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Wanted. WANTED, ft food Cooper ; must bo sternly.—Apply to W. CThnlmerß, Cooper, Wellington. XITANTED, a Mnn to attend to horso W and trap-Apply Monday, 9 a.m., to S. JwkßonJnnr,W^.r,e^ U^mi^ -fIXANTED, a good I aintor. Y\ ugeF, Vy idspcrduy.—Apply W..J. Rnlpli, Norftorn Walron Hotel. ___. __ WANTED, Bakorei, 35--, Milkers, Men for clearing Flax mid Tltrce, 2.5s per .Kirn Housekeeper, llouseinnids and Generals. l^aLHelghton. 177. Queon atrool. WANTED, an active Man with £15 to £30 capital: good iuvust.munt.—Apply " InTOatniont," Stah Onico. XXTANTED, a smart Young Man for ■W. pantry^Apj>ly_City Bumit. W ANTED, a Youth to work in tlio garden, &o.; must lie able to mill;.—Apply Stab Offloa. _ „ ■\Xf~A NTE D, a Koopoetablo Lad as W Apprentice,I—Apply to C. Johnston, Bakor, Newton; WANTED, ft Strong Lad to help pucker.—Apply Monday. Slmrland and Co.. Lome street. WANTED, two smart Lads, about 15 years of ngo.-Apply (3. Qludliill. WeUeslorstrect; __ ANTED, a Boy to go with a bread carU —Apply W. Kaadown, Queenstreet. , TJI7"ANTED, Situation as Urootn, o W Oroom and Gardener, by smart trustworthy married mnn; highest Aticklnml references.-" J.U, 11 Mr 8011, O'Nolll-stroc Ponwnby. WANTED, Nursegirl; good wages to a respectable girl.—Apply Mra Artbur K. lawU, Homa Bay. Ponsonby. TITANTED, Apprentices.— Apply Mrs VV Rogers, Dressmaker, Wellealoy-street, Anokland. WANTED, Apprentices for Straw-work. Mrs R. Soinorville, Wollealoy-streot, .oppOsUoJJporailoj'SS: WANTED, Machine llairJs. Constant employment. — Apply C. dc L'Kau's . g_lrt Factory, Durham-street, corner of Albort»troot__ ...3U WANTED, Young Girl to look after baby.—Apply J. Reed, Saddler, Karangahapa Road. "ITTANTED, a quiot, tidy (iirl for j,'onYf eral housework. Must bo well roooin-men<le<l.-Apply Mrs English, Devonshire • Dairy, Ponsonby Road. TIT ANTED, a Good Hand for tlio W Ureas Department.—A. Sncdileu, GO. Quoon-atreet. ' WANTED, a good General Servant; must be a good cook and laundress; references required.—Apply after six to Mrs Chiirton, O'liorko-atrcct. ANTED, a <rood Servant.— Apply to Mrs Martin, Fayal Villa, Hepburnatrcot. ■ WANTED, early in March, a good Piain Cook and Laundresi; onoaccna tomod to tho country preferred —Apply to Mra S. Jackson. Orakei Koad, Uenuiera. _ YI7"ANTEP, a first-class Cook.—Apply at VV onco, Plngatail' Hotel, North Shorn. WANTED, a Good Cook and Lnundross Immediately.—Apply, (oreuoja, to Mrs Rack, Prospect House, Pm noil. TfTANTED, a Housekeeper for single ■VV gontleman; uiunt understand farm work— Airoly, stating ternia.. to.Uurcliell and MtClnre. Katlkati, Taurangu. ANTED, a kind porson as Nurse for a Baby Girl, six months old; state terms. _" A.B, Stab Office. ANTED, for a ladies' school, a Pupil Governess.—Apply Mrs Law, Itomuern. ANTED, Situation as Lady's lielfTor Housemaid.-" May." Stau Office. TIT ANTED, by Kespcctablo Woman, her VV Passage to England, Tor which she will givo hor sorvines.—Apply Miss Bayliss, care of lira Jackson. Orakei Road. Kemunra. WANTED, Respectable Young Mnn to join another with Bedroom. Comfortable home. No other boardors or children. (30, Btak olllce. WANTED, two or three (loiitlonion Boarder* in a private family in Orafton Road.—For address, apply C. G. Laurie and Co., ■ junction Queon and Orny-atrcote. WANTED, Board and Residence, for a Gentloman in privnto family, Eomuora or neighbourhood. — Mrs Whit combo's Registry, next Market. ANTED, at North Shore, Board and Residence by town business man: stato terms and situation of house.-Apply " J.W.." Stab Office. . "W"ANTED, «»a Pronto Family, 1, 2, or fT SGentlemenßo.irdoia; most beautifully dtuitod on scoria aoll. Terms moderate.—Apply STAR Office; WANTED, 2 or 3 Working Mon as Hoarders. Terms, IS-), washinu inGlnded.—Sixth House In Graham-street, off Vic-toria-atieet, ANTED KNOWN — Board and Rosidcnoe for One or Two Respectable Young Men with a private family in Syraondsfltreetjjermajnodcrato.—ApplySTAK Oflloo. WANTEIfTO KENT, with purchasing olanßO, a 3 or 4 roomed Cottage.— ' Address, " H.V.," caro of Mrs Marsden, OaWnle-strect. Newmarket, WANTED, a small Bakery Business to buy; Ponsonby preferred.—W. L. Mitchell, Coombea'a Arcade. WANTED, Purchaser Grocery Business, lease over six years to run ; good situation; doing fair business; satisfactory reason given for selling. Price, lease and goodwill, £30; stock at valuation.—For full particulars apply Rlchardaon and Crawley, 81. Quoen-st. WANTED, Ink Bottles (small); highest price given.—Apply S. Brown, Farnham- : street, Parnall. "■ Don't use Hitchons's Blood f':7T Restorer only as a hist resource. It's death or rheumatism. WANTED, 6 400-Oallon iron Tanks, in good ropqir.-Apply Star Office. WANTED, Everybody who is not a clave to superstition to hear "Common fenae." at Opera House. Sunday Night. WANTED.— To bo Given Away, Heap of Clay, oloso to Pattoson-stree'; £2 Riven for tdking away.—Apply Rob Hoy Hotel, Centrfrßtreot, WANTED, everybody to Bee the delightful Exhibition in my Window ' To-fcijtht. _ T. H. ICeeslnpr, Watchmaker and Jew«(ler. Victoria-at. (above Koyal Mail Hotel). WANTED, to see tho people come, sco tho pooplo come for tho best hot-houso Crapes, at la fid por lb; also, justrocoived from Taranaki, 300 Bunches Fine Largo Rhubarb. To bo gold cheap.-T. Steadman and Co.. Seed Merchants, Queon-streat. WANTED, Lovers of good Fruit in general, and frugal Housekeepers in par- .: ticuiar, to visit the Kaipara Fruit and Produce Btores,,neit Naval Hotel, junction of Pitt-street *ad Karangahape Road. WANTED KNOWN. — The cry of the age," What Bhall we do with the Boysi" BTery housewife sbonkl übo Warnock Bros. Kxiß*oT of Soap, and by so doinpr would give employment to a great number of our boys. As , nod and cheaper than the imported. To be ' Ead of all Btorekoepera. ' ANTED KNOWN —Gents' Hand_f T ■ sewn Frenoh Patent floloshed Dres3 Baotg, on^ 7s lid por pair, are included in the , Solluiß off at Dampler s Boot Shop, Victoria-Bt. ■ Open during tho ealo frcm 8 n.m to 9 p.m. "■^WANTED KNOVVN-West End PharX"i»» maoy, Ponaonby Road, cheapest Drug ,- Store In town-Holloway's Pills. Is3d; Cocklo'n, f lB8d; Whelpton's,ls 3d; Sieadman'sPowdorn, uM; Oilorodyne. Is and Is 3d; Porous Plasters, la and la 3d; Fluid Magnesia, Is 3d; Citrate ot Magiioala, Is 3d; Jacobs Oil, 2a Gd; Bo Jongh'B Oil. 2sfld; Roots, Barks, and lierbs in m°eat variety to arrive by next mail.—A. J. Bloinflold, Ptoajaoentlcal Chemiat and Herballat WANTED KNOWN-2 Shops and 2 small Houses, cheap: no depesit jeeagsary.—T. a, Jackson, Builder, Kingslana '.. Igjata.'- ■ •■■ • ■ '■ WANTED KNOWN-Men'3 Watortights, damaged by firo, 1i to 5b per pair, Ms Included in tho Selling On* at Dampier'a >• •I??' 1 *S°P> Victoria-street. Open, during tho .- t ßwo.ffoßiß ; ANTED KNOVYN—Cheap Timber ! ,n_ Cnjup Timbkrl And all other ktods wßßSdingMaterial, can bo purchased cheaper shj.Setter than anywhere else at the yards of ■ P. gotpiß .Albert-street ■__ ANTED KNOWN—The Auckland Fish Company's premises at Customs■i.wieet West and 207. Queeii.atrcet. are now open ■ jnawpplicd regularly with all kinds of Fresh i« ana Smoked ifsh. Cleanliness and attention ■ Waranteed. Orders by post or otherwisa punc•Wy fcttended te. Uaily deUvcries.-Thomas I*j."jddy. Proprietor. W" A N T E D X N O W N.— , r Blaok or Bluo Diagonal Coat and « J«'aid Fancy Tweed Trousers, Suit £1 is.- , BOOJULAMS, Ready-money Tailor, Sydonham , Honßo,footofGroy.strceet. ..T^TANTED KNOWN, by those about to - «,U blJ11(1'tluLt Plans can be Prepared with nuo regard to sanitary arrangements, beautiful ! : ..{■ appearance an( i economical in cost, by ; J^fFowler, Architoot, Wellington-street, ANTED KNOWN—That One Suit „.„_. made by MUNRO & MILUOAN. Hob K2reetl J wlu weftr 'onger than Half a Dozkn J. gg«gJgdJjiaßty) Shoddy Spits. "ITTANTED KNOWN.—W. V. Stevens ¥ T I_md Agent, has Removod to tho Office - SSJJ occjipied By MrEw.ngton, next •• Herald" «\«n?oft We«n-Btraet. N.8.-Several Cottagos on weekly payment system. "WANTED, Public to try Bitchens's enJ -„ ap.?,ur and Medicated Baths; once f,i°wifl« yon will rennmrnend to others. ~VkT ANTED, 3UO Ladies to Purchase Sun-unflfi-ml . es.and Umbrellas at 40 per cent, ffif iv?5 snilJ,Prlce. Truth, not puffi-James AnoHana 011 ' viotoria aaA Nelson-sts., TJ^ANTED KNOWN—For the cont™ ii.- vSP IeB<?'01 lhO3o who cannot shop in vfetofJ Ume, W. H. Dampier's Boot Shop in oinU___?^ ot 19 now DP°n t0 9 °'olock 8I1(1 will so during Uie Selling Off. V4T^/ED.—Seeing is believing. Navy- ■ M _«Vii!S?iS lßok ?™«nd Prints, which are now • Ssff_SS£ bK—^obtai-ablo at' 10-rt"" House ■: S?_rd>^ prioe~^dß' 2s"W (=old elsewhere ■ eUMßti^i 0!? 8-1 8W «00(is for s}d- First- ■ ~J»mca ft., P f ref*m»J«>rs kopt on the premises. f •■^^^•^°f a °° House. Victoria and : "WANTED KNOWN. -Valentines in • C&rS'^oty at tho follfiwlng prices :- «av«lon«i J£?CT KlP ds from W each, with ■iCM«K lUllltsl ditto, in hoxes, froaiSd, «lifaKg tSS' aoBeHP for Po3t 'roe of bhar^e. *««anSS?:# v aU ot or.abova-84» each B^fi_2?_S. Boii i? the tradc.-0.- ; _ackay, *^»er- «ftj U t Grey-street ■-,>, %

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7