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T.&S.MOKRM&Oo. LIMIT-BID, Furnishing Ironmongers and Ship Chandlers, 'queen strret. T. & S. IORRIN & CO., Limited, .Have now unpacked THIS SEASON'S STOCK of KEROSENE COOKING StOI/ES, ETG., comprising a LARGE ASSORTMENT of the most "seful sizes, etc. NO SMOKE. NO SMELJL AS EFFECTIVE A 8 GAS AND MORE ECONOMICAL. Genuine English and American Electro-plated Ware. Now on View, a beautiful selection of Useful and Ornamental Articles, suitable for Ch^jstmas Gifts, Sports, etc., etc. ICE CREAM FREEZERS! WE CREAM FREEZERS I ICE CREAM FREEZERS 1 T. & S. MOEEEST & CO., QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. TB^WONDERFUIi / Lateat ImprovemanU. VAlnoble Appliances. T«n Yowrs' I (jlnaniute*. Patant AntomftUo Winder. Futont Drop-KoU»r». ariillfilO \*»t»ntLooß«-Wln(Un»-Whe*l. P»t«nt Thread Releaoer. W«rStVVII«U lth»lm Maohlnei kept In Bep»lr« for three yo»r» FREB 0? ** ■■ ••■»» JfjHAEOB. lUuntibtad O»UlOBue« and Bamplwi ofWorfcfrao MAPUIWrfi J* 0"*"1"011 WEBTBEIM SEWING HACHIKE AGENCY. WlAUnil«t»/ w j BEALE no, QUKKNSTR kbt, AUCKLAND.

Brktts AUCKLAND ALMANAC AND PROVINCIAL HANDBOOK Fob 1885. Thin Standard Book, whioj is Now Ready contains 208 paged of olosoly-prlnted matter relatlng to the Colony of Now Zealand, and furnishing the rerr latent statistical, official, and dcßorlptlvo account of its resources, ita trade, agriculture railways, telegraphs, official services, Its lawfl. forests, land regulations, industries, mines, &c, &c The Book also lnclndos two Dlnrlos—one for tho record of memoranda for every day of the your, and tho othor for tho entry of household expensos. A Ready Rookoner for housewives and dealers will also bo found a useful feature The description of the Provincial District of Auckland covors fifty clOßolv-printed pages. Tlwro aro also attached Lists of Crown Lands open /or settlement in the Province. The Register of Auckland Shipping, Customs Tariff, Stamp Duties, Trains. Coaoh and St«am Tables, Cab and Watermen's Fares, and Direotorlos have all been corrected to the latest date, and will be found invaluable in every merchant's office. Tho Farm and Garden Calfndars furnish the farmer and horticulturist with directions for every month's operations. Tho Tide, Sunrise, and other Tables are caloulated with tho greatest possible care. All the mattor In tho Book is entirely now, and various important Improvement* have been introducod to mako tho Book nioro widely useful. PRICE-ONE SHILLING. Sold by all booksellers. H. BRETT, SHORTLAND STREET. PUBLISHER. T^EVONPORT, NORTH SHORE, WELLS BROS., CARTERS AND SXPKKSSMKN. BRICKS. LTMJC. SAND, SCOKIA ASH, POSTS, RAILS. PALINGS, SANf TARY PIPES, ax., &o. N.8.-FENCING DONE AT LOWEST RATES, ESTIMATES GIVEN. YARD OPPOSITE DEVONPORT HALL. QALVATION ARMY. AUCKLAND PRISON GATE BRIGADE AND NIGHT REFUGE. Buperintondant .. .. John Castles Inspector of Home .. ..W. F. Boynton Treasurer .. „ _ C. B. Stonh Secretary W. H. Lbonakd Captain-in-Chahgb .. .. EOBT. LITTLE. THE HOME In connection with tho above Institution belnu Now Open, Brigade Captain Little will be _ DONATIONS OF GROCERIES OR PROVKI°NI N ° Y %iS YCL» S -at alSo * THE BARRACKS, From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. „ The Treasurer, Mr C. B. Stone, would remind the Publio that this Institution cannot be carried on successfully without Funda. Ho will therefore be most happy to receive Subscriptions at his office, Queen-street, at any time. TilOR IMMEDIATE SALE, a Butchering JD Bußinesa, doing a good cash trade, in the centre of the cityj a low prioe will be taken.— Apply to Jobs Soppet, Land Aaent, No, 8, OHftoa-stroe*

T7-EATING'S T> 0 W D B R. HEATING'S POWDER KKATINU'S POWDER KKATING'S POWDER KILLS BUGS KLEAB MOTH 3 BKKTLKS. Tnrs Powder ib Quttk Habmlbbb to Animal Life, bnt Is unrivalled in destroying fleas, bngs, cookroaohos, booties, moths In furs, and every other speoies of insoot. Sportamon will And this in valuable for doßtroying fleas In tholr dogs, as also ladles for tholr pot dogs. TniH Article has Found bo Great a Sale that H has tomptod others to vend a 80-oallod article in imitation. Tho Publio are Cautionkd that tho tins of tho powdor boor the autograph of THOMAS KEATING. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS KKATINO'S WORM TABLETS KEATING'B WORM TABLETS A PURKLY VBOKTABLK SWKKrMEAT, both in appearance and taste, furnishing a most agreeable method of administering tho only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safo and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for Children. Bold in Tins by all Chomista and Druggists. Proprietor: THOMAS KEATING. Lokqok, W. L a * b, BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, THREI DOORS ABOVE " BTAE " OITICK. MBRCHANTB1 ACCOUNT BOOKS, INBURANCE AND MINING REQIBTEB BOOKS BrROIALLY RULKD AND BOUND. Mnelo, Magazines, Publio Libraries, and Bunday School Books well bound. BASKRS 1 SPECIAL RULED DAY BOOKS. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books Re-bound. BAND AND CHOIR MUSIC BOOKS RULED QTEHDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDEKS CHILDREN CUTTINO TKKTH. OACTION SO PrjROUASKRS. The ralue of thi« well-known Family Medicine hu been largely tested in all parts of the world, and by all grades ot society, for upwards of riFTY tears. Its woll-eamod extensive sale hail induced bpukious imitations, some of which in outward awkaranck so closely resomblo the original as to have deceived many SUTChasers. Tho proprietor, therefore, feels' it ira to the publio to give a special caution ugahißt the use of such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe tho four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine :— lßt—ln every ;ase the words John Stkedman, Chkmist, Cvalworth, Surrey, are enirravod on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. tod—Each Single Powder has directions for the dose, and the words John Steedman, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, printed thereon. 3rd—The name Steodmaa is always spolt with two BE's. 4th—The manufacture Is carried on solely In Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, at Is 1 jd to 2s 8d each. Agents: Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.. Auckland, Wellington- Chai*tab.urch, and Ouiiedin. COACH FROM DEVONPORT TO LAKE TAKAPUNA. Additional Runs, to meot tho convenience of the Publio. TIMH-TABLE. Coaoh leaves Devon- Coach Leaves Lake port Post-office. Sohool-house, 8.20 a.m. 9.5 a.m. 10.30 „ lUS „ 2 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 4 5.15 „ Sundays. 11.0 a,m. 11.45 a.m. 3 cm 5 p.m. DAVIS BROTHERS, Proprietors. '

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6