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BAMDEL VAILE.] [JOHN DOUGLAS. Vaile & Douglas (Lath Samuel Vaile), HOUSE. LAND. AND BSTATK AGKNTa. LAND AND KBTATK AUCTION BE US, REAL KSTATK VALUATORS. BROKERS UNDKIt THK LIAND TRANSFER SKORTLANDSTREET (NkXT ths Post Oititiok), HANK X B a 1 Bank ov New South walks. 800 ftleo our advertisement in " N.Z. Herald and " Weolsly Nowa. 1 MORTGAGES BOUGHT JOttlfortnbio COTTAGE of 4 rooms and lu.w room uudornenili: water l:iM on; oliwo ,Ti.m.1«...,.»: .HUHuicu :kx 100. roo j.",|.) 1 1 ~„■ ...,t,v 1,.1'i.n 1 ill 11:1.3 ""'i'l '■OliHl lie rn ; ->w.l. Vnilc.tlloUH'lasiioii.ioMililKstnto ,\,vnu. MHi.ih -street. . '•>■? JOTTAUK of 5 rooms in n [rood situation noiir to town : allotmeut :» * UK) i lihintod with fnittivoa. :ili in full lu'imnK. ,I' n'' i c'/ ,7 ..:,.,,.,],,.~! ~ 1 lutl Niiio Utt.lo.rAKM of 8} ncroa within 13 mili'3 of Auokliind, t"Jinan rond. cloai);lo i-hiiivh mid aohuol and railwsr "ti'lion; nil fciurd; half in Krnss an.l liaU iv trai'V now llousd of I niom-. V^\ ii'ifHl.-Vnilij nnil lioiiKlaii, Uiiulnnii KbUUo Agents. SlwrUand bi r.-t-V uit-sl tin., l'osit-ollloo). HO? HOTEL.—BiJoihIM Family Hctol, containiniiilO rooms, all uuvv and >voll-buiU of brick aiul cuuu-nted fioat, logutlivr will; largo public liall, inn! ovi'vy coiiviMiic.nfo, Bitiialod ill » tiirivini,' townsiliiii. oloso to rnilway. &c, sublo iv connect ioii with hotel, ami tho whole doing a good trmlo.-l'iico and icnnt on appllcation to Vnilo & Douglas, House and k?<,» tt> S^NiHn Or"INKSS ALLOTMENT on tlio I'onsonby ltoud. In commanding posl r 5^ nv dai?i Attea jess buKnoalSotKbnts. kewton, 0 low ouch, 2 of them having frontages of 60 feet by v dupth ot 110 foot, and (ho otliers frontages of 40 feel by name depth. Price low. and tenna QM7,aa may he nmingod.-\ mlo and Douglns, Lund iiml Ustato Agents, next tho Post-oilloo, Bliortlaml-slroct. Ui' SMALL FARM of U ncrcs, very suitable tor n working man; all In cultivation; riph land; llouso of 3 rooms and kitcbon, Btablo, &n Price, £2iW. lM) CHEAP LITTLE HOMESTEAD, 14 ncros, Kast Tamaki; all in grass and crop. Cottago of 3 rooms ami siimll one of 2 rooms. *a*). PARTLY IMPROVED FARM of 132 ui-res all fenced ;15 acres in grass. Splendid pmillon for fruit farm ; doop wutor frontiigo; I'loae tv town. £o per aero. ISU £300 - UOOD LITTLE WATERSIDE FARM of macros, with largo run adjoining; 2o to 30 acres In cultivation; aploudid plaoo for fruit growing. Terms ea»y. — Vnllo ana Douglas. Land and EaUto Agota, fohortlandBtroot: iminodlatc posßOssion. '„. £220—COTTAGE of 4 rooms, with allotment 33 x KSlt., neut garden, and olosfl to tho tram-lines.—Vallo and Douglaa, HoußO and Lund Auonta. Hlioi-tland-sLreoL 1552 £300—Very Convoniont COTTAGE of 4 rooniß and acullory, allotmont 83 x 80ft, within quartor of an hour's walk from Quoon-streot. —Vallo and Douglas, Houso. Ijind aud Kstato Aeents. noxt P. 0.. Shortland-strcot. 13513 £650—HOUSE of 5 rooms and Kitchen, gaa and wator laid on. (to.; workßhup U x 14. Allotment, with frontago of 83 feet to Upper Unlonatreot, and frontiigo to Nolson-street of SI foot,—Vuilo and Douglas, Ijand and Estata AKi'.nts, Shortland-stroet. LARGE FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT, 66 x 117 foot, togothor with dwelling-hoo*), Btables, &0., conveniently situated, within 7 minutes' walk of Post-oflloo, and Buitablo either for privato ronldenco sites, or for business purposes; prioo moderate. Torms eaey. —Vallo and Douglas, LandundHouse AgenU, Shortland-stroot. 1324 £630—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms, with outhouso, tanks, &c, and allotment 66 X 198, volcanlo soil; convenient Bltuation. — vaile and Douirlaa, Houso and Land Agent Bhort-land-street. 1271 £6OU—Capital Wotoreido FARM, of 90 acres, about half rich alluvial flat, 30 aores in eraas. Iloneo of 1 rooms, dairy, Bhods, &c— VailoandDouttlas, Land AgontS, Bhortland,t,wt. r 1227 VERY CONVENIENTLY SITUATED HOUSK ot 5 rooms, water and eras laid on, wash-house, &o; 5 miiiutoa' walk from Queenfi'rcet. Price, £Mo.—Vallo and Douglas, llouso. Laud, aud Katato Agents, Hhortland-stroet. £100.—HOUSE of 6 rooms ; colonial ovon, grates, &c every convenience; corner allotment, good situation.—Vaile and Douglas, House uud Kstuto Agents. Shortland-Btreet £3SO.—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms, vorandah back and front, wash-houso; all drained; gas and water ; allotment, KOft x 132 ft; good situiition close to tram-linen.—Vallo and Douglas, House, ljind, ami Kstuto Agents, next to the General Post-olllco, Hhortliind Btreot. 1112 W. L. M ITCHELLI land and estate agent, Coombkh's Ahc.vde, Qurbn-stbekt, BANKERS—National liank of Now Zealand. Telephone Exchange, No. 10U. Itents and Interest Colleoted in town and Money Invested for Capitalists on flrst-clasa Boeurltloß without charge. JlortgagfS mid Loans negotiated. Partnerships arranged. l-:stati:s Managed (or Absentees and others. 'I'eiuintd guaranteed to landlords. Houses To Lot and Properties For Sale or Lease puiced on my liooks l''rue of Chargo. InMirancea effected at Lowest Kates, and Conlldtutiul Agencies undertukou. BUILDISQ ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE. CITY—A Grand Kroohold, Bltuato in Customsstreet West, near tho junction of VlctoriasU A double frontago; an excellent sito for factory. Only £750, and easy terms. CHEAP ALLOTMENTS. Sussox-streot, near to Upper Pitt-street, £3 per foot. COMMERCIAL KOAD-33 X 100. VICTORIA AVKN UK-Grand Corner, also Good Allotments, £3 per foot. KINOSLANJ)—Cheap Allotment, only £35. MOUNT EDEN, main road—Good Business Stand, £7. VIKW KOAD—i!3 por foot. VICTOI! 1A A VKN UK, Mount Eden—Kxcollont Villa Sito £.1. MAUINK I'AUADE, Ponsonby- £3 per foot. KING-STRKKT :10s por foot. ALLOI'MKNT-Nolson-street, 11 x 105, £8 per foot. WKLLINOTON-ST.—Allotment, £S por foot. PONMONItY ROAD—£II per foot. KINUSLAND, main road—Allolmont, £3 por MOUNT KOSKlJiTj—Allotment on main road, very cheap, at. f«s. KAHANUAIIAPK ROAD—A Grand Slto for linsiness, KM per foot. PKOdPECT-STIiEET—32a Cd por foot WELLESLKY-STRKET, noar to ]lobson-stroot —A grand investment, 48 foot frontago, with Buildings; £30 por foot. OBNTLEM AN'S VILLA-Dolightf nlly situated, near Kallway SUition; tbrco miles from town. Tho grounds aro tastefully laid out, nnd comprlso nearly Two Aoroa of Choice Volcanlo Land. Prlco, ifil.lOC. SUIIURHAN VILLA, with ovor Throo Acres— A grand north oust aspoct, well slioltoied. With tow exceptions, this is a Property not to ho equalled for situation, and it has tho advantago of a splendid crook of beautiful cloar water, ptiro as crystal, and roomy onough for bathing facilities; £100 cash, tho bulanco us agreed. WOOD-STREET, Ponsonby—Firstclaes rcsl dence; a good cornor sito with unintorupted vlow of tho harbour. Ono of Bho best proporties in tho district. I'rieo, £tKX), with easy tcrniß. PONSONBY lIOAD—An exceptionally Grand Cornor Sito. £20 por foot. WOOD-STREET, Ponsonby - Choice Villa Residence, largo rooms, and very lofty; concrete walks, and splendid marine view. £860, with Cftsy terms. BIKKKNHKAD—2J Acres, at £50 por acrs. £50 cash. Balanco on easy terms. RAGLAN, Government Township —A Good Section. Very cheap. CHEAP COTTAGEi FOR WORKING MEN. Sttinlcy-strcot ..£3OO Commercial Road £280 Homc-stroot .. £250 Kingsland.. .. £110 ICingsland.. ..£250 Sussox-Btrect ..£350 Very easy terms for either of tho above, on dofcrred payment system.can bo arranged. HKPBURN-STREET (City) - Freehold Rosidence and Grounds, with ovory oonvenionco for a family. £50 cash; tho balanoo as agreed. KARANGAHAPK KOAD-Ono of tho foremost properties in this rapidly advancing thoroughfare, near tho residence of Dr. Richardson, having a frontago of 38 foot, with very comfortablo residence of 9 rooms. Price, £1.150. BERErIfORD-STREET—City Freehold with Dwelling-house of 7 rooms. Only £000. NKW L\'NN—Very cheap Cottages. Easy NEW LYNN, near Railway Station-10 acres wcll-slielturcu land, just tho thing for a working man; good for Market Garden and Orchard. Price. £12 per acre. LUCAS'S CREEK-500 Acres Valuable Timber Land, containing over 500,000 foot of Kauri, suitable aa baulk timber, which can bo easily got out. A largo quantity available for Shingles, Fillings, l'osls, S:c. Tho Block contains at least. 100,000 feet of Rickers. valuable for small Bpars. which can bo easily got into Auckland harbour within two days, oosidoa which there ure fully 10,000 tons of Firewood. Therein monoyinthia property, and it is dirt cheap to a man who understands how to work it. IMPROVED FARM—I7S Acres; good Houso and Out-bulldinga; 10 acre 3 fonced and ploughed; 2 acres Orchard in full bearing, within half a nnlo of Railway Station. M'AfFITRICWA.—ISO Acres, tho best part of tho block known as Huntor's Bush, with some valuable puriri and a running stream of fresh water. £$ per acre. KYBER PASS.-Good Shop and Residence. Cheap. FARM, MAHURANGI.-352 Acres, with 100 Acres in Grass, and good Dwelling of 10 Rooms. To ho Leased, on easy terms. "vv". L. MITCHELL, " ' LAND AND ESTATE AGENT! COOMBES'S ARCADE, .QUEEN-STREET Corsetmaker. fTI/TRS DOWN has JltX. just received a Select Assortment of STAY MATERIAL, In every variety and colour. Upon the latest improveCountry orders punctually attended to, All parcels sent post free. MRS DOWN, Stay and Corset-maker 1 Upper Hobson-street,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 6