Ov„ 1 c E), BA 1. XX R S 1 Bank of Nkw south Wales. See also our advertisement In "N.Z, Herald and " Woekly Nowc". MORTGAGES BOUGHT Jomfortablo COTTAGE of 4 rooms and larise rooln underneath; water laid on; close to Threo Lamps; allotment 33x100. Prico, £300, and very easy terms of payment could bo arranged.— vaile & Douglas, House and Estate Agentß, Shortland-streot. 1399 'JOTTAGE of 5 rooms in a good situation near to town; allotment 33 x 100; planted with fruit trees, all in full bearing. Price. £230.— Vaile & Douglas, House and Land Agents, Shortland-street 1100 Nico little FARM of 8J acres within 13 milos of Auokland, on main road, closo|to church and school and railway station; all foncod ; half in graßs and half in crop; now House of 4 rooma. Price, £300.—Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortland street (uoxt the Poat-olllccl. DOB HOTEL.—Splendid Family Hotel, containing 30 rooms, all now and well-built of brick and comented front, together with large publio hall, and every convenience, situated in a thriving township, closo to railway, &c, stablo iv connection with hotel, and tho wholo doing a good trade.—Prico and terms on application to Vaile & Douglas, Houso and EBtato Agents. Shortland-Btroet. 1373 SPLENDID BUSINESS ALLOTMENT on tho Ponsonby Road, in commanding posl tion, and of good siy.o. Prico low. Terms easy.—Vallo and Douglas, Land and EBtate Agents. Shortland-streot. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, NEWTON, 6 lots each, 2 of them having frontaees of 50 feet by a dopth of 110 foot, and tho others frontages of 10 feet by samo dopth. Price low, and terms easy, as may bo arranged.—Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, next tho Poat-ofllco, Shnrtland-Btijct 1372 SMALL FARM of M acres, very suitable for a working man; all In cultivation; rioh land; Houbo of 3 rooniß and kitchen, Btablo, &o. Price, £200. 1300 OHEAP LITTLE HOMESTEAD, Nacres, lOaHt Tamaki; all In grass and crop. Cottage of:: rooms and small ono of 2 rooniß. £260. 1383 PARTLY IMPROVED FARM of 132 acres, nil fenced; .5 acres in grass. Splendid position for fruit farm ; deep wator frontago ; dose to town. £5 per uore. 1303 £300 — COOD LITTLE WATERSIDE FARM of 112 acres, with largo run adjoining; 25 to 30 acres in cultivation; splendid placo for fruit growing. Terms easy. — Vaile und Douglas, Laud and Estate Agets, Shortlandstreot; immediate possession. 1280 -2*2O—COTTAGE of 4 rooms, with allotment 33 x 98ft., neat garden, and close to the tram-lines.—Vailo and Douglas, Houso and Land Aeontß. Shortland-slroot. 1352 -300—Very Convenient COTTAGE of 4 rooms and scullery, allotment 32 X 80ft within quarter of an hour's walk from Queen-street, — Vailo and Douglas, House, Land and Estate AstonU. noxt P. 0.. Shortland-street. 1392 £650—HOUSE of 6 rooma ana Kitchen, gas and water laid on, &c; workshop 21 x 11, Allotment with frontago of 33 foot to Upper Union-streot. and frontage to Nelson-street of 31 feot.—Vaile und Douglas, Land and Estate Agents. Shortland-street. LARGE FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT, 66 i 117 feet, together with dwolling-house, stables, &c, conveniently situated, within 7 minutes' walk of Poa_of_oe, and sultablo either for private rosidonco Bites, or for business purposes; prico moderate. Termß easy. —Vailo and Douglas, Land and House Agents, Bhortland-stroot 1321 £630—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooma, with outhouse, tanks, &0., and allotment 08 x 198, volcanic -oil: convenient situation.— Vaile and DouKlas. House and Land Agont Short-land-Btroet. 1271 £50O—Capital Waterside FARM, of 90 acres, about half rich alluvial fiat, 30 acres In grass. House of 1 rooms, dairy, sheds, &c— Vailo and Douglas. Land Agontß, Shortlanditreot 1227 VERY CONVENIENTLY SITUATED HOUSE of a rooms, water and nan laid on, wash-house, &c; 5 minute, walk from Queonstreet Price, £500.—Vaile and Douirlas. House, Land, and Estate Agents, Shortland-street £380.—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooma, verandah back and front, wash-house ; all drained : kos and water: allotment. 30ft x 13Jft; good situation closo to tram-linea—Vallo and Douglo?, House. Land, hiul Estate Agents, next to the General Post-office Shortland street 1112 /•I TT Q3MOND, LAND ANd'mONETARY AGENT, 116, Queen-_re_t (Adjoining B. Tonks and Co.'s). TELEPHONE NO.-.184, BANKERS: NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. MORTGAGES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED RENTS AND INTERESTS COLLECTED MONKY INVESTED ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES. WITAOUT CHARGE KSTVI'KS MANAGED FOR ABSENTEES VALUATIONS AND ARBITRATIONS UNDERTAKEN „ .... NATIVI. LAND AFFAIRS SPECIALLY UNDERSTOOD Houses to Let and Properties for Salk Pi.ACirn on my Lists Frkk ok Ciiaroe eviry dbscitution o. landed property Bought or Sold to Order Large Sums to Lend on First-class Security ,__._, Aoent kor National Fire and Marine Inbi'kajnck Com. any ok New Zealand, and the New Zealand Accident Insurance Company, pITY PROPERTIES. STORKS.—Several large ones In oommandlng DOBltions; every information on application. Ai-jOTMENT.SHORTLAND-STREET-Large frontage and very deep; splendid business site, altos of this description (double frontage) are very hard to obtain anywhere closo to Queen-atroot This site should at onoe oommand the attention of persons requiring a grand position so near the Post-offioe. PONSONBY.—To any porson requiring an investment for £7501 can confidently recommend two pretty Roven-rooinod Villas, built on freehold allotments, bringing In a largo and permanent return for tlie outlay, aa well aa having a trnod prospective value. _,__„ „ NEWTON, SYMONDB-STREET SIDE-Very Comfortable Elght-roomcd House (Just the Bort of houso thore Ib so much inquiry for at prosent), olobo to Queen-street; gas and wator; largo allotment) -100 view, and shoap i -.60. rp O ].XI, A VERY PLEASANTLY-SITUATED SIXROOMKD HOUSE, exclusive of bath-room, wash-house and couvenieut, out-buildings; an excellent garden surrounds the house, tho viows from which are extensive and pleasing; commodious stable and buggy-houso. Its couvenienoo to town makes this property a most desirable ono. Terms: 30a a week ; a purchasing olauso may be obttiinod. Also, SEVERAL COMFORTABLE AND PLEA-SANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rents to good tenants, g ÜBURB AN~^ pROPKRT ES. MOUNT EDEN.—A Corner Allotment, with li Oft frontage to Stewart stroot and 110 ft to Normanby Road, with a very comfortable House erected tlioreon, for sale on easy terms. Price £350. The land alone worth the monoy. tain.— V\_Rlr GOM-VR-ABLE l-ROOMKD COTTAGE, jonvonlont distanoe from towns Mount Edon dlstrlot; every oonvenlenoo. and nloe allotment: oasy terms of payment MOUNT ROSKILL.—In this favoured locality I have several very comfortable and well built Houses—three 1-roomed, sixoroomed, two 6roomed—besides several others for salo on really good terms. To any person, desirous o£ purchasing a house in a fast-rising suburb, this information should be valuable. ' Tho fare by 'bus is only 3d Full particulars will be given on application. _,'_.,,. MOUNT ALBERT.—A really comfortable home for industrious man; nirc house and two large scctiof.s. nil planted. Price, £200, oq deferred, payments, or terms to suit. ONEHUNGA.—One of the best Family Residences in ihe district tor sale; well situated. Price low. ~._,. SMALL FARM, Id acres, the pick pf the Papqkura District; plenty of v,-ater. Only £4 per acre. GLADSTONE Jjj STA TE, Ids PEP FOOT AND UPWARD3.-AIJ ths Uaaolc* Portions of that inott ounvouiently Bltuated property known as tho Gladstone Eat ;te. This Estate, situated bo close to town, and from any portion of which the viows are nnsnrpasßcd, is now Subdivided into Large Allotments. Theso allotments are not 33 x 99, but have largo frontaees and still larger depth. The prices aro Buc.h that almo3t any porson may obtain their own freehold at a nominal cost. Should terms be any inducement, the owner is prepared to accept a third cash, the balance to remain for 3 or 5 years at 6 per cont. per annum. The inducements which this pro-P'-.rtv offers to any persons requiring a nice Eesfdonco Site or a Splendid Investment aro iu-nifold. Fancy being able to purchase a Grand Allotment close to town for 10s per foot. Soil aeml-volcanie, viows unrivalled; within 6 minutes' walk of a railway station, trams to pacs in the immediate vicinity, 'buses constantly; ohurch and school convenient! gas and water mains within 100 feat of the property; pcst-o-lpe and telephone within a little distance: no clearing required. Plans and every Information mar be obtained at the ofHne ot the nndftrnlffncii' COUSINS AND ATKIN have on Salo several Second-hand Buggies, Phaetons, and Dog parts, light, and suitable for summer we,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5494, 27 February 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5494, 27 February 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5494, 27 February 1885, Page 1